When Worlds Collide (Blooming Bismuth x potassiumboron)

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"It isn't weird, shut up," he snorted, his eyes lighting the instance he appeared to be remembered, a bashful smile spreading across his face, and highlighting his high cheekbones rather nicely. "Mom moved down to Alabama when... y'know, humans came-- I was a kid, I couldn't help adopting the accent, gosh," he waved it off, leaning in while keeping a cautious eye on the door. "So, uh, how... are 'ya? That's dumb, sorry-- are you here with Alessandro?"​
"Yes- Wait, oh my goodness! You work with him, hm? I can't believe it! He's absolutely obsessed with you!" He blurted, a ghost of his true and former personality shining through. Carefully removing the mask, his eyes sparkled at the familisr face before him
"Obsessed? Oh, c'mon now, he's just a friend. A very nice friend, mind you," he grinned, resting his head on his hand and let his gold eyes flicker back to the storeroom curiously. "Arrosa, he... does he fancy me? Oh gosh, I had no idea, that's so rude of me! Hm... did he tell you that? I dunno, it's... complicated. I wouldn't date a human, think of how they'd react to me popping up from the bath all blue and scaly with a fish tail," he snorted, his white teeth on show when he predictably broke into another handsome grin, having clearly inherited all his looks from his mother, who had been half-siren. "...Sorry. It's just... it's nice to see you! You stayed here all this time? Alone?"​
"Mm... I refused to hesd to the mountains. I've been living by the stream this entire time, to be honest- but I met Alessandro and he's been nice enough to offer me a place to stay... If only I knew you were in town!" He squealed
"You're better off with Alessandro, to be honest. I'm a total slob, not gonna to 'ya, Arrosa. Honestly, Mom raised me to be this perfect gentleman. The moment I found myself a place, it all went to crap. I lounge in bed all day, I have pizza boxes strewn everywhere," the man drawled, scratching his cheek with a smile nonetheless. "You can visit, definitely. I mean, you're an old friend. What's mine, is yours-- that's the philosophy we followed back in the day, and yeah, whatever you need, I'm always around. Like I said, though, Alessandro is better than I am. He's a real sweetie."​
"... Would you ever talk to him about being a merperson? He knows about me, and about our kind in general... I'd like to rub it in his face."
"...I don't wanna upset him." Mori began warily, tapping his nails on the table with his smile somewhat fading. "I mean, maybe I can? If he knows about you, then... yeah. Maybe. If you say so, then... I guess. You know I can't exactly refute what you say, don't you?" He snorted, finally wandering back to his feet to grab his apron from behind the counter, though did break the impression of work by hitching himself on the counter, swinging his legs quietly. "You look totally the same, like... I can't remember much, but I remember you distinctly and you haven't changed. It's cute~"​
"I mean, you've changed a LOT. Y-You're fully grown, handsome and whatnot. I'm so jealous- you have someone swooning over you, after all..." He sighed, his ruby eyes drifting off. "None of these humans even give me a glance."
"I hardly think he's swooning. I'm just some ordinary guy, that's it. If he's swooning, he has low standards," he grinned, even if he did try and force it down when noticing the sad tone. "...Are you not dating that guy-- what was he... ah... a centaur, that's it! He always gave me rides on his back, I swear you guys were an item."​
"Hm... Yes, well, he left to the mountains. I haven't dated since, aha... I woukd kill to be with him again, or at least see him once more... but I know that wont happen."
"You don't know that. I didn't bet on seeing anyone from my past, but here I am, chatting with the same guy I looked up to as a kid," he grinned, having jumped down and headed across in an effort to comfort him, his long arms rather adept at hugging-- though Alessandro's reappearance obviously caused him to pause, shooting the human a smile. "Hey."

"Have you two been chatting? What about? What have you said?" He suddenly questioned, eyes falling on Arrosa interrogatively. "You... didn't tell him I... oh god, you didn't, you promised you wouldn't e-embarrass me!"​
"And YOU didn't tell me you worked with Mori!" He grinned, before easily pressing to the merman's side. "I've known him since he was a child- what a small world, hm?"
"You... know him?" He murmured, the fact Mori was grinning and glancing down at Arrosa with clear fondness provoking unequivocal jealousy, even if it wasn't entirely wanted. Though, the jealousy did prevent him from realising how they knew one another. "How do you know each other? Did you help him as a child? I thought you didn't like humans, um..."

"He was a good friend of my mom's," he drawled softly, slightly nervous which didn't suit his manly appearance, as it did usually portray calm and composure. "Uh... right, Arrosa? It's... not a big deal, Alessandro, don't sweat it, hon."​
"Mhm! She was a lovely woman, and you were an absolutely adorable little boy!" He gushed, before letting his arms fiddle with the front of the hoodie."that was a very long time ago, though. Hm... but the past is the past!"
"Does this mean you're-- one of them?" The human murmured, finally bypassing any attraction and utter embarrassment to be able to see the closeness between the two, and just how comfortable the usually quiet Mori was around the pixie. "Oh god... that's... seriously? You're not one of them, are you?"

"One of them? Don't be rude, Alessandro!" Mori laughed, smiling brightly despite feeling a pang of hurt at the disgust on his face. "...I'm proud to be one of them, hm?"​
"I thought I would ease you into our kind slower, but Mori is here! It's a perfect time, hm? Mori, you should show him your tail! Him and his mother had the most beautiful, red tails."
"I--" Mori started, rather happy to do so -any excuse to be in his real form was perfect- until spotting Alessandro wander aimlessly back into the storeroom, though simply smiled it off. "I don't think he likes me anymore," he chuckled, carefully fiddling with his hair out of awkwardness. "...I thought humans liked merpeople, there's loads of movies around, and... hm. Oh well~"​
"At least humans LIKE merpeople, no one even knows that pixies exist." He huffed childishly, his arms folding. "I think he just needs some time to relax, take it all in. I gave him enough of a surprised, so..."
"Anyway," he chuckled under his breath, the gold shade of his eyes brightening in the dim light. "...It's good I got to meet you again-- are the others around here? I'd like to meet up with everyone, I suppose. The fairies, for one. I always loved them, and the elves..."​
"No... Franz used to stop by every now and then, to make sure I was okay, but he stopped. I... I hope he's okay, you know? If not, I'd feel horrible about myself. Other than him, I haven't seen ANYONE."
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