When a Woman Falls in Love with a Man...Who is really a Vampire

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
He smiled at her. "Would you like to spend the night at my place?" He asked her.
Kieara smiled. "Sure." she spoke as her food came back and she ate quietly.
He smiled. As he watched her eat, he could feel himself falling in love with her, and hoped she felt the same as him.
Kieara was falling for him as well. She soon had finished.
Once she was finished the waitor came back. "Can I get you some dessert?" He asked.

"Go ahead." Jonah mouthed to her.
Kieara was rather full, but she did have a huge sweet tooth. She smiled and ordered some desert. "Thank you Jonah." she spoke as the waiter left. She couldn't help but feel a little bad though since he couldn't eat any of it.
"You're welcome." He took the bill fold when the waitor came back and paid and got the tip. "Keep the change." The waitor thanked them and Jonah stood and helped Kieara out of her seat.
"Thank you. Dinner was excellent." she spoke to him. She blushed at him.
He leaned forward and kissed her. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." He said honestly. "But come. I have something for you at my appartment." He said, suddenly sounding excited.
She smiled and quickly followed him. "What is it?" She asked.
He laughed. "Well if I told you it would ruin the surprise." He said.
Once they got to his appartment, he let her in and stood her in front of his bedroom mirror. "Close your eyes." He whispered in her ear.
Kieara smiled as she came inside and he stood her there. She smiled and closed her eyes.
Making sure she wasn't peeking, Jonah quietly got his presents for her from under his bed. He opened the necklace first and then got the flower. He walked up behind her and clapsed the necklace around her neck, the diamonds the very same hue as her eyes, and then clipped the flower carefully and neatly in her hair and stepped back and off to the side. "You can open your eyes now." He said gently.
Kieara heard shuffling around then felt something in her hair and on her neck. She opened ehr eyes and blinked seeing the gorgeous necklace and the pretty flowere clip. A smile coated her face. "Oh my....." she then turned and hugged him then kissed him softly. "They're beautiful."
He smiled. "I'm glad you like them." He said, even though he was pretty sure she would.
"You're welcome." He took a hand in hers suddenly and slipped an arm around her waist and started dancing with her, humming ballroom music.
Kieara couldn't help but laugh at that. She danced with him seeming a natural.
Jonah grinned when she laughed, loving the sound. He danced with her for a time, humming the whole while before stopping and asking, "Are you tired?"
"Not quite yet." She spoke to him and smiled. She was very happy. She kissed his nose in a playful mood.