What's the worst movie ever made?

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-_- I will say what I say to EVERYONE who tells me the same thing


I did not laugh once throughout it all and I laugh at a lot of things. This movie TERRIFIED me as a kid and every time my parents watched it I started crying and would hide in my closet. I forced myself to re-watch it recently and I still did not like it and I found it rather stupid. Which is what my brother argues is why its funny, stupid comedy, but no, it wasn't funny to me and, if anything, it annoyed me.
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While I won't argue that, yes Edward is a pedophile, I will argue he's a vampire so yeah, he's gonna be old.

With Bell's kid and Jacob, in the books Meyer mentions another wolf who has imprinted on a child as well. And Jacob goes to speak with him and he explains that imprinting isn't like desire or even love. It's when said wolf finds the person they would be bast compatible with for their whole life. It's like finding your soul mate, but all they care about is keeping said person safe and happy. In fact it is a law among EVERY member of the clan, human or wolf, that no harm is to ever be given to the imprinted person. That's why the wolves don't attack the vampires and kill the kid. Because it would be like killing the wolf himself.

Now I think the author should have spent more time explaining this then the love triangle because that was the only interesting thing about the whole series, the wolves themselves. Because they aren't werewolves, they are shifters. They take on the spirit of their ancestors, which just so happens to be a wolf.

The books weren't good and the characters were even worse, but there are VERY FEW things that were interesting to me.

EDIT: I'll also mention that the wolves have no control over who they imprint on and they don't feel love straight away, that develops over time. But they do feel extremely territorial over said person.

Thats not how Imprinting even works though. If you want an accurate portrayal of Imprinting look at Togepi in pokemon. It is a new born baby Imprinting on the first adult they see as their parent. It has nothing to do with adults obsessing over a baby.

But even if in Twilight they claim it's largely a loving and territorial love it's still something that grows into sexual lust, still pedophile behavior.
I went through 8 pages expecting people to mention Twilight. Am not dissapointed. But anyway, the worst movie I've ever seen... Hard to say, I've seen some awful shit. But, the most recent one (and I know people will throw rocks at me for this) is Lucy.


Is it awful sci fi? Is it action with absurd scenes? Is it metaphorical bullshit placed there to make some deep shit sense that in fact doesn't mean anything special at all? Yes, yes and probably yes.

I'm sorry, I know it's a movie and it isn't supposed to be very close to reality, BUT FUCK, I mean, from start the movie made me cringe. All the constant mention to the 10% brain capacity made me sick and the shooting where people run among bullets, besides that whole thing about her being chased by that asian mob... oh god... I barely made to the end.

Not sure if the worst movie ever, but the worst I've watched recently, that for sure
Thats not how Imprinting even works though. If you want an accurate portrayal of Imprinting look at Togepi in pokemon. It is a new born baby Imprinting on the first adult they see as their parent. It has nothing to do with adults obsessing over a baby.

But even if in Twilight they claim it's largely a loving and territorial love it's still something that grows into sexual lust, still pedophile behavior.
I didn't say in Twilight they 'claim' it be a loving and territorial love, that's the impression the author gave and what I took from it.

If it had been my idea, I would have come up with another name for it other then 'imprinting' but again it's not my idea nor was it my book. The stuff that was somewhat interesting did not get fleshed out. The author focused on the bland and abusive love between the three in the triangle and it was just stupid.

If I could remember the line of the book I would quote it, but the character I mentioned above, he gets asked by Jacob if he see's having kids in the future (Because book Jacob [My interpretation at least] saw it as disgusting, imprinting on a child) and the character shrugs and says something along the lines of "If it happens it happens but all I care about is that (little girl's name) is happy. If it means she grows up and falls in love with another guy and they get married and have kids, I'm fine with it. I just want her to happy." That's what I remember at least. I'd have to re-read the books to make sure but yeah that's why I don't see this specific instance of 'imprinting' as pedophilic.

I can't say I feel the same in regards to Jacob and Bella's kid because the author doesn't talk about it anymore.
I went through 8 pages expecting people to mention Twilight. Am not dissapointed. But anyway, the worst movie I've ever seen... Hard to say, I've seen some awful shit. But, the most recent one (and I know people will throw rocks at me for this) is Lucy.


Is it awful sci fi? Is it action with absurd scenes? Is it metaphorical bullshit placed there to make some deep shit sense that in fact doesn't mean anything special at all? Yes, yes and probably yes.

I'm sorry, I know it's a movie and it isn't supposed to be very close to reality, BUT FUCK, I mean, from start the movie made me cringe. All the constant mention to the 10% brain capacity made me sick and the shooting where people run among bullets, besides that whole thing about her being chased by that asian mob... oh god... I barely made to the end.

Not sure if the worst movie ever, but the worst I've watched recently, that for sure
I knew I was forgetting a movie.
Thats not how Imprinting even works though. If you want an accurate portrayal of Imprinting look at Togepi in pokemon. It is a new born baby Imprinting on the first adult they see as their parent. It has nothing to do with adults obsessing over a baby.

But even if in Twilight they claim it's largely a loving and territorial love it's still something that grows into sexual lust, still pedophile behavior.
I don't care how it is. If any adult male showed that sort of interest in my infant daughter, no matter what the reason was, I'd keep my child far, far away from them.
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I don't care how it is. If any adult male showed that sort of interest in my infant daughter, no matter what the reason was, I'd keep my child far, far away from them.
Very true, I would be the same if I had a child. That was just one thing I didn't like about, why'd it have to be kids or babies? I still like the idea of her version of 'imprinting' if only it wasn't onto kids. Maybe make it so they imprint on the person after they reach a certain age? But that's just a whole bunch of complicated and Meyer isn't one for complicated unless its freaking love triangles -_-

Edit: Even then she sucks at it.
I don't care how it is. If any adult male showed that sort of interest in my infant daughter, no matter what the reason was, I'd keep my child far, far away from them.

I never said you should... :/
What did you think I said when I defined Imprinting?
I didn't mean it like that. XD

Geez, I'm like 0/2 today...no one gets me.
Let's just focus on what we all agree on. Twilight, as a whole, sucks.
I actually enjoyed the Twilight films.

The vast majority of the characters may have been horrible, and the plot was contrived, but every once in a while there'd be gems. Like the superpower politics and the fight scenes.
I actually enjoyed the Twilight films.

The vast majority of the characters may have been horrible, and the plot was contrived, but every once in a while there'd be gems. Like the superpower politics and the fight scenes.
I now get to pick on you like I do my husband. XD

My husband watched the first movie. He hated it, but he watched the whole thing which is more of the movies than I watched. To this day whenever I flip through the channels and see the title, I turn it on and call him to come watch his favorite movie

He hates me for that. XD
Wait...how has no one mentioned practically every Lifetime Movie ever made?
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