What is the avatar above you thinking?

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You should try these brownies.. th..they are... ehheheheh.. out of this world.~"
"Look into my eyessss~~ You will not use me as firewood~~"
Me, a lunatic? How dare you! I'll have you know I have a degree in astrophysics, you lowlife! You're just jealous of me; you're practically seeing green!
"I'm going to part you from your innards, and use it to asphyxiate you. And not in the pleasurable and safe way."
"I'm a white haired pretty boy. You have to agree to everything I say."
"What what?! Im not hyp-per! I can q-quit any t-time I w-want! Is anyone else seeing care bears?" *twitches uncontrollably*
So that's where my glow-in-the-dark hair-dye went... No, it does NOT look "fabulous" e_e;
Avatar: "GRAAAH!"
Bystander: "...And that is why you don't rub pepper into your eyes."
I'm so lost I don't even care if you pay the kidnappers anymore.
"We are harmonious, we are one, we are...gonna need a bigger paycheck if you want to keep us as your avatar. >:3"
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