What is the avatar above you thinking?

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"Stupid thing... Why did the reviving item have to to be an Ygdrassil Leaf? Why couln't it be an Ygdrasill Fruit?"
My puppy died but you said everything would be alright. I believe you.
Hmph... That'd be real cute if I hadn't already had it up to here with this nonsense.
"Easy.. breezy.. beautiful, Cover Girl."
I swear it was an accident. I just wanted to cook some delicious food....
whats that? I cant hear your complaints about me being a girl gamer over the sound of me pwning your n00b asses
Some people just want to see the world burn. I'm one of those people *evil laugh*
"What? Am I too hot for you? Come on you know you wanna give me a great big hug....No I dont have a huge keyblade hidden behind my back to stab you with. Nonsense!"
Dammit! It f*cking itches!...Can someone help me over here? Hello? Anyone?
So... want to play a game of chess?
Am I too pink? Be honest with me, is it too much?
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