What happened after the Battle?

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"Yeah, I'll be seventeen by the time of the tournament." He said as they walked. Adrian sat down on the ground and then looked up at Elizabeth and motioned for her to sit down with him. "How come you say no?" He asked, being genuinely curious.
Elizabeth hesitated before sitting down. "Well... It's dangerous, you know? People die." She looked out at the lake, curling her toes a bit as she looked out. "I'd... rather not someone like you risk that chance." She looked down at her feet, brown eyes full of regret.
Adrian looked at Elizabeth and he frowned a bit in a concerned manner as he saw the regret in her eyes. "I suppose so, yes.." He said and then looked towards the lake. "Alright then, I won't participate next year." He said with a small nod while he leaned back against his arms.
Elizabeth smiled. "Good..." She looked out at the lake, thinking about things. She twisted her hair, a bit bored as she tried to think of what exactly to talk about with Adrian.
"Hey, Elizabeth." Adrian started and he began rubbing the back of his neck. "I was thinking... If you don't...you know... have someone to go to the winter ball with, would you like to go with me?" Adrian asked and judging by how nervous he was, this wasn't something he did often.
Elizabeth looked at him curiously. "The winter ball's a year away still. It's a bit early to ask someone." She shifted to look over at him. "Tell you what. Unless you find someone else who catches your fancy, I'll go with you. But if you find a different girl then you go with her."
"You're the only girl I know so far... Well... Aside from Michelle, that haven't thrown yourself over me and I like to be prepared." He said with a small shrug, he let out a pained grunt in discomfort as his ribs hurt when he moved too fast. A deep sigh escaped his lips and he looked up at the sky. Adrian narrowed his eyes as he heard footsteps and he turned his head and saw a few students walking back to Hogwarts. He was still on edge after the meeting with Damian.
Elizabeth noticed the students and sighed. "We better get back. I have herbology next hour and I'd hate to be late." She stood up and held out a hand to Adrian. "Ready to go?"
Adrian took her hand and stood up, he gritted his teeth while he held back a pained groan. "I'll be in the common room, I won't be able to concentrate with this pain, so I'll just get some rest." He said and he'd try to place his arm over her shoulders so he could lean on her for support.
"Oh no, you're going back to the hospital wing. Madame Panecia's going to be pissed enough with you going out like this. She said you had to be in there for at least a day, if not more." Elizabeth said, leading Adrian back to the hospital wing. She knew how reckless boys could be, especially boys her age. She was not risking him getting even more hurt.
"Come on Elizabeth. I'm not going to run off and do something stupid." He said with a brief smirk. Once they got to the hospital wing, he sat down on one of the beds and he looked at Elizabeth. "Just don't forget me up here, okay?" Adrian asked with a small grin on his face. "I don't want to be alone with those crazy girls that were here earlier..."
"I won't. I'll be back after classes are finished." Elizabeth smiled before leaving to grab her books and run to herbology. Hopefully the teacher wouldn't yell too much at her being late.
Adrian waved goodbye to her before he leaned back in the bed and he folded his arms, he turned his head and looked out the window in a thoughtful manner. He frowned deeply the moment he thought of Damian and he gritted his teeth as his body tensed up, causing his injuries to hurt even more then they did before and he let out a small grunt.

After an hour, he had gotten bored of just sitting down, so Adrian decided to go for a small walk, he stuffed his hands in his pockets as he stood up and then he began to walk out of the hospital wing.
After the classes ended, Elizabeth walked into the hospital wing with two plates. "Hey there. How are you feeling?" She asked, setting the plates down. She hoped that the boy was feeling a bit better.
Adrian looked towards Elizabeth as she returned, he had returned there not too long ago and he smiled gently. "I'm fine, how was your class?" He asked in a curious manner as he sat on the bed and was leaned back against the pillow.
"Pretty boring. A few hufflepuffs were goofing around but otherwise everything went swimmingly." Elizabeth said, handing Adrian a plate of food. She sat down in a nearby chair, starting to eat her own plate. "You haven't been doing anything devious around here, have you?" She asked.
Adrian smirked slightly at her question and he showed a small shrug. "Of course not, I was to stay here, wasn't I?" He asked while he showed a rather innocent smile and he leaned back and he then began to eat. "What were they goofing around about?" He asked in a curious manner while he looked at her.
Elizabeth shrugged, taking a bite of the rice on her plate. "They were messing with some deadly plants and nearly poisoned me." She shrugged, acting like it was no big deal. She watched as a few students walked in, a couple with large purple tongues. This made her giggle quite a bit.
He raised an eyebrow as he listened to what she said and he then smiled. Adrian turned his head in the direction of the students and almost flying in came Angel as she ran up to Adrian and threw her arms around his waist. "Kh! Angel, careful, I'm still injured." Said Adrian while he let out a pained grunt.
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