What does your user name mean?

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Does your user name have meaning behind it?

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Once upon a time when Diana was a wee baby, she was not actually named Diana. The name she was given by her parents just didn't feel right. So even as a little kid she was constantly trying to get people to call her by random new names until she was about 8 years old and DIANA spoke to her little child soul.

Fanny coincidence - Diana was the name my mom ALMOST named me before she changed her mind.

On the internet I used different random names (Blueberry Princess, Skyelight) until I was like "UGH JUST CALL ME BY MY NAME" and just logged in to chats as Diana.

But everyone thought I was Diana the cat from Sailor Moon (cause I lived in a sailormoom social circle). So I kept screen I'M NOT A CAT. All the time until I finally just started using Diana Notacat as my official login handle.

Except on Iwaku, I am just Diana, cause I don't want some other Diana showing up and confusing everyone. >:/
Most people think that "Slade" is reference to Teen Titans. The actual truth is that I first registered this name when I was 13 of another obscure forum called Neptune Circle. My name is a typo. I meant to put in "Slader" cuz I thought it sounded cool and forgot the R so now it's just been Slade ever since
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E.T. is a real life nickname of mine, cause I am just a freaking weirdo.
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Dervish came about because they were originally going to call the Arbiter in Halo 2 Dervish but changed it because they thought it would be offensive to Muslims. I thought it was short, unique, and something I could easily make my own. As well, in the brief time I played the original Guild Wars at a friend's place, there was a class called Dervish that I thought was kinda badass.

Plus, it just rolls off the tongue. Say it with me! Deeeeervz. Duuuurves. Duhhhvuhz.
My username means, I am a very odd person.
It's a nickname. A shortened version of a part of my name. Plus I like the sound of it.

I have also come to realize that it's the name of a Muppet and, apparently, a type of porn/porn site... so yeah.
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I changed my username, not too long ago, for several reasons. One of them was because the site got bigger and having a bunch of strangers call me by my IRL nickname was getting weird.

Astaroth is a name that means a lot to me for various reasons that I'd rather not share, but it is the name of the Great Duke of Hell who forms a trinity with Beelzebub and Lucifer. He takes the form of a corrupted angel bearing a serpent and riding a dragon, and he is associated with seduction, power over snakes, and knowledge of secrets/mathematical sciences/hands-on crafting. His namesake is the goddess Ishtar/Astarte, an extremely old goddess of war, sexuality, and birth/death.

People who know me well might realize why all that appeals to me in a name.
I changed my username, not too long ago, for several reasons. One of them was because the site got bigger and having a bunch of strangers call me by my IRL nickname was getting weird.

Astaroth is a name that means a lot to me for various reasons that I'd rather not share, but it is the name of the Great Duke of Hell who forms a trinity with Beelzebub and Lucifer. He takes the form of a corrupted angel bearing a serpent and riding a dragon, and he is associated with seduction, power over snakes, and knowledge of secrets/mathematical sciences/hands-on crafting. His namesake is the goddess Ishtar/Astarte, an extremely old goddess of war, sexuality, and birth/death.

People who know me well might realize why all that appeals to me in a name.
I thought that it was your username because of Soul Calibur XD

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Finland + Mohawk = Finhawk

Because I'm a Finn, the mohawk is superior when it comes to hairstyles, and I'm a dork with a liking to smashing words together.
My username comes from a book I am writing that I'm also RPing on this site. Sarokhor is an ancient hero who fought against a deity named Yoginnmourn The Shadow of Man. This deity was claiming the souls of the humans who died and reaping them to the realm of demons to corrupt and change them into shadows for his protection. Yoginnmourn is a mortal deity in a sense, as his lifeforce is directly tied to humanity. If an opposing deity was to wipe out all humans Yoginnmourn would cease to exist... Sarokhor used his sorcery to rip open a portal into Mothosos (the inner realm of demons) and cast himself into the hellish domain. After slaying the monstrous denizens of the realm and making his way into the shadowy wastes where Yoginnmourn physically existed, he used the golden spear he created after years of alchemical practice and sorcery to purify the shadows and lead the freed souls of his brethren out of the infernal realm and to Thesos (the celestial realm) where they could rest in peace and paradise.

His journey was not without consequence though. As Yoginnmourn exists in the mortal realm as well, as the literal shadows cast by humans and thus can directly affect them any time he wishes. The deity cursed the hero, corrupting his mind subtly over years. Eventually the hero stopped simply saving the souls of those who perished and turned to using them for his own purposes. He began to experiment with necromancy to preserve his life and eventually his madness also led to the creation of three demi-gods. The sheep Ferminos, the goat Gallabreim, and the ram Domalbrun... three beings that were created to consume the souls of the dead and rebirth them as twisted hybrid people bound in servitude to Sarokhor the shepherd of souls... who in turn was unknowingly influenced to do Yoginnmourn's bidding at this point. Thus free of using his energy to shepherd souls, Yoginnmourn was free to use his power to corrupt humanity even further into sin and selfishness to preserve his own pseudo-immortality

Unfortunately I was unable to find a great picture to resemble him so my avatar is one that reminds me of Yominata the deity of time from the same world. Long story short I chose the name because I was working on the book at the time and the name stuck out to me. I wish I could finish it up but I've got writer's block right now and life is so hectic
Before I really delve deep into the reason for why I took this name, you'll need to join me in a small story from my younger years when the world was still a place of wonders, devoid of the trivialities and troubles of adulthood.

To me the winter was more than just a passing season. It's a time of great nostalgia for memories I hold fondly from the days when I could stand and look over a canvas of untouched white and see the world I saw everyday repainted in a different image. As a child I would stand outside for hours and watch the snow fall, mesmerized and ever in awe with the knowledge that no single flake my eyes touched would ever be seen again or even by any other. Now to some that might seem like a bunch of silly nonsense, but when I'd look across at all the falling flecks of white I felt an almost artistic passion in the knowledge that I was able to witness a natural creation of something truly beautiful.

As I always understood it, the coming of winter was natures way of wiping the slate clean in preparation for the next year to come, a force that blankets the world like a masterful magician performing a disappearing act upon all that nature had created in the seasons before it. It was in this thinking that I felt the words 'beauty in death' were most apt and the concept of renewal for natures next canvas was something I enjoyed to think about around that time.

However, as I grew older living in England the winters came and went and unfortunately as times have moved on the chances of actual snow are very slim if not completely non existent, likely something to do with the gradual climate change over the years. In a way though it makes the times when we do get proper snow all the more special.

If you've read all my waffling than well done! and thank you. I chose to call myself Winter because it is the one time in the natural world where I feel most comfortable. I could list a hundred reasons but it'd be more metaphorical ramblings.
I RP a character that is a queen. I really enjoy playing her so I made that my username, only in Spanish, because I'm Spanish and everything in Spanish just sounds better. lol.
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I am a character of several names.
The name Ice Chateau really means "Ice Castle" (girly as this seems). For some odd reason, the name just stuck out to me.

I don't even have a good story for it, and I could have called myself "Le Corbeaux" (or "the Ravens" in French)

I went with many different names; mostly from.Touhou characters. I act like.... well, a dork. I don't know why that name stuck, of all things... but I don't know.
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I thought it was self-explanatory?

As for the name I'll likely be back to in a few days? Originally came from an old RP site, I used the random name generator to generate "Duvnar Magnum" which is where the Magnum came from. Fast forward two years later Duvnar gains an adopted son and I need to think of a new first name. At the time I was playing Gladius, and in it was a late companion with the name "Gwazi". That seemed to sound cool, so I used it as well forming Gwazi Magnum the RP character. Now, that transitioned over to username because the RP site Gwazi was made on was one with the practice of "Your username is that of your most used character". So when I eventually moved to the Guild I didn't know any better and reused it as a username. And by the time I knew better everyone called me Gwazi already, so I just kept it.
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I double dip. Your "hygienic concerns" won't stop me.

Really, though, I just like stars.
When I picked out my username, I was thinking of the wind flowing through willow trees sounding like whispers. :D
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