(Western Fantasy) Bulhit Town

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Lilith glared at him. "A bear against a vampire. Well while that would be interesting, if you do kill me, you also die. But if I kill you, Jake dies and I have less help to get rid of the summoner of T.A.D.E. You better think things through before drinking, scum." She snarled, showing her razor sharp teeth. "If you really want to fight, the only thing that will come out of it is regret."

Jack nodded and picked his sword up. "Right. Let's do this. Also you owe me a new cloak." He chuckled. "Oh and by the way, did you see that blue light?"
The clouds began to swirl around the ruined church bell. The winds whipping up to a almost tornado like spiral. A faint red glow emanated from the second story window, exposing the shadows of Slackjaw and Dolly De-vil. The two passed a few words between each other. "Annoying rats, how dare they defy me." 'The ritual is nearing fruition. I will deal with them.' The villain opened a impossibly old book, extended his hand over the battlefield, and caused a very bad thing to happen.

All of the Black Side, living or dead, were drawn into the center of the battleground. A symbol appeared on the ground underneath them, impossible to keep your eyes on for more then a second. Screams of agony filled the air as the corpses and the soldiers were fused together. Before things got too gruesome the symbol turned into a hole which the pieces fell down into. For five extremely long seconds nothing happened and then a massive malnurished decaying hand grabbed the edge of the cliff, followed by another hand of similar description only holding a titanic great ax. In a few moments a horrible monster towered above them, a few feet taller then Satin, staring down at them with empty eye sockets.
image.jpg Brought of wrath and emptiness.
The monster moved between them and the church, lowered his ax, and took a wide swing that included everyone but Brad, Flint, and Celtic in its range.

Speaking of the duo, Flint trying to grab someone's attention mouthing, "it's almost done." They needed at least two people to distract De-vil and Slackjaw and the others to fight The Headsman, a monster they had been hoping they would never see again.

Malcan looked sadly down at his great axe, the monster's was bigger then his. Mali patted his back, "its ok buddy. Will you feel better if you kill that guy?" "...yes."
Lilith stared in horror at the huge titan that towered above even the biggest man alive, petrafied. She wanted so badly to run, but couldn't. Everything that happened, everything she did, would it all end here? Were her troubles and struggles all in vain? She stood shaking in her place as she watched death fly at her. She didn't know what to do, and she couldn't think straight enough to come up with a quick plan.

Jack glared at the monster, knowing full well that this was no time for fun and games anymore. He stared at the axe and then everyone around. The half-elf was speechless, both terrified and in awe of this great magic. He grabbed Leo by the arm and sheathed his weapon, but by the time he was running, the axe was swinging. Jack thought quick and the only thing he could do was conjure up a shield, hoping it would block the attack.
Leo nodded yes before the screams filled the air which meant only one thing... a summoning. He stared up at the headsman with a growing fear in his chest as it rose from the ground. He felt Jack grab his arm and pull him along, but than stop. His vision was than blurred by the shield and for some reason, that was when it clicked. He though that Jack had made the fake Jake next to Lilith to let her know he was here. He loved her, vice-versa, or they loved each other! Leo grabs Jake by the back of the shirt and says Go to her, she needs you to protect her now. He than spins Jack once in a circle and throws him to Lilith, where the shield covered her and Jack. He than continues to try to run from the blade, but he knew that he would not make it unless a miracle occurred.
Martin watches curiously as the headsman was summoned, and when he brought down his ax, he got to his knees and sprung up into the air. He went high above the battle, and turned into a bat, before flying out of reach.
Brad saw the impending doom approaching, but he could not do anything because he was trying to pull back as John was still being pulled forward (remember? John is a pawn). John actually does something semi-noble than he says Brad. If you want to survive this attack, you must release me, lest you be fused with the headsman. Brad growls in his struggle, than says No, that will just make him stronger. Plus, I need you for later. John sighs loudly and sinks back into Brad's mind.
Satin looks at the headsman and brought up his cleaver to sink it far into the ground. It was still high enough to block the ax a bit, and Satin simply says Must... protect... leaf head. He holds the blade in place when the ax starts swinging, and with the distance in the ground his cleaver was, it would either bend or break if the ax swung hard enough to pass through it, which would almost put it to a stop since the cleaver was a demon blade, named Ragnarok.
Once Jack is pushed he looks back at Leo, grimmacing. "Leo! Use your fire! You have to be able to do something with it!" He was genuinely worried for him, but standing infront of his younger sibling, he had to do what was right and protect her for once. "Don't worry, Lilith." Were the simple words that escaped his mouth as he focused on nothing but the shield, causing it to fortify a slightly larger radius and get as hard as steel, though this was using a lot of his stamina.

Lilith stared at Jack with a blank expression. She refused to believe he would protect her over himself after all that had happened in past years. She gained enough courage to actually move and so she did, she crouched so that she would be protected without the chance of her being too tall for it. She closed her eyes so she couldn't see, this way the young shifter would not witness her friends and aquaintances fall to the impending doom.
Leo looks back and says I wish I could, but have you noticed that fire can't stop anything but animals? I must try to run as far as I can. Leo faces forward again and puts on a burst of speed, but has the sinking feeling that he is not going to get out of range in time.
Martin flies around then battlefield in his search for more blood, but most of the people there were absorbed by that giant corpse. All the rest were hiding or preparing for the ax. He only sees one man... Leo. He watches intently and circles around like a vulture, waiting for the giant ax to kill him and spill his blood.
Jack closes his eyes, trying not to focus on anything but being safe and saving at least one person. "Dammit..." He muttered.
Martin flies overhead, but the necklace starts to rattle and weigh his small flying body down. He retreats from the area and lands on the roof of the church. He transforms into a vampire again and looks at the necklace. What do you want boy? You put this necklace on, so it's my turn to be in control! The necklace shakes and hops slightly as Jake speaks. We need to go back and save Leo! He's my friend, so we have to! Martin scoffs before saying You are a foolish young child who should know that not everyone can be saved. The only reason we are going back is because this is your body. I can assure you that we will be too late though. Jake would have grimaced than, but says We still have to try!
(Perfectly fine. Let's say Theo's still in the church with Flint and Celtic. Regardless, let's try not to make too much progress without Kat.)

As The Headsman swung his ax he withdrew one hand to add to the swing's force, a very bad mistake on his part. As the blade sped to Malcan and Mali they suddenly noticed it, the ranger ducking and the half-orc swinging his ax upward in fury. The much smaller head of Goldy met its giant brother, pushing and tilting it upwards. The ax then slid across the handle of Satin's cleaver, chopping off the upper half of his horns but leaving him otherwise unharmed. The massive blade sailed over Leo, only just, and hit Jack's shield. It burrowed deep into the magical barrier and stopped, inches from Jack's face. A moan of rage left the Headsman's rotting mouth before he pulled the ax out with ease. He swung the blade skyward and brought it down heavily at Satin, using both hands this time.
Jack sighs in relief and he lets the shield dissapear. "That was way too close for comfort..." he said as he took out his sword and rushed at it at blinding speeds. He tried to hurt its arms to leave Satin alone and perhaps distract it by making it go after him instead of Satin.

Lilith growled and charged at the foe as well, going for the legs to trip it up. "No one dies on my watch!" She yelled to it.
Brad sees the spectacle and laughs in relief as no one is hurt, but that expression quickly disappears as the headsman raises his ax to strike at Satin. He knows that there is nothing he can do at this range, so he looks to the church, wondering what was inside the place, as he had never been to church. He shakes his head at these thoughts and walks slowly towards the headsman, charging up the cannon he would have used on Jack.
Leo leaps forward as the ax almost reaches him, feeling the air around him part for the ax and landing on his stomach before lying still, thinking that he was dead. He takes a breath and realizes that he is not dead, but holds it as the headsman roars, staring at the ground while thinking that he was coming around again.
Satin growls as the ax slices his horns in half. He stands up to face the headsman and watches him bellow before yelling Hey you, ugly, listen here! You can stab me, slice me, or chop me up, but NOBODY... touches... the HORNS!!! Satin lifts his cleaver and prepares to jump to the side as the undead monster brings down his ax. Just in case, he puts the cleaver in a blocking position the would block the ax if it turned out that this swing was just a feint.
Martin lands near Leo and stares at him. Damn. He's alive. He'll be pissed it I drink his blood, and than he'll attack us and I'll have to kill him. The necklace shakes and bounces again as Jake speaks. You're not drinking anyone's blood this time, so let me out! Martin chuckles before saying You don't understand, do you? The seal demands that I feed when summoned before letting you regain control. The necklace bounces again as Jake yells at Martin about how he is just holding him in the necklace, but Martin couldn't take the necklace off if he tried, because the seal cannot be removed without first making the vampire within it feed.
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The Headsman was unfazed by the slashes at his arms and feet. He was however distracted by the flaming arrow flying from Mali's bow. On contact, his dry flesh ignited but was quickly put out by a waving titian hand. The distraction made him miss Satin entirely. "Use fire! Burn this bitch down!" Mali yelled up to them, wondering where the hell the travelers and Theo had gone.
"Fire! Brilliant!!" Jack exclaimed as he began to run for Leo. "I must borrow you for a moment if you don't mind." He said as calmly as possible as he stood infront of him. "Stand up, you have to help too, you know. That is unless you wish to remain useless..." Jack was trying to get him at least a little riled up so that he would be willing to use his power, and of course he would not be able to copy his power unless it were in use already.

While her sibling was off causing a ruckus with his friend, she was still slashing at the thing's legs to get it on its knees. She had moved to the ankles to cut the achilles.
Leo watches as the arrow hits the headsman and smiles as it burns at his flesh, a plan already forming in his mind. He doesn't need any encouragement as Jack speaks to him, and Leo flies to his feet and sprints forward after telling Jack his crazy and possibly unsuccessful plan. I may die, but I don't care right now, so make sure that when Jake takes that necklace off, he takes my place at the Devil's Den. If we start any fires on his outsides, than he'll just bat out the flames. We need to get the flames somewhere he can't reach... his insides! Leo sprints even faster after telling Jack his plan, and he jumps forward about ten feet back, making Leo land on the headsman's shin. Instead of stopping though, he sprints as far as possible up the giant's body, getting up to his hips, before blasting forward by spinning around so his head was facing down and blew flames, blasting him almost to the headsman's head, before he turns back around and jumps one last time, making it on top of the creature's shoulder.
Satin sees Leo blasting up the headsman and tries to extend his wings, but gasps slightly in pain as the rook had also cut into his wing bone, which was connected like any normal body part, allowing feelings and sensations. He glares up at Leo before growling Damn you little fire dragon soul, he was mine...
Martin furrows his brow as Leo rises like nothing had happened. How is he still alive I wonder? A normal human at his age would have had a heart attack from something like that giant ax making him stare death in the face. Jake would have smirked as he says I guess keeping you in my pocket has kept you from seeing that Leo isn't normal. Martin growls at Jake and shoves the necklace in his shirt, covering himself with a cloak that had come out of nowhere before the cloak shrinks to the point that it vanishes. Martin appears again back at the outskirts of Bulhit, where he saw a group of travelers. There was a small brunette woman, a dark haired man with a large cowboy hat, and another woman with blood red hair. He approaches them and speaks in a much younger and lighter voice when he approaches. Excuse me? Hello, my name is Martin, and I was wondering if you folks may have some food to spare. If so, may I have just a tad bit of it? ((@Assallya))
Brad sees Leo running up the giant man and whirs down his cannon. If they weren't absorbed by that colossal corpse, than he was not one of De'Ville's units. He shudders as he realizes something though. The cat creature had called him her knight, so why wasn't he absorbed? He shook his head free of that thought as he realizes that she already had two knights, and unless you got your pawn to the other side of the board, you could not have a third.
Jack fails to stare at him long enough to copy his power. "You idiot! You can't rush into battle like that!" He yelled as he started to run. He stopped though and looked around. "Brad get up! We need to get it down so it won't kill Leo by moving too much. Now!" He yelled as he started running again, skidding to a halt next to his younger sister. "Get into something with bigger claws, a bear won't cut it." ((No pun intended))

Lilith growled at the elder brother. "This is the biggest animal with the biggest claws. From what I have seen anyways. You got any other animals in mind? Because if you do, please, do tell! Otherwise shut your mouth and use your sword. I don't need you telling me how to fight." She said.
"Why can't i move?" Theo thought. Laegon had gone silent, and Theo couldn't move a muscle. His sense of time was off, and he felt as if someone was staring at him. His own vision was blurring in and out. He finally focused and understood the consequences of what he was staring at. A girl stood on the other side of the field, body hidden behind a rock but head sticking up was a girl with white hair. Her eyes glowed red as she smiled at him through the carnage going on between them.

(( This is Amber, the 1/4 medusa girl. I used a template of Marry from the Kagarou Project, but this girl is a little more devious. http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb...d/d2/YoungMarry10.png/350px-YoungMarry10.webp))
"Hahaha staring contest!" The little girl thought. She was no more than five and didn't belong there. She could only remember falling asleep alone in her solitary house then waking up, almost being stomped on by the thousands of soldiers. She had jumped behind the rock she stood at now, saw Theo, and thought it would be fun to mess with him.
She thought about how different this place was from her home. Her family who was gorgon was pushed from their small town into the forest. She was only 1/4 medusa, so she didn't have Petrifying powers like her grandmother, or even the killing powers like her mom. she could only freeze people. So she continued her game.

((Sorry about adding the new character. It was the only explination i could think of for Theo not being there. and i still won't be on for a while. my dad is in the netherlands for a job and won't fix my kindle until about 3 weeks from now, probably when school is over. I will try to use school computers, but i don't think i will be able to tomorrow or one of the upcoming days.))
Brad nods as Jack yells at him, but had been hatching a brilliant scheme. He runs to Lilith and yells Stand back! I need to get this perfect. Brad pulls out his second bomb, since the first had been used on Grim's wall to test that it was still working. He had 5 total bombs, but he tried to save them up before getting new ones. Brad rolls it to where it stops right at the front of the foot. Back up! Instead of stopping it, I'm tripping it! Brad clicks a button that had appeared on his arm and the bomb goes off, exploding with 5 tons of force and making a plume of smoke in the shape of a mushroom.
Bones watched the battle carefully from the church, assessing everyone's strengths and weaknesses. Bones smiles from the shadows as he thinks to himself With all of those people working together like that, they actually have a chance of beating TADE. I wonder why they each try to do something spectacular, but someone else cuts them off. Some people like Leo and that Malcan fellow are the only ones that have been active thus far. I shall continue watching from the shadows until I am needed. Bones sinks back into the shadows that were cast by the church, lighting a cigar he had found while shooting at the pawns.
Satin growls further as Leo does not stop, but grins when the bomb goes off. This may just be my chance.

There was a commotion going on far below the daemon as he flew undetected through the darkening clouds and lightning. As it would seem, there was a serious conflict going on. He didn't want to fly lower and possibly get himself involved in the battle. He felt the hairs along his entire body, fluffy feline tail included, stand on end. He dove down to the side, narrowly avoiding a bolt of lightning as it came crashing down on the battle-torn landscape. The screams of many filled his ears as a summoning occurred. A low growl rose in his throat at the sight of the nasty beast that had been brought forth. Assessing the situation with a cold and tactical gaze, before drawing a darkly tinted rapier sword from the scabbard at his hip. Black flames ignited along the length of the blade as the daemon thought about his first strike. Flapping his wings, he began to pick up speed as he flew very low towards the creature. He allowed the tip of his blade to drag on the ground as the flames grew stronger, leaving a scorch mark where contact was made. As the creature brought it's ax down upon the largest of the mildly normal combatants, Leone saw his opening for attack and gladly used it. He flicked the blade forward which sent the black flames that had been building up shooting towards the creature. The daemon quickly broke from the assault for more altitude, readying himself for a second dive into danger.

((Please correct me if I get any details wrong.... I hope that it's alright if I join in this late in the game.))
((Fine with me. Also this post is going to be slightly different, Crono. If it needs changing then I will do so. I apologize in advance if this is just a bad post.))

Both Lilith and Jack ran off the the side, and both looked up at the same thing. "What the hell was that!?" They both exclaimed at the same time, then looked at eachother. Lilith growled at Jack, who in turn glared. "You know what to do, Jack. It's dangerous for both of us, but it's for our companions. That might have been your friend up there, I dont know what happened, but I do know that if it was him, then he was just launched off." Jack nodded in response and Lilith grabbed her brother by the arm as she shifted into a black cat.
Jack backed up and ran to gain momentum before throwing his younger sister at the monster, aiming for the shoulder. As she flipped through the air she landed perfectly and precisely on its shoulder and she tried to copy the shadow cat's voice as much as she could. This was an attempt to save time, but not only that, to save what the siblings both thought was Leo. Lilith and Jack may not get along, but it's almost as if they can read eachother's mind, and Lilith knew Leo was Jack's friend and that meant he was her friend, too. "Stand down! You've done quite enough fooling around with these pawns. All you've done is show me how you can fail!" She gave off a glare and growled slightly. "You're done! Leave the rest to me... These weaklings are mine!" She yelled up at it, trying to be as conviencing as possible. Jack and Lilith both hoped that this plan would work, and without her being squashed like a fly.
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(It's fine. *sees Satin* "Mildly normal." XD)

As soon as Leo entered, it was revealed that the inside of The Headsman consisted of decaying bodies without heads or skin. The black rot burst into flames the second he started breathing them. For a moment, something that looked like a heart flashed into his view, but it disappeared before he could be sure.


Smoke and embers billowed out of The Headsman's eyes as he let loose a haunting howl of pain. Then came the bomb. The monster's
foot exploded into chunks of rotten, smoking decay. He topples over but caught himself by planting his ax into the ground, just in time to see a wall of black fire slam into his face. Blue flames began to fly out his eyes and mouth. "PAIN. UNENDING PAIN. ETERAL SUFFERING, FORGED BY SENSELESS WRATH." The clamor of a thousand armies' souls screamed at the group. "NOT YET. THE HEART. THE MASTER. THE BELL." As he began to collapse in on himself The Headsman pulled the massive bell that hung on his neck off and threw it at the ruined church's bellower. Then he fell in on himself and crumbled into ash and dust. A bright red bolt of lighting hit the bell and it was suddenly in the tower. Another bolt struck it and it rung once.


Flint and Celtic saw the little medusa girl and carefully approached her. "Hello there Miss. May I ask why your here?" Flint knew that little devils like this one didn't like to be called girly. Celtic happily waved in her general direction with a smile on his face.

"That was awesome! Who called in the flying dude with the cat tail?" Mali yelled over the wind and rain. She was unnerved by the monster's words but still was amazed by the swooshing badass. She thought this fight was over.

Hint, hint...

It wasn't.
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