Welcome to the Exo War Games

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Sorry, IRL is super crazy for me at the moment and I haven't gotten very for on collab stuff :(
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Sorry, I've been going through some difficult and personal stuff .. But I shall be posting real soon
Hi folks ,we're going to get back on track soon, I promise. Our player cast has shrunk slightly, and current players include:

@Victor Markov
@Jack Doyle

The others, since I have not heard from them, are considered as having left the game unless I hear otherwise from them ASAP. I apologize for being so behind, but things are crazy here, and only getting crazier as I possibly prepare to move and prepare my curriculum.

However, I will be posting tomorrow and trying to move things along. Since we are a smaller cast, I'm looking forward to much more character interaction now.

As for when we'll resume monthly Hangout meetings, we'll have to play that by ear in August. September should see everything go back to normal.
*has been a bad player and let postings get behind*
Hi folks, I moved us ahead with a timeskip to clean up missing characters and get things moving along. I don't think any collabs were in progress, or too far along, so I figured it would work. By midweek I may be moving, but I will still do my regular Sunday post; I just might not be able to make a midweek one.
Hi folks, I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave the game. Between my full-time job, part-time job, and all of the extra teacher stuff I have to do at home, I just don't have time to run this roleplay like it needs. So it was nice meeting you all, thanks for the fun, and go join lots of other awesome roleplays!
Thanks Mids, It was fun while it lasted <3
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