Welcome to Royalty

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Technically im not against the country, just the royal family :p i mean i am part of that country
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Well against my Royals rofl.
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Im guessing i have to wait for someone to accept my char sheet or do i just go?
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@BlackOrchid have to wait for her, her RP but you probably will be accepted you bring more drama, drama is good lol. Probably be on tomorrow.
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My Alerts have been so shitty! :l Sorry my babies, I shall post to the IC now.
Ya fair enough, i promise to make things... interesting for you
You're accepted!
lol you sound like my old rp partner anarchy, drama was her favorite thing

Thank you orchid
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I have a handful of updates that must be made.
May i ask where the royalty of Ulimo is currently at so i know where i should place my characters
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O.O at the royal peace signing in Oshil.
lol for some reason the computer copied my post into binary and posted it again, anyways thanks for that.

Signing a 4 way peace are we? peace is boring XD
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Everyone accept Iqwah.
Prob have posts up for my 4 chars tomorrow, might have a clearer head.
I got some posts up, not my best at all. This weather is messing with my creativity I hate winter. Spring Baby for life.
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