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I'll respond soon (Hopefully) xD

"Cleaning Service"


Lol, Nicholas and his buds will probably have left before hand or something. Idk yet.
Rofl I don't think King Julian will apologize he's more prideful then the sin of pride, that's why he had Jafar do it.
Let the Stubborn and Pride stand off begin xD
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Ummm...maybe another char for Iqwah they don't seem to have a lot of chars, maybe an advisor or something. Same with Ithunzi. Umoya and Umilo seem to have the mosts chars woot! xD
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I cannot wait until 'Secret' plots begin to form...its gonna be so tense and heated :D
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Been trying to get back on this for ages but I forgot to watch it! Anyway, what have I missed?
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Its been quiet today... The only day I can really relax anymore...
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Been busy should have posts up tomorrow.
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Oh, that's great, I didn't know there had been postings in the OOC -_- Thanks Iwaku lol. I hope I didn't miss any conversations important to my character.
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Native Nation: Umilo

Role: General At War

Name: Marcus Areali

Age: 27


Physical Description: Tall and powerfully built Marcus is lean with no excess fat on his body. He has several scars on his arms and chest and his eyes seem to borrow into you like he can read you just with a look.

Family: Cedric Areali (Adopted Heir)


Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Marcus is very controlled, often smiling like he was enjoying a joke and interacting actively with the men who serve him. Never the less he is a man who is able to execute control without raising his voice and can make even a whisper sound more deadly then a angry shout. He is calculating and intelligent, his every action made to better his standing and manipulate those around him. His entire attitude is driven by a secret goal, he desires to become king and end the war once and for all at the head of his own nation. He seem obedient, but then again hes a very good liar and very few people can see him slowly trying to bring the dagger to the royal families throat.

Background: Born into nothing Marcus was a peasant when he was first drafted into war. He soon proved himself to be a able soldier and a capable commander after he prevented the retreat of his squad after the death of its commander. He soon began to distinguish himself in skirmishes and campaigns as a incredible strategist and a able fighter. His skill came from experience on the battlefield and he experienced over 100 skirmishes and campaigns before he was asked to become general. He accepted, at first with no goal but to serve his king with skill and loyalty. However his goal changed over the years as he say no foreseeable end to the conflict and as such began to form the first of his plans to climb above the rank of general and take over the country. Somewhere on his campaigns he met Cedric, a young boy who's village was destroyed in the war and took him in, seeing it as a chance to train a capable and completely loyal champion to help him over throw the king.

Likes: Intelligent people, Able opponents either intellectually or physically, Well made weapons.

Dislikes: Particularly bright colors, useless actions, those unable to form their own opinion.

Fears: Betrayal from those he trust, Loose ends, Endless War

Other: A incredible cook, having hated army rations.

Native Nation: Umilo

Role: Knight

Name: Cedric Areali

Age: 20


Physical Description: Tall like his father, with a similar build. A mostly clean shaven and honest face with eyes that have obviously seen hardship.

Family: Marcus Areali (Adoptive father)
Sara Paragon (deceased)
Mathew Paragon (deceased)


Sexuality: Straight

Personality: At first glance Cedric is the perfect picture of a knight. Honorable and courteous, strong and just. However he is his fathers son and can lie to you without a switch of emotion on his face. Overall he is kind and never one to back down from a fight as well as the ability to inspire loyalty but he has a dislike of the royal family. He knows his fathers plans and supports him because until he got to the castle he never had knowledge of them personally and has tried to avoid them ever since, blaming them for the loss of his home village and parents. He firmly believes in his father's believes and plans to support him even against the king and is Marcus's main arm outside the court.

Background: When he was young Cedric lived a fairly ordinary life on the outskirts of Ulima near the border. He grew up in the small town, his parents both farmers and wanted nothing else in his life other then this quiet existence. However when he was 7 there was a skirmish near his town and the soldiers were called away. He was unconcerned, after all his parents hadn't been drafted so his family was still safe. However a forging party found the small village, which nations troops they were he could never tell, demanded food to take back with them. That was the villages winter stores so they refused and a fight broke out as the soldiers attacked. The entire village was raved and its people cut down. Cedric only survived as his parents managed to hide him seconds before the father was cut down a few feet away from him and his mother brutally raped before being killed as well. When he finally came out after the village grew quiet he was alone in a sea of bodies. That's when he met Marcus who was passing threw after meeting the foraging party with his squad and cutting them down and retracing their steps. He found Cedric alone and adopted him, seeing advantages in a man with no ties serving him. Cedric worships Marcus as a second father and followed him still searching for redemption for what he considered the crimes of the royal family.

Likes: A good fight, High quality weapons, and beautiful women.

Dislikes: Bullies and those who attack the weak, the royal family, War

Fears: Disappointing his father, Losing a fight when it matters most, Not being able to protect those around him.

Other: Is versatile in most weapons due to his father's extensive training.
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Yay more people against Umilo xD
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