We Used To Be Friend...(W/Futaba)

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As Aaron walked he felt his phone vibrate, making him flinch.
He took his phone out of his back pocket and looked to see his mother calling him.
With a sigh he answered and spoke. "Hey mom." He said, glancing at Abby who's attention sparked quickly. "Yeah she's here... Yeah.. Sure we can, alright love you too, bye."
"Love you mom!" Abby called quickly before Aaron hung up and stuffed his phone in his pocket. "Mom wants us to get some bread.." He mumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets, his jaw tightening.
Thea finished kneading the dough and put it in a pan to rise over night. She'd have more kneading to do later. Her mother was upstairs with the boys preparing an early dinner since the twins had soccer so Thea was running the shop on her own which she wasn't too happy about.
She pulled out the fresh baked bread and wrapped it neatly to keep the heat as she restocked the baskets so people could see the different baked goods. She kept and eat open of the bell of the door opening as she did this.
Walking up to the front of the shop, he looked through the window to see a little someone. Letting out a long sigh, he took money out of his pocket and handing it to his sister. "Ask for the usual." He grumbled. "Mom's special that is." He told her, making her nod with a confused expression on why he wasn't going in before entering the shop.
He leaned again the front window, puffing his cheeks out. Abby walked in, tugging a strain of hair behind her ear before placing the money on the table. "My mom can't make it today so the original." She told the girl, sighing.
She glanced out at Aaron but he didn't seem to be moving at all so she just shook her head and continued to pay.
The bell jingled when the door opened and the young baker turned to see who entered. It was Suzie/Abby. Aaron could be seen standing outside near the window looking in. He didn't make a moved to come in though so Thea tired her attention to his younger sister. She took a deep breath, went to the counter, and listened to the girl's order.
"I'll get go get that for you." She politely responded.
Thea grabbed a paper bag and put in a bag of cheese rolls and a loaf of French sandwich bread. She rolled down the top of the bag down but didnt staple it shut yet.
"Here you go, miss will that be all?" She asked as she started to work out the payment on the register. She grabbed a piece of paper and leaning over she started to carefully hand write the receipt.

She watched the girl wrap the stuff up, sighing, glancing back over in Aaron's direction. He looked as if he was rashing for something, like he needed to do something to get something else off his mind. Like a man who needs a cigarette to forget. Her attention snapped back to Thea as she spoke, making her nod a bit. "Um wait.. one more thing.. do you know an Aaron Hall?" She asked her, raising an eyebrow. "I-I'm just curious.. you just seem so familiar.." The small girl said, leaning on the counter, staring at the girl intensely. "It's just a question.. nothing personal." She informed, giggling a bit.

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Thea quietly stapled the bag closed with the receipt as she debated how to answer Abby's question. She paused thoughtfully and then shrugged.
"Thats a question for your brother. " she stated softly not answering her question at all. She handed the bag over.
"Thanks for stopping by." She said offering an obvious nervous smile. Most customers didn't like when Thea worked the front because she was very quiet, didn't chat, even found it difficult to smile and look into people's eyes. She wasnt the ideal customer server.

"Hm.. alright. See ya then." She took the bread before leaving the store. Her brother seemed to be thinking because he was staring into space. Abby rolled her eyes and hit him in the stomach with the bread making him flinch and elbow the glass. "Why'd you do that!" He snapped, making her glare a him. "Come on.." She grumbled.
As his sister started to walk away he glanced into the store, looking at Thea for a moment before walking off with his sister.​
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Thea accidentally made eye contact with Aaron before he left. She felt panicky again. It was strange how one person could help her be so calm and yet make her feel so anxious and panic stricken at different moments.
Why did he have to ask her why she'd left? True he had a right to know why and it wasn't like she thought he'd never asked, but still she couldn't tell him...
Thea went and checked on the pastries in the oven. She glanced at the clock. In about an hour she had to take the twins to soccer...she'd eat dinner then.

"That is so strange, that is the same girl from earlier." Abby said, sighing.
"Yeah, I know.." Aaron grumbled stuffing his hands in his front pockets, itching to smoke but he couldn't around his sister..
Though they were not that far from the house so all he'll need to do is go up to his bedroom, lock his door, open his window and boom smokes a cig.
"Hey, how about you start on dinner before mom gets home.. I have to make a phone call up in my room, okay?" He asked her, looking down at the girl.
She glanced back up at him before shrugging. "Okay,".

  • Love
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Thea wished she didn't have to work today. Everything seemed to be piling up on her and all she wante dto do was lock herself somewhere quiet and have a panic attack. She couldn't even do that at home though because she didn't have a bedroom.
Petra and Thea slept on a roll out footon type mat in the living room. The boy had a bedroom because there were three of them and her mom had a bedroom. The girls would stow their clothes in their mom's bedroom but it was too small for them all to sleep in because it was supposed to be a little office. The apartment was technically one bedroom one bath.
Thea sighed and nervously bit her lip, wishing her shift would hurry up and be over. She glanced at the clock.

About an hour later Thea was walking in the cold to the elementary school with the twins. She had a small paper bag with her dinner in it and was wearing her hoodie.
They boys weren't wearing their soccer uniform because they wanted those to look good for the games. Today Kadric was wearing orange shorts shorts and a dark gray roughed up t-shirt that already had stains on it from other practices and Cadoc was wearing navy blue shorts with a red stripe down the leg and also a gray t-shirt. For now the boys shared a wardrobe because they were practically the same size and it was cheaper then buying them each a full wardrobe of clothes.
The team they played for was 'The Rebel' and wore gray shorts and shirt(jersey?) with a red striped around the cuff of their shorts, the edge of their sleeve, and their collar. Written in thick blue letter on the front was 'REBELS', the letter wer eoutlined in white and had white stars in them. On the back was the boys' numbers written the same way as the name of the team. The coaches never let the kids wear their uniforms for practice though because they wanted to keep them from getting ruined before games
They reached the soccer field and Thea sat down on the bleachers as the boys ran out to join their assembling team for practice. Opening her bag she pulled out a warm roll and a little tupper wear with a small serving of soup. A spoon was tape dto the top. She undid the spoo and started to eat the soup, which was tomato.

Aaron had decided to go back out and walk around for a while, he felt a bit hot so maybe the cold air would cool him down.
He work torn jeans and a navy blue hoodie with the number 16 on it and Aaron above it and the front saying '(SCHOOL NAME) Wrestling team'.
He made his way near the elementary school since he heard Thea's little brothers had a game, so why not go and watch the little ones.

He moved quickly, walking to the group of families, spotting Thea right away but didn't get to grab attention for the reason he didn't want her to know he was there, so he stood close to a family with a straight face.

Thea watched the boys practice. They had a big game on Saturday so the coach was really working on drills and such with them. He split them into two 'teams' one wearing red sports vests the other blue and had them run defensive and offensive drills. Thea dipped her bread into her soup, it was a cheese roll like she'd given Aaron's sister so it was kind of like having grilled cheese and soup.
The looked around, she squinted when she thought she saw Aaron standing near by another group of parents watching their kids practice. What was he doing here? There wasn't a game going on and he had no little sibling in the elementary soccer league. Thea shrugged it off and pulling her hood on went back to eating her dinner.
The twins did well in soccer though they were small they were both pretty athletic and tough. They weren't the most graceful or coordinated on the team and most definently weren't the star players but Thea thought they were pretty good for their age. Thea finished her dinner and putting everything back in the paper bag she sat it next to her and hunched over grabbing her upper arms with her hands. It looked like a storm was rolling in. Thea now and then glanced at Aaron now and then but didn't make any movement towards him.