Wayfinder Academy of Adventurous Arts

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Noted, I'll wait for a round of postings by the other players first.
Waiting is always the worst part. >.<
SO MUCH WRITER'S BLOCK! Sorry for the long lack of posts from me. I've been having a nightmare of a time trying to get anything written out.
It happens! I'm with Shy, though. Waiting is the worst part. >_<

I want to give the characters chance to react to what's going on or interact with each other/the NPC's, but half of me wants to keep the ball rolling.
Is there anything else anyone is planning on doing or are we all good with a forward jump? If we're jumping I'm going to have Aurok go to that one teacher that conjure stuff for him to punch, or walk around the place scaring folks with his face.
Well, I've been doing some background stuff with the gm, by which I mean, we all get TRAITS! WOOO!

Basic rundown for traits goes like this. Traits are an innate part of your character. They are part of what comprises your character's history, or your character themselves. Someone who studied anatomy would take the anatomist trait which provides a bonus to critical hit confirmation rolls. A heavy drinker might take the iron liver trait, which gives bonuses against alcohol and poisons (I think). Every player gets two traits to pick from, but you can't have more than one trait from each group.

Traits can be located here: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits

I don't know if we're accepting drawbacks or not however, so unless Frost says otherwise, I'm going to guess no.

I think that's everything.

Also, no Campaign traits. Almost forgot that.

That is all.
Instead of time jumping, why don't you just wander off? I'm sure the training rooms are nearby, and the various staff can probably direct you.

And is Mirra now Mirella's responsibility?
/disturbing laughter
I suppose we could do that. I don't actually have to roll combat or anything if Frost wants to save that for when we're all doing it at the same time.
Oh dear, Mirella's turning into quite the manipulative [expletive].

Shy, what kind of familiar were you planning on getting? You can always have my canary, if you want! Or we can create some comic-relief by having our pets interact over the course of our adventures :3
shoulda posted my sorry here >.< lol anyways sorry for being gone so long had replying issues then got bust and had net problem >.<
Oh look at me neglecting this side of the rp. (Translation:I'm so sorry for neglecting this side of the rp.)
I was thinking a fox. Despite it being a little unorthodox it is my favorite animal.
Side note. I'm really liking our dynamic so far. >:3
I'm going to wait for Koene to post before replying to you Maine ^^; is that alright?
If you get a fox i may love you forever....they're my favorite animal to
Fox's are everyone's favorite animal, 'cept mine, because I'm special.
Hey, all! Sorry about the hiatus, ended up getting in a (rather fun) trip to California! I am very proud to see you all taking advantage of my absence to RP! <3
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Indeed! I'm committed to seeing this continue, after all.
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