War for Gods and Races (sign-up / OOC)

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Tiger is at a disadvantage without his big sword. He isn't drunk either. He will act depending on Mithranuil's actions.
@Rion I get the feeling everyone is underestimating Dohemd xD
(just the way I want it)
@Damien Kriez I don't think they are speaking English xD
More like the Central tongue.
@Nocturne997 woho! you are finally with us :D I don't think the bodies are gone as much as unusable but anyways, a lot is coming for @ResolverOshawott better get those drakes ready xD

@CrimsonHorizons your elf has more weird humanoids to look sideways on, Dohemd just made a butterfly-impression, kind of ^^
Yep, Sorry that took me so long, just been hella busy.
Sorry for not posting ran into some real life technical difficulties hopefully i may be able to post today.
0.0 you guys
And wind dont you have UNI to? <.< what you doing up at 2 am?

Also if anyone feel they are unsure as to how to get started/jump in
Plan around do you already know anyone?
Things like that and get it rolling.
Or ask the gms for help if needed ^^
@Silvir I'm the GM, I do whatever I want! -runs off into the night laughing maniacally-
(have about two weeks time of test-time, so I'm semi-free at the moment)

@Nocturne997 @ResolverOshawott glad to have you with us ^^
Name: Cainon


Gender male

Age: 50 ish, if you ask him...


Personality: A somewhat goofy old man, with what you would call a fetish for messing with young people.

Bio: He forgot, but he as resently taken up a hobby of making small magically enginered servants, and wandering around the lands.

Profession: Scholar
HAAA OLD MAN!...Burn it with Fire!.....JK XD....odd have not been geting alerts is the RP still going
@Yonsisac Still going just not racing trough like crazy that stuff tends to kill rps.

@Rion yeah gods can meet 0-0 just "call" whom ever you wish to talk to and he or she will "pick up"
I thought the Gods had some kind of 'meeting place' but that may just have been me misunderstanding something.
Endora have no friends she can call. T-T Tough living the villain life.
I thought the Gods had some kind of 'meeting place' but that may just have been me misunderstanding something.
Endora have no friends she can call. T-T Tough living the villain life.
I suspect a meeting place is created per need. Rather then being permanent XD
Actually @Windstorm 's god is a bit of an Authority perhaps he has a meeting place in mind?

and well after the god war i suspect that a bunch of gods prefer to stick to themselves. Especially considering they way the last disagreement went down.
Hjorn/Hymn is always open for a talk though. This whole world and race thing isn't that big of a deal for someone as old as he is. Though he is a bit ...weird <.<

Luckily Hjorn does not have enemies. only rivals....and playthings >.<
@Rion @Silvir
The way the gods may talk to each other in waries depending on how they exist in the world, and on whos turf they decide to meet.
There is a neutral meeting-place since the first god-war.
While the whole central continent became an area ungoverned by gods, the central island became a meeting-place.
Though in these times of war and uncertainty its more than likely the gods will simply show up at each others doorstep xD
^^ ehehe just a friendly notice to everyone.

Windstorm is allergic to OOC in the IC thread. And by the gods don't delete a post IC either just edit as a pre varning XD

Oh and chose wisely when making a move IC. Wind will not hesitate to kill characters. There are people like the soldiers now that are senior veterans. Very skilled soldiers with proper equipment to fend of mages, monster and other soldiers alike. Avoid going at them alone. o.o they can do some serious damage especially when they are in a large group.
Name: Drow

Physiology: Drow by nature are a very slender yet decevingly strong race of Elves. Banished to the depths during a ancient time when the Gods had been at war. The drow's life times are near limitless with proper tending. Drow are known to live from 2000 to 10000 years. This life span allows them to accumulate unthinkable amounts of knowledge. Their people are tall and very fast. They rely on cunning, speed and stealth to get their job done as well as their prowess with Melee and Archery. They are naturally able to resist magic and have Darkvision allowing them to see in night as good as day.

With the ability to resist magic and powerful darkvision. Drow are naturally resistant to magic. They also possess darkvision superior to most other supernatural races. Drow have the ability to summon globes of darkness, outline targets in faerie fire which causes no harm but makes the target brightly visible to everyone who sees them, and create magical balls of light. They can also levitate for short periods of time. Female Drow are naturally inclined to priestly magic and males are naturally inclined towards arcane magic. Like other elves, they are more dexterous than humans, but have a weaker constitution. They live to extraordinarily long ages if not killed by violence first, over several thousand years in some cases. Their hearing and vision are better than that of a human being and they are difficult to sneak up on because of this. They also naturally excel at moving silently.

Their Magical Resistance allows them to absorb some of the damage the magic would have caused them. They are not immune but are less susceptible to the full damage.

Reproduction: The race reproduces when needed. Normal Humanoid birth.


Drow society is primarily matriarchal, with priestesses of their evil spider goddess Lolth (sometimes spelled Lloth) in the highest seats of power. Drow rank structure was based much more on personal experience level and proven personal abilities rather than on gender. Males were just as likely to have positions of authority over both males and females, and the tradition of Matriarchy, where the highest-ranking member was always a female, was not a special directive of the Demon Queen Lolth.

Drow society is based upon violence, murder, cunning, and the philosophy that only the strong survive (though in Drow tongue, a quirk of the language creates a reversal of cause-and-effect; more correctly, it can be translated as "those who survive are strong"). Hence, most Drow plot endlessly to murder or otherwise incapacitate their rivals and enemy Drow using deceit and betrayal. Drow, particularly in higher positions, are constantly wary of assassins and the like. One of the quirks of this constant infighting is the relatively short lifespan of the average Drow. While being just as long lived as their surface cousins, living as long as several thousands of years; you are very unlikely to meet an elderly Drow. Consequently, they are the only race of Elves that matches the fertility of 'lesser' races, such as humans. Their society, as a whole, is seemingly nonviable. The only reason they do not murder themselves to extinction is by the will of Lolth, working primarily through her clergy. Lolth does not tolerate any Drow that threaten to bring down her society, and the clergy make certain that perpetrators cease their destructive actions by either threatening or killing them.


Tier Breche, the famed academy of the dark elves, sits on a high plateau at the western end of the city, protected by guardians and fell magics, the Academy consist of three structures, Arach-Tinilith (The School of Lolth) Sorcere (The School of Wizards) and Melee Magthere (The School of Fighters). Presided over by the Matron Mistress of the Academy, all drow both common and noble are required to attend the academy. Students' length of education is dependent on their sex and occupation. Male Fighters will spend 10 years, male wizards will spend 30, and female priestesses will spend 50 years learning their profession. The majority of time is spent within their specific school; however each student will spend a portion of their last year at each of the other schools, gaining a basic understanding of the strengths and weakness of the other classes.

Melee Magthere
The School of Fighters is a pyramidal structure located on the east side of Tier Breche. Here males learn the art of swordplay, and individual and group fighting tactics. Beginning students spend their first sixty days unarmed under the instruction of The Master of Lore. Here they are indoctrinated against surface elves and non-drow. This racist propaganda provides a 'safety valve'- extra aggression can be turned on the surface folk, rather than (completely) on the Drowish hierarchy. Their junior years are very harsh, but conditions improve as they grow older. Students in their 9th and final year serve as guards for Tier Breche, as well as participating in practice patrols within short distances outside of the city cavern. Each year, in order to establish a hierarchy within the class, the Grand Melee is held. During this event the students are set loose in a maze chamber outside the city cavern, wielding simple wooden poles as imitation weapons. The last male standing wins. In the tenth and final year, fighters will spend their first six months in Sorcere studying magic, and the final six months within Arach-Tinilith learning the precepts of Lolth- most importantly, the inferiority of males in her eyes.

The School of Wizards is housed in a many spired stalagmite tower on the west of Tier Breche. Males will spend 30 years in study of the arcane arts, learning to channel the strange and unique magic of the drow that emanates from the Underdark. Acceptance as a student at Sorcere is highly coveted by young males as magic is the only path to any kind of real power in their matriarchal world. Masters of Sorcere are arguably the most powerful group of males within Menzoberranzan, headed by the city's Archmage. Not only are they responsible for the training of future mages but also for regulating the use of arcane magic for all drow within Menzoberranzan.

The School of Lolth is one of, if not the most important, holy sites within the church of Lolth. Standing at the center of Tier Breche, the school resembles a giant obsidian spider, sporting eight legs and a large central hall. Female clerics will spend 50 years in study under the Mistresses of Arach-Tinilith, learning the deeper codes, beliefs, and dogma of Lolth's faith. Some of the most powerful holy artifacts of the drow are stored within the halls. It is here that students will undergo the graduation ceremony, often involving demon summoning and sexual orgies between the new clerics and male wizards or fighters, reinforcing the subservient role of drow males. The Matron Mistress of the Academy resides here and serves both as head instructor as well as the leader of the academy. Currently the Academy is presided over by Matron Mistress Quenthel Baenre, who succeeded her sister Matron Triel after the death of their mother.

Dresscode: Attire is far ranging.

Religion: Most if not all worship the god Lolth.

Menzoberranzan, the City of Spiders

The city has 200,000 drow inhabitants and hundreds of thousands of humanoid slaves that range from a variety of creatures such as goblins, kobolds, bugbears, duergar, svirfnebli, orcs, ogres, minotaurs, and giants, as well as herds of rothé kept as livestock. The city trades poisons, mushrooms, riding lizards, spell scrolls, wine, and water. The worship of Lolth is prevalent, and the city has the clerical academy Arach-Tinilith, a spider-shaped building where priestesses are trained. One of the branches of the city's triune academies of Tier Breche, Arach-Tinilith is neighbored by the warrior school Melee-Magthere, and Sorcere tower where arcane spellcasters are sent to study. These academies are the quarters of some of the most powerful clerics, fighters and wizards, respectively, and the title of master of an academy is coveted, since being the master of Sorcere or Melee-Magthere is as high as the power ladder goes for some houseless drow or even noble males.

Ways of transportation: Travel by Foot, Giant Spiders and other mounts that can easily traverse the underground Caves.

Magic: The Drow being low in number specialize in all types of combat to battle with those that wish to see them harm. The train for untold years to hone their abilities in Magic. Depending on Male or Female they may go down more Priestly aspects or Arcane.

Army: Their entire culture is built around war. Every citizen male or female is trained to fight. Their small numbers leave them with having to supplement their forces with massive slave armies of different races. This consists hundreds of thousands of humanoid slaves that range from a variety of creatures such as goblins, kobolds, bugbears, duergar, svirfnebli, orcs, ogres, minotaurs, and giants. Several massive constructs known as Avatars of Lolth are are the forefront of this army. Massive Titanic manifestations of the Dark God. Normally taking the form of massive Spider/Human. Considers Minor gods in their own right.

Background: (Will Add soon.)

Relations: Only realtions to the top is raiding, Slave taking and trading with those brave enough to venture to the Dark City.

Legends/Myths: (Will Add.)

The Lands: The Darkness surrounding the Drow city is dangerous in itself. The caves surrounding it are dangerous even to the Drow. Though they have become accustumed to the darkness and know how to navigate the darkness.

Notable beasts: Massive Spiders and other creatures of the Darkness that lurk underground. (Lichs, Demonic Entities, Driders (Last Picture.)

Location: Massive Underground Cave Complex in Central continent.
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