Walking alone (yaoi)

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Liam was being one very bad sub and one very bad student at the exact same time. Well he solved the things pretty smoothly but whatever. "what do you fucking want Liam because I am about to just bloody leave and tell your professor I can't handle you. Which I can't right now. Maybe I should give you a hard spanking so that you remember who's boss again"
Cassius ate cheese fries off his friends tray happily."Aren't you the least bit of worried?" He asked."Dude.." Cassius said."I grew up with Logan, and I'm kind of like him. What's there to be afraid about? That kid is powerful, don't care." Shrugged the male taking the guys cheese fries."His ass is way to up over his head." He chuckled."if something bad happens to me, that's fine. Heck, I'll be happy for torturing that kid before getting hurt." He adds."Not to mention my parents are rich, combine them with Liam's parents and I'm more powerful then the kid." Cassius said then grinned."Elite family best friends with a delinquent family, delinquent being Liam's family!~~" Cassius mused. When his belly was filled he looked over his shoulder and sighed.

"I'm gonna go check on the kid." He chuckled then walked out the cafeteria. When he saw Charles he grinned."Oh! There you are!" He said."You alright? It was that stupid guys fault!" He scoffed as if irritated.


Liam looked at Turin."Hmm.. Maybe you should do it now." He grinned."To make it worse, I'm not wearing briefs!" He adds looking at his tutor then laid across his lap."I'm done!" He said.
Jack walked inside and leaned against the wall. He crossed his arms and his legs. "Aryen... I did not do any of the drugs that you found... okay? They were in my drawer and I did have them to use. I did." Jack thought about how this should be approached and sighed with a groan. "I grew up around drugs and did my best to stay away from them. I did a really good job until I almost finished school. Things were bad at home and at school so I got into it. I did. And when things get bad or I get confused and angry I turn to those things because that was what I knew as a younger man." Jack looked over at the door. "I love you Aryen. And... and I realized that I am a fuck up. So I will now fuck off like you asked. I just wanted a chance to explain myself." Jack waved his hand slightly and nodded, turning towards the door, walking out into the hall.
Aryen ran after him and hugged him from.behind. "I'm sorry I'm really really sorry" he sniffed. Great, he was crying. "I need you and I am fucked up too! I shouldn't blame you for having a past but my sister got into crack long ago and then she died" he pulled back and leaned against the wall, covering his face. "I couldn't go trough that again, I didn't want to and I was just so disappointed in you. You are everything I could never be and I love you too" he whimpered and bit his lip
Charles frowned seeing Cassius as he stepped out of the bathroom. He turned to Logan and gave his cheek a kiss. "You can go home." Logan eyed Cassius, pretty much ignoring Charles. What was he planning. He didn't like this but left.

Charles forced a smile at Cassius. "Yeah, he's an idiot." He eyed Cassius suspiciously. "You know he's not gonna come back to you." Charles blurted out looking like a spoiled child. "He's mine."
Cassius blinked then grinned."Silly!" He said restraining to use 'idiot'."Why would you think such a thing? Am I really more handsome then you for you to be this paranoid?!" The male laughed."Dude, I broke up with him! What makes you think that?" He asked. Cassius was obviously lying and continued on."He wasn't for me, we were never a perfect match. He's never going to come back to me because of me." The male shrugged casually lying."I guess you're the few who found out we dated? Yeah... Despite seeming to be a 'nice' couple, trust me... It was like hell." Cassius sighed."I just hope nothing happens between you two.. Just like me and the others Logan dated." Cassius tousled the boys head before walking away."Just watch your back ok? Especially you.. Being powerful and all--It'll end the same like me and Logan... Like the powerful guys and girls Logan dated" He finished, Leaving suspense. He was doing the 'paranoid' trick.

Where you leave the target paranoid. Paranoid of what's to come, what the person might do, etc. and to add that on torture Charles for a few more days to make everything horrible. His school life, and then relationship all while not even trying. Or Atleast trying for the next two days and then not trying but secretly devising 'bad luck' on Charles to make him paranoid to a point where he won't take it and will probably drop Logan. Once Logan is dropped, Cassius will torture him some more causing him to snap. Revenge for Cassius was always fun.
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Charles downright glared at Cassius. He could practically taste the condensation in the way he said, "Silly!" It made him great his teeth. However, Charles kept it inside. He didn't say anything as Cassius chatted on and on about how he was the one to break up with Logan. How Logan had all these men and women and things like that.
His glare faded into a look of uncertainty as Cassius sauntered off. He didn't want to believe but Charles was all too aware of the looks men and women gave Logan when they went out. (When he forced Logan to take him on a date.) Charles huffed shaking his head. No, Logan wouldn't dare. Not with what was at stake but then again...he was home alone all day. Charles headed off to the class and text Logan. 'What are you doing?....' He needed to know. He had to know.

Meanwhile, Logan hadn't gone to Charles and his apartment. Having to even say he was living with that kid made his skin crawl but he forced himself to do it. No, right now Logan was at a payphone and calling Cassius. He waited anxiously, foot tapping, as he waited for Cassius to answer.
Cassius felt his phone vibrating and took it out. He checked the number but it was unknown, and he male was never one to pick up unknown numbers or numbers he wasn't even aware of."Hello?" He asked, slightly nervous.
"Cas, the hell are you doing?" Logan spit out as soon as he heard Cassius's voice. "Look just stay away from Charles. Just trust me on this alright." Logan spoke quickly. He wasn't supposed to have any sort of contact with Cassius or else. And that's all that Gerard had said and Logan really didn't want to find out what the or else had been.
Cassius scoffed."Saving you dude." He said."Y'know... Torturing him indirectly--Good thing you just called me. I did the paranoia trick on him for my 'lulz'." Cassius grinned. Cassius then told Logan everything that happened between him and Charles then finished."Welllll gotta go. Cya~" he said.
"You what?" For a second Logan was speechless. Then he realized what Cassius was doing and if it was anyone else it would be halarious. But it wasn't. It was the son of a powerful drug cartel leader and they kill without mercy. "Cassius just don't. Shit Cassius don't hang!....up...." Logan trailed off as the line went dead. "Stupid little thick headed idiot." Logan huffed but there was a fond undertone in his voice. He hung up the payphone and text Charles back saying he went and got good. Wasn't a total lie since after the phone call to Cassius he did actually go eat.
Cassius chuckled. Logan had the same in mind as other people who knew Cassius intentions."Shit. I should notify Liam bout this. Seems like the kid is who they say he is." He chuckled looking down at his phone and texting Liam. Yesterday they had been texting all day and night about Charles, but knowing more was better. Liam was more troublesome then Charles, he'll they don't call Liam the king of deceitfulness, as underneath his family was the king of crime. Hmm..As for Charles, he was prince he assumed.
Charles was sitting in class. He had knots in his stomach as sat in class. He was thinking back on what Cassius told him. Was it true? Would Logan really do that? Why wouldn't Logan text back?
By the end of class Charles was moody and worried and just wanted to prove to Cassius that Logan was his. Logan wouldn't leave him and wouldn't go for anyone else. He had to prove Cassius wrong!
Jack wrapped his arms around Aryen and held him close. "I'm sorry. I had no idea about your sister." He murmured and kissed the very top of his head. "Can I give you a ride to work?" Jack asked curiously, tilting his head to the side with a small smile.
Aryen nodded and pulled back from the embrace. He walked back inside to put on socks and shoes. He wiped his tears away and stood up. "you don't.. You don't know much about me" he mumbled and grabbed his coat. "thank you" he looked up and gave him a small smile
Jack nodded and took Aryen's hand. "I realized that while I was on my trip..." He sighed and they walked out to Jack's car where he held the door open for Aryen to get inside. Jack kissed him once he was inside, pulling away with a sigh. "I missed you." He mumbled and began to drive, following any and all directions he was given.
Aryen was suprised and not really ready for that kiss. He was still not sure about this whole situation, but he let it be. He wanted to say that he had missed Jack too, but he didn't. Instead he did nothing else then pointing directions the whole trip. Once they were there, he turned to Jackson. "Why did you hide it... And what was it that made you so upset that you wanted to start again? It's not something I did right?" He felt a bit betrayed. He had felt so happy when he was with Jackson.. Didn't he feel happy when Ar was around too? "I mean.. I understand that the whole thing with your parents and Logan is really really upsetting" He meant this, it already upset him so how badly was the damage with Jack and Logan? "But.. You knew that if one of us found out it only made things worse right? They did actually got worse"
"It was not you." Jack spoke sharply and stopped the car when he got to Aryen's work. "Definitely not you. And just like everyone else who uses I did not think I was going to get caught..." Jack admitted and shook his head. "Aryen... There are just some things about me that you will never understand because I don't even understand." He murmured. "And I got rid of the drugs this morning. I haven't even thought about them since then."
"I will understand the stuff that's going to that silly head of yours eventually, count on that" Aryen smiled again. "I really have to go inside now, I guess I will see you around. I don't have much time but I think I am able to squeeze you in somewhere." He got out of the car and walked to the restaurant.

Aryen stepped inside and quickly towards the kitchen. "Where have you been?! You're two hours late!" He looked up at his boss who seemed not very pleased with him. He looked down to the ground again. "I over slept sir but I promise it won't happen again" He spoke softly. "That's correct! There won't be a next time! You're late and there are many people out there who will work hard for there money, unlike you" His boss sate in a tone that you couldn't argue with. Aryen's chest felt tight and he looked the man directly in his eyes. "Sir please give me one more change! I promise I won't ever be late again, I have just been under a lot of stress recently and.." "Leave my kitchen, I will send your last salary." Aryen nodded, he accepted the fact that he would freeze to death in a few days when his renter came for his money. Which he didn't have. He walked outside again.
Turin was just walking back to his house from Liam's first lesson.. Which was very nice although it didn't go as planned.He wanted to visit Logan but he didn't have the guys number nor did he have the address, so he decided to just go to Jackson and ask him, maybe hang there a bit. It's funny how he and Jackson are almost the same age but didn't click while Logan was a good 8 year's younger and they were best buds. Well, he apparently had something for nineteen year olds. He had arrived the house Jackson lived in and knocked on the door. It would suck if the guy wasn't home
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