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Your welcome to join :D (sorry this post was so delayed :( )
Kishaki Rukokai (Ruko for short)

In Game Name
Ruvokai Kiraku


In Game Gender


roxia merith.jpg

Secluded loner type, though she may be, Ruko has been known to make her fair few friends, especially those who share her interests

Rogue (dark) Mage (encoding)(multi-classed? You can pm me for more info on it, since i did have this sorta planned out. If it doesnt work after we talk about it, i can take it off)


Starting gear

He also has a long chain of beads, alternating in neutral colors (as seen in the out game appearance), as well as two spiked bracelets on either wrist (similar to the collar in the in game picture)

Notes about previous self
Ruko was a graphics engineer, computer and video game coder, and an avid fan of roleplaying (both through wrting and games) She was a pretty smart cookie to say the least, but she wasnt quite on par at the genius level.
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Call the game.... Call of Ruin: EverBlade (nicknamed CoRE or CoRE Blade)

anywho, I hope that my character is okay.... I just pulled him out from another SAO based rp i am in and decided to use an image i had just got done editing as the girl counterpart for him xP
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I'm going to say, "I want to play!" "CoRE is a suitably epic title, definitely!" and, "May I play twins?"
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@RayChel Welp. I already found my new friend for this rp.
*High Fives other vocaloid fan*
*Group high fives all the vocaloid fans*
Life is good
Yay! More friends!
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ya i think twins would be ok, and you could classify me as a little bit of a vocaloid fan because i know about them (i did a current events project a year ago on them) and i think there cool but i don't know much about them. how many vocaloids are there even i know there's at least like 7?

Name: Karuu Spirit
Gender: :male:
Age: 18
5' 8", 154 lbs. Short, brown hair. Light brown eyes. The beginning of a strong jaw and totally lacking facial hair.

Personality: The boy who wants to be a man. Reckless and hot-headed, but moral and compassionate as well. He's trained to be obedient, but this often conflicts with his own desires.

Notes about character creation: Karuu made his body how he wished it could be. He kept his face (Alisea made him promise), but he's tidied up his hair, toned his muscles, darkened his skin to a healthy tan, and added a few inches to his height for good measure.

Class: Hero
Sub-class: Mentor
Starting gear: An overly-large, two-handed sword, a steel breastplate, and leather gauntlets.

Notes about previous self: Karuu's goal is to be a man: strong, courageous, and heroic. He can't see himself as any of these, not when he is small, plain Joshua in small, plain Farmington. Josh has always lamented his inability to grow in life. He knows he is weak--just a sickly boy stuck in a wheelchair. He tries to use games as a subsititute; the growth is measurable and the risks are immaterial.


Name: Alisea Spirit
Gender: :female:
Age: 18
5' 6", 121 lbs. Long, straight, brown hair. Soft, brown eyes. A kind face and soft hands.

Personality: A dutiful maiden. She fulfills every obligation and accepts every request made of her. But deep inside, Alisea doesn't want to. She wants to be selfish like an empress. And sometimes--just sometimes--she wants to make other people suffer.

Notes about character creation: Alisea cut her height by several inches, trimmed the weight that went with it (plus a bit more), and extended her hair forever. She's smaller than Karuu now. As the two agreed, she kept her face just as it is.

Class: Mystic
Starting gear:
the Mystic's Staff and priestess robes.

Notes about previous self: In a town as small as Farmington, everyone knows everyone; for Alice, everyone knew she was "such a good girl." Always ready to help with a fundraiser; continually achieving perfect grades; constantly active in clubs and sports; unanimously elected to class office every year; and beloved by students and faculty alike. Alice suffocated in the expectations. Her only escape is with her brother--her best friend and sole confidant.

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I'm more than happy to explain both classes and both sub-classes if you're curious. For that matter, I'm happy to answer any questions you may have. Background on these two, my plans for the RP, which anime I'm currently watching, the meaning of life--whatever you throw at me, I'll give you the best answer I have. ^^
friendy hug?
*totally didnt think about making a character with a disability before deciding on my op computer skills*
:D i like your list of things to ask lol :D

What do you mean by hero and mystic classes. I wouldnt have thought about seer, cool sub-class :)
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A Hero is my twist on a general warrior class. All his abilities are physical and will be self-centered to begin. He loses to a Berserker on attack, loses to a Guardian on defense, and loses to a Rogue on speed; in short, he's a loner class to begin. The one advantage (or maybe only a quirk) a Hero has is the Fates. Fates are earned by completing class-specific quests, and each one can be beneficial or detrimental. For example:
The Guard's Fate - repel the goblin invasion. A Hero who has saved an entire town will be watched closely by Fate. While this Hero stands guard upon the wall, Fate stands behind him. (bonus while fighting inside a city)
These aren't going to be terribly powerful, and sometimes they'll even be curses, but Karuu's running goal is collect every Fate he can.

A Mystic is a variant of magic-user. As far as lore goes, a Mystic is a manipulator of the Ether--the non-physical force that is in everything. She does little direct damage, but has a vast array of buffs, debuffs, and miscellaneous abilities. A Mystic's most valued possession is her staff. She'll be undertaking various quests and crafts to improve it along the way (equivalent to or even more difficult than what others will have to do for better weapons). And she's expected to check back in with her sponsor from time to time (whom Alisea will meet during my first post, which post is already half-written) because lineage is an important part of a Mystic's identity and, thus, ability.

Do you think I have enough side story? >_< Don't worry, it will all be worked into the main plot. Which is... still missing, isn't it? What are 7000 people supposed to do in a world they can never return from? I'm picturing the initial despair in Log Horizon.

@Shadicmaster I answer a hug with a hug. So: *BIG HUG*
Also, I looked at that helloquizzy test; I think it was the biggest compilation of pet peeves I have ever seen. (Although, I could add another dozen to it. Easily. >_<)
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Ok cool classes refrencing log horizon the mystic class also could be called an enchanter (i watch log horizon too lol :D)

I like your idea of the fates thing it would be interesting but it might be cooler to make it so people dont know about them but we can decide on wether or not to do either.

And if you watch log horizon that sort of sums up what life in CoRE would be like but then you mix in some SAO life style as well plus some other details ex. Not every one is %100 human so i think it will be interesting.
As I have it planned, there are a few Fates that are straightforward. Slaying a dragon, saving a village, rescuing a princess--those Fates are obvious and scripted. Most of the Fates, though, are unknown and often unexpected. I'm keeping a lot of freedom on that account to match it with characters and plot.

The one defining difference between SAO and Log Horizon was the overall purpose. In SAO, players were told, "Clear all 100 floors and you can leave." They had a specific goal to work toward. In Log Horizon it was more like, "You're stuck here for no reason." Without a solid purpose, a majority of the players were apathetic and depressed.

Actually, I just had a brilliant idea for that approach. Oooh, I like this.
Id say its about 50/50 for both SAO and log horizon but it would be more like your stuck here for no reason but i might add something like akihiko hiaba (cant spell his name, im currently watching him anounce that right now lol) anouncing why were stuck in-game. Would the fates basicly give you "good luck" right?
Depends. A Guard's Fate is a stamina bonus while fighting in a city; a Mercenary's Fate may be to find pointless and dangerous encounters in the wilds. I'm toying with the idea of a Lover's Fate, where Karuu's HP is directly tied to another character's (it all depends how things go IC). Whatever bonuses may arise from some Fates, other Fates will balance it. Rest assured, I will be careful to keep Karuu mortal.
Name: Ryan Tears

Gender: Male

Age: 19


Personality: Kind, stubborn, sweet, vengeful, violent, and free spoken.

Notes about your self for the character creation: Ryan's hair is 2 inches longer in the back then the front, and he keeps a long length haircut. He likes to wear leather armor when adventuring or silk when in town.

Class: Reaper

Sub-class: Enchanter

Starting gear: Leather Chest plate, Leather gloves, Leather boats, Leather Satchel, and a steel enchanted Scythe.

Notes about previous self: Ryan was once a bad boy, stealing cars, stealing money, mugging innocent bystanders. He became well known among the underground criminal organizes in the large town of New York, so well known he became the right hand man for one of the leaders for the Blood Brothers. Even with his criminal acts he was still a child at heart, he quickly became in wrapped in VWMMRPGS. (More reveled in the RP.)
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