Vianne's rp :P

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Justin nods, following the same path.
Amara tip toes over to the house and breaks in. Nothing happens. She signals Justin and Aaron to come over.
Amara tip toes over to the house and breaks in. Nothing happens. She signals Justin and Aaron to come over.
Justin nods, nervous as he walks over
Inside, it's relatively small and dusty. "Must be old.." Amara said. She runs upstairs and loots through a drawer. She fills her bag with clothes and accessories. She runs back downstairs. "Got some clothes!"
Justin frowns, "Damain was supposed to get the clothes..." he cautiously walks into the kitchen, carrying a flashlight. He avoids the fridge and raids the cupboards.
Amara sighs. "It's for other people too.." She pauses. "Find any food?"
Justin runs across a corpse on the ground, he steps over it and continues. "yeah....a few cans, how you doing Aaron?"
Amara sighs. "It's for other people too.." She pauses. "Find any food?"
Aaron sighs. "Fine and dandy.." He added a heavy sarcastic accent.
Justin smiles, "cheary are we?"

The corpse on the floor starts to move.
Aaron quickly slips on his brass knuckles and pushes Amara to the side. He then gives a powerful punch to the corpse.
Justin jumps, surprised. "N-nice..."
Aaron nods and pushes the corpse aside. Amara clutches his arm and blushes. "Oops, s-sorry.."

Aaron smirks. "Whatever.."
Justin smiles, " two?" He grabs a few cans from the cupboards and placed them in his pocket
Amara stares at him cluelessly. "What about us..?" She then realizes and her eyes widen. "Oh!'s.."

Aaron finishes her sentence. "What she's trying to say is, we aren't dating or anything. It's complicated, but I'll look into it if this damn apocalypse ends soon."

Amara nods, blushing.
(Better hope you don't get killed of before then...)

Justin smiles, "why wait?"
Aaron sighs. "Would you rather focus on having a chance at living through this, or a relationship that might not even last..?"

Amara whimpers, she bows her head.

Realizing what he said, Aaron puts a hand on Amara's back. "Oh no, I didn't mean..."
Justin frowns, "smooth move, jerk..." he pats Amaras shoulder. "We...we probably should be getting back now..."
Aaron scowls. "Shut up."

He puts an arm around Amara and sighs. "I didn't mean that. I just want both of us alive before we start thinking about that, alright?"

Amara nods. "O-okay..lets go back.."
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