Varius Giovanni x RangerKay

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"Well..." she said, taking a step back and examining the man. Nora crossed her arms across her chest before looking him in the eyes. "I'm not from around naturally I don't know what such a man as yourself can offer me besides your protection..? So you tell me and If I believe it is worth my while I will certainly offer you and your Hoodlums more information, awnser any question on these Mages your group seems to despise so much..."

Nora leaned her hourglass figure against the table, looking at him expectantly.
"I can offer anything your heart desires. I can offer you protection, love, a swap of information..." He smiled. "I just want one person dead, I'll spare whoever else you wish as long as I get that one person." He leaned back in the chair, looking at her figure with a gleam in his eye.


Rika walked away from the garden, the basket on her arm heavy from all her harvest. She walked quickly to the entrance of the building, heading straight up the stairs to stand outside the nurse's office....she wondered if she should go in or not.
"Love...?" she asked. "What a funny thing to offer...surely your mistress would be jealous at just the thought of you offering that away...? But none the less It is an intriguing offer a mung many. But it seems that it is the path that is most likely get me just want I who is to that you want gone?" she asked, stepping forward, making sure his eyes did not leave her.


It had not been long since his father had left the room, going to find Lydia to clear up everything. Lysander laid back, pulling his blanket over his head, not wanting to remember the argument he had, had with his father about this whole situation. Right now he just wondered where Rika was...she had been gone a long while...

Kiren chuckled. "Rika DeJour."


Rika entered the nurse's office with her basket of carrots over her arm. She frowned as she saw that the room was empty and Lysander was under his blankets. She crept over to the bed she was assigned, the events of the day finally catching up to her.
"Wild Red hair and freckles...I've heard of her. I can't imagine what she has done for you to want to have her head..." she said, recalling his words from earlier, looking into his eyes. "But I will do what I can to offer you the information you need in exchange for getting me that one person I want..."


As the door opened again, he peeked from under his blankets to see that pretty woman enter the room with a basket of fresh vegetables.

"Rika..." he said, smiling happily. Glad to see it was her and not his father coming back.
Kiren nodded. "Who do you want?" He waved a hand. "Rika's the daughter of some anti-mage council members. She will inherit one half of it..."


"I thought you were sleeping." She set the basket on the floor and sat on the bed, rubbing a hand along her face and yawning. "I'm sorry....your father seemed angry..."
"Lysander Buford....for my own reasons of course. His father is on the grand mage council, an earth mage, and his mother helps him where she can as a Water mage." she said, not taking her eyes off of him.


He shook his head, looking to her.

"I need to isn't that he was angry for me helping you...I just isn't very happy about the possibility of me missing a lot of work...but I can see your tired...Sorry...why don't you get some rest?"
"You want him dead or all yours? Either way, I can make it happen." Kiren said with a smirk.


"I'm okay." Rika smiled. She went over to sit on his cot. "You must be tired though." She put her hand up to brush her hair behind her ear, looking at him shyly. "I'll do what I can to help you with schoolwork?" She wasn't sure if a mage school was similar to schools in the country or not but she could still try.
"Mine...He seems to have attracted unwanted attention. I'm selfish when it comes to him..." she said with a frown. "I don't want to share...I want him to be only mine..."

As the words left her lips she couldn't help but feel Selfish. But they were true...Rika didn't deserve his affections. Nora his tried for years without sucess. She just hoped this man could do what he said he could for her.


Rika smiled and came back over to his bed, sitting on the side of it...brushing her hair out of her face like she did habitually. When she said something about him being exausted...he nodded the truth as she also offered to help him with his class work he would be missing.

"I'd love that...getting caught back up isn't very easy...Thank you Rika..." he said.

Even if She couldn't...the company would be nice. This place got lonely and boring very fast without anyone else around.

"Done deal. Who's your competition?" He leaned back in the chair, ready to memorize name and description.


Rika smiled. "Okay then. I'll help you out the best I can!"
The woman scrowled, narrowing her eyes as she looked away from the man. She sighed and scooted herself up so she was seated on the edge of the table, her toes barely touching the ground. The woman's voice was hinting on anger...frustration.

"Whoever his father has set up for him to court and Rika...She has taken quite the liking to him. And I have a feeling things are only going to progress unless something is done. I can't say that his father would allow it but that never stopped him...."
Kiren frowned. "I'll take care of that little problem. All I need is some help getting inside."


Rika sneezed delicately, covering her mouth and nose with a hand. "Sorry." She laughed shyly.
"Then we need somoene on the inside who is willing to cooperate....the only people who can get in the barrier or let people through are the people closest to the council...the council members themselves or a relative of the council members, an older one. Not a child, more like a sibling..." she said...not knowing weather to reveal to the man who she really was. If this man was an Anti-Mage council member then there was trouble ahead if she just let him in. Nora didn't want anyone else to be hurt...she just wanted Rika gone. Or prevented from being with Lysander.

"Or..." she said with a frown, biting a lip and thinking. "They would have to leave the protection of the barrier and come out here. But with that security breach earlier and Lysander unable to leave his sick bed at the time being...I doubt either of them will want to leave the barrier..."
"Well...." Kiren began. "All i need is to be able to get in. Or you could convince Rika to come out to the tavern. Invite her do something girly." He waved a hand.
"Because coming out to a tavern is girly..." she said with a frown. "Besides she dosen't like me...not at all. And she is almost quite literally glued to his side so she isn't going anywhere without him...guess were only left with the hard route. I will see what I can do by way of getting you in but it is going to take time..."

The woman slid off the table and looked at him, dead serious looking.

"I only want Rika hear me? Get rid of her and you can have any information you want from me. Anyone else dies or gets hurt and the deal is off and I turn the entire council against your little group of hoodlums...So no getting ideas. Now If you'll excuse me....I need to get back. I will be back to fill you in on what I can do for you as far as getting inside..."

She turned on her heel and walked towards the door, her head high and confidence racing through her body. Finally...Lysander was going to be hers...alone.
Kiren smiled. "Don't worry...I got it...." He pondered ways to kill Rika, knowing that there had to be a way he could eliminate her. There were endless possibilities, but at this time his job was to open the way for the woman to have her love. He eyed her as she walked out the door, admiring her figure.
As the woman turned to leave she caught sight of his smile. It was the type of smile that, to atleast her, didn't show hostile intent. He had showed a grin like that earlier and she didn't care for it too much. But it was apprenent that he didn't live by anyone else's rules but his own. A small grin erupted across her lips, her face towards the door. Oh wasn't like it mattered anyways. Atleast he was somewhat of a free spirit. No woman liked a man that was completly whipped. As she went through the door she glanced back at the man, exposing her cute grin. Then she took off towards the school...slipping back thought the woods without a trace.
Rika tucked her hair behind her ear. "You should get some rest." She ran a finger over his brow, sweeping his hair away. "Tomorrow, write me a list of your classes so I can get your homework from the teachers."
Lysander was completly relaxed underneath the woman's touch. He closed his eyes and nodded, a sigh of contentment leaving his lips. The teenager couldn't help but let a smile of that same pleasure escape his lips and be exposed to the woman infront of him.

"I definitly will..." he said, opening his eyes and looking at her with a soft expression. "And those Vegetables you brought in here? I'm assuming those are the ones you grew. Great Job are going to be an amazing mage once you get the hang of everything..."

The life mage closed his eyes again, that smile still plastered on his lips...comepletely relaxed.
Rika smiled. "Thank you." She put her hand in her lap. "I planted some potatoes next. I figured once I get better, I can easily grow enough to do more cooking." She looked at him closely, trying to understand the smile on his lips. Was this how it felt? Love? She cocked her head, her hair falling into her face.