Varius Giovanni x RangerKay

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Lysander could see the tears threatening to spill over her cheeks and he frowned at his father.

"Dad Sh-"

He looked over at him, interrupting him as he began to speak too, looking over at Rika.

"She isn't a child Lysander...I asked her so let her speak. I am not going to hold anything against her...I promise." He said the last words with a big warm smile.

Rika looked down at her lap and at the seeds her hands held. "Well, uh...You see....Kiren came. He poisoned me and Lysander was trying to h-help and...." She paused, knowing she most likely made no sense. How was she to explain things?
"K-Kiren?" his father asked, not knowing who she spoke of. "How does him posioning you, make Lysander end up in the nurses Quarters?"

Lysander sighed heavily, looking over at the poosr girl who looked flusterd and anxious.

"He poisned her and she was dysing so I used my magic, going over a level that was safe to expel, to save her...that is how I am here. And It is thanks to her that Alistair got here in time to save me...I am alive so quit pressuring her dad..." he said with a frown.

His father frowned and looked at the life mage. "Your not going to be ready to start classes for atleast a week Lysander. WIth your class work load, do you know how far behind you are going to be?" he said with a firm but gentle tone.

"Yes! I do!" he snapped at his father, getting frustrated at his father at the moment. "But I wasn't going to let her die right infront of me!"
Rika hung her head. "I-I'm sorry..." She felt fright fill her being once again and she wondered if it wasn't too much. She needed a bit of fresh air. "I forgot there's something I have to do real quick...I'll be back." She said as she stood, letting her red hair fall in her face as she walked briskly towards the door. She would just leave Lysander and his father to talk...she opened the door and closed it behind her, acting quickly so she couldn't be stopped.

What happened to her courage? Just a moment before she was daring Nora to challenge her back....Rika walked down the stairs, swiftly making way towards the front entrance. She just needed to take a tour of the grounds, she felt too cooped up. She knew she had never done well when she was not near open air occasionally. She brushed her hair back, almost racing towards the front entrance in her anxiety to be outside.
She was utterly embarressed...and frustrated. How come she had not just brought something from the lunch buffet like Rika? Like a child she stormed out of the room and outside to get some fresh gather her head so she could just talk to Lysander. It wasn't fair though! She had known him for years and years...showing her affection to him but yet he had never touched her like that. Just as she was about to cry out her frustration Rika came out side, looking overwhelmed.

"Rika!" she called out, reaching forward and gently grabbing for her wrist so she wouldn't just walk past her.
Rika looked at felt a hand grab her wrist and heard her name being called out. She started, looking up from the ground to see Nora. Her eyes went cold, somewhat relieved that it had not been Kiren, yet wary of the girl. If she was not careful she would earn an enemy in more than just one today. "What?" She asked, her voice flat as she contemplated her situation and wondered what she should do. She was alone with the girl, her magic just now being awakened within her. She did not know enough as of yet to defend herself, but confidence slowly increased in her.

Rika's parents had been strict in her teaching, forcing the girl to learn the basics of self-defense. It was just a part of herself that the girl had come to deny and refute as being a part of her. She hated that she could be so cold, so...dangerous. Luckily, her softer nature had won out in the end, but she suddenly wondered how long it could last.
"No need to be so cold..." she said, letting her fingers slip from the red head's wrist. "I was just going to ask if you are okay? You look overwhelmed...Yeah I may like Lysander as more than just a friend but I don't want things for us to feel like a competition...What is going on?" she asked, lower her head a bit. Slightly intimidated by the girl's preasance right now.
Rika's eyes softened. "I come from...a very interesting family. They have already caused problems with my schooling here." She looked away, her chin held slightly higher. "It was getting awkward....Lysander's dad was grilling him..." She felt like it was all her fault. If she had just died...her heart started pounding furiously, the feeling of Lysander's hand on her forehead, his magic mingling with hers...she frowned, dispelling the thought. "I'm anxious to check on my garden." She said with determination, not caring who she would have to beat senseless to get to it. Rika needed the feeling of the plants, the soil, the gentle and steady calm that the earth provided for her. Plants had never judged before....


Kiren laughed with the boys, drinking to their success. "I bet she didn't know what happened when she finally succumbed to the toxin!" He boasted, raising his tankard in the air before downing it. Suddenly, a boy slammed into the tavern, walking briskly over to Kiren.

"Sir, I just saw her outside the main building...Rika lives!" The boy whispered, out of breathe from running to inform his boss.

"What?!" Kiren asked, grabbing the boys collar and slamming him into the table. The other boys all flinched, scooting away from the rage they could feel emanating off of him.
She had seen his dad working on the shield for the keep everyone that was not a mage, out. But she didn't know that he was finnished...or that he had gone to see Lysander. Lydia must have told him where his son was. With a sigh, she finnished hearing Rika out then nodded and turned on her heel. Nora needed to get away from the school...away from the situation at hand. Quickly she walked away from Rika and past the barrier. After stopping and gathering her surroundings she walked onwards, not too sure where she should go. But once she came across the Inn that was also a Tavern, she smiled softly. It reminded her of her home town. The beautiful blonde woman walked in though the doors and made her way in, towards front to order a drink, to calm her nerves.
Rika watched Nora walk away, a sad longing tugging at her chest. She put a hand to it, wondering what was happening. Could she possibly...miss...the company of another girl? She frowned, walking towards her garden. She could feel it calling out to her, peace promised to her.


"P-please!" The boy yelped, Kiren's face a mask of rage.

"That little bitch was supposed to die!" Kiren let go of the boy, slamming his tankard on the table instead.

"They also have a barrier in place one but mages can get it..." The boy whimpered, quickly moving away from Kiren.

"We need to find a way in then you idiots!" Kiren stood, his chair falling to the floor behind him. "I want....her head...." He panted, growing angrier. He could just imagine what it would be like to have his hands soaked with her blood and the satisfaction of knowing she was gone forever. After a victory of that magnitude, he would more than likely be granted both halves of the anti-mage council.
After ordering her drink, the woman sat at the bar, close to a group of men who looked like they were drinking heavily. It must have been some sort of celebration. After a few moments she saw one of the men erupt into anger, she didn't hear his words though because at that moment the older man slid her drink over to her. Then a man from down the bar whistled at her and she flushed a bit. Not used to this kind of attention from men a bit older than her. The man offered to cover her drinks and she nodded her thanks before looking back to the group. The one standing caught her attention since he seemed to be the leader. Nora grabbed her drink and turned in her chair, sipping her drink as she watched the group quietly...trying to ignore the other men calling out to her...her being the only beautiful woman in the taven at the moment.
Rika reached her garden plot, kneeling beside it and putting her fingers into the soil. There were large tufts of green sticking out from the earth and with a slightly opened mouth she plucked one out, revealing a large carrot. "Oh..." She smiled, happiness seeping into her very soul. Looking around, she spotted a basket not too far away and grabbed it, piling the carrots in it.


The boys flinched. Kiren smiled maliciously. "Rika will be dead can count on that....I need her half of the anti-mage council so I can enact those new laws I was speaking about..." He sat back down, taking a large swig from his tankard. "How do we kill her?" He wondered aloud, watching his men and hoping they would have an answer. None of them spoke, however, too afraid of him to make suggestions.
The woman watched closely, seeing the expression on the leader man's face. It was one of Mal intent, even more plainly obvious as she heard the word dead...and kill later on. Not hearing everything they were saying, she slid from her seat and gracefully walked over to a seat closer, at a table in eyeline of the leader. Now closer, she could hear everything they were saying. But it was now that they stopped she took another sip and then staring at the man until he would atleast make eye contact with her. What they were talking about sounded it was for mages or anti-mages...she needed to hear this.
As soon as the carrots were done being piled in her basket, Rika took another packet of seeds to sow into the earth. She randomly picked one, hardly noticing that it was potatoes this time around.


Kiren growled, frustrated with his band of men. "Well?" He asked, making it plain that the others had best come up with ideas.

"Without a way to get in..." One of the boys muttered.

Kiren sighed. "Look, let's worry about how to kill Rika...we can worry about how to get in later...." He frowned.

"Boss, what if one of us could sneak in?" A smaller boy piped up from the end of the table. "If we carry a magical item with us, it may fool the barrier..." He whispered, suddenly self-conscious. He was the only one not drunk and able to remember the fact that they were surrounded by perhaps friendly mages....
She listened, hearing everything they were saying. The woman took a swig of her drink, hearing a younger boy at the end of the table. He suggested, to get through the barrier around the school that they try and carry in a magical item with them. Nora almost choked on her drink before swallowing what was left in the cup and slamming the tankard down on the table. She got to her feet and frowned at the men infront of her.

"It won't work." she said, not realizing what she was saying before it left her lips. And rather loudly, loud enough for those men to hear her over their blabbering. "But good luck trying. Those old grand Mage council members are not stupid. Anyone, ever if they are not a mage should know that a mages magic dosn't lie withing their items they own but in themselves..."
Kiren grinned, "Oh really? Care to share some more information with us, Princess?" He asked, seeing his opportunity to try to sway her to their side. He knew now what he had to do to get to Rika. Hold something of hers that was precious to her in front of her, threatening that thing she loved. If he could figure out what that was and hope that Rika wouldn't try to fight back. If she didn't realize her own strength, then she had no options.
Nora frowned at the man for a moment then decided what she would do. The woman was indeed a mage but had not cared too much for magic. In her own family it just seemed to Complicate things. It was only thanks to Lysander she had decided to come to school and become stronger. When the man asked for more information a devious but mischevous smile came across her lips.

"To you brutes? I'd say not and no amount of your violence is going to get you anywhere with me. One has to be more convincing than that...why should I tell you anything more?" she looked at him curiously, beautifully, as if challenging the younger man.
Kiren laughed. "We will take out any of your rivals, and provide protection for you amongst our group at the same time." He waved at the boys, dismissing them to the room. They all left, leaving a spot open for the mage.
Nora didn't even pay the other men attention as they made room for her. But she did approach the table, the same playful smirk on her lips.

"That sounds so tempting...however..." she said, trailing off as she stopped close to the anti-mage. The air mage stood tall, looking confident and strong in the presance of this intimidating man. "I already have those comforts offered to me through my wealthy father's staff...try again?" she said, giving him an innocent but captivating look.
Kiren laughed. "Oh, so...what is it you truly want?" He asked, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.


Rika watered the seeds she had put in the ground, her fingers shooting magic into the soil. Then, she put the basket over her arm and stood, preparing to leave the garden plot.