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No rush. I've got monsters to hunt atm...

At least now you know that Mahina is actually in the cafeteria :L
Mahina inbound.

At least Cynder didn't call Mahina little!
I'm so sorry for the delay~!! I'm just in a bad funk tonight :x I'll see if I can get up a post tomorrow. Again, sorry @Relish !
I probably won't be posting till some time tomorrow either. Been a long, but not bad day. Got a new game I need to give some attention to :3
Eh, it's aight.

One of the other RPs I was in died pretty spectacularly so I'm kinda in a similar funk.
It's K.

I'll start writing after I finish watching the new JoJo.

UPDATE: JoJo was great, time to start writing!
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Terribly sorry, I'm busy today >_<

Post for both will be up tonight.
I posted.

@CrimsonMaiden Let the misconceptions begin?

@Seth Bloodmoon
You could have Cynder get annoyed and walk to the orientation area now. Just make sure Mahina is insulted with "little" or something to give her a reason to pursue. If not, she'd be very content just stay and eat.
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@Relish I can easily Cynder throwing her arms up in exasperation at this point and storming her way to the orientation area, lol. And I'll be sure to have her toss in 'little' in some insulting form!

Might not get my post rolling till tomorrow, though. My brain is uncooperative atm x_X I blame it on anticipation for Game of Thrones season 4.
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Well since mistress is moving and bard is AWOL, I guess Mahina will be Cynder's partner. Sounds like fun :D
I can't guarantee a post today, but I may surprise myself O_O

Um, does it seem most of the others have vanished to anyone else??
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