VampireXVampire Hunter

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"that i have no idea.. all this counciil..vampire hunter, running, hiding it just feels like were drifting apart and theres nothing i can do about it"

He paused for a moment and looked at the floor

" mabey..."
"Maybe what?" She asked. "Tell me." She breathed, looking at him.
"i want to be just seems like were in eachothers way.."

He sighed and looked at her with no emotion
She looked at him with tear filled eyes. "What are you saying Ryder?" She choked out. She had a dreaded feeling she knew though. "Do you...want to seperate?" She whispered.
Ryder thought long and hard at her and sighed when he saw the tears he felt bad and pulled her into his arms

" im sorry i dont wanna loose you"
She pulled out of his embrace and stalked upstairs.

I'm not sure how much more of this I can take Ryder.

She snapped.

I don't want to loose you either but at the rate you're going...

She angrilly went into the kitchen and snatched up a big cutting knife before locking herself in the bathroom.
He ran after her and the door slammed in his face


He shouted banging on the door

what are you doing!? i..ugh would you stop i didint mean it as i was ending it i jsut dont know what to do to keep us
She leaned her head against the door, sitting on the tiled floor and dropped the kitchen knife with a clatter. She couldn't. She couldn't do that to Ryder. She buried her face in her hands.

I'm sorry.

She thought to him.

I can't leave you.

She wrapped her arms around her knees and curled up into a ball, to ashamed and scared to face him.
He broke the handle and opened the door pulling her up into his arms he held her tight

" please dont ever scare me like that..i love you"

He kissed her lips.
She sighed and parted her lips.

Now you know why I can't leave you.

She thought tiredly.
He pulled away and brought his arms around her

" yes i know now and im sorry i just feel like us cooped up together all day is making us act like a angry married couple"
She nodded and leaned rather heavily against him. Then she got an idea, which made her lips flick up in the smallest of smiles.

Maybe we could duke it out in the gym on the mat?

She looked up at him.
He smiled at the idea

" yes lets"

He took her hand and walked into the training room
She stepped onto the bright blue mat. She didn't have much in the way of fighting skills but she was doing this for Ryder. She got into what she thought was a fighting stance and waited, watching him with unwavering eyes.
He looked at her stance and laughed slightly and he got into his, he watched her closley

" make your move"
She titled her head slightly. "As you wish." She dropped to her hands and swung a kick at his feet, trying to knock him off his own. She missed and stood, kick with her other leg and forcing him backwards, her arms up and held in front of her face to protect her face and rib cage. She kept kicking at him, using a bit of her supernatural speed, missing him by inches.
He stubled back an inch he watched her movements his arms and body guarding and dodging at the same time, as she kicked he brought his leg and swooped under her's making her fall to the floor he looked at her and tilted his head

" your guard should be up everywhere at all time"
OOC: Did I ever get you the link to my mature rp? If I didn't I will get it to you.

She let out an "oof" as she landed on her back. When Ryder stood over her, she swung both legs up at him. "So should yours." She shot back, not sure if she got him or not.
( no send the link)

He leaned back as one of her foot hit his stomach but he caught her other foot tossing her into the bluse saftey wall

" i wont go easy"
She grunted. "I didn't expect you to." She aimed a few punches at his face and chest.