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"What the Hel--" Zein started, but was soon interrupted with a face full of feathers. The fury of his new opponent was overwhelming the sensors in his helmet, and therefor the cybernetic part of his mind couldn't comprehend with the attack. A few 'ERROR' messages popped up on his vision, and the grip of his two extra arms inadvertently loosened, giving Gem enough of a chance to break free from his hold. Tearing free from her end of the arm, she leaped strait for her attacker, ramming straight into his upper torso with her head. Crystal, however, wasn't so lucky-- she was flung into a nearby wall before getting a chance to escape, and landed right on top of poor Vector.
Tiana, still flapping at Zein's face, couldn't believe her idea actually worked, and if this wasn't such a dangerous situation, she would probably yell "YUS". She kept on flapping at him and started pecking his head. She even landed on his face a couple of times.
"Errrruug..." Crystal groaned, standing up and pulling herself off Vector. She took a step back, and as her sight pulled into focus, she realized that he was indeed hold a large battery. At the sight of this, an idea started to form in her head... "Vector, place that battery back inside Zein's device and turn it on. I have an idea." If what he built actually worked, then maybe she could use that against him, and possibly even teleport out of here.

"No, Crystal, that's not a good idea. You don't know what you're asking for!" Vector pleaded at her with his large blue eyes, clearly upset. "Trust me, you don't want to know where that machine will take you. I'm the one who designed it."

"I don't think we have much of a choice, now do we?" Crystal responded. She looked back over at the fight taking place, trying to see who was winning. Apparently, Gem was doing her best to hold Zein down while Tiana, who transformed into some different kind of bird, attacked his face. A slight smile crossed her face; this was quite a sight. Unfortunately, her smile soon faded away after reality came back to hit her in the face. Literally.

The remaining tentacle arm apparently gained a chance to reach out and slash Crystal across the face, though after she recoiled and shifted away, she was out of its reach again. Zein realized that his method of attack wasn't exactly working, and the two holding him back were greatly limiting his options. Attempting to solve this problem, he reached out and ripped Tiana off his face, slightly loosening the bands that kept his mask in place. Various scratches and puncture marks have been left over, showing that Tiana has indeed done quite some damage. Still attempting to keep Tiana under control, he retaliated against Gem, which sent her flying headfirst into a nearby pile of shrapnel.
"GRAAGH!" Tiana yelled and directed her pecky beak toward Zein's hand. She tried to transform into a bigger animal, but only ended up being a little larger of a bird she already was. She soon got even more furious and against her docile and quiet nature, started yelling at Zein. "WHY DO YOU WANNA DO THIS, JUST GET OUT OF MY WAY, YOU BIRD FACED JERK!", She started hitting Zein with her wings:"YOU'RE JUST A COWARD" She had a lot more on her mind to say, but she couldn't make it into words because of her rage. She kept on hitting him and muttering something only she could understand, screetching and growling at him.

EDIT: I gotz to go.. Bai!
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EDIT: Okay, bye! Hopefully we can continue tomorrow?


Unfortunately, Tiana's pecks didn't do much to Zein's hands except snap a few loose wires, considering that they (like most of his body) were artificial, and could not feel pain. Struggling to keep the screeching fluff in his grasp, he held her up to his level, "Who do you think you're calling bird-face, girl? After all, I'm not the only one in here with a beak." He considered swallowing Tiana whole, though a feeling told him that this feisty bird probably wouldn't go down so easy. Changing his mind, he released his grip on Tiana and flung her at Gem, who was still trying to regain her balance.

Meanwhile, Crystal was starting to panic. "Vector, hurry up! We're running out of time." She knew that Zein couldn't be contained forever, and it was just a matter of time before he broke free from her friends' grasp. As if to answer this statement, she turned and saw that he was already up and ready to strike her next. "Anytime now would be nice..!" She announced yet again. Vector was doing his best, moving and working as quickly as he could to insert the power source. He finally did, and now the last remaining option would be to flip the lever and hopefully send their enemy to who-knows-where.
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(Of course we're gonna continue! :bsmile:)


Even tho she knew Zein had a pretty good point, she kept on screetching and scratching until he threw her across the room.
"Ow!", Tiana hit the ground. Her five minutes were over and there wasn't much she could do.

"Uuugghhhh... That's it, I'm done.", she spread her wings across the ground, hoping to regain some strength. The only way for her to get some energy now was to transform into something larger, but she didn't have much juice to do that either. She occasionally tried to flap and get up, but she was drained. She could just sit there and hope nobody steps on her.

She was laying on the ground and looking around. She noticed Crystal and Vector messing around the machine."What the cabbage are they doing...!?"
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Gem, who finally managed to regain her balance, was knocked down yet again by a screeching bird of paradise that was thrown at her. Random, yet effective-- she fell down once more, landing beside Tiana. There wasn't much more she could do in this state, after all, she was still seeing stars from that last hit she took. Still laying down, she scooped up her drained companion and held her in her wing arms. Even though she may have often been a jerk to others, that was no excuse for being insensitive.

Crystal turned to see her two companions laying on a nearby heap. Trying to sound more confident than she actually felt, "Hang in there, I think we got this!" she said, trying to sound more confident than she really felt. In reality, she wasn't sure whether or not everyone would make it out. Oh, if only I was a better fighter! Then I could be of much more help. What she generally lacked in skill made up for in intelligence and strategy, though that didn't seem to help much in the current situation. If anything, she was afraid of using power. Pushing that thought aside, however, she stationing herself in front of the teleportation device, ready to perform a rather stupid stunt.

Unsheathing his sword for the first time, Zein recklessly charged at Crystal, blinded by rage and unaware of what was really happening. However, he realized his mistake too soon-- just as he was about to take a swipe at his enemy, she jumped strait over him whilst Vector immediately flipped the switch on. Zein had ran strait into the now fully-functioning teleportation device, which was operated by a large, swirling celestial portal. He was gone.
Tiana was feeling rather awkward in Gem's clutches, but she was far too drained to do anything. She was not moving at all, just breathing and releasing an occasional quiet chirp.

The sound of the teleportation machine made her suddenly open her eyes and look at what was going on. She was rather confused and her vision was pretty blurry. Tiana slowly raised her little shivering avian head, and managed to stutter:"W-what-t j-just happ- happened?". She then put her head on the ground and closed her eyes once again.
After falling flat on her back from her previous stunt, Crystal reared upwards and stood on her feet once more. She felt incredibly fatigued; not because of fighting, but because of the suspense that kept her heart beating at a high rate. Instinctively, she looked down and saw that her usually dark blue underbelly was stained red with blood. Apparently, despite her best efforts, Zein still managed to slash her right across the chest before being teleported away. Gathering her sense of will, she slowly paced over to check on her friends, "Is... is everyone alright?" she questioned. This seemed like a strange thing to ask, considering that most beings in this room were just mauled by an angry cybernetic bird, though it never hurt to make sure.

"Oh, yeah... everything's great. Other than seeing stars and being drained of will, we're all just fine." Gem replied, clearly being sarcastic. "Though seriously, you should check on Tiana. She doesn't look too good." On that statement, Gem opened her wings and placed Tiana down, then went back to swatting at the invisible stars floating around her head.

Frowning with concern, Crystal leaned over the limp Tiana to answer her previous question, "Everything is fine now. Zein's gone, having been teleported somewhere far away." At least for now, she thought, not daring say this last part out loud. Turning to face Vector, she continued, "Vector, do you have any shards that we can use on Tiana? Either energy or health will do." Vector was now sitting in a desk area, apparently observing the celestial portal with great interest. "Uh-huh, yeah." he said, clearly not paying much attention. Despite this, however, he picked up a nearby energy shard laying on his desk and tossed it to Crystal, who then handed it to Tiana.

"Try touching this green shard. It should reinvigorate you and give you enough energy to transform back." Crystal said. Once her friend here was healed, she would ask for a shard for herself. Her injury could wait-- after all, it couldn't be so bad since she had enough will to move around.
Tiana quietly squawked and reached for the shard with her little scaly foot. Soon after she shook her head."Woah.. That was funky".

Seconds later she transformed into her old dragon self, still laying in place. She still seemed pretty beat-up. She was filthy, her mane was really shaggy and her wings were bruised. She had three little scratch marks on her back from the cyber bird's grip.
"Uuuuuggghhhh.... my wings hurt..", Tiana looked around with her half-closed eyes. "I think I'm just gonna lay down here for awhile.."She scooted and squirmed around until she got into a somewhat comfortable position.

She was obviously more hurt than tired. Zein threw her pretty well. Even after getting her ''dose of energy'' from the shard Crystal gave her, transforming into a dragon right from a tiny bird in such a condition tired her out. Tiana's wings and back hurt pretty bad, but she tried to hide her pain.

She then focused her eyes on Crystal's gash. After staring at it for a few seconds, she looked away with a weird expression.. "Dude, get that.. thing fixed.. It looks pretty bad.. I feel a bit dizzy." >_<
(Eheh... sorry in advance, but this is part of the main conflict.)


Crystal nodded and left Tiana to recover. She then went over to Vector's desk, who didn't seem to care that she was taking all his shards. She picked up a random health shard laying around, and placed it against her wound. The cut immediately started to heal and she instantly felt better, though not perfect. After tossing yet another shard to Gem for her to use as well, she turned to stared at the celestial portal out of curiosity. It hypnotically swirled around, a beautiful sight that kept her attention. "Where does this go?" she wondered out loud. Vector made it sound like it lead to a horrible place, though Crystal had her doubts. How bad could it be?

Suddenly, what appeared to be a silver snake shot out from the portal and grabbed onto her, trying to drag her to the other side! Wait... this isn't a silver snake. It was-- "You have got to be kidding me!" Crystal shrieked, "Vector, close the portal! CLOSE IT NOW!" Apparently, Zein wasn't quite finished yet. Somewhere form the other side, he was clinging onto the edge of their world, caught between two dimensions. And even though he didn't say anything, the message was clear-- If he was going down, he was bringing Crystal with him.
(ok... o-o' By the way sorry. Pretty short.)
Tiana was laying there and trying to fall asleep. She was just on the edge of dreaming when she was awaken by Crystal's yelling.

"WOAH. WOAH DUDE. WHAT THE BLEEP BLOP IS THAT?!", Tiana flinched and pushed herself away from the thing that was pulling Crystal into the portal.
Gem immediately dashed forward, having recovered enough strength thanks to that shard that Crystal tossed to her. Reaching out, she grabbed her distressed friend, who was grasping the floor with her claws for dear life. "Kick him! Struggle! Do Something!" Gem ordered all the while trying to pull her out. Crystal was about halfway through the portal now, and if Gem got any closer, she was afraid that she's be sucked in as well. Why did physics have to be so cruel?

Crystal obeyed Gem's suggestions, but it did no use. The tentacle's grip around her tail wouldn't budge, and Zein was too far inside the portal to be kicked. As a last resort, Crystal sharply turned her head to the portal's direction and began spewing bursts of Storm inside, hoping to hit her attacker. One of the shots must've landed, because she heard a sharp "SNAP" coming from inside, along with some electrical error noises. The arm broke in two, releasing its hold on Crystal's tail.

However, the gravity emitting from inside the portal was more than a match for both Gem's and Crystal's strength. Wherever it lead, the place must've had a much heavier gravity than that of Aurophia's. Crystal, being able to hold on no longer, slipped and fell into the portal behind...
(sorry. a very short one again. ;-;)

EDIT: I gotta go.. Cya tomorrow!
Goddangit! And just when I thought things were gonna be peaceful for once!
Tiana tried to drag herself to Crystal, but didn't make it farther than half a meter. Once she was sucked down the portal, she was staring at it in confusion.

O_O "Uuuuuuhhhhhhhh....................?"
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(Don't worry, you're fine. ^^)
(Okay, bye!)


After witnessing both of her friends being sucked into who-knows-where, she snapped out of her shock and whirled around to face Vector. "Why? Why didn't you close the portal!" she began, "This is your fault!" Of course, Gem didn't really blame Vector for this mishap-- she just refused to blame herself. But, after seeing the hurt expression on his face, "I didn't mean that last one." she apologized.

Vector, however, was still hurt and looked close to tears. He didn't mean to let them fall! "I-I'm sorry!" he squeaked, "I was just so engrossed in my own activities, I just didn't have enough time to..." he trailed off at this last sentence. Gem, on the other hand, wasn't the least bit interested in his groveling. She began to make her way to the portal. "Wait, what do you think you're doing?!" Vector yelled at the sight of this.

"I'm going to find them." she responded, not taking her eyes off the target. "You stay here and try to find a way to bring us back, got it?" but she didn't wait for an answer. Instead, Gem jumped strait into the portal, and into the unknown.

* * * * *
* * * * *
Location: Earth
(See my first post for an image of Noah.)


Noah Harrison is a middle-aged human, standing around 5'4 with brown hair and deep brown eyes. He wears a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans, and a light brown trench coat that covers his arms and back. Recently, he had been working as an amateur detective officer, but has broken his arm on the job and been hospitalized for days. Unfortunately, he simply couldn't work with a broken arm, so instead of going back to his usual schedule, he was permitted to take the week off. That is, until his arm properly recovered, which was still in a cast. Noah took this chance to visit the Rocky Mountains National Park and reconnect with nature, despite the fact that he wasn't much of a nature-lover. The drive on the way there was long, but not too bad considering that he already lived in Colorado, which is also where an entrance to the park is located. There, he rented a nice seven-day cabin in the woods to begin his recreational activities. At first, Noah had trouble adjusting to his new environment, having no electricity or decent phone service, though he soon found that is wasn't all that bad. He only had few animal encounters, most of which had been some small wildlife, nothing too threatening. Oh well, things could always be worse, right?

Which bring us to now.

This was his third day in the cabin, and morning has already passed. He sat up from his rather messily-made bed and hauled himself into a different room, sleep still flooding his eyes. The day looked promising-- the sun was shining, the woods looked empty, and the air was cool and refreshing from this altitude. Yes, this looked like a great day to go hiking or perform some other sort of recreational activity. After all, his arm was feeling much better as time passed, and as soon as it healed, he would have to leave and return to police duty. He stood pondering this thought for a moment, but his train of though was quickly interrupted due to a loud CRASH coming from outside. He yelled in surprise and fell backward, flat on his back. Quickly pulling himself back up, "What in blazes--!" he shouted to no one in particular. This wasn't part of recreation, was it?

Peering out of a nearby window, Noah gazed upon a large crater in the back woods. What could've caused this? he wondered. Cautiously, he slipped out from the back door to get a better look at this new attraction. Squinting from a reasonable distance away, what he saw stunned the living daylights out of him-- there appeared to be a GIANT BLUE REPTILE laying in the crater right behind his cabin! Turning back, he slammed the door and leaned against it, hoping that whatever the animal was didn't notice him.
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Crystal had just crash-landed from the sky, flung strait out of the portal that sucked her through. SNAP, CRASH, BOOM! On the way down, she slid and hit various trees and rocks, each inflicting a stab of pain for every contact made. Her involuntary movement finally came to a halt, resulting in a large crater in what appeared to be somewhere within the woods, though it was hard to tell due to her blurred vision. Where in the worlds am I? And did anyone else had end up in the same area me? she wondered. However, considering that she hasn't been killed yet, it was likely that Zein ended up somewhere else. She didn't know whether or not anyone else decided to jump in after her, so it was impossible to tell if Gem or Tiana were here as well. But, if they were, she could only hope that they were nearby.

Filled with a sense of dread and longing, Crystal soon decided to just stay where she was. After all, she had no idea where she was, and she really didn't feel like adjusting to the new gravity at the moment. No, for the time being, she was just wanted to stay in this position, and hope that no hostiles would discover her. She then curled up into a semi-circle, tucking her head under one wing, and tried to gain some rest.
Tiana just stared at the place Gem used to be at a few seconds ago with a shocked expression. "I ain't goin' in there...", she put her head on the ground and tried to sleep.
She was pretty positive about Crystal and Gem being able to survive wherever that portal took them. She was pretty jacked up, so she couldn't really help them anyway. Not before a good rest, at least.

*after several units of time*(yeah, I dunno xD)
Darnit, I can't sleep on this dirt! Tiana slowly rose her head and looked at Vector. "So.... Whatcha doin' there?",she asked shyly. "How are you going to get Crystal and Gem back from.. Where did that portal take them anyway?"
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Vector adjusted his glasses and looked over at Tiana, "The portal goes to... Earth. Aurophians used to warp there in the Early Ages, back when dragons were a lot bigger. It's a really primitive planet, dotted with castles, villages, and many types of human warriors called 'Knights". Unfortunately, the expedition didn't go too well since the inhabitants slain all of our dragon settlers." Vector paused for a moment, then continued, "Then again, it's been centuries since any dragon has set foot there, so I don't know whether or not any evolution took place. After all, we became a lot smaller and more intelligent as time passed. For all we know, Earth may not be that bad anymore." On that last statement, he stopped talking and hoped that he didn't scare away Tiana with his history lecture.
(I had a dream last night involving Crystal and the Defenders. o-o)

"You sent Zein to Earth? You sent ZEIN to EARTH?!" Tiana stared at Vector with an expression that said ''you gotta be kidding me''.
"You know, I just happen to live there. o-o"

Tho what you were talking about seems like the human dimension.. Still not very good. I'm not sure but I think Zein would be just powerful enough to make a war.. Still, I'm not really sure. It's the human dimension anyway.. Hopefully''..
She began mumbling something in fear of making herself look stupid by blabbing her incredibly paranoid views out loud.
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