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Unreliable Soldier

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
  • Start date
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Xenia took a shuddering breath, looking back into his eyes. I can't tell him.. She told herself, but the words were uttered anyway. "I..I'm a demon.."
"Wh-What?" He breathed softly. It was crazy but he believed her. He really had no choice. Her behavior when she first awoke was proof enough. It was all a shock. He sat back, sort of slumped and sighed. If she was a demon what was she doing here on earth. Werent they supposed to reside in hell? "W-W-Well what a-are you doing h-here?" His question was worded crudely and he sort of flinched at that. It sounded a lot worse than what he meant to.
Xenia shook her head. "I..I can't...I..I won't...they can't....they can't make me..." her gaze dropped to the floor as she hugged her knees closer to her.
Isiah felt his heart break. Obviously she was sent here to do something she didn't believe in. No one should ever be in that situation. He could tell from her mannerisms that she just wanted to go home. Isiah sat next to Xenia, and pulled her into his lap, rubbing her bad kindly. "Its o-o-okay." He said softly. "I-IF you want i-i could he-help you, maybe?"
Xenia leaned against him, still curled up, but relaxing slightly. His movements were comforting. "Y-you'll get...get hurt.." she said quietly. "I...I can't let that...that happen..."
Isiah didn't say anything back. There was a very large possibility, and in his mind a certainty, that this would result in pain. The general stereotype with demons was pain. He sighed softly. He'd help her out despite that. She was just a victim in this it seemed. "Dont, w-worry about i-it." He whispered. His eyelids grew heavy as it went on later in the day. He had school tomorrow. Maybe he'd ask his friend for help. He was pretty smart, perhaps he could figure something out. Before Isiah knew it, his cheek leaned on the top of Xenia's and he was asleep.
Xenia sat there for a little bit before shifting, hugging Isiah gently. After a moment, she was no longer in his lap, but he was in her arms. She rested him on the bed, tucking the covers over him before she sat at the foot of the bed. She curled up, closing her eyes, and she was asleep almost immediately. His bed was soft and warm..this was the second time she ever slept in a bed.
Isiah woke up curled up in his bed. He shot up. That's not where he fell asleep! He looked around frantically for Xenia. He sighed relieved seeing her at the foot of his bed. A soft smile formed on his face as he watched her sleep peacefully. He got out of bed, tucking her into the spot he had just been occupying and grabbed clothes to change into. He quietly left the room and headed to the shower. He peaked into his mothers room to find her fast asleep in her bed, before entering the bathroom to shower.
Xenia curled up under the blankets, still asleep. Her knees where hugged to her chest by her arms, and her face was hidden against her knees. The clothes he had let her borrow were comfortable and warm.
Isiah returned to his room fully dressed. He chuckled softly seeing her still asleep. Kneeling next to the bed he placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking her gently. "Xenia...wake up." He whispered softly. Isiah hadn't even noticed he didn't stutter that time.
Xenia's eyes flickered a little as she yawned. Stretching, she sat up, rubbing her eyes sleepily. "Whyyyyy..." she mumbled sleepily.
Isiah laughed softly. "I have to go to school. I'll see you after okay." Isiah stared at her wide eyed. He finally noticed it. His stutter....it was gone. He didn't mess up a single word. He beamed an excited smile at the realization.
Xenia hesitated a moment but nodded. "Ok-kay.." she hugged him, nuzzling his shoulder. "What's wrong?" she asked quietly at his stare.
"I...didn't stutter." He whispered hugging her back. He tucked his face into her shoulder tightening his hold. It wasn't proven but he knew she had something to do with it. He'd been stuttering his entire life and then she pops into his life and its gone. He released her after a few elongated seconds with a happy smile. "See ya later." There was no doubt in Isiah's mind that his stutter would come back at school, but around Xenia it went away. It was strange but he didn't mind one bit.
Xenia hesitantly let go. "See ya.." she said quietly before grabbing his hand. She slipped a small bracelet out of her pocket, made of a black wire with a yellow thread wrapped around it. "Wear this..." she smiled softly as she put it on him."Y-you won't stutter."
Isiah paused shocked. A smile slipped onto his face. A faint blush tinted his cheeks as he fingered the bracelet on his wrist. "Thank you....so much." He place a soft kiss on her cheek. It was impulsive and so not his nature. Isiah waved goodbye and hurried out of his room. Downstairs he sighed softly, blush still in place as he waited for his bus. He sat alone until he got to school. He needed to find someone to help Xenia.
Xenia was surprised by his gentle kiss on her cheek. She watched as he walked out before she sighed softly. "I won't let them hurt you.." she yawned, curling up and going back to sleep.
(ooc: I have no cute what's going on, but I'll post.)

Liam walked up to a bus stop, he's transfer student. He hadn't been here in this town for a long time. He moved far away to a big city and finally came back.he never said goodbye to his old friends. He walked up to the bus stop with his headphones blaring Bring Me The Horizon, and just stood their. He didn't recognize anyone but he didn't look at them to well anyway.
Xenia sat up only a few minutes later, having woken up and unable to sleep any more. She stretched slightly and stood, looking around. She remembered how he had used the small remote for the tv...she sat at the foot of the bed, carefully turning the TV on and changing it to a nature channel, where she tilted her head slightly and watched.
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