Unity of the Universe | Animesque Ben 10 AU | OoC

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I have two ideas...well...two different pictures that I can use...they aren't really complete ideas yet. =^.^=

We could figure something together out if you showed us dem pictures.

Not sure about the first image but the second one could work for two characters who play off one another (kind of like one of my characters who share a single image of one character as they are identical)
If I were to use the second image it would only be the female, as I don't usually have male character's unless necessary '^.^
First one fits the setting. An ordinary, innocent girl who wants to join thr club. You could make her a high schooler who's often mistaken for a child, but that's just my two cents.

Second one could work for twin antagonists, or twins of some sort in general.
If I were to use the second image it would only be the female, as I don't usually have male character's unless necessary '^.^

Alright then, we will help you out with just the female then
First one fits the setting. An ordinary, innocent girl who wants to join the club. You could make her a high schooler who's often mistaken for a child, but that's just my two cents.
Ooo, I like this idea. =^.^=

Alright then, we will help you out with just the female then
I would appreciate some ideas, but I don't really need them, character creation is my specialty. =^.^=

Riho Inai
Role in Story
Club Member
Year one higher secondary(also known as first year high-schooler)
Riho's most notable trait, aside from her shyness, is her curiosity. She loves learning new things, and will often go to great lengths to learn new stuff. She doesn't like being around large crowds of people, she's fine if there's only two-five, but if she were to be seen at a party...well...she actually probably wouldn't be seen because she would likely be hiding in a closet somewhere. Some view her as somewhat childish, mostly due to her fashion choices, and the fact that she is always carrying around a stuffed cat that she's rather attached to.
The first thing one should know about Riho's past is that she was born pre-maturely, about a month so. As a result, she has always been less developed than other kids her age. The doctors told her parents that even though she survived the birthing process, she likely wouldn't survive the first year. She proved the doctors wrong, but her parent's, fearing she wouldn't live as full a life as other kids, pampered and spoiled her the best they could. On her fifth birthday, she asked her parents for a cat, but since she was allergic to them, they could not grant her wish. Upon hearing of this, her grandfather who owned a toy store, sent her a stuffed cat which she has rarely parted with since. Other than her pampered lifestyle, she has had a fairly normal life.
Many people often tease Riho and pretend to think she's a child, while those that don't know her genuinely confuse her for such. Standing at a height of 1.15 meters, and weighing only 69.5lbs(healthy for her size) she doesn't have much of a presence. Her skin is pale, eyes amber, hair blue(sshh). Her hair is long and straight. As for her outfit, it's usually a sailor style school uniform, with white over the knee stockings, and black school girl shoes(I don't know the proper name). She is sometimes seen wearing a hooded sweater with cat ears on the hood, and a tail on the back, though not always. While not part of her outfit, she is rarely seen without her stuffed cat.
Azmi(her stuffed cat)
Skills & Abilities
Fast learner - Riho is very curios, and as such, she tends to learn a lot of stuff, and catches on to many things quickly.
Chef - Riho took a two-week class on cooking once, and learned quiet a bit. As a result, she's a decent cook. Her best dishes are of the sweet variety, but she can make actual meal's as well.
Other Information
Will edit if needed. =^.^=
Sorry for double post

Your app's all good. I suppose we could work out how she stumbles upon the other characters/joins the Paranormal Activity Club.

Your app's all good. I suppose we could work out how she stumbles upon the other characters/joins the Paranormal Activity Club.

Actually, that's something we can discuss with all of our characters (who aren't evil, with the IGA, or plumbers that is)
I'm still around. Dont you worry!

Say, would you accept the chance to play a potential fourth or fifth Omnitrix Wielder if given it?

Say, would you accept the chance to play a potential fourth or fifth Omnitrix Wielder if given it?

I would accept it, though I'd probably prefer fifth over fourth. I don't have any plans for an Omnitrix Wielder and rather have a bit more time to properly think of one before adding them to the roster of characters in here :P

(Also, am really hoping that having a Petrosapien among my list of aliens would be acceptable. I'm quite the Diamondhead fan :P )
Hmmm, i'm think more and more about Zaran's cover... Like.... where is he going to live? how dose he get around without any money? and how dose he even use the XMD in such a populated area?
Hmmm, i'm think more and more about Zaran's cover... Like.... where is he going to live? how dose he get around without any money? and how dose he even use the XMD in such a populated area?

Well, if he has the appearance of a 13 year old in his human form, perhaps he would've been adopted into a household and keeps his alien form hidden? Maybe one of the adoptive siblings would actually be in and help him keep his secret?

(I'm also a fan of adding complexity to existing scenarios :D )
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Perhaps he could have re-purposed his crashed ship, making it seem like a normal house with cloaking tech? Azmuth cloaked his ship to appear as a semi, so it would be entirely plausible, depending on size of the ship it could appear as an actual house, or an RV.

Nim's Idea is pretty good too. and more plausible, because with his amnesia I'm not sure he would remember how to use his ship's cloaking tech, or if it even has it in the first place :3
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Perhaps he could have re-purposed his crashed ship, making it seem like a normal house with cloaking tech? Azmuth cloaked his ship to appear as a semi, so it would be entirely plausible, depending on size of the ship it could appear as an actual house, or an RV.

Nim's Idea is pretty good too. and more plausible, because with his amnesia I'm not sure he would remember how to use his ship's cloaking tech, or if it even has it in the first place :3

Seeing as he lost his memory after crash landing, it's doubtful much of anything is functioning other than MAYBE the on board guidance systems... Translation, he was lucky to have even survived it was one hell of a crash. He could salvage them for late though to make gear like that though... and with utilizing Nim's idea I might be able to come up with something.

Well, if he has the appearance of a 13 year old in his human form, perhaps he would've been adopted into a household and keeps his alien form hidden? Maybe one of the adoptive siblings would actually be in and help him keep his secret?

(I'm also a fan of adding complexity to existing scenarios :D )

I have actually have thought about the idea of a foster home for a while now, but wasn't sure if Crow would like the idea or not. having the foster parents be former plumbers. Though the thought of having a sibling into the mix never crossed me... Let's see what Crow has to say about this. I'd like to have their input as well.

These are both good ideas too btw.
I have actually have thought about the idea of a foster home for a while now, but wasn't sure if Crow would like the idea or not. having the foster parents be former plumbers. Though the thought of having a sibling into the mix never crossed me... Let's see what Crow has to say about this. I'd like to have their input as well.

Well, I wasn't thinking of Plumber parents or any plumbers at all really. Even the Sibling would be the actual child of the parents, not an actual sibling of Zaran's species. Just a kid who would be super psyched to be keeping such a secret.
@TyranntX if you want to go the cloaking device route, you could lose memory, but retain skill, then ponder, 'how'd I do that?'.

If you want to mix in the former Plumber parents thing, here's an idea.

Zachary Brooks "happens" to look like their long-lost son. Other details in this idea can cover the method of how they found him.

By 'happens' I mean the first human Plumbers had contributed their genes into the gene pool of the Codon Stream for human DNA, and his foster family descended from these large bunch of first human Plumbers.

For regular adoptive parents, I guess we could have a little thing where his sister-to-be finds one of his alien forms or Zachary in a box in the rain and decides to bring him in.
@TyranntX if you want to go the cloaking device route, you could lose memory, but retain skill, then ponder, 'how'd I do that?'.

If you want to mix in the former Plumber parents thing, here's an idea.

Zachary Brooks "happens" to look like their long-lost son. Other details in this idea can cover the method of how they found him.

By 'happens' I mean the first human Plumbers had contributed their genes into the gene pool of the Codon Stream for human DNA, and his foster family descended from these large bunch of first human Plumbers.

For regular adoptive parents, I guess we could have a little thing where his sister-to-be finds one of his alien forms or Zachary in a box in the rain and decides to bring him in.

In regaurds to Zaran's "Zackary" ... I have a thought about his omnitrix... Would Azmuth be annoyed, or horrified that an Arian is in possession of one of his creations? many other aliens have a prejudice towards them wither being envious of their intellect, spiteful of their population (in regards of how many colonies they have in their home galaxy), or fearful of their power. or would Azmuth not even be interested in this at all? just a thought for lore building

As for what I'm going to do, I'll go with the second option and have the foster parents be former plumbers. As I like the idea you came up with