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"No!! Let me go!!" Struggles against her cuffs. Unable to break loose she waits, when he puts his hands on her shoulders she just shrugs them off. "Don't touch me!"
Blair watches in the corner of the room where Dracula hasn't even noticed her yet. She just stands there hoping he will soon. She rather not get yelled at.
Dracula reaches out a hand and beckons Blair over with a finger. Then he places his hands firmly on her shoulders. " I bested the mans body, but not his heart. And whst better way to know a man then to know those he surrounds himself with? I know you won't give me any info on him, that's not what I want. Knowing how much you'll take and whst you will tell shall give me insight on him."
Blair walks over to Dracula nervous. 'What is going to do? What's he going to say." Her heart pounds faster with every step she take toward him.
Snarls at him as he talks, "let me go!! i wont give you anything!!" Struggling frantically against her bonds, feels her wrists getting raw as she struggles.
Ella left her father's castle with a few guard fairies. They would be able to summon the others in a few seconds whenever Ella gave the signal. She returned to Dracula's castle. Ella walked into the throne and bowed. "I'm back with my men." she told him.
Satisfied with the meeting he looked at Chronos. "Very well and i thank you my friend." Jumping atop the mare he waited for the red guard to come to his side and looked at the rest of the lycans.
The red guard may have been lycan but they were trained to fight by the same masters that trained him and they had grown up with him .The 7 general in his army"Chronos we will be meeting in my war room to discuss battle plans.

This war will be wrote down in history."smiling he turned around Ivy "they fight for honor,protect the weak,and loyalty.These are all virtues of the light " he thought to himself. Today was a good day the mens morale would be high once they learn they do not fight alone.
Pausing for a moment. he looked at chronos "You and your Clan are welcome in my home,I will declare such an order.But i must insist that you all be blessed by the Cleric she willl make sure your thoughts and actions cannot be controlled by anyone other than your selves.This way Your actions are your own."Talk to the red guard they are all blessed as is any soldier within the walls " .
Just because they're blessed, doesn't mean they believe it. Chronos thought, looking at the red guards and nodding. They nodded in return before falling in behind Hector, waiting for orders. "Most of my clan will stay in these woods, Hector, we don't assosiate with humans often, an old inbred law from before my father's time. Besides, you wouldn't be able to house all of my father's clan." It wasn't my clan, wouldn't be till my father was dead, but there were many more than the ones he could see here.

I rolled my shoulder, motioning to the five lycans around me. The others faded back out into the trees and we followed Hector back to his castle. "And the only way we can be controled is if we ourselves allow it. Or, in the case of Dracula, if we are bitten and only half drained. As my father was."
Dracula watched as she struggled. " oh really. Give it time little one." How much pain could she take before she said something? He removes a red hit fire poker from the flames and shows her the tip. " I wonder where I can put this? Any ideas?"
"do you really think that fire and heat will hurt me? i am practically made of heat and fire!" Continues to struggle against her bonds as he gets closer.
OOC: adding another character that'll be against Drac if that's alright. (You're welcome Blaise ^_^)

Rusti was sitting in an ally way disguised as a hobo. He sat there begging for money, but really he was begging for patience. He was waiting for his black market connections to show up, and they were taking too damn long. It wasn't until a slip nearly burnt paper fell into his begging cup. He picked it up and it read "Room 56." Rusti knew exactly what that meant. He got up and made his way to old motel four blocks down. He got to the room, looked around to make sure he wasn't in anyone's line of sight, and immediately started picking the lock of the room door. He walked in and closed it behind him. He flipped the light switch, only to see a room filled with weapons and gadgets of all kinds. It was of his choosing for which one he would use for this mission. He turned around to face the door of the room once more and spotted a note stuck to the eye hole. He read it closely"Kill the one named Dracula. Take as long as needed, and do what must be done."

Rusti slipped out of his disguise and into the black suit and red tie that was left in the closet of the room. He pulled on his black leather gloves. He strapped on a hidden blade for each wrist, then picked up two silver silence pistols. He slipped those into his gun holder that was hidden under his blazer. He then picked up a silenced commando and put it into a brief case that was left for him, he slipped a few explosives in there also. He closed the brief case and locked it. He walked outside looking around. He flipped some sunglasses out and put them on. Then got into the car provided for him. He casually entered the Ferrari and drove off to find Dracula.
Dracula pressed the fire poker on her arm " this isn't normal fire, you see though it glows, it's quite cold. Give it a moment to seep into your flesh." He motioned to Blaire " I need you to make a special meal for our guest we will use her anguish to lure the others."
Feels the cold seeping through her body like a virus. She couldnt handle cold she was made for heat, her body told her to scream out to thrash to make him stop but she refused. Her vision turned blury yet again from pain and she started to shiver. Finally the cold got to her, "please!! stop it!! its cold please!!" Thrashes about in her seat trying to yank her arm away from the terrible bone chilling cold. She couldnt stand cold, never couldve and now it was the only thing she could feel.
" rotted flesh without pumpkin make it raw." He turns his attention back to Blaise. " tell me why the light and not the dark. You know I have the power, he can't possiable this is a game where the outcome has already been foreseen." He removes the poker and places it back in the fire. " how does it feel kitty?"
Blair nods and comes back what he asked for. "Weirest and grossest meal you asked for in my life. Just saying."
" now now Blair, it's for the ghouls. Take it outside they can feast. They help guard the castle as well. How are your studies on that orb like I asked?"
Blair sighs. "Somebody burned the living book that showed me the orb. Good thing I saved the poor thing before it died. I wonder who would do such a thing to the poor creature." Walkss out and leaves the flesh outside and runs back in.
Looks down at her arm, there is a purple mark where the poker was. Hissing and pinning back her ears she glares at him, "what reasons do I have to answer you?" Tries to keep the pain out of her voice as she speaks.
Turning the mare he rode away from the woods the entire Red Guard and this Chronos.
Blaise weighed heavy on his mind he could only imagine the tortures she was enduring .
Stopping the entourage He looked west towards Castle Dracul.

"Blaise be strong ,I am coming",when the guard halted they all looked the same direction.
No Doubt the magnitude of what they were about to undertake weighed upon their minds as well. The y had children and families of their own .

Hector looked upon the Red Guard some of them including himself may not come home.
Almost speaking he elected to respect the silence the quiet would be a luxury lost to them soon enough.Taking the time to ponder ,maybe he would have a family of his own some day.
Pushing such thoughts away he could only smile ,His legion was the finest in the land. They fought for justice,honor,love,and all that was holy.
Spurring Ivy towards home he had preparations to make.
When the gate was lowered he summoned Aris and asked her to bless the newcomer.
He called and sent messengers in all directions a call to arms..

Riding to the War Room he jumped down from Ivy's back and went inside. Running hgis fingertips along the oak top he traced the Family symbol that had been Cut into the wood so long ago. Though it was hardly ever used there was no dust and the faint smell of wood polish still lingered in the air. The chairs was hardwood none more extravagant than the other. Those that entered here were treated as equals and everyone's voice would be heard.
Hues fell upon the map that lay sprawled out then to the fresh parchment and the full inkwells at each seat. on the map each city and every stronghold were labeled either by name or their respective banners.
Aris had entered shortly after and began canting in Latin various wards No sound would escape this room from any opening.
She bowed her head slightly "Its is done" she said quietly as she took a seat at the table. Hector only stared out of one of the windows eyes falling on the castle of darkness...