Under The Influence

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"Can we go home today?" Kate asked softly, her head rested down on the pillow and her body still a little sore. Still, she wanted to get out of this place and have their privacy. As much as Kate loved Daniel, she knew that being together, she and Kestreel, would be the best healing for them both. Kate was just happy that her Russian wasn't angry or upset about the loss; not excessively, anyways. Kate admired his strength.

Eventually drove home, Kestreel borrowing one of Daniel's cars until he bought them another one. And despite the fact that Kate was fully capable of walking he carried her up all the flights of stairs, putting her on the sofa and allowing her to relax.
Kate turned on the TV and happily snuggled against the couch cushions, glad to be home in their little apartment, acting like nothing had even changed. Maybe they were without a child now, but things would eventually return as they always did. She drifted in and out of sleep for a while, accepting some soup and water, before the newscast caught her attention.

A woman with stiff looking black hair reported, "new updates on the grenade and shooting in the downtown core. Rick Raperty, one of the victims, has officially come off of life support."
Kate shot up in her seat and immediately turned up the volume. Rick?
"There is still no word on the culprit but Raperty is giving no further information. The brothers were apart of a drug ring, and authorities imagine that a bad deal was the cause. There is also no sign of the women that they checked into Motel Nine with, though police presume is also dead."
Kestreel looked at the tv over his laptop. How could that guy survived? Kestreel knew he should have made sure they were dead, but in the rush of the moment, he only thought in getting his little girl out of there. Well, in the news they didn't said anything about that guy talking about who shoot at them, but Kestreel knew that guy had to die, because it was a matter of time before he wanted even more revenge or the cops made him talk.

Kestreel then looked at Kate, still thinking how to kill that guy. It was not going to be as 'simple' as before, from now on that guy was going to be surrounded by the police at all times, and knowing the drug dealers as good as he did, Kestreel knew that guy was not going to have a really bad time in prison. All the opposite, he even made it out of prison with more money he walked in in the first place!
Kate felt absolutely sick. Rick had managed to kidnap her, kill their baby, and get out looking like a victim? She felt positively ill thinking that a man that had taken such an innocent little life could get away with it. Despite the fact that there was no longer life inisde, Kate's small hand flew to her belly, pressing against the spot that had once held their child. The child that they would never get to cherish and love, the child had Rick and Paul had killed. Kate's heart accelerated with rage and she looked at Kestreel.

"How could he get away with this?!" she cried, balling up the blanket in her fists and feeling her chest begin to tighten. There was no revenge in this world? He had killed their child, tried to kill them both too, and now he was getting away with it? Kate knew that without Kestreel's fast thinking she'd surely be dead... so why did this man get off scratch free?

Falling back into her pillow, Kate stared up at the ceiling. She murmured, "promise me you won't let him get away with this, baby." Kate had never hated someone as much as she hated Paul and Rick... they had taken away the life inside of her, with any sort of mercy or remorse. They hadn't considered her body and how it would react to their torture. And even if they didn't know of her child, Kate didn't care. It hadn't mattered. They would have killed it anyways.
When Kestreel didn't say anything, Kate bit her lip and sat up again. She tugged on his shirt kiss, catching his attention, "I want to help you. As far as I'm concerned, that man is my worst enemy."
Kestreel looked at Kate. "Help me? Help me with what?" That girl wasn't meaning help him kill that guy, right? "You are not helping me with my job." Stated him getting up and walking to the kitchen. For him Kate was a innocent girl, who had to go though a really hard time, but that didn't meant he was going to take her to kill people with him. No way, Kate was too important for him to risk her life like that.

But yet again, he did risked his life, and that probably made Kate feel really bad and lonely while he was gone, not knowing if he will ever come back. Still, there was no way he could teach her all the things he knew. He took many years to be as good as he is now, and teaching that kind of things was neither short nor pleasant. But, was he really thinking about teaching her? No, that was not right. Period.
Kate sighed and stared at Kestreel's back as he retreated. She figured that response would be expected - it was not like she was well versed in shooting guns or killing in general. In fact, she had never shut a gun in her life. But Kate did know the underground city like the back of her hand; Mark had always been dealing with drug dealers and criminals, and she had gotten to know their personalities and routines well. Still, Kate knew that it was going to take a lot of convincing to let Kestreel bring her along.

Slowly, the young woman stood from the couch and discarded the blanket. She found Kestreel in the kitchen and she sat on the counter, watching him carefully. She assumed he was mad at her for suggesting something like that but Kate was dead serious. She wanted to be the reason their baby was avenged.

"Kest," Kate whispered, swinging her legs slightly, "just think about it. I'm not the little innocent girl you make me out to be. I know these people, and I know how they function. I used to be one of them. It's like I want to come on every job with you... just this one. Plus, I am a woman, and we all know that most men cannot resist a female in skimpy clothing or offering cheap sex. I could be bait for all I care! Just let me do this."
Kestreel wasn't sure about this. Kate had a point, but still... "It's too dangerous, Princess..." Muttered him, but not even his words had the strength to convince him. Anyway, getting to someone who was always surrounded by cops was not going to be any easy. How were they going to get near him? Sure it would be easier with a cute lady like Kate, still...

He was sure he was going to regret this choice some time. Sooner or later, but the time would come when his decision to take her with him into this personal revenge journey would come, and it won't be pretty, that's for sure. "Alright, but just this one." Said him, accepting her to help him take care of that guy who killed their baby. Then Kestreel began to explain her the issue, that getting to that guy as not going to be easy because the police was going to keep a close eye on him at almost every moment.
Kate wanted to grab Kestreel and hug him and thank him for allowing her to do this with him, but he was too business right now and she listened with wide, attentive eyes as he explained the dilemma to her. Kate nodded her head, the cogs already turning inside of her head. For a moment she just sat there, trying to make sense of the situation. Surely they couldn't go into a police guarded hospital room and kill him, but Kate imagined that they could have a way to get around it.

"Well," she started slowly, "they might let you into the hospital, Mr. Big Scary Russian Man, but what about me? I've known their family for years now, and before Mark was killed, they loved me. I could probably get past the police, claiming to be a close family friend or something. I really don't think anyone knows that it was me in that motel with them. They probably thought this was a fluke accident, or like they said on the news, some kind of drug revenge." She smiled innocently, believing that the plan might actually work. "And as time goes on and no one shows up to claim that they threw the bomb, the police are going to start to get bored and move onto something else. It's like they can guard him forever, and he'll be weak if he's on life support."
Kestreel listened, paying attention and reviewing her plan meanwhile. Everything seemed pretty nice and neat, but there was one single problem. Something that was even more important than the plan itself in the first place. "Have you killed anyone before?" Asked him, even if he could tell the answer. Killing wasn't something easy. Well, if you are being shoot at it becomes surprisingly easy, but besides that, killing somebody, cold blooded while he is laying in a bed, defenseless... Totally different matter.

"It's easy told than done. Is something you may have really clear now, but you will have doubts when you are in that room, facing him." Explained him. "It happened to me the first time, and it will happen the same to you. The thing is... Will you be able to do it?" Asked Kestreel again. And that whole killing people issue was the thing that bothered Kestreel even before he could thing about letting her into the game. "Ending someone's life is a line no one should cross, because it changes you. Forever."
Kate looked at Kestreel as he spoke, watching the pain in his face. She could see easily that killing changed a person; when she had met Kestreel, he was stony, emotionless... and in a way, he still was. Perhaps that was what he had to do in order to survive the fact that he took lives often.
But Kate was surely different than him. Though she tried to be strong and solid, they both knew that she was a lot softer on the inside.

The young woman sighed and looped her arms around Kestreel's neck, meeting his eyes slowly, "I know it's not easy. I'm not expecting it to be easy... I've never done anything like this before. But that man killed my child. A part of me is gone, and will never live, because of what he did. That is why I believe that I can do it."

Now Kate could fathom why Kestreel did this with such a passion... not because he truly wanted to end life, but because he wanted to avenge what others had done in the past. He didn't kill innocent people, didn't end lives for nothing. These people he was after... they had done some so awful that they deserved death. And Kate truly believed that taking away her unborn child, preventing it for growing and loving, was quite a qualification. And she knew that Kestreel would never be able to get to Rick if she didn't act.

Kate leaned in and kissed his mouth, lingering for a moment. "I'm doing this for our baby, not for you or for myself. Our baby isn't going to be born because of Rick; he can rot in Hell for all I care."
Kestreel pushed Kate away, walked to the counter and leaned in there, looking to the marble of the bar. He didn't wanted to take Kate through the same path he had to go, but she was minded to it, she had a point and she had the meaning to get to that guy. It will be foolish not to think about it as a viable plan. Still, there was many details to sharpen if she was going to get in there.

"You can't simply get in there and shoot him, so this will require a more subtle approach." Said him. "With enough luck, there will be another patient in his same room. You will have to take the heart monitor of the guy you want to kill and plug the connectors to the chest of the other patient. That way nobody will enter into the room when he dies." Explained Kestreel. "The cops ain't leaving anytime soon, so if you go in there you will be searched for any weapons or anything, so you will have to use whatever you find in the room to kill him. Most assured there will be needles and medicines. Inject him with a lot of anything you can find and then leave. Don't forget to use gloves. The synthetic ones in the hospital will do the trick."
Kate nodded her head slowly to each thing that Kestreel stated; most of them were common sense, and Kate was not stupid. Still, she knew that Kestreel was not okay with this idea and it would be best if she went along with any and all of his plans. She was lucky that he was not locking her in the bedroom while he went there and did it himself, clean and simple.
Kate supposed that Kestreel understood her need though to get revenge; the child had been his, too, and Kate imagined he felt a similar grief that she did. She was glad that he was at least allowing her this one whim.

Kate quickly hopped down from the counter and approached her big Russian. He looked more annoyed than anything, clearly not okay with what he was consenting. The young woman carefully leaned up and stroked his stubbled jaw, "it'll be okay, Kest. Just this once; I promise I'll never ask to do it again... it'll be quick, and no one will know what hit them."
Kestreel sighed. "You are killing someone. Of course they will know what hit them." Said Kestreel. "If you inject him adrenaline, then they may even thing it was a mistake made by the nurses. Sure they will fire someone, but at least the police won't be looking for hired assassins." Said him. "Don't inject him an uneven number of milligrams, otherwise they will know. Make it 100 or 1000. 10 won't be enough and adding 0 to the number will make more credible the fact that someone missed the number." Explained Kestreel.

Then he walked to the living room, sitting in front of his computer again, trying to forget about what was he letting her do. "Do it soon in the morning or late in the night. Try to be nice, but forgettable. Don't call any attention neither speak with anyone you are not supposed to." Said him, staring at his computer. "Let me know when are you ready."
Kate followed Kestreel into the living room like a puppy, remembering what he told her. It was clear that he had been doing this for years now and was good at it. He never early detail; how death worked, how not to get caught, what to do in case something went wrong. The idea of killing someone didn't settle a hundred percent in Kate's stomach but when she recalled that this was for their unborn child, she felt a lot better about it. Rick had killed their baby and now, he was going to pay for it.

The young woman sat on the couch beside her big Russian lover and after a few minutes, she leaned and rested her head against his shoulder. She still was exhausted from the entire ordeal and her limbs were weak. She reached out and stroked the hair beside his ear though, and then met his eyes, "Kest, please don't be angry with me. I don't want do it, but I feel like I have to. For our baby."
He sighed again. "Kate, you want to do it. I don't blame you, you have your motives. The same ones I have. But instead of letting me handle it, you insist in doing it yourself." Said him looking at her. "I'm not angry, I'm sad. The path you are going to take is not a nice one. You may feel now you have to do it, but sooner or later, you will realize you were wrong, and the one who hurt you, instead of forgetting about him and move on, will be always in your head, haunting you. It will because it will be the first life you take. Because is something personal." Explained Kestreel.

"I don't even know why I am allowing you to do this... I guess I can't stop you neither, but remember this, Kate; you will regret this choice, and when that day comes, I may not be here to help you. And even If I am, I may not be able to help." Said Kestreel.
Kate watched his face and heard his words, and they filled her heart with sorrow and grief. Kate knew that Kestreel was talking from experience; she could see the regret in his eyes, probably recalling the first time he had tried to seek revenge by killing someone. Kate didn't know if that was here in the States or back in Russia, because Kestreel had never talked about it... and Kate had never asked. In fact, she knew little of him before she met him. And again, Kate had never asked.

She removed her hand from the side of his face and slowly stood from the couch. She was feeling sick again, but more emotionally unwell than anything else. Kate tucked a bit of her hair behind her ear. "I don't want else to do, Kest. That was my child he killed... and nothing will make me whole unless I can do something about it. He killed my baby Kestreel. And maybe the child was yours too, but you don't understand how I feel. That little baby was sitting underneath my heart for two and a half months, and I was so elated at the thought. What else am I supposed to do? Cry until I can't cry anymore? I've already done that. Try for another one? So what, I can replace it? You just don't understand, Kestreel." And with that the young lady retreated to the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind her and collapsing into the bed.
Kestreel shook his head slowly. He knew Kate was not going to be the same ever again. She changed when her kidnappers took her, when they killed their baby. But further more, she would change even more when she took her revenge. Slowly but surely, that would make her cold and emotionless like Kestreel was. Maybe not in the same measure, maybe not as heartless as he was, because of his training and year of war. But he knew something was going to die inside of her, he knew that form now on, every time she looked at him, she would look to the man who taught her how to kill, and because of that, when the time comes, she would blame him for that.

But for now, all he could do was to wait and to let her do what she wanted to. He had tried to tell her how the things were going to be, but she was minded to do it and there was no way to make her think different, so he decided to face the problems when the time comes.
It was only a few days later, those days filled with silence and just soft touches, that Kate finally told Kestreel that she was ready. He had not said anything about her wish to seek revenge and Kate was thankful for that. Despite his warnings, Kate did not want the Russian to talk her out of doing this. There was a hole in her heart and Kate was sure that it would be there if she didn't do this. How could she go on when it felt like a part of her was missing completely?

As they drove to the hospital in their new car, Kestreel slowly recapped everything that she needed to be wary. Kate knew that Mark had little family still attached to him and his brothers, and thus doubted there would be any visitors. She would enter as Ms. Harmony Yale, a close cousin that had come to make sure that he was okay. Then, when the nurses had disappeared, Kate would shut off the life support machines and inject that monster with the closet syringe she could find. Kestreel had quickly educated her on some different medications she might fight, and explained which would give her the least trouble.
When they finally pulled up, Kate nodded her head and leaned across the console to kiss Kestreel's mouth. They had little contact over the last few days, and the kiss made her mouth burn slightly. "I'll be twenty minutes at the longest. Just stay parked in the back, I'll be there soon. I love you, baby." And with that she rushed through the front doors, on to change her life and herself forever.
Kestreel drove to the point he was supposed to pick her up once she was done. Once there, he tried no to thing in anything, simply seeing the cars went by and the people crossing the streets. After all he had told her, Kestreel could only hope for her not to mess anything ad to everything to go flawless. And if she was caught? Well, to be honest, the idea of having to assault a convoy taking prisoners to the prison seemed much more easy for him than doing this whole hospital play Kate was doing. Of course, using brute force, but still, easier.

(( Sorry is short, no to much to say while waiting ; ) ))
Kate's hands were shaking as she checked into the ICU of the regional hospital. Luckily, the nurse at the desk did not seem to mind, just offered her a soft smile and gave her a sheet to sign in with. Kate nearly wrote her own name, and then hastily covered up the "K" with an "H" and scribbled down the name she was meant to check in under.
The nurse soon took the clipboard and directed Kate down the hallway. She smiled before leaving her, "he's still not awake, we've kept him sedated for the pain. It should wear off shortly though."
Kate nodded numbly and then entered the room. This was nearly too easy; and as she looked at the man who he had killed her baby, she had never felt more adrenaline coursing through her veins. This was the man that had tortured her, and was intent on ending her life all because Kestreel had taken his brother, a drug dealer, away. Kate tried not to think too hard though, she was here with a purpose and knew that she had to be quick.

Shutting the door quietly behind her, Kate surveyed the room. She had managed to snatch a little bottle of some heart medication that Kestreel had told her about upon entering, as well as a needle. It was amazing how smoothly it was going; Kate was just waiting for security to approach and say "caught ya". Again, though, she pushed any doubts back and quickly took the heart monitor off of Rick. She turned the entire machine off by unplugging it from the wall. Then, after drawing on a set of latex gloves, he slowly removed the blankets from his body. She could see where Kestreel had put a few bullets in him, most of the areas covered by white sterile gauze.
Part of Kate wanted to do it the old fashioned way and smother him with the pillow, but knowing that was too risky, she quickly drew the medication from the bottle and into the syringe. She watched it for a moment, recalling her days heavy on heroine and other injectables. Then, like she had done it a middle times before, Kate found a thick vein in his arm and carefully injected the entire syringe. Within moments his body was jerking, his heart pounding inside of his chest wall, and with that, Kate quickly disposed of the bottle and syringe. She shoved the gloves in her pocket, and then, as quietly as she got, crept from the hospital room and the first man she had ever killed.
Kestreel picked up Kate on the place they agreed on. She seemed really nervous an thrilled but there was nothing else that indicated that something had gone bad, so Kestreel didn't asked, he simply drove their new car away. After what it seemed a way to quick dive back home, Kestreel sat again in front of his laptop, trying to ignore Kate, like if that way, what he had done to her disappeared. But it didn't, of course.

After several hours, night came again and the hunger of the dinner appeared too. "Princess, would you do some dinner?" Said Kestreel, unwillingly treating Kate like if nothing had happened. He was used to it, besides, talking about it would not help at all right now. What was done was done, no use arguing about it. Now Kestreel could only hope this was finally over and their lives could return to the usual monotony.