Under The Influence

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Kate flopped down onto the bed, her legs draped over Kestreel's lap as she stared up at the ceiling. Pregnant. The word kept on echoing in her head, and Kate wondered if it would ever truly sink in. She supposed it would all become reality when her belly back to expand and she began to feel more like a mother-to-be.
Fuck... he was so afraid that. Her, a mother? Kate could barely take care of herself, much less look after a little life that could not defend itself. To say she was afraid and scared was most definitely an understatement. Her life was being to turn in a completely different direction, and Kate wasn't sure she was ready. But of course, it did not matter. No amount of worry or fear was going to keep that baby from coming.

Kate covered her face and tried to breath through her nose, "I... I don't want to tell anyone r-right now," she whispered, "oh god, Kest. What are we going to do? We can't have a baby... I can't be a mother! This is so awful... oh God... what are we going to do?"
"Alright, enough." Said Kestreel grabbing Kate by the arms and facing her. "What happened had happened, Okay? Nothing we can do now about it. You already have made a choice, so deal with it." Said him, serious and a little bit rude. "We are going to be just fine, but now you need to calm down." Yelling her like if she was one of the men under his command wasn't the solution, that was for sure, but neither was it to be cheesy and weak. So if Kestreel needed to be strong for both of them, he would be it without any problems.

Kestreel kept laying beside Kate, hugging her, comforting her if she required it. For him this was a pretty big situation, but for Kate this should be overwhelming and the least he could do was to be by her side, to fulfill his promise of taking care of her, no matter what.
Get yourself together. The words echoed in the back of Kate's head, reminding her that she was alive and this was not the end of the world. Yes she was going to become a mother and she and Kestreel would be responsible for a new life, but did they mean the end of life as she knew it? Maybe the lifestyle, but perhaps this was a good thing... a way to spread their love, even if they were very secretive and quiet about it.
Kate sighed and rested her face against Kestreel's shoulder, trying to regain her senses and calm down her rapidly beating heart rate

~ ~ ~

"Wow," Kate laughed softly a month and a half later. 6 weeks, two real doctor appointments (Kate had insisted) and a lot of gabbing and excitement on Daniel's side brought them here. Kate stood in front of the bathroom mirror, her hands against her pale abdomen, her eyes staring at the rounded little bump between her hips. According to the doctor she was about two and a half months along, and because Kate normally had a rather flat belly, the bump was already beginning to show. Over the months she had come to terms with the fact that she was going to become a mother, and in a way, was actually excited. Maybe this was not what she had wanted but it was what she was given, and perhaps for good reason.

Slowly Kate watched out into the living room, still in just her bra and panties.
She frowned playfully, "look at this! I don't look pregnant, I look like I'm gaining weight!"
Kestreel smiled and got next to her. Then his hand slowly rested on her belly, caressing it softly as his eyes med Kate eyes. He had heard about this before, but never really believed it, but it was true that pregnant women did had something in their eyes, something that made them more pretty and somehow, more desirable. "It does..." Said Kestreel, who lately had gained lots of humanity, to the point it could be said he was becoming human again!

"You look precious, Princess." Muttered him, Taking his lips close to her lips and kissing her. Kissing the woman who had his unborn child in her. Kissing her in that precise moment felt much more than it usually did. Kissing her before was really meaningful, but now it felt complete, it felt like he was part of something more important. Part of a family.

"I need to go check the car with the mechanic. See if he had fixed it already." Said him, still unable to let his little girl go. "I'll be back in a couple of hours, alright?"
Kate pouted playfully when Kestreel explained to he had to go and get the car. Someone had rear-ended them the other day, and the bumper had to be fixed. The impact hadn't been great but Kestreel had gotten furious because his newly pregnant girlfriend had been in the car, and said she could have gotten hurt. Luckily (and as expected) the baby was safe and sound.

Leaning over him so that she straddled her lover's hips, Kate pressed her mouth against his and inhaled the musky, masculine scent of him. She had grown to love him so profusely over these last few months, and now with the baby, their love had only blossomed. The idea of a family really had grown on them both... even if they were not sure about parenthood, they imagined it was something they learned over time.
"Do you have to?" Kate pouted, wiggling her bottom against his hips and smirking when she felt him rise underneath her. They had just fucked the night previous, but Kate's hormones had been wild since she had gotten pregnant. She kissed him once more, "don't leave me alone with Mr. Wiggle, Kest! You know it's not fun."
Kestreel smiled and touched her even further, gently poking the places he knew she was turned on badly. "I have and appointment, Princess..." Muttered him. But his cock said otherwise, wanting to pound her again. Having sex with Kate while she was pregnant was... Different. He had to be more careful, slower, and that made the whole experience even more pleasant. So the thought of taking his little girl right there right now was really tempting. And the fact she was only in her underwear made it even more difficult to resist.

"I'll be back in an hour." Muttered him, caressing her chest, grabbing her ass and pinching it softly. "Leave something for me." Said Kestreel with a teasing wink as he went for his trenchcoat and got ready to leave. Just before leaving he kissed Kate softly, more like a husband than a lover, and then left with a smile. It was a nice day to be alive.
Kate suppressed the need to get herself off, knowing that when Kestreel returned home, she'd be hot and needy and ready for him. She had grown so fond of him over this time that it was hard to think of herself with anyone else. Memories of Mark and boyfriends before him seemed nearly non-existent. All Kate knew and loved was Kestreel; he was her guardian, her master, her lover above all other things. Their relationship had bloomed so much over the last while, but they both still enjoyed a frequent and good fuck.

Sighing softly, Kate decided to clean up the kitchen and wash the sheets. She quickly stripped the bed and piled all the laundry into a big basket. These days Kestreel usually lugged it all downstairs, but she figured he could bring it up later.

Eventually Kate made it down into the basement and she shoved all the sheets into the washing machine, smiling softly at the other woman in there. Her eyes were sunken and her skin was grey, but she had a special kind of light behind her smile. Kate imagined that was how she had been when Kestreel had first met her; dying and cold on the outside, but there was still a spark of life. Kate knew that all it had taken was for Kestreel to ignite it and she would forever be indebted in him for doing that for her. In her opinion, he had saved her life.

After the laundry was in, Kate put the basket on top of the machine and slowly made the trek back up to the sixth floor. She was smiling softly, one hand against her slowly expanded belly, as she descended up the stairs.
However, little Kate would not make it past the third. A large, burly form, very similar to that of her Kestreel's, intercepted her path. Kate was about to apologize, but suddenly a foul smelling white cloth was covering her nose and the world was geting quite fuzzy.
Kestreel was glad to see the car was fixed for when he arrived to the garage. After speaking with his Mexican short friend, he paid gladly the price pr the repair, as always so cheap it seemed almost free, but Kestreel was in a good mood and insisted to pay him a little bit more. Keeping good friends happy was important. So, after the hour he had promised, Kestreel was back home, surprised to find no one in the apartment.

Well, that was odd, but he thought she would be doing the laundry or maybe buying some groceries, so he simply sat in the sofa and relaxed. But the relaxing didn't last long, because after a couple of hours of no Kate he was beginning to worry. Maybe Daniel knew something.... So Kestreel called him, but after shutting his gay mouth with a couple of rude words, Kestreel asked for Kate, but he had no clue neither.

Kestreel was starting to get angry, maybe not with Kate, but with the lack of information about the issue. Finally, he decided to call her, something he realized he had to have done in the first place. Grabbing the phone Kestreel dialed the number of Kate cell phone, hoping to get something about Kate whereabouts.
"Fuck, finally," Rick seethed, snatching the little silver cellphone from the table and staring into the caller ID. The man was a spitting image of his brothers; dark, tall with large shoulders, and he had a bad mouth. If Kate hadn't been sure that Mark was done and gone, she would have sworn it was her ex-boyfriend standing across from her. On the other side of the room, sitting at a computer, sat a man almost identical to the other two. Paul, another one of Mark's older brothers, was older than Kestreel but not as wide across the shoulders. Age had not done him well.

"Answer it!" Paul shouted across the room.
Kate watched hopelessly as Rick opened up the phone and pressed it against his ear. He smirked for a moment, looking down at the little girl, wrists bound to the bed and a filthy piece of cloth tied around her mouth, preventing her from screaming. She had woken up in what looked to be a seedy motel room, but as a result, had no idea where they were. The curtains were drawn and she wasn't even sure how long she had been out. Rick and Paul had been getting impatient though, so Kate assumed a least a few hours.
"You killed my brother and you thought you could get away with it?" Rick seethed into the phone, "well, now it's your turn to lose something close to you. Don't even try to bargain with me." There was a slew of words on the other line, and Kate sighed, wishing she could yell out to him, "you lost the bargain the moment you killed Mark."
There is a few people in this world nobody should mess with; A king, maybe the pope, but above all, a angry Russian with more than 20 years of military experience and contacts all over the city. Kestreel took a deep breath. "I'm going to find you, and then, I'm going to kill you." Then Kestreel hang out the phone and walked out of his apartment. The coldest blood ran through his veins, unable to feel or to sense anything at this moment. In his mind there was only one thing: Kill them all.

Thinking fast, Kestreel knew there was only one person who could help him pinpoint Kate, but first, he was going to need tools to keep his promise. Making a quick call to Morat, Kestreel made sure everything he was going to require to take down whoever got between him and his little girl was available to him. And of course, his Turkish friend didn't failed him, and some serious equipment was waiting for him just a few hours after the call. "Are you planning to rob a bank?" Asked Morat with a smile. "None of your business." Said Kestreel dead serious, grabbing the sports bag with all he asked for, giving Morat an envelope with the money. "Is everything alright?" But Kestreel didn't answered, he simply left.

Next stop, the only man Kestreel knew he could locate a call phone; Daniel. That guy welcomed Kestreel as usual, but as soon as Kestreel showed him he was not in the mood he stopped the laughing. "What is going on?" Asked Daniel. "I called a phone a few hours ago. Tell me where is the other phone." Demanded Kestreel. "But.. Why?" Replied Daniel. "Do it!" Ordered Kestreel, making the redheaded girl give a step towards them. Daniel made a signal to calm her down and then he sat in front of a computer.

"Jeez, man. I'm on it, I'm on it..." Said Daniel. Kestreel was angry, like he had never been before. "Ehm... It's Kate phone..." Said Daniel. "What is happening?" Demanded Daniel. "Pinpoint. Period." Replied Kestreel, refusing to give any information. This was now between him and whoever had taken Kate. No matter how many. "Ehhhh... Yep, I think I got it." Said Daniel showing Kestreel a map with a dot in it. "I got into the database of T-Systems and..." But Kestreel didn't waited for his explanation. He now knew where he was going. "Mphf... how rude." Pouted Daniel.

Kestreel drove to that dirty motel Daniel had told the receiver of the call was in. Without hesitation, he retrieved the equipment Morat had got for him; bulletproof vest, grenades of all kinds, an assault rifle... Kestreel was dressed like one of those special operations operators, ready to take out anything that got in his way. So, Kestreel walked to the front of the motel, yelling insults and curses in Russian with his deep voice. "You thought I was kidding!!?"
(Dundundun, Taken quote!)

Kate sobbed, hot tears spilling down her cheeks. Whenever she tried to scream, the brothers used one of those awful taser devices, pressing it against the small of her back and causing her to fall silent again. Her stomach was growling in protest and her heart rate was through the roof. Kate knew that it would not take long for Kestreel to find her, Paul and Rick didn't know who they were dealing with, but she wasn't sure how long she was going to be able to withstand this torture. Her skin was angry and red and it burned badly where they had shocked her.

It wasn't until night began to don (they had opened one of the curtains, so she could see what time of day it was) that Kestreel finally made his presence known. The brothers looked at each other immediately, smirking a bit, as though they had been anticipating his arrival. Kate really didn't understand why they were not on the move. What kidnapper in his right mind would stay in a public motel, easily trackable and accessible?

"That fucker has arrived," Rick smirked, grabbing a large gun off the top of the dresser and peering through the curtains.
Suddenly Kate was being roughly jerked from the bed, hands still bound behind her back and her mouth still gagged. And suddenly the young woman was being pulled out of the motel room, the barrell of a gun pressed against her back and the taser against her side. She sobbed slightly, biting down on the gag and searching for Kestreel's tall and large form outside.
(( Hells yes! ))

Kestreel looked how those two walked out of that place with Kate. But even in that situation, Kestreel kept a calm heart rate and a measure breathing. He aimed at the kidnappers, more than able to take both of them in a blink of an eye, but doing so would provably kill Kate too. He made deaf ears to whatever they could say and began to move towards one of the parked cars, not taking the aim off them for an instant.

His plan was rather simple, risk, really risky, but it was the first thing that came to his mind that involved him and Kate making out of there alive. He didn't really found himself in this situation before, but he had been trained for this in the academy; officially, he was supposed to comply if they had the numbers, out of the record, he was to take the chance if he saw it clear. And those two were not going to walk out of there alive.

As Kestreel began to slowly walk behind a car, he sneaked one of his hands to his belt, taking one of those concussive grenades in his hand. Those things left you so stunned you were unable to do anything for almost an entire minute if not trained properly. Kestreel took the pin out of the grenade and rolled it under the car, towards them. Then he counted to 2 and a half and then closed his eyes and put one of his hands covering one of his ears.

The bang was so strong it could be heard a mile away, and the phosphorus on the grenade burned so fast it blinded anyone who as in that parking. But Kestreel didn't felt half of it, being trained for it and properly protected, he was able to move fast once the non lethal grenade exploded, raking precise shoots to the kidnapers, killing them in matter of seconds and retrieving Kate. Poor girl, she sure was still unable to see or even hear, so before grabbing her, Kestreel cupped her cheek, letting her know it was him.
Kate first thought she was dead. Couldn't see anything but bright whiteness, couldn't hear a sound that was around her. Her limbs were throbbing but immobile and her head was pounding. Is this what death was like? Wasn't there meant to be some dark tunnel or bright light, maybe her life flashing before her eyes or maybe the angels singing, welcoming her into another world. But none of them ever came, and Kate curled into the cold block she was pressed against, trying to make sense of where she was. Perhaps she was stuck somewhere in between life and death; that grenade had no doubt taken her life, so loud and powerful that it might have been impossible to survive.

Oh god, she thought. Kestreel had killed her in an attempt to save her! The thought made her heart quicken; he had just lost everything in an attempt to get her back. His little slave girl and their unborn baby, lost to the world forever. Kate curled a little further into the solid structure, wishing she could have least said goodbye.

As time passed though, Kate found that she was not crossing over to the "other side". No bright lights, angels singing, big gate on top of the clouds. Instead she just felt warm as she seemed to be nestled into a warm cocoon of blankets, soft breath against her ear, uncomprehensible words in her fuzzy mind. Eventually her sight began to return and she blinked, the brightness blinding her. As she adjusted though, she began to feel and sense again; the solid structure holding her was actually a man, her small body wrapped up in a thick blanket and his breath warm against her ear. Kate blinked a few more times and then it a tiny voice, whimpered, "Kestreel..."
Kestreel was taking Kate to Daniel's. He needed to take care of a few things now and he didn't wanted to let Kate at his apartment alone. Besides, she was going to require medical checking and those sort of things. But Kestreel trusted Daniel would know how to take care of that. "Don't worry. I'm here." Said Kestreel walking into the hotel without the weapons or the vest, but taking Kate between his arms, wrapped in a blanket. An odd thing to see, but not enough to call the police. Simply a man Walking into a hotel with a woman passed out between his arms, nothing to see here.

"What happened!?" Asked Daniel as Kestreel left Kate over the sofa. "Take care of her. Call Sasha." Ordered Kestreel. "But..." Kestreel interrupted Daniel. "No! Do as I say! Now!" Then Kestreel walked out of the room. There was many things to get rid of, the police will be starting to look out for suspects in no time and Kestreel had to clear all the tracks on him. Bursting into a club packed with drug dealers was something completely different than executing two guys in a motel parking with military grade equipment.
"Please don't touch me...," Kate whimpered, curling up in the blanket, a form of self preservation as though the motion would protect her and the baby from any further danger.
Daniel was quick by her side though, unwrapping the wool blanket Kestreel had wrapped her up in and slowly beginning to shed her of her sweaty, dirty, blood-stained clothing. Her skin was angry and red in the spots she had been tased and hit, and she whimpered as Daniel began to uncover more and more of her. She could faintly hear him calling Sasha in the background, but her mind was still a little fuzzy to comprehend fully what was happening.

"Kate girl," Daniel whispered, trying to get her up roll over so he could take off her panties and t-shirt, "you're bleeding, baby. How about a nice hot bath?"
Kate didn't have the energy to respond and soon she was being brought into the bathroom. Daniel immediately helped her into the pooling and bubbling baby, frowning at the blood was passing down between her legs. He murmured something about the baby and about Sasha, but again, Kate couldn't understand what he was saying. Instead she just rested her head against the back of the tub and put a hand on her belly, relieved to be safe and sound. Death had no found her, and she prayed that her child had survived it, as well.

It took Sasha a half hour to arrive at the big hotel and though Kate was still a bit fuzzy, the woman was everything she had remembered. Cold, to the point, and a bitch to say the least. Daniel and his redheaded guard managed to get Kate into his big bed, where Sasha began to poke and prod. Kate whimpered when she hit somewhere sensitive, and jerked a bit when she found the blood between her legs.

"She was pregnant?" she heard Sasha mutter.
Daniel just nodded to nod her head, "she is pregnant, Sasha. Something like a months long."
Sasha shook her head hastily, "forget that. Whatever happened there was too much for the baby. It's gone, as far as I'm concerned."
Kestreel hurried to take the equipment back to Morat, he knew his Turkish friend was as good as getting things as he was good to make them disappear. Then, it was time for his car. It was a nice car, Kestreel liked it, but there was no more for them to be together. Cops will eventually know that car was involved in the murder, so he knew he had to get rid of it. Of course, his good Mexican friend even offered him a good pricefor it, even if they both knew the car was going straight for pieces and the rest to the scrapping.

Once done, Kestreel took a couple of minutes to breath. This night was getting endless, and the sun was about to rise again for when he got to Daniel hotel again. It had been a long and painful night, but now everything was solved. Now they could return to their ild life, be together, have their son and live for as long as they could, happy together. "What?" Asked Kestreel once he took a look at everyone's faces. Well, not that the redheaded offered to much in her expression tho.
Daniel stood in the doorway; he had sent Sasha home about an hour ago. Though the woman was good at what she did, he feared that she would upset Kate and decided that, after she had checked the young woman over, it was best for her to be out of the picture. He stayed with his Katie girl late into the night, stroking her hair as she drifted in and out of sleep, hot tears rolling down her face, the young girl grieving for the child that she never got to meet.
Daniel would never forget the look on her face when she first told him she was expecting. She looked elated, like a kid on Christmas, excited for the gift she would be given. But now, much to their dismay, it had been cruelly ripped away from her. The man sighed and stroked her hair most of the night, waiting for Kestreel to arrive.

He clasped his hands in front of him and looked down at the ground. How was he meant to tell a big burly Russian that his child was dead? That they would never be able to meet, that he and Katie girl would never be parents to the bundle of new life.

Daniel finally looked up, knowing that Kestreel could handle it but still fearing what this meant for the couple he had grown so fond of. He had always wondered if Kestreel was going to settle down, and was glad that he found Kate. He liked her.
"Kate's sick, baby," Daniel murmured, eyes darting a bit as he beat around the bush. How did he break it to him? He was definitely not Sasha, either. Maybe he should have kept the woman around a little longer. "She's sleeping now, but Sasha came and checked her out. She... she said that Kate lost the baby. Probably the electric shock was too much for it to handle, and she's bleeding."
Kestreel pushed Daniel away and walked close to Kate, sitting next to her and caressing her cheeks. It was hard to believe, really hard. First he must accept the fact they were going to have a baby, and now he had to accept the fact they were not going to? Kestreel knew he would endure it, he will be able to get over it in matter of hours, but Kate... He was more afraid for her than for he himself. "Hey, Princess... How are you feeling?" Muttered Kestreel when he saw she opened her eyes. The important thing was that she was alive and the bastards who had done that to her had paid for it.
Kate was stuck in a haze of sleep and painkillers, but there was no mistaking the feel of Kestreel's big hand against her cheek and the gentle way he spoke to her. She opened her eyes groggily and slowly lifted one hand to touch his. The other rested against her belly, a reminder that she was now void of life new. Hot tears pooled in her eyes and she stared up at Kestreel through the blur of the moisture, and she wondered how he felt. She felt like she was being ripped apart from the inside out, both physically and emotionally. She just wanted her beautiful baby girl or boy, the one that she and Kestreel had been gradually getting used to the idea of. In fact, they had even welcomed it after a few weeks of adjusting.

Kate drew her bottom lip under her teeth and her closed, grief and exhaustion overtaking her body. She just wanted her to baby back, to become a family with Kestreel. What kind of woman was she if she couldn't even protect the life inside of her. Kate whimpered, "I... I... I'm sorry, K-Kest. I... I... the baby... it... he's... gone..."
"Kestreel looked at her eyes, cleaning the tears on her cheeks. "I know. Don't worry, everything will be fine." Muttered him. From now on things were going to be more difficult, and even if this experience was going to brought them even more close, Kestreel wished it didn't happened in the first place. But for now, All he wanted to do is to lay next to his love and let time pass. Time heals everything, people said.

And so, Kestreel lay next to his little girl, taking care of her, loving her. Daniel didn't put any downside to it, and let them stay for as long as they needed. After a couple of days, Kestreel was looking through the window of the hotel room, staring at the sunrise, thinking about what to do now. His job was the cause of all of this, he knew that. But it was the cause of they meeting too, so he guessed one thing healed the other. Still, this could happen again, and things could have went much more worse...