
  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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"I don't know what wrong with him. I, I was talking to him and he started doing this weird mumbling thing and then he passed out and, and-" Jaylin felt panic set in. She was never good with this kind of thing. "Do something..."
"mmm.... i am here.... i know you.... come.... closer..... " said the boy with his mouth closed.
After that, the boy screamed and jumped out of the bed, running into a wall, again passing out as result.
Jaylin jumped out of the way as the boy ran into the wall. She winced when he made contact and fell to the floor. "That...looked painful." She muttered before returning him to the bed. She glanced over at Liam, "Think he was talkin to you?" She quizzed.
The boy opened his eyes, looking around the room. His face went from painfull to shocked. "..mom?... is that you? .. MOM!!? MOOOM!!"
Jaylin looked around the room. Yeah she was the only female her. Was...was he talking to her. She looked at Liam for guidance then back at the boy. "Uh....no...I, I'm not your mom...I...sorry.." Jaylin shifted uncomfortably.
"I don't know. You came here by yourself." Jaylin thought it was strange she looked like his mother. She didn't look that old did she? Jaylin took the risk of sitting next to him. She placed a hand on his forhead. "What happened to you? Do you remember how you got here?" Her voice was gentle so she didn't cause him too much stress. He could be in shock or close to a breakdown.
He looked wide eyed as he ran into a wall "Uhh...I don't know. But he sure thinks your his mom." he said as he knelt down "Where did you see your mom last." he said to the boy gently.
Alex was thinking. When Liam had walked away, she walked outside. She did not know about the boy, but knelt beside the tent. "Aye, Nicholas. Come on in and we'll have breakfast." she said. "then you can ask any questions you want." she stood, turning. She started to go inside when she heard the boy screaming. There was literally three seconds and she was knelt beside him, almost like a flash of movement. She touched his shoulder gently. "Liam, go get the silver case in my room." she said, looking softly at the boy. "Hey." she looked him dead in the eyes. "what's your name?"

Mya skipped along behind Liam, smiling happily. When she saw the boy hit the wall, she flinched, then saw the little girl. "HELLO!" she almost yelled, running up and hugging the little girl. She acted as if she was still 3..though..she was 13 now.

Vane had gone outside and was now stalking the streets, just walking around. When he noticed an infected, he would pounce, playfully ripping it apart before bounding along.
Jaylin inched towards the door, then quickly left. She was probably causing him stress. She walked into the bathroom and stared in the mirror. Her hair was darker and longer, eyes duller, body language tired Wow shhe did loook older. She was only seventeen but she looked older. She sighed.
Silver case?? What silver case. He left the room and searched for a silver case than stopped and noticed something. "Wait..." he turned and walked back to the room "Move!" he said as he knelt down and studied the boy "He's exhausted. He needs rest and water and food. You need to get a bath ready, now! You have any medicine?" he asked firmly.
"W..whats erong.. with me.. mister?" The boy asked it in a slow painfull way.
"You're dehydrated, and you're hungry and lack of nutrients and protein...and you're sick and could die if not treated quickly and properly." he said as he picked him up and walked him to a tub that had water in it. "Brace yourself, this is going to be cold and possibly painful to your body. Just relax and close your eyes." he said as he knelt down and say him in the water and then let his while body fall in the water.
"Hmm... thanks mister.. for helping me...
ahh cold... Hnng pain.." The boy stuttered while he was trying to forget the pain.
He smiled "No problem, kid. Just relax and enjoy. Think happy thoughts like....uhm....just relax. I'll get food." he said as he walked over to Alex "He needs medical attention but he needs good and water first. He can't move from that spot or he'll heat up again. His temperature rises for some reason, it could be infection but I can contain it, I just need my stuff...shit...I'll have to go back and get it..." he said thinking and knew how dangerous it could be to go back. "I need to get my stuff it could save his life and all of ours.." he said looking into Alex's eyes.
Alex bit her lip. "If you had listened." She shook her head, jumping up to the loft. She looked around quickly and found a silver case on the book shelf. She opened it and pulled out a vial, glancing over it before opening it, putting the contents in a strange looking gun. She jumped back down and handed it to Liam. "It has twelve shots. Emergency situations." she said. "Don't ask..you'll see what it does if you get outnumbered." She hugged him. "Don't try to play hero, I need you here for us." she whispered before pulling away, going over towards the boxes.

Vane returned and immediately felt the change in moods. He padded over to Liam and nuzzled his hand not holding the gun gently.

Mya let go of the little girl when Vane returned. She gave him a huge hug. "Can I come brother?" she questioned.
Jaylin walked out to find everyone gathered around. She had heard snippets of their conversatiom and knew the general plan. "Be careful." Jaylin liked Liam, he was a friend. She watch as Alex handed him a gun. Hopefully he eouldnt be attacked. She gave a small smile and a wave before heading off. It was easy to find the kitchen. She set ro work cooking for everyone. The little girl followed her. "Whats your name?" Jaylin asked while she cooked. "C-Claire..." Jaylin smiled. "You want eggs?" Claire smiled. "Yeah!"
After a few minutes the food was ddone. She made a plate for Claire and the boy. She walked to the tub he was in and sat. "Brought you some food."
Liam looked at the gun and shook his head. "You'll need it more than I will. I'll be back. Promise." he said as he turned around and stuck the Vial in the boys arms and shot it through. He got up and sat it down. He walked over o Alex again and smiled and hugged her "You seen me in action when I'm outnumbered. I'm hard to kill." he said as he let go and walked past Jaylin and patted her shoulder "And you, don't worry about me either. I'll be back before you know it." he said to her as he looked at Mya "No no, you must stay here to help protect these people with Alex. It's time to grow up and be good. Not that you aren't already, but you know what I mean. Tomorrow, you, Vane and I can go out on a hunt for infected. How's that??" he said with a smile and nodded. He walked into his room and closed the door. 20 mins later he came out with his entire suit on, with his sword on his back, his pistol in his holster on his side and his rifle and sniper rifle on his back as well. He looked at Jaylin and handed her the rifle "Watch over this till I return. And cover me if I come back and I'm not alone. Watch out, she kicks like a mofo. Tryst me, I had it customized, it's the most powerful thing ever made." he said as he lookes at Vane and he followed but Liam stopped him "Not this time buddy. You need to protect Mya and Alex and everyone else. Ok?" he said as Vane growled with sorrow as Liam started walking away. He walked through the gates and looked back and looked at Alex "I'll be back...I promise.." he said and he walked away.
Jaylin looked down at the rifle in her hands in awe. "Wicked..." she had a hidden obsession with guns. She had a little too much fun shooting things sometimes.
"What is mister gonna do?" The boy was worried as Liam left.
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