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Jaylin, for some unholy reason, had decided to follow Mya. While she walked she saw two figures ahead of them. Was that Alex? She couldn't be sure but there was someone else with her. "Okaay..." She said slowly. Obviously she had missed a lot of things while she was settling the little girl into bed. "Mya...who is that?" Jaylin whispered.
Vane The Tiger, born in a lab with Liam, Mya and Alex. He's not your average Tiger, never ages, he may look older but he's still a kid. He protects Liam on hid voyage and missed Alex and Mya. Don't get on his bad side or he will tear you apart and eat you alive. Trust me. I know. He will eat anything and I mean anything.
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Jaylin got a strange vibe from whoever was with Alex. It wasn't necessarily bad but she didn't feel comfortable. "You know what...I'm gunna go check on the little girl okay..." It was a lame excuse but it was the best she had. Jaylin turned around and made her way back in the general direction she had come from. After a few steps she bumped into the corner of something and fell. "Ow..." Jaylin whined as she layed on the floor. Sighing she sat up and bumped her head on something else. "Really? Like really...this is real life right now?" Jaylin groaned.
((I tried to be kinda funny..i think O.O))
Liam couldn't help but laugh. "Hold that thought." Liam said as he leg go and walked over and hopped over the ledge and landed behind her and knelt down and helped her up. "You need a light for the dark, ya'know." he said as he chuckled and looked at her, his greyish white blue eyes looked into hers. "You ok? Anything broken?" he asked.
Mya had turned when Jaylin said she was leaving to check on the girl. "Okay.." she said, petting Vane's head gently, smiling. Vane pulled her over behind some crates and Mya picked up something. There was a ripping sound, then silence. Mya had disappeared..........into a box. Vane sat outside the box, his head on his front paws.

Alex noticed Jaylin was up and wondered if she was okay. She did a less dramatic entrance, walking off the edge and landing lightly on her feet. "Hey Jaylin..sorry about all the surprise guests." she rubbed the back of her neck. "There was an incident while you and the little one were sleeping..This is Liam, he's like me..and Mya is.." she paused, thinking of the right words. "Better. She knows Liam too, and he keeps her..happy-ish. The tiger is Vane..he was in the same lab as us. There's someone names Nicholas in a tent.." her voice dropped as she mumbled something to herself, scolding herself for something unheard, "and I think that covers everyone new...sorry." she offered an apologetic smile. "Oh, and breakfast will be ready once the suns up." she motioned to the slightly lightening sky, then looked at Liam. It answered both of their questions without a problem.
Jaylin looled away from Liam Eye contact made her uneasy. "uh, yeah Im alright." Jaylin laughed embarresed.She smiled when Alex mentioned food. "What d'you got? I could make us all something." Jaylin smiled.
He smiled "Nice too meet you, ma'am." he said with a little bow. "Don't worry, I don't bite like Mya does...well not yet actually." he said with a smile then laughed "I'm kidding, relax. You're safe, promise." he said walking over to Alex and put his arm around her shoulder and smiled. "Oh and I'll cook or...we both can." he said with a smile and poked Alex's stomach.
Okay so this guy wasnt so bad. He seemed pretty laid back really. "Uh, okay.." It caught Jaylin off guard by how friendly he already was.
"Don't be afraid.." he said as he walked up too her. "When things go wrong, I'm always here. Ask Alex, she knows it all." he said as he patted her shoulder as he walked by and disappeared into the darkness. He walked up on a box where he knew Mya was in and tackled it and grabbed Mya "Gotcha!!" he said with a smile "Mwahahaha!"
As the figure walked from the dark shadows, it became clear. A 15 year old boy walked into their conversations, not minding anything, not even asking questions. Just staring and listening.
Jaylin stood with a small smile on her face. Despite Liam being so intimidating he was really nice. "Thanks..." she said softly. She wasn't even sure he had heard her. Since Alex had said the sun was almost up Jaylin was going to wake up the little girl. She turned and walked toward her room. She hadn't even noticed the boy who had been hiding in the dark until she almost ran into him. Almost immediately her knife was against his throat. "Who are you." Her face turned from kind to expressionless as she stared the boy down. She could tell he was younger than her but could never be too sure about strength.
Liam felt something was wrong and looked at Mya "Hold on.." he said as he ran up the wall and saw Jaylin with a knife to boys throat. He rushed and grabbed her knocking the knife out of her hand with extreme force but with no physical contact of harm delt to her. He looked at her and handed her knife back "Don't do that...he's just a kid." he said as he turned toward the boy and looked at him "Hey...you ok? You hungry?" he asked nicely.
"Yeah and he almost gave me a heart attack." She grumbled putting her knife away. It's not like she was gunna hurt him...much. Jaylin crossed her arms in front of her with a half frown, half pout. Really, who just sits in the shadows and lets someone walk into them. Especially with whats going on? Jaylin's hunger and lack of sleep was not helping her attitude today.
The boy tried to communicate, smiling, in pain.
He stared at the people knowing it was no use.
A tear dropped from his smiling face.
Jaylin felt guilt churn in her stumach when she saw the tear slide down his face. Did I do that? She really hoped she wasn't the cause of his pain. With a silent sigh Jaylin stepped closer, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Hey what's wrong?" She wiped the tear from his face. "You're safe here. Swear."
"Mmmblrgmmgrbl" Said the boy as he was trying to warn her. "Mbm... go..... away.."
"It's ...no use....."
Jaylin's eyes widened in realization. "Oh god..." She whispered releasing the boy. "Liam!!" She called backing away from the fifteen year old. She didn't want to abandon him but there was nothing she could do at this point.
"Mmbmlmm... mommy... i miss ... youuu" His voice faded away as he passed out on the ground, shaking continuesly.
Jaylin stared wide eyed as he slumped to the floor. "uh. Um. uh.." She was at a total loss of what to do. The sun had risen enough so that she could see most of the objects inside now. Using all the strength she had, Jaylin hooked her arms under the boys arms and pulled him into her room.
"Who's that Jayjay?" the little girl asked sweetly, rubbing sleep from her eyes. With a yawn she hopped off the bed to make room for the boy Jaylin was placing on the bed. Her curiousity peeked as she witnessed his uncontrolled shaking. Stepping closer for a better look, she was stopped almost immediately. "Dont!" Jaylin said sharply. "I need you to got to Bruso and stay with him for now okay?" The girl was confused and slightly fearful. Jaylin only got like this when she was worried. The child quickly went off to find Bruso while Jaylin placed the teen on the bed.
Jaylin looked at the boy in front of her. She could really use someone's help right now.
Liam zoned out for a moment when the boy fell. He watched Jaylin pull him in her room and 10 mins later he walked in "Is he ok?" he asked. "Sorry about earlier, he's just a boy." he said and studied the teenage boy.
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