UGC Reconnaissance Vessel[Sci-Fi, anyone?]

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The United Galactic Conference Reconnaissance Vessel: NOMAD01
a continuation from the interest check from this thread

This is the story of the crew aboard the UGC Vessel named: NOMAD01, or 'Nomad'. [under construction]

I'll be editing the heck out of this, and i'll be alerting to my updates in an update tab!​

  • Welcome!
    This is a sci-fi universe RP set in a distant galaxy in the future where Humans are not the only intelligent, sentient, star-faring species. Currently set in Human Standard Year 2900, where the most influential of the intelligent species have formed a large conference that serves to be a major governing body for the galactic regions charted. They are called the United Galactic Conference- run by a council of elected officials- one per each race.

    The players are part of the crew of a smaller Frigate-sized starship tasked with scouting, recording, and exploring planets that UGC Scout drones have marked on the maps.

    I'll be adding some images and stuff for inspiration, and pretty-ness-factor soon i'm sure. But for now, this is what we have!​

  • The U.G.C.

    The UGC consists of an alliance between 7 major players in the vast galaxy. The Galactic Conference is headed by a Council of 7 members, one Councilmember for each of the races. This is run a bit like a democratic republic- as the councilmembers are elected by the public. Issues are put to votes, and since there is an odd number, a stalemate cannot be reached.

    The members of this Conference are the Human Systems Alliance, The Xylok, The Nesher Liberation Council, the Syn Esar, the Elddaru, the Ashiir, and the Vengane.

    The uniforms of the UGC are quite plain. They consist of a solid gray blue colored jacket and pants with black, white, or gray undershirt, and black duty boots.
    Officer uniforms are similar, however are a slate gray color, and do not have the jacket pockets that the other uniform has.

    0G suits consist of a jumpsuit that is fitted with ceramic and other armor plating where non flexible points are in the suit. The head is encased in a helmet or a 'bubble' visor- depending on the style.
    Yes, taking inspirations from other sources here..

    Also combat uniforms are similar to the 0G suits, are they are generally jumpsuits that have attachable and layerable armor plating. I'm giving some image inspiration, but that's just one way to look at it.



    Not a whole lot exists here yet.
    We can say that about 500 years ago, Humans took to the stars, and then after about 300 years of travelling, terraforming, and settling planets and setting up an infrastructure, they came in contact with the Ashiir. After decades of peace deals and negotiations- The humans became a satellite to the Ashiir race- gratefully cooperating with shared technologies until they realized the actual combined power of the Human Systems Alliance. A decade later, They were given a seat on the Council, and have earned their place since then. It's been roughly fifty years since the humans were given a seat on the Council.

    Humans are your typical jack of all trades, incredibly driven, and industrious. They are decently respected despite their "newness" to the universe.

    They have their capital planet as "Terra Prime", a continental based planet that is perfect, as far as a match for human life sustaining.

    Species Name: Xylok

    Home world: Yilze

    A generally more passive race as far as interstellar relations, but they have a rather intimidating military force. As a whole their primary economic focus is trading; mostly of material resources in bulk, in addition to weapons. They're known for having very good trading relationships with other races. Largely focused on development of technology and weapons, as well as material sciences. Most Xylok work as miners, mechanics, material scientists or traders. They are one of the more seasoned races as far as interstellar travel.
    They aren't very strict in laws or leadership, almost anything goes within the race. Many typically illegal behaviors are considered the norm. Inter-racially they do tend to be a bit more aggressive. Pairs will physically duel over disputes, but abnormally do such conflicts lead to death. More violent crimes tend to be uncommon. Their more relaxed approach to a government has proven to be quite effective at keeping the race in order and still allowing them freedom; however, some other races find the method chaotic and immoral.
    Yilze, their home world, is a hotter but forested planet, boasting a large number of other sentient (although insignificant) races as well as many other creatures. The planet is home to many larger cities, which are controlled mostly by the Xylok, but is also dotted with villages and smaller towns.The foliage and flora are darker in color, with blue being a common color among it. The trees and other plants are much larger, resulting in the race being well suited for climbing and running around the tree-tops.

    The atmosphere is quite a bit thinner than Earth's with only a fifth of the oxygen content. The Xylok can however breath in much more oxygen-rich atmospheres due to an evolutionary quirk. They are capable of filtering out and removing most extra unneeded gases (in moderation) as well regulating the frequency in which they breath in order to adjust. This can become a weakness if they are put in physically intensive or stressful situations, however.

    They are humanoid, and tend to appear more muscular, especially at the legs. They are taller, with both genders being relatively equal in height. The average would be roughly around 8'7" with 10' being considered tall and 7'5" being about as short as they can get (discounting horns). The race is relatively thin-skinned due to the warmer climate and are feather/fur-less. Skin tones range from a dark charcoal color to a light ash color, with more bluish variants possible as well. Their legs are longer in proportion to the rest of their body and have a sort of additional ankle halfway up the lower half of their leg. This extra joint is primarily used as an extra shock-absorber for large falls. Their arms are also a bit longer and well suited for climbing. Fingers and toes are slightly more claw-like. They have horns, which can differ in style but are most commonly curved upwards (like a bull's horns) or shaped much like ram's horns. These can range from about 2' in length to up to 5'. It isn't uncommon for the horns to be cut into along the top side, carved into, or even painted. They sport tails, which have an arrowhead shaped tip mostly used as a weapon. These extra appendages can be as long as 1.5x their body length and are hyper flexible.

    Their heads are more skull-shaped, with the skin looking as if it was fitted tightly over the bone. They most commonly have four eyes but may have up to six. Only one pair of eyes have visible pupils/irises, which are most often a bright red, yellow, or orange. The pupils are bio luminescent. The eyes appear to be nestled further back into their skull, the rest of the eye a black color with eye-lids almost completely invisible. They generally have multiple sets of nostrils as well as multiple slit-like ears behind the horns. Their teeth are also exposed with up to two pairs larger-fang like teeth towards the middle of each side of the jaw.
    With a lack of proper lips they do have some trouble speaking English and create most sounds with clever use of their flexible forked tongue. To normal English speakers, they would have a very demonic accent as well. They have multiple commonly used languages, which are composed of complex patterns of growls, hisses and clicks. The written forms of these languages are extraordinary hard to learn, with dozens of symbols/letters and multiple variants of each letter for different words or purposes.

    Homeworld: Rh'alara Valiss (Valiss)

    Colony: Rh'alara Kessos (Kessos)

    Race: Ashiir (Demonym: Ashiiran)

    Rh'alara Valiss is a somewhat tumultuous planet with frequent seismic and volcanic activity. It is slightly larger than Earth, having a gravitational force of 10.7 m/s2, and has a climate that ranges from tropical at its equator to temperate at the poles. There is a single large ocean laden with archipelagos, as well as several expansive inland seas. There are three vast continents that make up the majority of habitable land, along with a few of the island chains; most of the archipelagos are highly volcanic and not suitable for life. The dense atmosphere, a result of continuous volcanic activity, keeps the planet warmed and, despite it having only a slight axial tilt, there is very little ice at each pole. The Valissan year has 410 days and is divided into five "phases," each lasting about 80 days; the days are roughly thirty hours long.

    While a few of the volcanoes on Valiss have violent, explosive eruptions, most of the volcanoes are given to gentle eruptions with flowing lava that creates and expands existing islands. Because of the volcanic activity, much of the Valissan soil is very rich and provides for abundant vegetation which, in turn, had given rise to an impressive array of wildlife. Much of the planet is covered by dense jungle, spreading to deciduous forest moving away from the planet's equator. Regions of the eastern continent are covered by vast marshes, while parts of the southern land is rocky plains. The northern continent boasts the most impressive mountain ranges, as well as the most active and violent volcano, Kelakhaar, which is constantly and closely monitored.
    The constant shifting of tectonic plates and ongoing volcanic activity make Valiss a rather dangerous planet. Nevertheless, life adapted and evolved to fit the bill. The Ashiir are a fairly new race on the universal scale, as Valiss is only about 2 billion years old, but were forced to evolve quickly to ensure their survival. They were once a nocturnal tree-dwelling species, though modern Ashiir have become more comfortable on the ground-- and in the skies. Despite the apparent diversity of life on Valiss, the Ashiir are the only fully-sentient beings.
    They are largely humanoid in appearance: standing upright, possessing four limbs, and having two forward facing eyes with binocular vision. They still retain lithe forms, and are thin in comparison to humans. There is little difference in general size between the sexes, and they usually stand between 5' and 6' tall, though few reach a maximum height. Despite having thin bodies and a relatively small overall size, they are quite strong due to unique musculature and exceptionally long tendons and ligaments.

    They are mostly hairless, having only dense, fur-like hair on their heads and around their faces; they lack any other body hair. Skin colours range from pale blue to dark green and, rarely, shades of pale pink or violet. Often, their skin is patterned or mottled but can be a solid colour. Albinism is exceptionally rare. The pattern of hair growth varies between individuals, with either sex being more inclined toward a particular growth pattern. The patterns range from a mane starting between the shoulder blades, to hair around the sides of their faces, to growth almost akin to that of human hair. The texture, length, thickness, and colour vary between individual Ashiir.

    One of the most noticeable features are their ears. Positioned high on either side of their heads, their ears are elongated and wide-- somewhat akin to hairless bat ears. Most often their ears are laid backward, but can be stood erect and swiveled to collect sounds. It is common for ears to be an extension of their expression.
    Their eyes are somewhat large (in comparison to a human's) and their vision is keen, especially in low light. They have a noticeable eye shine that reflects as a bright yellow or green. (Note that this occurs only when a light is shown into their eyes; it is most noticeable when there is dim or no light.) Eye colours are pale, often in shades of green, blue, or yellow. About half of all modern Ashiir have nictitating membranes in addition to their true eyelids; a fading remnant of their ancestors.

    Their faces are vaguely elongated and somewhat animalistic (by human standards), with their nose, upper and lower jaw, and cheekbones slightly protruding forward. Their noses are somewhat flat, but defined, with narrow nostrils.

    While they are primarily bipedal, they are capable of walking and running on four legs and often will when they need to move quickly. They are plantigrade and have retained the prehensile feet of their tree-dwelling ancestors. While years of walking upright has reduced some of the need for foot dexterity, they still use their feet and toes for gripping and balancing. Their feet are somewhat elongated, each possessing four toes-- though the big toe is oriented to the inside, acting as a grasping, opposable thumb. There is a slight midtarsal break that allows for flexibility in the foot; however, the foot can be flexed (such as for running) and stiffened provide better propulsion. It is uncommon for Ashiir to wear restrictive footwear and they are most often seen with scant straps or coverings in place of shoes. Their hands each have three dexterous fingers and an opposable thumb.

    Due to the constant volcanic activity on Valiss, the atmosphere contains many toxic gases, including high levels of carbon monoxide that are released from the planet's inner layers. As the ancestors of the Ashiir came down from the trees and into the dense and poisonous gases, they evolved methods of surviving in the toxic environment. They breathe oxygen, but they are non-hemoglobic and suffer no ill-effects from the carbon monoxide. They also possess a sophisticated filtration system that is located above their "true" lungs that purges unusable gases out of two small vents behind either side of their lower jaw.

    The Ashiir are designed for a primarily carnivorous diet, but can and will eat select vegetation as well. They have two rows of small, triangular, serrated teeth in both the upper and lower jaw. Instead of molars, they posses small protrusions of jawbone that serve as crushing plates for plant matter and other foods too difficult for them to chew. Unlike their smaller front teeth, these plates possess impressive force and can crush bone-- a staple in traditional Ashiiran diets.

    Nearly everything on Valiss is poisonous to some degree, including the Ashiir-- most notably, their saliva. On its own, their saliva is mildly caustic and is used to help digest food before entering the stomach, but mixed with a venom that is secreted by glands in their jaw, it is a particularly nasty substance. Modern Ashiir venom is somewhat less potent than that of their ancestors and only truly toxic in large quantities or when concentrated. Ashiir are, of course, unaffected by the substance, but other species tend to experience mild tingling in their extremities after exposure, lasting only a few minutes. Concentrated amounts of Ashiir venom can, however, lead to paralysis and death-- though such incidents are few and far between. The venom they secrete into their saliva is largely a byproduct of their filtration of toxins from the environment, and Ashiir that live off-world have a notably milder venom composition.

    Their average lifespan is 100-125. (Ashiiran years)

    They reproduce sexually and give birth to live young. They are physically compatible with other races, but can only produce offspring with other Ashiir.

    Much of the evolution on Valiss has been closed due to the Ashiiran management of the planet. As the only sentient species, they rushed to the top of the food-chain and, while they are slowly evolving less exaggerated features, they have changed little over the past several centuries. Theirs is a culture founded on the desire to learn. Education and knowledge are so highly valued within their culture that social status is determined by an individual's contributions to society and, particularly, to academia.

    The Ashiir are notable for their advances in most every field of science and technology. They are highly innovative, tireless workers that will stand for nothing short of excellence. They strive to push the boundaries of possibility in their pursuit of knowledge, and they are proud of their collective intelligence. This is not without cause-- the Ashiir are quick-minded beings-- but it can lead to tensions when working cooperatively with other races. While Ashiir work together well enough with other Ashiir, many are distrustful of other races' intelligence. It's not something that is ever really addressed aloud, but rest assured that an Ashiir will be double-checking your calculations behind your back.

    Due to frequent seismic activity, Ashiiran architecture is designed to withstand considerable trauma, but even then the Ashiir do not like to tempt fate. The urban centres, universities, and research facilities (with rare exceptions) are all built as far away from active plate boundaries as possible in order to minimize potential damage.
    Because of this, and along with many of the other natural hazards of the planet, the Ashiir population is quite small in comparison to those of other planets. Excluding the two million Ashiir on the colony planet of Kessos, there are roughly eight million Ashiir that inhabit Valiss. Their small population and propensity toward pacifism has lead them to be a non-martial race. They have no formal military, but have little need for one. They have a sophisticated planetary defense system in place that can down the biggest ship in the galactic fleet, should such a vessel ever try to penetrate the Valissan atmosphere. Of course, other races have little desire to even visit Valiss, much less invade it. If the constant natural hazards and monstrous wildlife aren't enough of a deterrent, the atmosphere itself is toxic to non-Ashiir.

    The racial unity has allowed for ease of distribution throughout the continents of Valiss. The land masses are divided by not country borders, but by sectors. Each sector is responsible for a general branch of study, and is further divided into districts with more specific schools of study. Each Ashiir attends perfunctory education in their home sector before moving to another sector for their secondary education. After completion of competency exams, an individual selects four universities at which they desire to study and spends one phase at each. They are permitted a phase to reflect on their experiences and make the selection to explore more universities or to pursue further education at one they previously visited. Each Ashiir is expected to complete no less than five years, often referred to as "terms," at a university, and spends much of that time working as part of a research team and competing with their academic peers. The highest honor one can receive upon completion of their five term education is to be granted their own lab and research team.
    (One of the most intensive and important branches of study geology, particularly seismology and volcanology. There are researched teams devoted to monitoring and venting large volcanoes in order to reduce the impact of eruptions. As such, Ashiir are one of the galactic leaders in geological planetary evaluation.)

    Ashiir economy is based upon a standard living wage, regardless of social status. Education and housing is provided at no charge, and each individual starts at the same level of income and social standing, regardless of parental status. As an individual progresses through their studies and offers advances or outstanding work, they are rewarded with research funds and teams to aid in their work. What research teams compete for most is greater funding of their work or study, but are never fully cut off unless their results prove hazardous.
    There is only one belief system held by the Ashiir, and that is one of science and progress. It is often referred to as the "Universal Truth." They believe they exist in order to advance as much as possible in the time given to them, always moving forward.

    The highly volcanic nature of Valiss has led to the majority of all power being geothermal. Items and devices that cannot be practically powered by geothermal energy, such as ships and other vehicles, are fueled by a chemical compound of several Valissan elements, condensed into a clean-burning fuel rod with a considerable use time.

    The majority of Ashiiran relations with other planets is trade. Ashiiran technology is solid and well-trusted, but comes at a steep price. Nevertheless, most are willing to pay the price of innovation. Most notably, the Ashiir are the inventors behind the standard fuel used now used by most of the galactic races. The main imports to Valiss are raw metals and materials.

    While the Ashiir are not xenophobic, they are highly cautious of outsiders. Those that live off-world are less wary of non-Ashiir, but are often still regarded as being high-strung. They like to keep an eye on the goings on, but aren't always the most social of beings-- often choosing to linger and observe, much to the dislike of many other races. They are not a people that frequently partakes in leisure activity and they can have a rather terse presentation, though this varies largely between individuals.

    Species Name: Nesher
    Species Homeworld: "Zivah Reis"

    They are a military junta [Called something like the Nesher Liberation Council]. Non-religious- big on engineering/ material sciences... They take a lot of pride in their communities and work hard for a greater good- as their homeworld wasn't super habitable or forgiving- so they had a lot of big communities- and not a lot of individual families out there living on their own (separation meant death). This also meant they were pretty territorial about their communities- making self defense a necessity. Their communities were run by their military leaders. This continued as their communities began merging- and forming alliances, then ultimately looking to the stars.

    Formidable military might- as citizenship requires 2 years of military service. All citizens are conscripted at becoming an adult- which happens for them at age 20. Females, if pregnant- are not conscripted- however if they do not then volunteer for some sort of light duty community service, is almost looked down upon. All citizens who do not met certain mental and physical health requirements are not conscripted. Refusal means prison sentence- and this is very taboo in the culture.

    They are not xenophobic. On the contrary, they enjoy learning, and are inquisitive by nature. Initially upon discovering other sentient life- they were territorial and lashed out- however they now realize that if the people come together, great things can be achieved. They tend to trust quickly- as their people aren't known for being dishonest. However if slighted, they tend to take it very personally. They have been known to hold grudges for a long time, and winning back friendships is a hard thing to do. This goes along with their military strategy as well. They keep open negotiations until they are refused. Upon this moment, they unleash their vast military might with vicious blitzkrieg and multi faceted assaults that will not stop until a full surrender is given.

    They prefer ground or air superiority, however their naval forces seem to lack compared to others, mostly because their home-world didn't have abundant sources of water. Since their features are avian/raptor like- they love taking to the skies. They are stereotypically the best pilots and starfighters around, however their infantry units are certainly nothing to be dismissed. Their small arms are generally very lightweight and accurate, as well as adaptable, with interchangeable parts. Their units are highly disciplined and well trained- often participating in 'military games' at least once a year.

    Their air and aeronautical forces are seen as an honorable position to hold. Second would be their Army, then civil service jobs, then the Navy. Not that the navy is even remotely seen as an unfavorable position.

    They are known mostly for their military prowess and warrior culture, but they are also very keen engineers and mechanics. They have some of the best warships in the council. Very utilitarian, but having a sleek quality to their designs. They are having a hard time as a community to ease off of their warlike tendencies- so are beginning to focus on defense and protection- filling out a lot of the law enforcement, fire protection, and other community service based jobs.

    You will see a lot of Nesher as law enforcement, security, bouncers, and the like around Council space. Though it's not unheard of to listen to a Nesher pop-star, it is rather rare. They don't take much to the arts, but the ones that do find themselves quite successful. Sciences are important to them as well, though it is mostly out of necessity's sake. While obviously there are Nesher scientists, they aren't as mainstream as the other races. Medical care in nesher space is very cheap or even free. Again- to them it's all about the community, and the greater good. Sanitation is also a priority in their cities- they are often clean and fastidious people. Possibly out of pride, but also certainly to prevent disease and promote cleanliness and safety.

    Their home planet was mostly arid- with slight lean toward temperate in some areas. Used to a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere. So they can breathe the same air as humans without apparatus. They are very sensitive to their surroundings and have excellent eyesight. To see one wearing glasses, or having corrective aural surgery is a rarity.

    The average height is about 6' 6" for males, and about 6 feet for females. 8 feet being the tallest, and 5' 6" being some of the shortest. They are built lean- bipedal, and have front facing eyes. They favor avian or saurian features- and are tall, lanky- but lean with natural muscle. They have thin waists, and wide shoulders, and their hipbones tend to naturally protrude a bit. Their arms are (slightly longer than proportional to humans) humanoid, which end in a hand with three digits and an opposable thumb. Their hands are tipped with thick claws that need regular maintenance. Their legs are digitigrade- meaning they walk on their 'toes' rather than planting their heel on the ground. They have 3 thick toes, and their heel is wedge-like, rather than ball-like. Their shins are longer than their feet, so it can almost look plantigrade. Their skin is naturally rough to deal with - but they have feathery/hair areas as well [heads, shoulders, forearms]. They are quite physically diverse, but colors generally tend to be more drab and natural- to blend in with their home environments.

    The average look is having a shade of tan skin coloration, Large scale plates on their foreheads and more 'exposed' areas [shoulders, back, thighs, etc] with darker feathery areas- like on the shoulders and atop their heads. Skin colors vary between varying shades of browns, and grays, as well as greens. Their eye colors range from pale silvery colors, yellows, greens, and browns. Their eyes are round, and near front facing. They have large iris disks, having little 'white' around them, and their pupils are black. They have eyelids that close top-down like humans for sleeping. However while awake, they have a clear membrane that slides across the eye from the inner eye to the outer corner. They are able to see through this clear membrane. Atop their thick necks are their heads. Their heads are like a flattened saurian or avian shape, and sometimes have protruding horns around their temples and jawline. Their reptilian/avian mouths have sharper teeth suited for carnivorous diets. Some are known to instead of having regular facial plate scales, but beak-like snouts. They have slits for nostrils above their mouth. Their ears are not "external" but are generally covered by sensitive feathers. These are located at cheekbone level behind the eyes.

    (I think they would look like a mix of the argonians from the elder scrolls series, the alkari from master of orion, and the turians from the mass effect universe)

    With an overabundance of humans in the universe, Human languages, or something more akin to 'Universal common' is spoken as a major language. Their original language is very staccato, often with single syllable words- mostly beginning with consonants.Their alphabet is long- and their written language is difficult to most other species.

    Most Names are single syllable given name, with a two or three syllable surname and middle name. They often go by their surname, unless present with another relative. Nicknames are very common in their culture, as well.

    For reproduction, they choose a single mate, and stay for life. The females lay 1-3 (4 being incredibly rare) eggs, and they hatch at around 10 months. They use the term "mate" for their chosen significant other. Females having clutches of eggs without a mate is not entirely taboo, but they do see it as non beneficial. Children of the adults take both parent surnames, female first, then male second.

    Male and female temperament seem to be similarly mild. Males and females are equals in every aspect of their society, as both are similarly equal in intellectual and physical areas.

    Average lifespan is quite similar to the humans these days, of an average of 120-150 years.
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Species Name: Elddaru[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Species Homeworld: Tehat[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]A species that makes its home on a planet similar in composition to Saturn. The planet is mainly made up of hydrogen gas, floating ice particles, and debris pulled into a spherical shape by the gravitational pull emitted by the large core. The surface of the planet, with much of its make-up being loose material, is made up of shifting plates of "land" of varying sizes that given the make-up create up to three varying biomes that influence the species itself directly. Much of these landmass holds random cities and villages, all of which may vary in advancement depending on the surrounding location. Biomes that make up this planet vary between Tundra, Arctic Wasteland, and deserts that can rise up to 60 degrees Fahrenheit and will often fall very close to 0 kelvin, staying at around -300 degrees Fahrenheit. The planet is in a perpetual state of winter for 80% of the natural year, with the remaining 20% being unusual warm and slightly unbearable for most of the planet's inhabitants.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]The main sentient race of the planet, the Elddaru, are know to have bodies that are uniquely adapted to these extreme temperatures. The Elddaru are generally described as scaly, thin, almost wiry humanoid beasts with small plates of armor over their body that double as both protection and insulation for themselves. Elddaru are often born with sharp bone protrusions, an evolution from the long-gone past as a form of protection that has long since become one merely of decoration and status. Generalized height for the Elddaru are between 6 and 7 feet for both sexes, and aside from the formation of spiky, bone-like protrusions from the body for added protection, there are little differences between the males and females. Elddaru male and females are able to possess hair as humans do, however their facial structure is vastly different, especially in the eyes and thins lips.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Though they are able to stand upright, Elddaru are often getting around on all fours as their long torsos, powerful forearms and legs often allow them ease of transportation. Elddaru have slit, ophidian eyes, giving the indication of less sensitivity to light, a given with the often stark white landscape of Tehat. Elddaru clothing is often consisting of cloth similar in feel to wool or fleece, as an added measure against the extreme cold of the planet. Elddaru often don tightly fit clothing similar to that of fashion in medieval times, worn by knights and squires.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]An Elddaru's will consume mostly proteins and fats, as most of their diet is directly related to storing fat and warmth to stave off the constant harsh environment of the planet. The mouth of the Elddaru is similar to that of a wolf and boa constrictor mixed together, by human standards. The teeth of the Elddaru are numerous all pointed and edged as a result of their diet, with no room for molars as there are little plants that survive the cold of Tehat. The upper fangs of the Elddaru mouth are vastly larger than the other teeth, and in extreme cases will protrude from the mouth due to the sheer size. Like certain snakes, Elddaru can store a sort of poison or toxin inside of their bodies that can either be injected by bite or spat onto prey or enemies.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#000000]Despite their rugged looks, Elddaru are actually rather intelligent beings, with most being able to utilize the gaseous nature that creates the loose continents they live on to their advantage. Many Elddaru are adept at the science of elements, or chemistry, as well as that of astrology, both of which play a key role in the mapping of the movements of the continents of the planet. Elddaru are considered star-gazers, just an old race that had dedicated themselves to the mapping of the stars that sought to dictate the moving of the planet right under their feet. Some of the technology they use for astrological purposes is among some of the most advanced in the their galaxy, this being one of the main reasons, if any, that they would be sought out by other races.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=#000000]Species[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] - Syn Esar (singular Syn Esi)[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Planet[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] - Enet (or[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] Eth Ket O Thrut[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000]) [/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Biology[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] - The Syn Esar are a bipedal species who appear insectoid in appearance, covered entirely in thick metal plating.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]The species emerged from a desert that burns hot during the day (beneath a binary star system) and freezes overnight, so the Syn Esar are remarkably adept at adjusting and maintaining temperature even where plates have been peeled away through conflict. A unique secondary fluid transit system twines around their most sensitive internal organs, acting as a coolant on hot days, while their metallic plating can seal to insulate on cold nights. These plates can be shifted to accentuate tone in conversation, as well as reflect stress, joy, or agitation.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Plating is non reflective and colors can range from gunmetal grey to deep blue, while whatever skin beneath is more like a pale covering of scales than actual skin. [/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]They are a tall and powerful, standing between 9' and 10' with a set of arms (four fingers, two thumbs) situated below the neck, and a secondary set consisting of two long 'claws' that fold in tight beneath the arms and against the chest. These supposedly were once used to break the shells of their prey during their more primitive years, and have noticeably shrunk since the emergence of more efficient tools. They are known to be capable of lifting three times their own weight, and even more with training no different than weight training among humans. They are bulky in the chest, and slim in the abdomen.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Syn Esar stand digitigrade. Elongated metatarsals support their weight, giving them a swaying or loping gait that suits their remarkable height. Two serrated talons end each toe to allow for gripping on the slippery desert stones, while a third toe provides balance.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]There are four eyes on a Syn Esar's face; two in front, and two far back on either side, protected by a bony crest. These eyes are either red or yellow, with slitted pupils at the center. The face is sharp and almost reptilian, with the lower jaw coming in two segmented parts that lock together when closed. These jaws can separate outward to a full 90 degree angle and are covered in curving incisors intended to hold prey while the teeth of a secondary pair of mandibles tears it apart. These secondary mandibles bear the responsibility of communication, clicking, rubbing, and chittering in a unique language not replicable by other species.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Regardless, Syn Esar are very much capable of speaking more human languages as their once vestigial vocal cords, used long ago to replicate animal sounds to lure prey, can be used to mimic speech. Their intonation is strange and they are capable of accents. The thin, spiny 'fans' emerging from their crests are often utilized with non-Syn Esar species to aid in communication.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]They are a highly intelligent, albeit somewhat wary and predatory, species that fought for their place as the dominant race on their planet. They have expanded beyond their solar system to inhabit many worlds, and now live comfortably in seemingly inhospitable planets through sheer will and their remarkable adaptability.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Culture[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] -[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]For much of their prehistory, and indeed their history, the Syn Esar have warred. Records dating back millennia speak of great battles, and war poems decorate many of the ancient halls of Enet. Advancing alongside their technology has given them a unique perspective on technology as a whole, no matter how advanced, and many Syn Esar seem to have an inherent knowledge of the inner workings of even the most alien of tech.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]The seething deserts of their planet make for the hottest forges. With only a year (433 days) of training, any Syn Esar can take to the anvil and forge a masterpiece.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Syn Esar view all other races as potential clients, believing that maintaining neutrality is the best offense. They will work with any race they choose regardless of alliance, provided they are paid well or have a strong enough existing relationship.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Metalworkers, architects, and gunsmiths/weaponsmiths make up the majority of the workforce, followed closely by geologists, astrophysicists, and merchants. Laborers are considered military reserves, while the military itself is an optional, and highly respected, position. The respect one garners from their position follows no known laws, and fully depends on the region from which the Syn Esar came.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Besides a region-based respect system, all Syn Esar are considered equal at their core. They build strong relationships with one another regardless of profession. Syn Esar do not form pairbonds for mating, as reproduction in the modern age is highly regulated so that the best and healthiest genes may be selected.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]There are expectations, however. Males are expected to take up metalworking or gunsmithing, while females are expected to take up sciences. Since these professions can be mixed and lines can be crossed without much thought in the modern age, these expectations are slowly dying.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Clothing is thin silk produced by cave worms. It's thick enough to provide a modest covering without overheating the Syn Esar, and is often worn like skirt, held by belts made of the carapace of a wild animal on Enet and various metals. There is more cultural significance to these, such as color indicating friendliness or hostility. Most prefer to wear neutral colors like green or blue for this reason.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Syn Esar, upon birth, are given a unique name indicating their position in the birth order of that patch of offspring (Syn Esar will call others born at the same time their batchmates, and consider them family), the region in which they were born, and a third name chosen by themselves to indicate profession. The third may be a mix of professions.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]An example:[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=#000000]Uynohnvir: Uyn - second, Ohn - the naming term for the region of Ohnos, and Vir - Untranslatable, but possibly means something like explorer, or scientist. Uynohnvir was likely the second to hatch within his/her batch in the Ohnos hatchery, and grew up to become a scientist of some sort.[/BCOLOR]

    [BCOLOR=transparent]So, you want to know more about the Vengane? Here's a rundown of them as a species. Their planet of origin is known as Karaxxith, or that is the closest to the phonetic pronunciation of it. They own five of the seven planets in their galaxy, the other two being uninhabitable due to their proximity to the sun. Their home world has comparable gravity and air mixture to the human's Earth. That being said, the climate is far harsher and filled with over 60% predators. Frighteningly enough, Vengane sits at the top of their food chain, eating the predators as opposed to the prey. The ecological system balances itself out, somewhat. They are a technologically advanced species, but unlike a lot of the most space-faring variety, a lot of their technology is military-based. At one point in time, they were a war-mongering, conqueror-loving species. Yet, like a toddler grows out of throwing temper-tantrums, they grew out of creating conflicts. Now, they are trying to get away from their technological advancements being solely of the gun and armor variety. They've sent out a call for scientists that wish to have near-unlimited funds to research whatever they want. The only catch, the Vengane own it and can do whatever they wish with it.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Anatomy and Physiology[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]The Vengane stand easily at 8 human feet and weigh several hundred of their pounds. Most of their species are muscular, given the predator breeding. Yet, in the recent years, due to their more lax take on the battle, there have been a few Vengane capable of forming fat deposits. Quite frankly, their society doesn't know whether or not to be horrified or intrigued.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]They are a bipedal, digitigrade species that balances on their four clawed toes—they have been called space dinosaurs on more than one occasion. They have a long, thick, prehensile tail that's the main function is keeping them balanced when they run or perform quick maneuvers. Though, it's also handy for holding things when one of their four hands are full. Their torso is similar to a male human. Their arms are proportionate to their body with four fully-capable digits. They have a second set of arms, though, that rest underneath the first set and come out from their sides. These are smaller in comparison and have six fingers that are thinner and used for finer manipulation.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Their heads are proportionate to their bodies. They are sleek with no hair. Actually, none of their body has hair follicles. They have four eyes. The primary pair sees in a visual spectrum similar to humans, but they can see a few colors more than them. They've tried to explain what the [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]isstaryic[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] color looks like. Their closest explanation is "orange that has been electrocuted, with the happiness of a human puppy, and the spiciness of the human curry." That description either makes humans hungry or nauseous. Their second set are thermal, on a basic level. Venganes have a nose that is sleek with small nares. Their olfactory senses are sub-human. They can only pick-up a certain range of smells. Their ears are similar to birds. It is just a hole on the side of their head, neatly hidden behind a ridge of bone and flesh. They can hear just as well as humans. Their mouths are about as large as humans unless they unhinge their jaw, and then it is more like a shark. They have sharp, black teeth on top and bottom. They have no lips. Their facial structure is devoid of muscles except those needed to chew and unhinge the jaw. That being said, the ability for the roof of their mouths to move helps with most words. They usually have a strong "k" to anything that has a soft "c" or "k", but they sound particularly human in their speech. Due to this lack of facial muscle, Vengane can't make facial expressions. Among other Vengane they making clicking noises or long reptilian howls to announce how they're feeling. Around any other species. They begin their sentences with their emotion and continue on from there. Still, their species is known for being blunt. They don't believe in lying, and they don't believe in a lot of emotional conflicts. It is common to hear from them: "Annoyed. I am sorry your small cerebral cortex cannot process these complicated thoughts." They're not being mean, they are stating a fact that a lesser race can't comprehend their words.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Vengane range in color from black to dark gray, and from brown to dark brown. Their bodies are sleek, their skin is as thick as leather. The bones that form their head are so dense that they could head butt a rhinoceros (this has been clinically proven.) Beyond all that, they do have colorful flourishes that appear on their body. The more color means the higher class they are. Yet, there is no chart to gage this, and so a lot of races don't try to.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]The Vengane have redundant organs in all except for the brain and sexual organs. They are capable of eating human food but don't receive the proper nutrition from it. They usually have their own diet plan.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Government and Religion[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]The Vengane have a god for everything. There is a god for mud. There is a god for trees. There is a god for cannibalizing another Vengane. There is even a god for prodding someone's liver. Nowadays, picking a god is like picking a profession. Vengane just do it in hopes of letting people know how they lie. There is no scripture or literature on their religion. It is purely oral.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Their government is a dictatorship. They are ruled by a Vengane called the Will & Body of the People. Of course, he has a council. Each council member is as varied as the gods in their duties. There are broad ones like "agriculture," but frivolous ones like "architecture on the northern plains." The Will & Body of the People calls for the aptest council members to help them with their plan before making a decision. Yet, once they enact a decision, it is not dismissable and fully carried out. One might think that this was an abuse of power. Yet, the "Body" part of that title makes it a little less so. People starve? The Will & Body starve. An arm of the military is destroyed? The Will & Body lose an arm. There is a plague? The Will & Body receive an illness that is recoverable but painful enough. There have been The Will & Bodies that have watched the head of their military crumble. They didn't survive the night.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]The Vengane view this as the only way for them to keep the government responsible for their actions.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]The Vengane work in a class system. The lower class is the working class. The middle class is military. And the top class in government. There is very little upward movement but a lot of downward movement. What might be surprising, though, is that they value their middle class above all else. Even though they've moved away from a military lifestyle, they still want their military to seem powerful. So, there is never any movement from the middle class. Well, if someone shuns The Will & Body they get moved down, but they have to do something downright atrocious. And that just usually ends them working as a slave on some remote mining asteroid.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]So, there is a lot of pressure from the heads of households to remain in class and do their job with the utmost efficiency. Those that take up other professions are looked poorly upon. Once you're born into one class, you stay there. There are a few exceptional cases, but they are mostly mythology.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Though there is a difference in classes, it isn't oppressive. Sure, the middle class my huff at the lower class. The higher class may scoff at the middle. There is no unfair treatment in the form of social or physical oppression. Everyone understands they are a gear in the machine.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Reproduction and Sexuality[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]The Vengane have only one sex. Humans call it hermaphroditic, but the Vengane call it being a Vengane. When they were introduced to human's legislature and were told to pick one... there was a lot of confusion. They asked for clarification on which was which. There was more confusion as they didn't understand why someone who liked to wear a battle tunic made them an entirely different sex that one that liked to wear war trousers. They figured it out, though, and marked the correct box to the way they felt. They viewed it more as a feeling at a time than an actual sex.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Vengane do not believe in monogamy. They are polyamorous. Though they can favor one companion over another, they do not believe in allowing them all their time. They are encouraged to be as prolific as possible. This is due to the Vengane's low birth rate. Fortunately, they are a long-lived species and can afford a low birthrate.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]Oddly enough, it has been discovered that the Vengane are sexually compatible with humans and similar races. They don't know who actually went about procuring that information, but they were the brave sort. That being said, the offspring was far more humanoid than the Vengane would want. After a bit of research, it turned out that the Vengane were 35% likely to have a child with other Vengane. Where a Vengane and another race were 90% likely to produce offspring. It was astonishing and weird.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]The Vengane have shed their skins as a military based faction and moved more towards scientific pursuits, valuing intelligence over brute strength. Not to say they still don't have soldiers, but they are no longer interested in expanding their small piece of the universe. Now, they look to learning about other cultures, their science, and acclimating it into their own. Their goals are not known to outside species, but they assure them that whatever they learn will be equally distributed back.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]They live in a caste system that can simply be explained as slave->worker->merchant->soldier->scholar->noble->council->leader. There is little upward movement within this system, but a lot of downwards movement if one is looked poorly upon. The three castes that are seen the most outside of their own species are the merchants, soldier, and scholars. The others rarely leave the confines of their home planet.[/BCOLOR]
    [BCOLOR=transparent]They do not believe in art or song. Their gods are basic and not at all relevant to the day to day of their lives. They are xenophobic, but still deal with species formally if not curtly. They've always viewed themselves as the spearhead of change, whether by force or knowledge. Of course, these are their beliefs and easily not held by any others[/BCOLOR]

  • Our Characters are a part of the current UGC Scout Frigate 'Nomad 01'. That name is a work in progress, unless no one has any other suggestions.

    This is the image i'm taking inspiration from for the Frigate-

    Character sheet!

    This is the current gen1 character sheet created for now. Also Character lists will be generated below.

    [dash=white]United Galactic Conference Employee Record found:[/dash][dash=white]

    [Name- Last, First, applicable middle init.]

    Serial Number: [####-##-####]

    D.O.B: [bithdate. We'll say the current standard human system year is listed at 2900?]


    UGC Department: [Like Army, Navy, Legal, Accounts Payable, Infrastructure, HR, Medical, Biology, Xenology, Botany, Zoology, etc]

    Rank/paygrade [If active military]: [like CPT/ 02]

    Curent Assignment : [I'll/we will come up with a ship name soon. Also it's captain's name. I don't think I want the ship's captain being a PC because unlike in Star Trek- they usually wouldn't have any reason to get off the ship to go on missions.]

    Previous Assignment/s:

    Physical Description :

    Psychological profile:

    Biographical overview:[/dash]​

    Character Roster:

    Mason, Cmdr Jane P.

    Serial Number: 1724-68-0012

    D.O.B: April 27, 2870 [age 30]

    Birthplace: Connor Space Station [Levik System, Human Alliance space]

    UGC Department: Human System Alliance and UGC Navy

    Rank/paygrade [If active military]: Commander- O5

    Curent Assignment : Recently promoted to Commander in the UGC Navy. Added to the new scout vessel recently commissioned 'Nomad - 01'. She will be acting as the Captain's operational right hand.

    Previous Assignment/s:
    2900- Reassigned to UGC "Nomad 01" Scout Frigate
    2894- Previously attached to the UGC "Hamilton" Carrier vessel.
    2992- Stationed on the Human Systems Naval Command Vessel: "Shining Star" Carrier
    2889- Stationed at Human Systems Naval Command Base on Terra Prime
    2888- Stationed at Human Systems Naval Command Academy on Terra Prime

    Physical Description : Standing at 5' 9", Commander Mason is slightly taller than average height, and displays an athletic figure. She has dark skin, and straight black hair that stays in regulation length due to the grooming standard. Her eyes are a gray-green color, and sit beneath average black eyebrows. She has a round nose, almond shaped eyes, and an ovular shaped head.

    She has a HSNC 'Wings' tattoo she got when graduating with her Special Operations 'wings' in '91. This is on her left arm.

    Her left arm has some minor burn scarring on the forearm received from a mission where her starfighter malfunctioned after taking damage.

    Psychological profile: Commander Mason displays a quick wit, and upbeat attitude. A capable commander who is tested in abilities to stay calm under pressure, and make educated decisions based upon acquired knowledge and experience. She maintains herself physically, as well as psychologically- visiting UGC fitness facilities, as well as her provided Human Systems Alliance healthcare associates regularly. Despite being a team player, she tends to favor individualistic tendencies, and has a bit of an introverted personality.

    Biographical overview:
    Jane was born on a space station in alliance space. Her parents were actually travelling back home from a long vacation. She grew up on Terra Prime- the Human System Alliance's Capital planet. Her parents were a teacher, and a medical equipment technician. They fostered her early talents in athletics, math, and sciences. She graduated secondary school, and attended university on scholarship for applied physics and aviation. After her first year, she transferred to the Terra Prime Naval Academy, and graduated as an Ensign.

    She became a full combat aviator in 2889. Specializing in attack and fighter\interceptor craft- however proficient in most personal craft operation. She flew three reconnaissance missions in a short flashpoint engagement involving a nearby system. She remained on the Naval Base running short training operations and attending classes and taking courses to keep sharp on nearby planets before she was assigned to the HSNCV "Shining Star" when she was 24.

    The Shining Star patrolled areas of concern in the galaxy- where she would run recon flights and lead quick sorties against a violent sect of seditionist forces. Her last mission before the seditionists went back to the negotiation tables ended with her having to bail from her fighter after a hairball of a dogfight. Her craft took a few hits from an enemy's strafe pattern. Her console caught fire, and her left engine was leaking fumes into the cockpit. This is where she got her burn scars.

    After recovery, she was recommended into the special operations program, where she spent a few months training. she graduated with her 'Special Operations Wings' i '84 and transferred to a UGC carrier vessel. She was now working for the UGC, as she had higher tier operational status, and accepted a transfer recommendation. She ran some operations with the UGC 'Hamilton' carrier with a group that did both air and ground operations. She was given command over a small group who would regularly fly into hot zones planetside, set up communications, and sabotage enemy emplacements.

    This is around where she met her current fiance- while on leave she spent time back on Terra Prime. They shared some mutual friends and began dating. Things got pretty serious after suffering through a long distance relationship- Jane requested a transfer away from hot zones for a while. There are always some planet's forces who requite the assistance of the UGC military. She was going to try to get out of that business, and do something a little more 'for the greater good'- and work on a scout ship.

    For her last handful of years- she wants to spend them forwarding the knowledge of the UGC, rather than being used as a surgical instrument.
    United Galactic Conference Employee Record found:

    Lando, Nimh PhD

    Serial Number: 7886-4E-4H63

    D.O.B: November 11, 2873 (Age 27)

    Birthplace: Moh, Tehat

    UGC Department: UGC Science and Technology Division and Elddaru Intergalactic Coalition

    Rank/pay-grade [If active military]: n/a

    Current Assignment: Assigned to the UGC Scout Vessel Nomad-01- She will be acting as one of the Heads of the Research Division, to study the surrounding star system and help Navigators on the Vessel in their tasks.

    Previous Assignment/s:
    2890- Stationed to Elddaru Intergalactic Coalition Research Vessel, Brigham Rann
    2894- Stationed to Elddaru Intergalactic Research Colony, located on nearby desolate planet Dhoria- OH17
    2896- Reassigned to UGC Control Science and Technology Division, Command Base
    2897-Stationed on UGC Research Vessel, Urne
    2898- Assigned to UGC Nomad 01, Scout Frigate

    Physical Description: Dr. Nimh Lando is 6'2" with the average mesomorphic build of the Elddaru. Her skin, or rather the plates that cover her somewhat scale-y skin are of a lighter color than most, being a more bright vibrant hazel sort of color. Her eyes are bright-yellow with flecks of orange in them, and her hair or what can be seen is of a jet black color. She has slightly long fangs, not long enough to hang out of her mouth, but enough to be noticeable when she smiles.

    Psychological profile:
    Dr. Lando displays level-headed-ness and leadership skills well beyond her years.In her field she is highly capable of crafting unique solutions to complicated problems, both in reality and figuratively. Lando is able to go above and beyond the required call of action in her field, for both the benefit of herself and her teammates. Despite maintaining reservations between herself and the rest of any crew mates, Dr. Lando maintains respect towards her superiors and those of different fields and planets. Though it can be well assumed and witnessed that she does not fully trust most others from different planets.

    Biographical overview:
    Nimh was born the younger of two on one of the less mobile tectonic countries, Moh of the planet Tehat, She grew up with parents that, like all Elddaru held some expertise in sciences or astrology. In particular one parent was a Biochemist and the other was Bio-engineer. Knowing well that she too would fall into a profession of science, Nimh embraced the idea early on. Before her schooling, she was able to get her parents to purchase and read books to her on all manner of scientific fields, until she found one she loved to hear about. That field was anything that had to do with the study of the stars. She was immediately ushered into schools with the utmost confidence of her parents, in hopes that she would focus on studies such Astronomy or Astrology, with a vast undertaking of other STEM subjects. She graduated from her schooling early, in the third of her entire class, with a PhD in the field of Astrochemistry. in the year 2888.

    Shortly after graduating, at she was assigned to one of the top Research vessels of the Elddaru Coalition, the Brigham Rann, In 2890, where she worked with many of the highest ranking Elddaru Astrologists and Astronomists, often creating technologies to help with their studies, or solving problems that require a unique look into the astrological. Much of her work here was used to help navigate the vessel through dark zones, using reliance of distant star systems. Other works often similarly tested knowledge she learned of chemical reactions in space and how to apply them in ways beneficial to not only the vessel itself, but also if it can be utilized for Tehat.

    After three years of work on the Brigham, she was given a year off, able to move back home for a while and stay with her parents, sometimes even helping them with their work. Nimh was also able to spend time with her older brother, a top Astrologist living on another continent, and his family, meeting with her adorable niece. She enjoyed closeness with family, which ended with an interesting proposal from her brother to work with him on an upcoming assignment on the Research Colony, Dhoria-OH17. Accepting for the chance to work with her brother and the new scenery, she was shipped off with him towards the end of the year to Dhoria. Her work was to isolate the chemical reactions of the planet, catalog them, and find some way to utilize the unique reactions for either new scientific equipment designs or to work the reactions in a positive manner for the further colonization of the planet. She would be working with a team of scientists like herself and her brother, as well as a small platoon of armed forces for the strange environment. She was assigned here in the 2894, at the age of 21.
    Her good work on the Brigham Rann and Dhoria-OH17 did not go unnoticed, and even her highest peers recommended her for the UGC, Science and Technology Division. She was put through a trial period working with many scientists to be considered her betters, and worked with them taking their directions into consideration with regards to her field and trial assignments. She was officially assigned to the United Galactic Conference Control Science and Technology Division, on the Command Base in 2896 at the age of 23.

    A year after her induction to the UGC, Nimh was assigned to the Research Vessel, Urne along with one of her seniors and a handful of other scientists. Their goal was to observe a recently emptied war-zone, a desolate planet of vagabonds, and see if anything of the chemical structure of the planet or surrounding atmosphere could be utilized for the UGC or if any of the weaponry could be used or modified for military use. This mission allowed for the meeting of an unlikely ally/fast friend in the form of another of her superiors, of whom she often went to when she found herself lost or stuck in her work. The work here was difficult, do to the amount of damage and carnage, but not impossible. Though the job did leave her with a quieter disposition and numerous reserved tendencies. Often her personality change ans how it affects others has winded up to her visiting the on-sight therapist, however not a one of these instances have had detrimental impact on her career or work.

    If anything, Dr. Lando has wanted nothing more than work the best she's able and work with and among the stars.

  • Update Info
    Generated the post.
    10.10- Updated 'UGC" tab with uniform inspirations
    10.10- updated Characters section with collapsible character sheet, and added a ship photo...
    10.20- opened up the RP for signups again.​

Last edited by a moderator:
Did we have ideas/limitations on character roles and specialties? So we don't end up with 8 biologists or something?
Did we have ideas/limitations on character roles and specialties? So we don't end up with 8 biologists or something?
Good question. I can give some ideas, but the scope can be pretty wide here.

So our operational ground explorer team could consist of all manner of things. If you want to get super specialized, we can send things like: environmental scientists- air, water, soil quality specialists, etc. Different kinds of biologists- like botany, zoology, xenobiology. Geologists. Cartographers. Galactic historians, archaeologists, sociologists. Physicists, or mechanical engineers...

Though operationally there are more basic things that would be very helpful. Like just being a military scout, or aviator/astronaut.

I'd imagine a team like ours could mostly be just a survey team with basic knowledge of some specialiased areas. Like a military group who all have certain basic knowledge specialties, like safe operating conditions in the airs, waters, lifeforms, edible plants, and stuff like that. We wouldn't necessarily HAVE to have something super specialised like a straight up government or military scientists. But it would totally make sense to have them...
Ah. Mmkay. I was also wondering that myself. I was leaning towards Robotic Engineer. Just because I think something like that would be helpful in creating automatons that can get to hard to reach samples and generally collect/carry samples. Maybe with some analysis, but it would be very basic. Also, probably helpful aboard the ship, as well, for repairs or VI-Sentient foot rests. XD

Also, Niiwa found this, I can't take credit for it, but it is a random planet generator with neat pixel art. It is a "name your price" generator, but you can actually download it without donating. I donated a little, myself, because I had a fun time playing around on it. But it might be useful for creating planets. Toggle the environment button enough and it will give you a randomly created species.

  • Like
Reactions: Mágissa Kei
Sounds good to me! I was leaning towards a navigator/astronomer sort of role, myself, so it's good to get an idea of what's around and stuff. She could probably easily go down to the ground and participate in cartography as well if she needs a better excuse to explore awesome alien planets.

And that tool is great! Super cute and fun, but also pretty useful.
@Tyrannosaurus Rekt the idea you have for a character is great. I'm sure there'd be use of drones and stuff to get to hard to reach places and all that!

Also I am primarily a mobile user but I may download that on my laptop, planetarium looks pretry cool!
United Galactic Conference Employee Record found:

Mason, Cmdr Jane P.

Serial Number: 1724-68-0012

D.O.B: April 27, 2870 [age 30]

Birthplace: Connor Space Station [Levik System, Human Alliance space]

UGC Department: Human System Alliance and UGC Navy

Rank/paygrade [If active military]: Commander- O5

Curent Assignment : Recently promoted to Commander in the UGC Navy. Added to the new scout vessel recently commissioned 'Nomad - 01'. She will be acting as the Captain's operational right hand.

Previous Assignment/s:
2900- Reassigned to UGC "Nomad 01" Scout Frigate
2894- Previously attached to the UGC "Hamilton" Carrier vessel.
2992- Stationed on the Human Systems Naval Command Vessel: "Shining Star" Carrier
2889- Stationed at Human Systems Naval Command Base on Terra Prime
2888- Stationed at Human Systems Naval Command Academy on Terra Prime

Physical Description : Standing at 5' 9", Commander Mason is slightly taller than average height, and displays an athletic figure. She has dark skin, and straight black hair that stays in regulation length due to the grooming standard. Her eyes are a gray-green color, and sit beneath average black eyebrows. She has a round nose, almond shaped eyes, and an ovular shaped head.

She has a HSNC 'Wings' tattoo she got when graduating with her Special Operations 'wings' in '91. This is on her left arm.

Her left arm has some minor burn scarring on the forearm received from a mission where her starfighter malfunctioned after taking damage.

She generally wears her jumpsuit and duty belt with her nesher-make sidearm. Armor plating is only worn during missions.

Psychological profile: Commander Mason displays a quick wit, and upbeat attitude. A capable commander who is tested in abilities to stay calm under pressure, and make educated decisions based upon acquired knowledge and experience. She maintains herself physically, as well as psychologically- visiting UGC fitness facilities, as well as her provided Human Systems Alliance healthcare associates regularly. Despite being a team player, she tends to favor individualistic tendencies, and has a bit of an introverted personality.

Biographical overview:
Jane was born on a space station in alliance space. Her parents were actually travelling back home from a long vacation. She grew up on Terra Prime- the Human System Alliance's Capital planet. Her parents were a teacher, and a medical equipment technician. They fostered her early talents in athletics, math, and sciences. She graduated secondary school, and attended university on scholarship for applied physics and aviation. After her first year, she transferred to the Terra Prime Naval Academy, and graduated as an Ensign.

She became a full combat aviator in 2889. Specializing in attack and fighter\interceptor craft- however proficient in most personal craft operation. She flew three reconnaissance missions in a short flashpoint engagement involving a nearby system. She remained on the Naval Base running short training operations and attending classes and taking courses to keep sharp on nearby planets before she was assigned to the HSNCV "Shining Star" when she was 24.

The Shining Star patrolled areas of concern in the galaxy- where she would run recon flights and lead quick sorties against a violent sect of seditionist forces. Her last mission before the seditionists went back to the negotiation tables ended with her having to bail from her fighter after a hairball of a dogfight. Her craft took a few hits from an enemy's strafe pattern. Her console caught fire, and her left engine was leaking fumes into the cockpit. This is where she got her burn scars.

After recovery, she was recommended into the special operations program, where she spent a few months training. she graduated with her 'Special Operations Wings' i '84 and transferred to a UGC carrier vessel. She was now working for the UGC, as she had higher tier operational status, and accepted a transfer recommendation. She ran some operations with the UGC 'Hamilton' carrier with a group that did both air and ground operations. She was given command over a small group who would regularly fly into hot zones planetside, set up communications, and sabotage enemy emplacements.

This is around where she met her current fiance- while on leave she spent time back on Terra Prime. They shared some mutual friends and began dating. Things got pretty serious after suffering through a long distance relationship- Jane requested a transfer away from hot zones for a while. There are always some planet's forces who requite the assistance of the UGC military. She was going to try to get out of that business, and do something a little more 'for the greater good'- and work on a scout ship.

For her last handful of years- she wants to spend them forwarding the knowledge of the UGC, rather than being used as a surgical instrument.
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@Spectre Just wanted to let you know that I love your character and my own will be completely finished by tomorrow!
@Spectre Just wanted to let you know that I love your character and my own will be completely finished by tomorrow!
Hah, thank you :).
I wanted a higher tier character so I can do some GM-y things.

I'm also going to create another. For... science.
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Yeah, I was going to create a science one myself, sort of like a Scientific Engineer. Someone who could makes tools or gadgets for everyone based on the need for them.
United Galactic Conference Employee Record found:

Lando, Nimh PhD

Serial Number: 7886-4E-4H63

D.O.B: November 11, 2873 (Age 27)

Birthplace: Moh, Tehat

UGC Department: UGC Science and Technology Division and Elddaru Intergalactic Coalition

Rank/pay-grade [If active military]: n/a

Current Assignment: Assigned to the UGC Scout Vessel Nomad-01- She will be acting as one of the Heads of the Research Division, to study the surrounding star system and help Navigators on the Vessel in their tasks.

Previous Assignment/s:
2890- Stationed to Elddaru Intergalactic Coalition Research Vessel, Brigham Rann
2894- Stationed to Elddaru Intergalactic Research Colony, located on nearby desolate planet Dhoria- OH17
2896- Reassigned to UGC Control Science and Technology Division, Command Base
2897-Stationed on UGC Research Vessel, Urne
2898- Assigned to UGC Nomad 01, Scout Frigate

Physical Description: Dr. Nimh Lando is 6'2" with the average mesomorphic build of the Elddaru. Her skin, or rather the plates that cover her somewhat scale-y skin are of a lighter color than most, being a more bright vibrant hazel sort of color. Her eyes are bright-yellow with flecks of orange in them, and her hair or what can be seen is of a jet black color. She has slightly long fangs, not long enough to hang out of her mouth, but enough to be noticeable when she smiles.

Psychological profile:
Dr. Lando displays level-headed-ness and leadership skills well beyond her years.In her field she is highly capable of crafting unique solutions to complicated problems, both in reality and figuratively. Lando is able to go above and beyond the required call of action in her field, for both the benefit of herself and her teammates. Despite maintaining reservations between herself and the rest of any crew mates, Dr. Lando maintains respect towards her superiors and those of different fields and planets. Though it can be well assumed and witnessed that she does not fully trust most others from different planets.

Biographical overview:
Nimh was born the younger of two on one of the less mobile tectonic countries, Moh of the planet Tehat, She grew up with parents that, like all Elddaru held some expertise in sciences or astrology. In particular one parent was a Biochemist and the other was Bio-engineer. Knowing well that she too would fall into a profession of science, Nimh embraced the idea early on. Before her schooling, she was able to get her parents to purchase and read books to her on all manner of scientific fields, until she found one she loved to hear about. That field was anything that had to do with the study of the stars. She was immediately ushered into schools with the utmost confidence of her parents, in hopes that she would focus on studies such Astronomy or Astrology, with a vast undertaking of other STEM subjects. She graduated from her schooling early, in the third of her entire class, with a PhD in the field of Astrochemistry. in the year 2888.

Shortly after graduating, at she was assigned to one of the top Research vessels of the Elddaru Coalition, the Brigham Rann, In 2890, where she worked with many of the highest ranking Elddaru Astrologists and Astronomists, often creating technologies to help with their studies, or solving problems that require a unique look into the astrological. Much of her work here was used to help navigate the vessel through dark zones, using reliance of distant star systems. Other works often similarly tested knowledge she learned of chemical reactions in space and how to apply them in ways beneficial to not only the vessel itself, but also if it can be utilized for Tehat.

After three years of work on the Brigham, she was given a year off, able to move back home for a while and stay with her parents, sometimes even helping them with their work. Nimh was also able to spend time with her older brother, a top Astrologist living on another continent, and his family, meeting with her adorable niece. She enjoyed closeness with family, which ended with an interesting proposal from her brother to work with him on an upcoming assignment on the Research Colony, Dhoria-OH17. Accepting for the chance to work with her brother and the new scenery, she was shipped off with him towards the end of the year to Dhoria. Her work was to isolate the chemical reactions of the planet, catalog them, and find some way to utilize the unique reactions for either new scientific equipment designs or to work the reactions in a positive manner for the further colonization of the planet. She would be working with a team of scientists like herself and her brother, as well as a small platoon of armed forces for the strange environment. She was assigned here in the 2894, at the age of 21.
Her good work on the Brigham Rann and Dhoria-OH17 did not go unnoticed, and even her highest peers recommended her for the UGC, Science and Technology Division. She was put through a trial period working with many scientists to be considered her betters, and worked with them taking their directions into consideration with regards to her field and trial assignments. She was officially assigned to the United Galactic Conference Control Science and Technology Division, on the Command Base in 2896 at the age of 23.

A year after her induction to the UGC, Nimh was assigned to the Research Vessel, Urne along with one of her seniors and a handful of other scientists. Their goal was to observe a recently emptied war-zone, a desolate planet of vagabonds, and see if anything of the chemical structure of the planet or surrounding atmosphere could be utilized for the UGC or if any of the weaponry could be used or modified for military use. This mission allowed for the meeting of an unlikely ally/fast friend in the form of another of her superiors, of whom she often went to when she found herself lost or stuck in her work. The work here was difficult, do to the amount of damage and carnage, but not impossible. Though the job did leave her with a quieter disposition and numerous reserved tendencies. Often her personality change ans how it affects others has winded up to her visiting the on-sight therapist, however not a one of these instances have had detrimental impact on her career or work.

If anything, Dr. Lando has wanted nothing more than work the best she's able and work with and among the stars.
Actually, think I may just keep it at one written character for now. I may just GM othere if need be.

Looks good @Mágissa Kei !
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