Two Times, One Sword (Closed)

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Jiro smiled through his heavy breathing, and gave a thumbs up "I hope... the next one... is easier to obtain." He pointed towards the forest "We should get back into the woods, the Heikegani are going to be scouring the beach. Hopefully we can find a shrine or something to rest at." he managed to get to his feet.


The forest was bathed in an eerie twilight, thick dark shadows stretched across the white snow. Jiro was slowly leading the way, keeping himself upright by leaning on trees. "Hey Jiro how much farther?" Yori aske, a bit unnerve. "Feels like we've... been traveling for days." Jiro's eyes were heavy exhaustion.

"Maybe we should just make camp here?"
"No it's not safe."
"There are to evil spirits around.... have to find a shrine..."

Yori saw a black figure out of his peripheral vision, but when he looked nothing was there. "Yoko what's going on?" he hopped she would have a more clear answer for him. His guardian appeared, but something was horribly wrong. Yoko's skin was a pale blue, her clothes in tatters, and her face void of any expression. "Wh what happened to you?" Yori gasped in shock. "Yori look!" Jiro shouted weakly. He was pointing to a broken Torii, it's top section had collapsed on one side. "We're close now... come on." Jiro quickened his pace. Yori looked back to confront Yoko, but she was gone.

The two pass the shrine and slowly the snow they began to see other footprints in the snow. "Jiro something doesn't feel right we should turn back." Yori urged, though his sensors didn't warn of anything out of the ordinary. Jiro just kept pushing forward mumbling to himself. Eventually the forest opened up to a small village covered in the same twilight.

"Told yooooooo-" *WHUMP* Jiro collapsed on the ground. Yori ran to him and shook him "Jiro Jiro." he looked looked to the village to call for help, but is seemed like the place was empty. "Come on man get up!" an uneasy feeling began to build in Yori stomach.

"Does he need help?" a small voice asked for behind Yori.

The swordsman gave a startled turn to find a small girl.

"Y yes I think he's fallen from exhaustion." Yori's heart was racing as he tried to calm down for the jump scare the girl gave him.
"Ex... ex... exjast..." the small girl was struggling with the word.
Yori gave a nervous smile and composed himself "He's very sleepy, we both are could you help us?"
The little girl gave a big smile "Mhm." she nodded and pointed to a near by building.
Yori turned to the town, and it was now bustling with life "What the?"
"Mama has plenty of beds!" she laughed. She took Yori by the hand and began tugging on him "C'mon!"
"Alright alright." he picked up Jiro, and followed the girl to the building.

"Mama mama we have guests!" the girl ran through the front door with Yori in toe.
"Oh welcome to my Inn." the woman seemed surprised to see the swordsman.

"She's quite the cutie. Two rooms please." Yori placed two sliver pieces on the desk.
"You can't save them." the woman's voice was flat.
Yori's head shot up with a surge of panic in his eyes "What?"
"I said it's no charge." the woman repeated with a confused look on her face. She turned to grab two room keys "I hope my daughter wasn't to much trouble." he called.
"No not at all."
"Straight down the hall first two doors on the left." she handed him the room keys.
"Thank you." Yori nodded.

He placed Jiro in the first room bed, then went to his own. Yori practically fell into the second room bed, sleep quickly taking him.​
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The darkness of his dreams cross faded to VHS stylized tuning, like that on the old smuggled tapes his sister Ayako teased him with when he was still a child, of night horrors and demons in the dark corners wherever artificial light failed to touch. The sun was no more, you see, Ayako always said, so vampires ruled. She always laughed at the characters' screams on the screen and eager to point out the most gruesome kills to Yori, though child Yori covered his eyes. She took great delight in tucking him in while he was still shaken, grinning with the eerie glow of phosphorescent green light.

Yori felt small and could feel his small, infantile heart hammer in his chest. He ran when he heard the heavy breathing against the nape of his neck, and the moisture of slobber splashing against it. Splashes of bright color illuminated at random spots, showing only small bits where Yori's eyes dared to venture. He could feel the ground rumble against him. The light showed that the ground wasn't ground, but an entire floor of crawling eldritch abominations, with shapes of long intestines and orbs with multiple mouths and limbs, impractically shaped but very much alive. The smacking sound of the various goo they excreted felt like the only thing keeping what was the floor together into a pile of struggling flesh. Yori felt his hand against a solid wall, and he tried desperately with his hands to climb it, but he couldn't get a hold with his small seven year old hands.
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Yori felt something cold and slimy grab hold of his foot, he tried to scream but it was to late. The wrap pulled him to the ground, then straight up into the air. His heart was about ready to burst when he came face to face with a horror he couldn't have imagined.


A scream was caught in his throat unable to escape. The beast screamed bloody murder in several different voice all at once, it's breath reeking of death. The monster opened its huge gaping mouth, Yori was now screaming as loud as his lungs would let him. Razor sharp teeth sliced Yori's skin as he was was stopped in the monster jaw. "NO!" he screamed one last time reaching for the outside light. Then it all came at once darkness, silence, then a rushing wall of teeth. *CRUNCH!*

"Ahh!" Yori shot up from his bed with a gasp. His eyes darted around the room in a panic, a think cold sweat layered his body. "Just...a dream..." said breathing heavily. He sat there for a moment and just looked around the room, trying to compose his thoughts. Then something odd caught his attention, the room was still lit with the same bright orange light as before. He walk to his window and looked out, the sun was still setting "Did I really sleep that long?" he squinted his eyes, then turned to leave the room.

Yori walked up to the front desk "Excuse me, but how long was I out?"
The beautiful black haired woman from earlier was attending the desk once again "Oh hello again Yori. You must have been tired you've been asleep for two days."
"Wow I guess I was more tired then I thought." Yori muttered. "And what of the man I brought with me?"
"Still in his room, probably still asleep." she smiled. "You must be hungry after sleeping for so long. There is a place to eat to the left of here, just go up the steps."
"Uh thank you, but I really should wait for my friend. Do you have a bath somewhere?"
"Oh of course it's down the hall and the first door on your right, enjoy." she bowed and smiled.
Yori nodded and headed to the bath.


*SHING* *SQIUSH* *Drip... drip... drip* "Ha Ha Ha Ha!" Jiro stood before a hunched over body in a darkened room, his sword dripping with blood. "I finally did it! I killed Gin!" he stared at the body before him intently. The body shuffled and Jiro raised his sword, gritting his teeth in frustration. "Well done Jiro." a familiar voice greeted his ears. A small frog hopped out of Gin's armor "You defeated Gin, but can you defeat me?" the frog stood up and folded it's arms. "Why do you have the voice of my father?" Jiro raised an eye brow. "Does it matter?" the frog raised his own eyebrow. "Now fight me!" there was a quick burst of white smoke then a figure emerged.

"What the!" Jiro stumbled back. "FIGHT!" it screamed.


Yori opened the door to find a hot spring awaiting him "Now this is I'm talking about." he beamed. He took off his cloths and slowly got into the relaxing spring.

"Mind if I join you?" a voice called.
"No not at all." the swordsman said in a half conscious state.
The small sound of feet hitting the water echoed in Yori's ears.
"You know you shouldn't fall asleep in a hot spring, you might die."
Yori's eyes fluttered open "Yes I suppose your right." he turned his head and saw the lady from the front desk, now naked.​
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Yori's face was flush with panic and embarrassment when he saw the lady from the front desk naked in front of him. His face turned away reflexively from her. There was a separate bath for women, wasn't there? He shifted his position, sitting taller, with his back against a hard stone.

"You haven't seen a naked woman before?" she said.

The future samurai was unable to answer, ashamed of the truth. The fact was that he had never seen a naked woman before. His training in PaxCorp had served to harden his heart, and his adopted career as an officer of the law served only to harden it further. Crime was too rampant to allow for any spare time outside of cases, and by most conservative statistics, he was likely to prematurely die in his line of work anyway. None of that applied in this time, though, or excuse never having experienced skinny dipping or one night stands. The only answer he could give to the woman's question was a flat no. She waded and immersed herself into the hot spring, despite not getting an answer, quickly finding a spot beside Yori, and in response to his squirming, shifted only closer beside him. Yori knew that if Ayako had seen this, she'd call him a child for feeling consternated by something as petty as nakedness.

"It's strange." he commented weakly. He wasn't used to such forwardness, well, other than for his late sister. If Ayako had pulled something like this, he'd know it was a joke, a way to toy with emotions. Here, he didn't know. His sister had trained him well to keep up his defenses and build up a wall of distrust. The closest anyone had been in decades was Yoko, who was now inexplicably silent. Yori also couldn't wrap his head around not seeing any other people in this village, or in this place. Who was in charge? Was it the receptionist herself? He couldn't know, but felt like there would be trouble if they were seen like this, even if it was for purely innocent reasons as finding someone to converse with.

"Interesting." the black haired woman said, though it was likely not a response to Yori's weak comment, but to the way her right hand now traced against the recently charred flesh and the cold of his metallic components of his arm peeking through, while her left hand was around his wrist. Yori's arm tried to reflexively pull back from hers, but her grip was unusually strong. It was as though she knew exactly how much pressure to apply at any point, teasing escape from her bind but never allowing it, with a hold that relaxed precisely whenever Yori gave up his struggle.
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"So you wear your armor on the inside?" she looked up at him with partially innocent eyes.
"In a way yes..." Yori continued to look away.
"Is it odd that you remind me a lot of my late husband? I can tell that you have a just and kind heart... just like he did."
"What happened to him?"
"He was killed by the Reaper... he tried to leave this place." she wrapped both of her arms around his one, and leaned in, her chest now pushing up against him. The swordsman turned ruby red, but still refused to look.
"Who is this Reaper?"
"No one knows, but some say he's a demon wearing human skin."
"Sounds like Gin." Yori chuckled.
"Who's Gin?"
There was a long pause as Yori waited for her to say the punch line to her joke. "Yori, who is Gin?" she repeated again.

"Wait you're serious?... Gin... the shogun who has been plaguing Japan for years?" the swordsman said dumbfounded. The woman only met him with silence. Yori whipped his head around "How on Earth could you not know who G-" he stopped dead in his tracks as he caught an eye full of her cleavage. She giggled "Do you like what you see?" the swordsman looked away with a scowl on his face. She leaned in close to him, their lips almost touching, "I'm sorry I don't know who you are talking about, but I think I can make up for it." she said in a low seductive voice. She leaned in for a kiss.
*WHOOMP* The the bath door opened flung open, and in it stood the small girl very sleepy eyed. "Mama I had a bad dream." she was holding a small doll and rubbing her eyes, not sure of what was going on. The woman quickly hopped out of the bath, and grabbed a towel "Get back in bed sweetheart I'll be in to tuck you back in." she put on a nervous smile. The girl yawned "Ok..." then shuffled back off to bed.

The black hair beauty winked at Yori and walked back into the house. The swordsman breathed a sigh of relief "I need to get out of here."


*CLANG!* *CLANG!* Sword struck with spear, and visa versa. Jiro started down the frog for one final strike "Who are you?" he asked. "I'm not sure myself." the frog smiled "I think the right question should be who are you?" he ran at Jiro. "You're the last of your family, shouldn't you be be in hiding some where!" he thrust his spear. Jiro narrowly dodged the blade, but caught his footing and sung down on the wood handle of weapon. *Thunk* The spear now lay on the ground in two "Yield!" Jiro roared tired of the riddles. "Ha ha very well but you have to wake up first." the warrior chuckled. "What?" the swordsman bit back. "Wake up Jiro... wake up... wake up." the frog repeated over and over.


Jiro's eyes fluttered open, he was in an unfamiliar room "Where... am I?" he whispered. The room was captured in a bright orange twilight light, and leaning on the door was Yori. "Yori? Where are we? How long have I been out? Ahhh! Why does my head hurt so much?" he asked still groggy.
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"We're in Hotel California." Yori muttered, though he knew the reference would be lost on Jiro, but that's what it was. "Apparently we've been sleeping for more than two days." His emphasis on the word 'apparently' was clear, lingering like a dark omen that insinuated the sinister possibility that he could've been lied to.

His hair was still damp from the hot spring. He could still feel the touch of the woman at every spot where their bodies had touched. Yori could faint smell of the woman's hair and perfume, and the moisture of her lusty breath against his lips. The image of her faced weaved in black strands and the form of her chest to his face burned into his recent memory like a lazor inscribing on a disc.

"Here, take this." Yori fished from his given samurai vestment stitched with the KAMI-5 Police badge the Aqwuis Stone. "My head didn't hurt when I slept with it." Though my heart had been clocking past the speed limit. He was about to give the stone, then hesitated part way through giving it. The woman with the black hair mentioned that the Reaper was a demon wearing human skin. What if the person in front of him wasn't Jiro at all, but the Reaper, working for Gin?

"Perhaps not, though. As far as I can tell, it's a kind of tuner. Maybe it'd just make your symptoms worse."
Yori placed the Aqwuis Stone back into a pocket.

"We should get moving, though. It's getting dark again." Though it appeared to be twilight for quite a while now, Yori attributed that to a personal lost sense of time, offset by his nightmare and by the woman. He stood by the door, waiting for Jiro to stand and go in front of him past the door. Yori would feel much safer that way.
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"Alright..." Jiro slowly made his way out of bed and into the hallway with Yori. The two walked down to the lobby and the black haired woman was attending the desk "Oh are you two going out then?" she said inquisitively. Yori turned bright red as thoughts of their bath together flooded his mind "Yes we are." he looked at the ground. "Well I hope you enjoy what our town has to offer. A quick word of advice though, don't get to close to the two exit. It's dangerous to attempt to leave..." for a second the light left her eyes. "But please have a good time!" she quick through on a smile. "Thank you." both samurai nodded. "Oh and Yori do hurry back." she winked at him. "Hmmm" Yori briskly walked out the door, with Jiro in toe.

A village of bustling people spread out before the swordsmen. Chickens could be heard clucking, dogs barking, and people bargaining for food and other wears. The was an over all blanket of happiness across the village, this atmosphere was a much welcomed change over what the two had been through. "Shall we?" Jiro led the way out of the door step with a smile, and Yori followed. "So what was with the desk attendant? She seemed to be eyeing you up and down?" Jiro's smile turned to a goofyy grin.

Yori looked away "I I have no idea."
"Oh come on my friend there is no shame in a woman being interested in you." Jiro laughed.
"I'm not ashamed... just..."
"By the sun!" Jiro ran ahead.
"What is it?" Yori followed after him quickly.

Yori found Jiro in front of a food stand practically drooling, "What did you find?"
"It's Anpan." Jiro marveled. "I haven't had Anpan since I was a boy. How much?" he asked the elderly woman behind the stand.
"No charge my boy." she smiled at him.
Jiro two buns and offered one to Yori, who couldn't help but give a confused look. "Just eat it they're amazing!" Jiro said with a happy look.
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Yori looked at the Anpan anxiously, but not just because he didn't know what it was. The village revelry around him still didn't make any sense. When he had arrived, the town had been dead silent. It was as though a whole world had been constructed around them. He waited until this Jiro ate it, once again trying to assure himself that this was Jiro, and not an imposter trying to poison him. Maybe the elderly woman was the Reaper. He secretly made an analysis of the food as a tiny needle pricked the bottom of the food. The result was Inconclusive. He saw Jiro ate it, and he didn't appear to be sick. Yori felt rotten, for forcing himself to assume the worst might've happened and that this wasn't the Jiro that he knew, the only friend he had at this time, and for not simply smacking away the anpan right away.

Why didn't he strike away the anpan? He only had to think for a moment to understand the terror of the truth. It was so that, if this really was Jiro, then he could have some happiness in this world, which might end up being both of their graves. Yori could've carried Jiro into a deathtrap, making the whole thing all of his fault. Yori wanted to pretend like everything was alright, and foolishly think that this was really Jiro for complete certain, but he couldn't. His paranoia ran deep, but so did his need to stabilize.

He marveled at the world around him, the delicious anpan was like a drug, strengthening the illusion that he vainly wished to believe. This was a world of peace, brimming with life as children chased after chicken and dogs, outside, where the air was crisp and the twilight soft on the eyes. His thoughts wandered towards the continued advances of the woman, working as an aphrodisiac in conjunction to the other happy thoughts attempting to invade his mind. He clutched onto memories of his old future world, of Ayako's future monsters, but unlike the witch voice of Izumi, everything he felt were based on playful suggestions toying with his mind. He wanted it so strongly; the smell of the woman was even in the taste of the anpan. His heart felt sick, but his belly craved.

Yori chewed on the rest of the anpan, savoring it the same way that Jiro did. They went to several more booths sampling their small dishes. Yori's favorite dish was the spicy squid balls, for which he was happy to exchange with Jiro. Increasingly, Yori became more assured that the Reaper only punished those that left, and in doing so, maintained a semblance of order. Yori's mind was trying to get around the idea that being stuck in such a place wasn't a bad idea after all; order was almost the same as justice. However, the analogue with Amaterasu and Suijin's palace plagued him to consider otherwise. No matter what, they would have to try and leave, and when that happened, then the Reaper would come for them both.


He patted the shoulder of this Jiro, pointing at the game booths. "They catch fish with small nets, as a game?" Yori inquired. There were mostly children around the small pool laughing and having a good time, playing patience as they slowly moved their nets through the water in an attempt to catch them. Yes, that was important for a trap, starting slow and setting up. "I caught one!" a girl giggled, though she quickly put the pretty fish back into the water. Yori walked up to the booth and raised a hand. The booth man arched an eyebrow, but handed Yori a mini scoop anyway. If Yoko were here, she'd remind him on patience and focus. She wasn't here.

The net in Yori's hand was alarmingly still. The kids around teased him because he wasn't moving at all. His eyes were trying to track each of the fishes' movements as they moved at overwhelmingly fast speeds, but even his electronics couldn't. It couldn't be; the fish were moving perfect randomness?! How did the girl catch one so easily? The fish weren't natural. They were all moving parts of an impossible puzzle of moving parts that changed the puzzle at every step. There was no mathematical stability here - there was only chaos. Yori slowly moved his scoop at the top of the handle for optimal control. The fish weren't fearful, never reacting, just moving on their mysterious accord. Finally Yori moved in to strike. The small additional force he applied broke the net. It shouldn't have, but it did. Fish now happily swam through the broken net. Yori held it above the water, staring at it. The other kids patted him in assurance that it was alright and that it was still a hard game to master. Yori slowly handed the broken net to the booth man and bowed slightly in thanks, turning to Jiro so they could leave and go somewhere else.
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"I have to admit Yori this place is really nice." the two walked down a cobblestone. "The air is crisp, the water is clear, the sun is beautiful, and for the first time in along time people are happy." he chuckled. "It really does appear like Gin's influence has not yet reached here."

"It would would appear so." a small smile grew on Yori's lips.
"Though there is something that's been bugging me"
"And whats that?"
"Doesn't it almost feel like the spirits here are-"

"YOU TWO SWORDSMEN!" A man wearing a heavily padded white kimono waved to Jiro and Yori from a doorway.
Yori's head turned "What's with that guy?"
"He's a blacksmith... but what would he want with us?" The two walked down the path to the man. "Yes what is it?" Jiro asked sharply.
Looking closely now the man was covered in soot and metal savings. His skin was scorched and grizzled like he had been a black smith all his life. He was a tall man with a muscular build, his hair ran jet black. "Sorry I meant you disrespect, it's just been along time sense I saw a blade in his town. If You'll let me I would like to inspect your weapons, make sure everything is where it's s'pposed to be." his low voice boomed as he looked at the man with a glimpse of desperation in his eyes.

"Whats the cost of this inspection?" Jiro asked.
"Free of course, if anything I should be paying you two to save me from my boredom." he laughed.
"Very well."

The man lead the the two inside to his shop.

A combination of heat and burning metal washed over Yori and Jiro as the entered the blacksmith. "Gentlemen if you please give me your swords." both Samurai paused. "I understand your caution, but I will be right over there in full view of you both, I swear on my life that no harm will come to your swords." he pointed to a furnace. With resistance the samurai gave their blades to the smith "Ah thank you. Oh you are more then welcome to watch I do like company while I'm working." he pointed to a couple of chairs near a window. The two sat down and Jiro's blade was the first to be unsheathed.

"What a marvelous blade, it's so light weight." he reveled. He laid the the sword down the anvil and took a closer look "Tell me sir is this a family made sword?"
"Yes, but how did you know?"
"Well your normal solider swords will all look the same: black handles, folded about five hundred times, poorly sharpened, but yours is a custom. White handle, Spiritual engraving, and by the looks of it folded about two thousand time, am I right?" he looked to Jiro.
"Yes... yes you are."
"If I had to wager I would say this is Satoshi Ieyoshi's work, which makes you part of one of the three spirit families." he smiled smugly.
"Y yes, but how did you know my grand fathers name?" Jiro asked with a shocked look.
"Please son the Ieyoshi family is famous in the smith world." he paused looking it over again. "It's funny though you deny this blade its purpose."
"What purpose is that?"
"The same purpose of all blades, to kill."
Jiro's face went red "I've struck down many foes!"
"Yes, but you've never killed them. My guess would be that you use whatever powers you have to immobilize your attackers, but never to finish them. This tactic will only work for so long... why do you choose to be weak?"
"Watch yourself smith!" he shot up from his seat fists clenched.
"Oh I'm so sorry sir I never meant to offend, please sit." he bowed.
Jiro was slow to sit back down "So does it need treatment or not?"
"Yes, it could use a good sharpening, and the handle could stand to be rebound."
"Very well..." Jiro sneered.​
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"As for yours..." the blacksmith started.

Yori folded his arms as the blacksmith carefully analyzed it, anticipating he'd just rub his chin and hand it back to him without comment. The sword had been forged by techniques far ahead of this era's tech level.

"This is not a product of human craftsmanship." The smith grimaced.
"I don't understand the complaint." Yori replied.
"This is a mockery of the samurai's trademark weapon. It has no soul."
"It's a killing weapon."
"It's capable of killing, but it's without focus; it's a weapon of slaughter. You've killed many people with this blade, under opposing ideologies and different causes. This blade thirsts for blood and doesn't care where it comes from."
"I wield my sword in the name of justice."
"You might think so, but there is a fine line between justice and tyranny."
"I am not Gin!"
"No, you aren't." the blacksmith agreed, bowing slightly in apology. "Consider it a warning." The blacksmith handed the sword back to Yori. "I'm unable to improve what this abomination is, and if I could improve it, I wouldn't."​
The two left the smith with a bad taste in their mouths, his words echoed in their heads. The two wondered through the town lost in thought, each picking through past actions like a fine tooth comb. Was it right to leave the aquatic kingdom in such a bad state? Would ancestors be honored or disappointed? Were they becoming the very thing that they fought against? Were they strong enough? All of this doubt began to eat into the souls of the samurai.

*WOOSH!* A strong gust of wind snatched the two from thought, and what lay before them was a beautiful sight.


They found themselves gazing at a still falling sun from a small cliff, both stared out without saying a word.
"Yori" Jiro said breaking the silence, "do you think I'm weak? I mean lately it feels like I've been loosing more battles then I can count. Compared to you I feel like I've done next to nothing..." his eyes were fixed on the crimson red sky.​
Yori produced the Aqwuis Stone once again from his person. No fake Jiro would attempt to play him out to be a self-loathing person. Any risk that this was a fake was outweighed that he needed the real Jiro to be snapped out of his woe. The Stone seemed to shimmer brighter in the red light.

"Have you already forgotten?" he said. "Amaterasu congratulated both of us! That's the highest honor that any warrior can hope to attain, and you think yourself weak? This Stone is proof of our achievement!"

His thoughts reeled to how he could explain what he had to say next. He wanted to shut down any conception that he was stronger over Jiro, but that would be hard to do. He was from the future, but that shouldn't matter any. Strength didn't come from technology, though someone from the past might think of it as such. Technology could sometimes make a man weak. Yori still had to train to be as good of a fighter as Jiro.

"Where did this nonsense about me being better than you come from anyway? This isn't like you at all."
Jiro's eyes brightened when Yori took out the stone, then he returned to the water. "I'm really not sure where that came from, it's just been on my mind recently. You come from a future where people are bread to fight, but here we fight because we have to. We don't have the luxury already having the know how to fight programmed into us." he looked at Yori, then he realized what he said. "I'm sorry I didn't mean for it come out life that." Jiro scrambled. Yori gave a slight scowl, then returned his own gaze to the water. "Really though I think it's this town, something about this somber place is digging into me." there was a pause between the two. "Anything you want to get off your chest?" Jiro said calmly.
The comment that he had been programmed to be a warrior stung. He had been vat grown and when it came to fighting he didn't have a choice. If only he could show Jiro his future where there was still struggle and pain, because just saying it wouldn't be enough to convince him. Yori suddenly felt defeated inside, having been reminded that he wasn't quite human, enough for Jiro to think that all of his fighting technique came from a program, or that he thought less of fighting than other people. The black haired woman was still on his mind, though, constantly interrupting new trains of thoughts of what more he could say. Lust was trying to overtake him, and his resistance to that urge only made him feel that much more robotic.

"Here." Yori said, handing over the Aqwuis Stone to Jiro. "Keep this close to your heart, as a constant reminder of your strength."
"I think -- I'm going to head back to the hotel to rest for a bit." Yori replied, though this time he sounded dejected. The words implying the luxary of his life was misplaced. Paxton had almost given him that life. "I'll find you again later tonight."

Yori quickly left to go back to the hotel, eager to meet the receptionist again. His heart felt emptier without the Aqwuis Stone, and he started to doubt again whether it was the right decision to give away the Stone to Jiro at all. Though it might not matter. Maybe John Paxton's program really did irrevocably change him, and make him unable to love. Yori resolved to prove otherwise. He hoped the receptionist was as eager as she was before in her advances. His whole being couldn't take another moment away from her. She would be his proof that he wasn't just a machine.
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Yori slide the hotel door open hopping to find the receptionist, but her daughter leaped into his arms.
"Welcome back! I was waiting for you." she beamed.
"Awe, well thank you." Yori smiled.
"Mhm." she smiled back.
"Is your mom around?"
"Yeah! Mama!" she called out.

The receptionist came out of one of the rooms "What is sweat heart? Oh Yori welcome back." she bowed.
"Oh uh yes... of course." he began to turn red.
"Was there something you needed?"
"Can I uh talk to you... alone?" he looked at her then to the ground.
Instantly the receptionists mood changed, as well as the look in her eyes. She knelt down to her daughter "Honey why don't you go next door and spend the night with your friend."
"Wow really mom?" the girl's face light up with excitement. The receptionist nodded and the little girl took off running "Thanks mama!"
"Now what did you need did you need to talk about?" she moved up to Yori and walked her fingers across his chest.
"I... need you." Yori whispered.
"I know." she whispered back and kissed him. The kiss sent Yori into a daze as his heart began to pump faster and faster. She pulled back "Come with me, I have so much to show you." she took his hand and lead him to his room.

She pushed him onto the bed and undid the knot that was keeping her dressed. Her body was now his to explore as his eyes traced her curves "Do you like what you see?" she advanced on him now hovering over top of him. "What was it you wanted to talk about?" her body almost glistened in the twilight.
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"Yes, I do. You're very beautiful." he said tenderly, reaching his hand so that it brushed softly against her cheek and lightly brushing aside her hair. Yori was at a constant lack for words. She must still think he was strange, acting like this when any other man would undress and proceed to 'fuck her brains out'. He led her to the bed and sat upon it. She joined him sitting, recreating the scene that was interrupted when they were in the hot springs together. This time, there was no water to cover her figure at any time.

"Every moment I spent at the festival, I thought about you."
"Now you're here." she replied sweetly.
"I shouldn't have left."
"Everyone should go to the festival once in a while."
"I should have asked you to come with me."
"I was taking care of my daughter, you know that. She's been to the festival many times before because it happens so often. Did you know she's already come to like you?"
"Really?" Yori was genuinely surprised. "I've only been here for a short time."
"You remind her of her father, and you remind me of my husband."
"But I am not your husband." At this point Yori put up a sudden barrier, once again distancing himself with that reply. "I couldn't replace him. We both know this."
She placed her hand on his cheek "I never said you would." she kissed him again, this time for longer. "I need you just as much as you need me. I can't remember the last I was touched by a man." she moved Yori's hand to her breast and looked to him with big eyes. "Please Yori love me." she begged and kissed him again. The kiss was deep with a little bit of tongue, but when Yori pulled back and opened his eyes his blood turned to ice.


"Hisae!" Yori gasped as the receptionist was now replaced with a familiar friend. "How are you here? Whats going on?" he panicked.
"Shhhhhhh." she cooed. "I always wanted to thank you for protecting me and my daughter. In truth I think I always loved you, but because of my husband I was never able to tell you... but now I can." she smiled as her hand slid up Yori's leg.​
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His mind went straight to the crime scene. The two corpses were already in body bags, having already been inspected by forensics.

"You were worried he would come back." Yori said to Hisae, referring to her husband. Yori was the one that responded to investigate the call to the station. Hisae's story was that the man had left without a word; her bruises and the serration marks on her hand told a different story.

I told you not to get emotionally attached to this woman. the sergeant had growled, blocking Yori from entering the crime scene. Now you're a suspect in this case. The media has my balls clenched in a vice while the mayer of this district is so far up my ass that he's twisting my intestines with his dick! Do you understand how much you've fucked up? -- You're off the case. I'm putting you on leave.
Yes sir, understood sir.
The sergeant had pushed him back by the shoulder. Now get outta here before the press realize who you are and want a piece of you too.

"He's never coming back." said the woman in front of him, continuing to advance her hand up his thigh.
This wasn't like the usual Hisae at all. The Hisae in Yori's memory was always shy and meek, blaming herself for the wrongs committed against her; a victim complex that Yori wanted to dispel, but couldn't because of a mistake of smothering her with over-protection. His mission was to patrol and act as Hisae's security, but after that term had finished, he started to intervene in Hisae's family life, supporting them in small ways through care packages of food and suitable clothes.

"I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't." Yori sobbed. "I was afraid."
"Why were you afraid?"
"I didn't want you to marry a man whose life was always on the line. I had made the mistake of putting your life at risk just for being associated with me."
"I would have chosen you even if that meant putting my life at risk. With you as my protector, I would have nothing to fear."
Yori cupped her face. "I would have died to protect you."
"And I would gladly die with you, having lived my last days as the best days of my life."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Yori kissed her deeply. His clothes slipped off while Hisae guided his hands on her body.
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"Yori I'm sorry, but I'm a little nervous" she blushed.
"Don't worry so am I." he whispered back.
She looked up at him "Promise me you'll never leave. Promise me you'll protect me and my daughter."
"Of course."
She smiled back and started to kiss him widely.

The gold sun danced upon the two lovers as they embraced each other. The chains of a once forbidden love were shattered, and in those moments both felt pure unbridled happiness. They repeated the words "I love you." like a mantra, as each held the other with warm hands. Time seemed completely suspended letting both enjoy this amazing time unhindered. The swordsman felt a spark in his own chest, "I never want to leave." he thought to himself. As the dance drew to a close the couple laid next to one another and just stared into each other's eyes. A warm blanket of serenity washed over Yori as his eyes began to close. "Good night my love." Hisae whispered and gently kissed Yori on the lips.

A brilliant sunset sky lay out before Yori, and next to him was Hisae. Both were naked and appeared to be flying "Come on." Hisae motioned and took off into the clouds. Yori smirked and gave quick pursuit after the woman "On my way." Flying with out and devices was such an odd, but amazing feeling. The lovers circled and dashed at each other, but eventually Yori took Hisae in his arms and kissed her. She buried her head in his chest "Hey whats up?" Yori asked. The woman didn't respond to his question. "Hey Hisea." he shook her a bit. Hisae's head shot up, it was bruised and bloody, and quickly whispered "Wake up!" Yori's eyes shot open as he gasped in fright.

The swordsman looked around the twilight room for his lover, but she was gone.​
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Jiro started to wander a bit more of the festival, soaking in the peace of his surroundings. This peace was interrupted by the shouts of an excited showman showing off his booth.

"Step right up folks! Test your strength with my famous High Striker! All you have to do is take this hammer and strike the base hard enough that it hits the bell! Easy peasy for anyone to try. No risk and you get as many tries as you like!"


The booth man looked completely out of place for this time era, wearing dapper-style clothing: sharp vest, colorful tie, top hat and cane stood out the most. The women in pretty kimonos gathered round the booth in curiosity, giggling as the man outreached his hand for any volunteers. The high striker emitted bright colorful light, periodically lighting up the frame to indicate the levels of strength from 0 to 100, where the bell set.

"You, yes you! Would you like to take a gander?"

One of the woman smiled and nodded, taking the handle of the large hammer. This woman looked a lot like Yoko, if only she was given more time in the mortal plane. The folds of the kimono sleeves were rolled back as she got a new grip on the handle. Raising it just enough off the ground, she swung at the base and it reached only 25%.

"It's okay, first try. It's all in the grip, ya see. Here, let me show ya."

With apparent ease, the motion was made in one try. As the hammer struck the base with a mighty whack, the bell rang resoundingly. The same woman nodded, and re-tried, getting to about 50% this time. The booth man was still laughing with the girls, putting his hand around her bicep and patting her assuredly on the back.

"How about you young man?" The booth man said to Jiro as he passed on by. "You look like the capable sort. How high do you think you can reach?"

The group of women peered on, focused on Jiro now.