Two Different Worlds

  • Thread starter Soul Breaker Sam
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Niko caught Rain trying to stifle her laughs behind her hand, but he didn't comment on the action. Instead, he kept a keen eye on her father, his brows raising as he thought about his answer. Obviously if his mom had told him where to take her son she trusted him, which, in turn, should probably mean that he could trust the man. He just didn't want to though, but he figured that he wasn't going to get out of this situation the way he wanted to. "Right..." He trailed of a bit, hesitating to follow after him, but he did nevertheless.

((He's not necessarily afraid of him. XD He's just more wary than anything, like he is around most all males, especially fathers, because he's not used to having those type of people around. Hint, hint to his past: his father isn't alive, and Niko doesn't remember a thing about him since he was, like, two when his dad passed.))
((Ooohhhh Ok I gottcha. Lol so what do you think of Rain? XD)) Rain put her hands down and as she passed Niko she lightly nudged him, "Come on." she got in the back seat and scooted so Niko could have room. Even though she was still skinny.
((Yup. Later on throughout the rp you'll probably see how that's actually effected him in the long run, as well as his mother. It'll kinda explain why their relationship is so close... But I like Rain! Definitely an interesting character, and quite surprising. XD))

He turned to look down at Rain as she nudged him, Niko's tense body relaxing a bit at the action, but nevertheless there was still a tension that crept along his spine, keeping him from being fully relaxed again. He shook his head and made his way into the car, blinking as he looked around the car before he sunk himself into the seat.
((Lol I like her too ^_^. She is actually one of my favorite characters. I her especially for this RP :P.)) Rain smiled at him, then looked at her dad, "We are ready dad." Rick glanced at her through the review mirror and nodded. Rain looked at Niko and before her father could ask him a question, Rain asked it for him, "So where do you live anyways?"
((Yeah, I think she's really good in the rp. This is the first time I've used Niko before. XD))

Niko blinked before he ran a hand through his hair. "Not far from here," he answered, shrugging his shoulders. "A neighborhood close to here; one of the only ones with a play scape, as mom said before, though I don't know why she would tell me that..." He hadn't played on one of those since he was little, so why would he go on it now? What ever, his mom seemed excited about it, or maybe it was just more excitement over the fact that they were in a new place.
Once Niko was done explaining where he lived, Rain and her dad shared a surprise glance at each other, (Well technically they looked at each other in the review mirror) then Rain looked at Niko. There was only one house in her neighborhood that was for sale and it was the one right next to hers. She had to know, " Is the house white and is two stories tall?"
Niko nodded his head in response to the question, rubbing the back of his neck as he leaned it back to look up at the ceiling of the car. "Yeah, that's the one. Why?" He brought his head back down and looked at Rain with raised brows. He still questioned his mom on why they needed a house with two stories and three bedrooms (though there was a room that was like a room, though, technically wasn't because it didn't have a closet) when there were only the two of them living there.
"In case we have any guest!" His mom always answered, which earned an eye roll from him. He doubted if they would have any visitors, besides maybe his uncles, but even that would be rare considering how they were never able to get off work.
Rain giggled a little and Rick let out a small chuckle. Rain looked at Niko, smiled and said, "That the house right next to mine!"
Niko blinked, his eyes giving Rain a confused look as he listened to her and her father's laughs, her comment only serving to puzzle his mind even more. So the house he moved into was the one right next to hers? Either that was just a really bad coincidence or it had been planned, but he was thinking that it it was the first option rather than the second. "...You're kidding me, right?"
Rain had a smile but shook her head, "No, I am dead serious." she giggled.
Niko thought about it for a minute before he smirked. "Funny how that turned out." He looked out the window then, his eyes scanning over the images that whipped passed them much too quickly. "And to think that our neighbors didn't even welcome us into the neighborhood when we first moved in. I'm a little hurt by that." He tried to feign sadness, though the teasing in his voice could be heard.
Rain smiled slightly then suddenly the car stop. Sure eough there was the white house, and to its right was a pale green house that was the same size as the white one, and a small red house on its left. And between the green and white house there was a tall tree that was easy to climb. "Here we are." Rick said. Rain looked out the window and smiled, then she looked back at Niko.
When the car came to a stop Niko turned to look at his new 'home' as his mom so like to call it, sighing before he rolled his shoulders and put his hand on the door handle. "Thanks for dropping me off." He gaze turned to the man at the wheel, his brows furrowing a bit before he shook his head and opened the door.
Tilting his head back, he looked at Rain and gave her a lopsided smile, though it drifted away shortly after. "See ya later, I guess, neighbor." He snorted and got out of the car, shutting the door before himself before he started walking up to his house, stopping for a second to take in the picture before he shook his head and continued towards the front door.
Rain smiled and got out, "See ya." suddenly she saw a couple of the neighbor kids (all boys) chasing another brown spiky haired kid in the front of her house. She immidiatly knew who the kid they were torturing and she scowled, "Hey!" she yelle walking towards them they all stopped pushing the boy around and whipped their heads at the her. "Uh-oh." they all said. She ran after them, "Leave him alone!" they all started running, even though she was waaaayyyy faster. She could be on the cross country team. She caught up to the boys in less than a second and grabbed them by their ears.
Just when he was going to put the key to the house into the lock, after a few minutes of fishing around in his backpack to find it, he heard yelling coming from just the other lawn, the noises drawing his attention in. So he took a step back, his brows raising as he watched Rain run towards a group of kids shortly after they started running away from them. God, he hoped they wouldn't be this noisy all the time... But still, was she always this rough with people, even kids?

Despite himself, the thought made him chuckle a bit and shook, his head. When she had stopped and grabbed onto the boy's ears, he sighed. "Are you always this rough with people, or are you on some type of streak today?" He called out across the yard.
Rain glanced at him, "They were bullying my little brother!" she glared down at the two boy and the boy who was on the ground stood up and rubbed his neck. He had brown spiky hair, freckles, and bright blue eyes, like his mothers eyes. He really looked up to his older sister. She was always there him, especially in situations like this. One boy rolled his eyes, "It isnt our fault he is a loser!" Rain narrowed her eyes at him. She doesnt actually beat little kids that pick on her brother, she always just grabs their ear. Always works. Then she tugged on the boys ear, "Ow!" the boy whined.
Little brother? So she was a sibling, an apparently a pretty good one, maybe, since she seemed to be sticking up for the kid. But wasn't that how all sibling relationships were supposed to go? Them always looking out for each other no matter what and always having each others backs? He wasn't exactly sure, especially since he didn't have any siblings of his own, but he remembered his uncles saying something or other like that.

Niko's eyes glanced down to Rain's brother, his eyes squinting a little before he crossed his arms over his chest. Interesting. He didn't really pick her to be a sister, but he could definitely see the resemblance between the two. "Well at least I know you don't just terrorize people for the hell of it." He muttered, rolling his eyes a bit, though he couldn't help but feel a bit envious of them, if only because he sometimes wondered what it would be like to have a sibling. He pushed the thought aside though and sighed.
"Now lets get something straight. NO ONE PICKS ON MY LITTLE BROTHER BUT ME." Rain said looking between the two boys, scowling at them. Her brother looked at her, "Hey!", but she ignored him and contiued, "Now... apologize to him." both boys looked at her like the idea was crazy, "What?!" the both asked looking at her, "NO WAY!" she then tugged on both of their ears. "OW!" they both whined. Rain kept a hold of their ears, "Now... I am going to say this again.... Apologize and I might let go and I might not tell your guy's mother." both the boys eyes widened when she threatened to tell their mother, "WE ARE SORRY!" they both yelled and Rain smirked, "Good boys, now come on." she still had a hold of their ears and she began dragging them to the red house,"Hey!" they yelled, "You said you would let go." Rain smirked, "I said I might!"
Niko continued to watch the scene with interest, the thought of going into the house flying out of his mind for the time being. He kept his gaze on Rain's little brother for a second before he listened to more of the yelling, again thinking to himself that he hoped those two other kids wouldn't be so much of a bother that they became irritating. Not that he wasn't used to loud noises considering all the things he used to hear in the apartment complex he used to live in. But he had to admit that the scene was a bit amusing; the two kids were getting what they deserved.
Rain knocked on the door with her foot then a lady came and opened the door. Rain told what had happened then instantly the woman took Rain place and grabbed the boys by the ears and dragged them inside. Once the door was close she jogged to her little brother and bent down to his level. He was a 9 year old boy. "You ok Andy?" (her father was already inside because he knew she was capable of handling it). Andy nodded but was covering his right eye. Rain gently moved his hand out of the way and saw a black eye forming right under his eye. She examined it, "Yeah... that is going to be a shiner." She stood back up, "Come on, I will go get an ice pack." Andy smiled, "Thanks sis." Rain smiled then Andy looked at Niko, "Who is that Rainy?" that was his nickname for her. Rain looked at Niko and smiled.
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