Twins? I think not...

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Michael's grin widened as he bolted down the stairs.
Sure he could say not to harm him but that was no fun right now.
He blurred down the stairs full-knowing that Conrad would be following.
Bolting outside he swiftly turned, his body moving fast enough so that his image remained.
Sure enough Conrad jumped for it...and thus, a splash as the large wolf flomped into the pool.

Mike was back standing by the edge of the deep end, hand son his hips.
"Bad doggy! You shouldn't swim in wolf form, fuzzy butts clog the filter!"
Wrinkling his nose he pursed his lips.
"Crap, you're gonna smell like wet dog...Bah, guess I'll have to give you a good bath."

Haru whirled on Donovan, baring his small sharp fangs.
His hand was risen in the air, finger pointing angrily at the other vampire.
"I'm not a kid Donovan! I can take care of myself y'known?!"
He hated being treated like a kid!
It was bad enough that his parents had locked him up so he couldn't help, that Vin had set him up with it too.
But seriously?!
No matter how angry he was he still looked kinda like a mad puppy.
I think he should have been born a wolf instead of a vampire...

(sry, god modded a bit figuring he'd just try to maul him lol I'll change it if needed)
Conrad was out for a kill, his vision was blurred and all he could see was Michael. He wanted the vampires head at his feet while he chewed on the guys bones. He saw his opportunity and lunged. He passed right through it and that confused him, he should have impacted with the target and then he was coughing up water. This had to be the worse day of his life, Conrad started to paddle to get out of the water though his eyes were burning with rage at Michael. When he was finally able to get out of the pool he shook his coat free of the extra water and then stomped his front paw on the ground. There was no way that he was going to sit still for this guy to give him a bath as well as not try to kill him. Any chance he got he was going to find a way to kill this vampire. Conrad barred his teeth at the guy daring him to try something.

Vin reeled back at Haru's words, he figured that he would be made but not like this. Apparently Haru didn't understand why he had done it, yes it was true that he was treating him like a kid but that was just because he was so cute and small that Vin wanted to protect him. "'s..." nothing that he was coming up with sounded right, Haru would just take it the wrong way and then Vin would be in more trouble. "You're right" He finally gave up, that was the best thing that he could do. Haru was right but it wasn't going to change the fact that Vin wanted to treat him like that. "It's all over with now, no point in arguing semantics" Vin relented and then ran a hand through his hair. There was still a lot of things that he needed to take care of, he looked at Haru and then just left the room. There were so many more things that he wanted to say but with Haru pissed off nothing was going to sound right so he might as well return to cleaning up the house.
Heh, soaked Conrad looked hilarious.
Michael sauntered towards the wolf, evidently not caring about the teeth bared at him.
"It's okay, I'm sure you'll love bath time."
In a moment he blurred again and snatched up the soggy wolf, whistling to himself as he headed for the fence.
He didn't care if the guy clawed at his back cause the way he was holding him he wouldn't be able to do enough damage for it to matter much.
Or it would just heal in a few minutes.
"Alright, time to go home new pup."

Michael's house was only a few minutes away since he decided to vampiric speed.
Stepping inside he headed straight for the bathroom and tossed Conrad into the tub.
"No trying to bite me, be a good boy."
He'd already shut the door and locked it so Conrad couldn't go anywhere unless he shifted to unlock it.
"Warm water, warm water..."
When it got hot enough he turned to Conrad with a smirk as he grabbed a thing of shampoo.
"Time to make the pup smell good...though I wouldn't mind washing your human form either..."

Haru was actually surprised Donovan didn't argue with him.
In fact, it had him calming down quite quickly.
Within a few seconds he followed the other, intent to help him do as needed.
The place was a mess after all...

(ok, now g2g XD)
Conrad yelped in surprise as he was lifted so easily, this guy was pretty strong but he was sure that he could beat this guy in human form. He squirmed and wriggled to get out of the hold. He snapped his jaw several times to get a grip on a part of this guy. Nothing was working and then he was in a tub. Conrad jumped slightly and spun in a circle. There was no way out, not even a window he could jump through but there was one thing that he could do. Conrad jumped from the tub and rammed himself into Michael, he spun on his hind legs to knock Michael in the tub. Then he barred his teeth, he was not going to let this guy give him a bath and defiantly not going to change back to human form. This guy seemed like he would enjoy it too much and there was no way he was going to let Michael put his bare hands on his skin. That made chills run down his body and make his hair stand on end.

Vin was just glad that there was no more yelling, he wanted peace and quiet and once the house was relatively clean he would go and take a nap if he could. He bent down once he was in the living room and grabbed two dead bodies by the foot dragging them out to the backyard. There was no Michael in sight nor Conrad, that was at least a good sign. Vin would let Michael keep the pest and would refuse to help with anything if it came to that mutt. "Alright guys. Thank you for all the help" he said and most of the vampires vanished. Vin made his way to a shed that side of the property and started to trifle through things. He knew that there was a gas can some where in this damn building and the sooner he burnt the bodies he could start on cleaning up the house before he got a cleaning crew in there. Then he would have to call and get the furniture replace "Oh yea, gotta call mom" he told himself and continued to look for the fuel.
Michael yelped as he was slammed into the tub, his head hitting the tile with a thud.
"Nnn! O-Ow!!"
"Man! Would it kill you to show at least a little respect??"
With a grunt he shifted and got out of the tub, his shirt and pants dripping wet.
"Seriously dude, come on. I don't care if you stay a wolf or shift but if you're staying as a dog you need to let me wash you.
If not, shift and wash yourself cause you seriously can't want to smell like wet dog all night."
Michael reached for the button of his jeans and quickly started tugging them off leaving him in black boxers.
He hated being wet, especially now that the water was cooling.
Soon he had his shirt off as well showing off quite a good amount of scars from his previous battles.
Eying the wolf he walked over to the door, crossing his arms over his chest which showed a good amount of muscle flexing.
"Alright. You're staying in here until you're clean so get your ass in the shower and wash it. Till then you're not allowed near this door."
With that he quickly stepped out and slammed the door shut, heading for the kitchen.

Haru watched as Donovan dragged out two wolves, no doubt to be burned.
The pile of wolves definitely needed to be destroyed before police came by.
Walking over to the bodies he glances back to Donovan, then to the pile and lifts his hands.
With a bit more focus his hands started to warm, then there were suddenly small flames growing on the wolves' clothes.
Within a minute there was a good fire going as a small smile spread across Haru's face.
He really liked being useful, especially to his friends.
Conrad parted his jowls to laugh but it came out more of a howl, it still did the trick and he watched the guy climb from the tub and strip out of his wet clothes. Conrad backed up a little bit waiting to see if the guy was going to get forceful with him but was a bit stunned when he walked over to the door. He tilted his head to the side wondering what the guy was doing but as he crossed his arms and Conrad saw the flex he straighted his head and barred his teeth. This guy was nuts to think that he was going to listen to him, he was a wolf. Sometimes he didn't care when he bathed and this guy made it sound like Conrad couldn't go a few days with out showering. When Michael finally left the room Conrad shook his head and snorted at the guy. He then started to look around the room to find anything that he could use to get out of her but being in wolf form it was hard to go through things, but he was not going to shift and give that guy the upper hand. When he couldn't find anything Conrad walked over to a corner not caring that the water was still running and curled into a ball. He began to lick his fur a little bit but then felt his stomach almost heave, chlorine tasted nasty.

"Ha there it is" Vin exclaimed and pulled the decently sized can from behind some boxes into his arms. The lighter was no problem since it was sitting on the bench in the shed. Vin made his way back to the pile of bodies and stopped. It was already a good sized fire going and his eye drifted over to Haru. He really wanted to ask how he started the fire but then shook his head, Vin turned back around and placed the can of gasoline and the light back in the building. He then closed the door and locked it. Vin walked back over to Haru and stood next to him "Thanks" he told him but didn't move any closer to him "So what do you say...about an hour and then will douse the fire and bury whatever didn't burn"
Michael had a feeling Conrad might try to lick himself clean but the wolf would get a nice shock and nasty taste for that.
That's one of the other reasons he told him to shower.
Chlorine really bothered his nose, the scent was really strong after awhile.
Once in the kitchen he started cooking up a huge amount of food.
His parents traveled often so they were almost never home but they had Michael keep the fridge stocked with most human foods in case he had people from school over.
About fifteen minutes later he had three seared steaks, twenty strips of perfectly crispy bacon, and a huge plate of barbeque pork.
Setting all the food on a large tray he walked over near the bathroom and set it down on the floor right in front of the bathroom door.
"You can have it once you've showered."
He figured the other couldn't smell the food yet but give it a second...
Michael leaned against the wall, waiting to hear if Conrad would cave and just shower.
It's not like it would kill him and right now he wasn't playing dominance. He just wanted that chlorine smell gone.

Haru glanced sideways at Donovan and smiled softly.
"No problem, and yeah...I can turn off the fire though so no need to try and douse it."
Yup, he could still control it even as it burned.
Turning to the other he grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the house.
"We have a lot to clean up..."
Conrad tried to clean himself once more but that taste was just horrible and the smell was getting stronger as it dried on his fur. He got to his paws and shook his coat out once more. That wasn't going to do it and now he needed to get that taste out of his mouth. Conrad turned his attention to the water that was still running and wondered if it was still warm but none the less he hopped into the tub and lapped at the water to get the taste out of his mouth. The water was kind of warm but it would do for now. Conrad froze in the tub with his tongue under the water when he heard Michael and then the smell wafted into the bathroom. He lifted his nose in the air and smelled the food, Conrad's mouth to water and knew that he was really hungry. He thought about it as he looked from the door to the water, it's just getting under the water and then drying off. Want that food so bad He thought to himself and then moved himself under the water and shook his coat a little bit to work the water through, he still didn't feel comfortable to shift back to human form. When he felt that his fur was clean and after licking it the horrid taste was gone so he trotted away from the water after hopping out of the tub and shook his coat once more. Conrad turned to the door and started to scratch at the door hoping to get the guys attention.

Vin nodded his head, well that was helpful so he turned to go inside to finish and then felt Haru's hand on his. That was a little surprising, did that mean that Haru wasn't mad at him anymore. He let the kid drag him inside but his brows were furrowed with confusion. Inside the house he looked around and then wondered where the cleaning supplies were. He had never really cleaned in his life so he wasn't sure where the stuff was. Vin slipped his hand from Haru's and started to wonder around. He started to go through cabinets looking for the stuff "Maybe it's in the helps corridor" Vin turned and walked back out into the living room and then made a left down a hallway.
Michael listened calmly as he heard the obvious thud of the wolf jumping into the tub.
Another few moments later and he heard the shaking and clink of claws on the tiled floor.
He smiled softly when the claw scrapes were heard.
Pushing off the wall he carefully opened the door, slowly so that he wouldn't hit Conrad.
There's clean clothes in my room..."
He pointed to the end of the hallway to a door that was already open.
"You can use whatever you want but stay away from any doors to the outside or windows.
I'll be in the living room."
Turning then he headed to go plop on the sofa to relax.
Since he had orders for the guy not to go anywhere near an escape to the outside Michael figured Conrad was good for now.
With a quiet yawn the vampire stretched and curled up on the sofa much like a how a kid might sleep, his head on the armrest as his eyes closed and he drifted off.

Raising an eyebrow Haru headed for the kitchen, a slight grin on his face.
"Over here."
He'd cleaned a lot in his home and everyone knew the cleaning products were kept under the sink or close by.
Kneeling down he found a bunch of stuff and lifted it up onto the counter.
"Here they are."
Leaning back down he grabbed a bucket and started filling it up with hot water.
"There's a broom in that closet right there so we can sweep up all the broken stuff."
He was pointing to the pantry that was partially open.
Conrad backed away from the door and kept his distance from the guy, he wasn't sure if Michael might attack him or try to get him back in the bath if he didn't do a good enough job. He lifted his eyes to look at him and listened to what he had said, though he still doubted that he was going to shift back into human form around this guy. When he left Conrad carefully walked over to the food and started to sniff it. Just a cautious thing because he wondered just how far this guy would go to making him obedient. But the good smelled normal and he grabbed one of the steaks off the tray and then laid down with it between his paws. He proceeded to do this with the rest of the food and when he was done he looked around noticing that he had made quiet a mess but he inwardly smiled anyways. Conrad cleaned his muzzle off as much as he could and then poked his head out of the door and looked around.

Vin stopped himself before he went too far after hearing Haru call to him, he turned and headed back to the kitchen. He opened his mouth to ask how he knew but the closed it again. Vin was probably the only one that was this stuck up though he was realizing now just how spoiled he had been. "Thanks for helping" Vin finally said and then walked over to the pantry grabbing the broom and dust pan. He then grabbed a few of the cleaning supplies and headed back out into the living room. Vin figured that he could get all the glass and trash swept up before Haru got out here with the rest of the cleaning supplies. "I would really like to apologize for kind of tricking you...I know I said that it's over and done with but I would still like to say I'm sorry" Vin talked when he felt that Haru was in the room with him now and kept going about his business with the sweeping.
Michael's house was rather huge, almost the size of Donovan's.
It had two stories though the upstairs was more guest rooms and his parents rooms.
His room was next to the downstairs bathroom behind the stairs.
His room was huge with two dressers, a large TV up in the right hand corner, a balcony, and a large king sized bed with black comforters layered upon it along with black and white pillows.
The kitchen was through the living room where he was currently asleep.
There were quite a few pictures of a younger Michael up on the walls, his parents having obviously been camera happy when he was younger.

Haru nodded as he stepped into the room with a mop and bucket of hot water.
He started mopping before finally answering.
"It's alright. I understand kind of...I would have locked Tell up if I knew he would have tried to come outside."
It still hurt to talk about the other but the pain was starting to ebb.
Looking up at Donovan he gave a small smile.
"Just don't do it again or I'll light your butt on fire."
Conrad relied on his sense of smell to figure out the house though most of it didn't interest him, he was also wondering where the guy was so that he might try to kill him again though with a full stomach he felt kind of sleepy. His mind started to work and came to the conclusion of Michael slipping him pills but he moved on through the house and found a few empty rooms and then moved through to the living room. There on the couch he was sleeping and Conrad had the perfect opportunity to take him out, a sleeping vampire was so easy to kill but the smell of more food had him turning to the kitchen. Using his muzzle to open the cabinets he didn't find anything that he wanted to eat. He sniffed at the air a little more and there were different scents coming near the house, his first instinct was to growl and attack but this place was foreign to him and with all the vampires that roamed this town he was sure that he wouldn't stand a change. Conrad turned around and proceeded towards one of the bedrooms that he had found earlier. He didn't even bother to close the door, Conrad just jumped on the bed and started to scratch at the blankets to get them to move. It took about ten minutes to get the blankets how he wanted and then used his nose to lift the edge of the blanket up and slip underneath.

Vin understood where Haru was coming from and nodded his head, he was just happy that Haru at least saw a part of his point in acting that way though when he brought up Teller Vin dropped the broom. He hadn't seen Teller's body and he clearly remembered that he was killed in the living room. Vin turned on his heels and started too look around the room, all the bodies that he knew of were dragged out to the backyard but he hadn't seen Teller's body. His eyes scanned the floor and saw all the blood trails and marks. I'll kill that mutt once I find out what he did with Teller's body Vin thought to himself and felt his jaw clench tightly. He stalked through the house following all the blood trails but most of them lead outside. Maybe the others that had come to help didn't know Teller had been one of the bodies. Vin wanted to give his brother a proper burial and now it was looking like that wasn't going to happen. Vin ended up back in the living room for the sixth time but this time he stopped and face Haru "I can't find him" he blurted out and started to scan the living room once more "His body's gone."
Michael awoke a few hours later and forced himself to sit up.
The lights were still out and since the time zones were different from when they teleported it was still decently late.
Grunting quietly he got to his feet and sauntered into his bedroom.
Not even realizing the wolf curled up in the comforters he quickly slid beneath the warm blankets.
Hmmm? Wait...vampires had barely any body heat...why were they already warm?
Blinking open sleepy eyes he noticed Conrad right next to him and smiled.
Reaching forward he wraps his arm loosely around his soft canine form, snuggling up to the plush fur before passing out once more.

Haru noticed the change in Donovan's demeanor and frowned, watching the guy make his way all over the house.
When he finally stopped to speak Haru stepped forward, wrapping his arms lightly around the others' waist.
"It's okay.
Michael has Conrad so in the morning we'll go get answers."
Looking up at Vin he smiled a little and then sauntered over the double doors to the outside.
Lifting his hand he clenched it into a fist and the fire outside died down, then vanished.
They could burn it more later if needed.
Turning a second later he walked back over and grabbed Donovan's hand, tugging him towards the others' bedroom.
"Let's get some sleep, no use worrying right now."
Conrad was pleasantly warm under the comforter and figured that he could get used to this kind of treatment though as the night wore on he had to poke his head out from the blankets to breath. His eyes were barely open and he looked around, it had picked one of the nicest rooms that he found in this place but as a cold chill rolled up his spine his hackles raised a little bit. Conrad didn't really like to be cold after he had gotten so warm. He shifted on the bed and realized that the bloodsucker had curled up in the bed. He quickly shook himself from the grip and the blankets and stood on all four paws on the bed. He barred his teeth and started to growl. This time the growl was low and threatening, Conrad was pissed that this guy would even think about coming that close to him and just to get even he snapped his jaw together near the vampires head.

Vin was having a hard time calming down, he was mad at himself for not realizing it earlier. How could he have forgotten about his own brother? There was so much running through his mind right now and even Haru coming up to him and wrapping his arms around Vin's waist didn't phase him. His eyes were still scanning the living room, seeing for once all the blood in the room and picturing every body that had been in there. He couldn't remember exactly where Teller's body had been laying. Soon he felt himself being tugged in a direction and then his eyes registered that they were in his room. The placed seemed way to large to be in right now but small at the same time. Everything had changed and he really didn't even want to be in this house right now but Haru was right. He needed sleep. Vin walked over to his bed and stripped off his shoes and climbed into the bed and pulling the covers back just enough so Haru could climb in if he wanted. Vin was way too exhausted to do anything tonight and just laid his head on the pillow. He was staring out the balcony doors still thinking some but closed his eyes to get some sleep.
The growls were starting to bring Michael around but that snap near his face had the guy shouting in surprise.
Flailing for a moment he slipped off the side of the bed, his leg getting stuck in the comforters to leave him stranded upside-down as his head and shoulders thunked against the floor.
"Nnn, why did you do that???"
Reaching up Mike rubbed his head, trying to yank his leg free at the same time but it wouldn't budge.
He had actually been really comfortable for once, the warmth a nice change from his normal chill.
"Man...I cooked a ton for you, the least you could do was lend me some heat...I didn't climb in bed with you on purpose, I was just so tired it happened."
Finally managing to free his leg Michael got back up under the blankets and stuck his tongue out at Conrad.
"Be a grumpy arse in the morning, it's way too late to play-wrestle right now."
With that he plopped his head down on the pillow and tried to go back to sleep.
He wasn't afraid of the wolf even though he hadn't said 'you can't attack me.'

Haru watched calmly as Donovan got ready for bed.
He figured the guy was exhausted, he was as well and that bed looked so comfy...
Shifting from foot to foot he hesitantly made his way over to the soft blankets and slid in besides Donovan.
It was a bit odd getting in bed with someone who obviously had feelings for you but knowing the other was as tired as himself made it easy for Haru to snuggle up and fall asleep.
Conrad's chest bounced up and down seeing Michael's reaction and was really pleased with himself. He didn't care if the guy was mad at him, it made him happy to piss the guy off. If he wanted body heat then he could have asked not climb into the bed with him. Conrad looked around and didn't want to find another bedroom to sleep in but he really didn't want to lay back down in the bed with this guy. Dammit he cursed in his head and then jumped off the bed. But he did turn back around and grabbed one of the blankets on the bed and started to yank it off the bed. It took a little bit to get the blanket free of the bed and watched it tumble to the floor. He then pushed the blanket around on the floor next to the bed and then laid down on them to get some more sleep.

Vin was so tired that the moment his eyes closed his breathing evened out. His thoughts were slowly leaving him and he hoped that it would last through the nights. He didn't move from that position at all, not even when Haru crawled into the bed and seemed to snuggle up to him. Both their bodies even though normally cold were helping to heat the bed up a little with warmth though that could have been the adrenaline that was running through him from the fight earlier.
Michael felt the other move, then jump onto the floor.
He was about to help tug one of the blankets off when Conrad finally managed the task.
Darnit, he wanted to snuggle with the wolf...
Debating just snuggling down on the floor for the extra after about twenty minutes, once Conrad was decently he did just that.
However, Michael also tugged down several pillows and very carefully put a soft small one beneath the wolf's head.
Once that was done Michael snuggled beneath the blanket tugged down and added an extra blanket.
Another few minutes later and he was out cold again.
But this time he wasn't touching the other, giving him at least a bit of respect.

Haru mumbled in his sleep as the nights events played out in his dreams.
However, he was a bit more adventurous and actually was allowed to fight the wolves, not be locked up.
After a long night of kicking fake butt he awoke with a big stretch and yawn.
Haru felt well rested and actually rather good considering their circumstances.
Noticing Donovan next to him he blushed slightly and curled up a bit more, nearly hiding his head beneath the covers.
He was embarrassed to be in bed with the guy who likes him but if he moved he'd just wake up Vin...
Conrad had finally gotten back to sleep, it wasn't as comfortable on the floor as it was the bed but he would deal with it right now. At least this guy didn't chain him up in the backyard or something like that. He would have gone ballistic if Michael had done that to him so he couldn't get too made. With this collar around his neck for now he would have to get used to being around this guy though Conrad hoped that it wasn't that long. He hated the fact of having to listen to someone when he was ordered but knowing Conrad he found loop holes in just about anything anyone said that was why most of the wolves back home listened to him. His mind wandered onto that, at least the others hadn't seen him collared and would never know, maybe they would just think he got killed and leave it at that. So maybe it was best that he stayed here and never went back, at least no one would be staring at him like he was a failure.
In the morning he stood up letting the blanket slid of his body and then shook his fur coat. Conrad stretched his paws out in front of him and then his back legs. Finished with that he yawned a little bit that ended in a small whimper but that was mostly involuntary. He looked around himself and noticed that there were pillows and another blanket on the ground with him and then he noticed the body. Conrad shook his head at the vampire and debated about actually ripping his head off this time decided not to at this moment. He wanted it to be a challenge with this guy, not a sneak attack. Conrad trotted to the bathroom that he had taken his bath in and shut the door with his muzzle, he finally shifted into his human form and quickly locked the door.

Vin tossed a little bit in his sleep, unlike Haru's dream Vin's was a nightmare. Not only had he witnessed his brother's death but now he was holding a bleeding Haru in his arms. He was screaming at the top of his lungs, he felt so helpless, he couldn't save anyone. There was no one for him and he was going to be alone for the rest of his life that didn't end. He felt his heart ripping from his chest and he was considering killing himself to end the pain in his body. Vin shifted on the bed again but this time he felt himself falling and jerk up from the bed. His breathing was ragged and he looked around the room trying to convince himself that it was just a dream. As his eyes adjusted to the morning light nothing was making since. The smells in his room, the warmth in the bed were wrong and he was feeling twitchy. Did Haru climb into bed last night? Vin thought to himself and then started to feel around on the bed, he hit something pulled the blankets back "Oh thank god. You're ok" Vin sighed in relief and placed the blanket back over him, Vin flopped against his pillow's with a hand to his forehead.
A few minutes after Conrad had gone into the bathroom Michael sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning sleepily.
Michael had had a dreamless night which was nice for once.
He normally had random nightmares but sleeping next to Conrad had seemed to silence everything.
He really wanted to go back to sleep but then realized he had to feed the 'pet' again.
"Crap...darn wolves eat a lot."
Forcing himself to his feet Michael sauntered into the kitchen and started unloading twelve eggs into one pan and sausage into another.
Forced pet or not, he was still his responsibility.
About twenty minutes later he had the large pile of food on two big plates on the dining room table connected directly to the living room along with two huge glasses of orange juice.
Once all of that was set up Mike went back to the fridge and grabbed two bags of blood, tossing those in the microwave.
When it beeped he quickly grabbed one out and sank his fangs in hungrily, moaning a bit as the warm blood flooded his mouth.

There was an abrupt yip from Haru as Donovan sat up in a blur.
He'd yanked the blanket completely over his head in surprise but when Vin pulled it back down and spoke Haru was even more confused.
Flipping the blanket back off he rolled onto his belly and scooted closer, his face just a few inches from Donovan's.
"Of course I'm okay.
I've been here all night, not like I'd run off to get myself hurt or something."
Haru stuck his tongue out trying to lighten the mood. He could tell something was bothering Vin but he didn't want to push it.

After Conrad relieved himself and washed a bit turned to the door and unlocked it then opened it slightly. He quickly shifted back into his wolf form, that was about as long as he wanted to be in his human form in this house. Conrad tapped the door with his paw a little to pull it open and then trotted out of the bathroom. Out in the hallway he lifted his nose and smelt the food. This guy was spoiling him with food and it was hard not to follow his stomach and want the food. Conrad relented and followed the smell of the food and found himself in a dinning room. He looked around at all the food that was prepared and the noticed that Michael thought he was going to eat as a human. Hmph, yeah right he thought to himself and then rested on his back legs while his front paws were on the top of the table. He started to pull a few of the sausages off the plate and onto the floor.

Vin felt a little bad for waking Haru up but he had to make sure that his friend was ok and that he wasn't alone like in his dream. "No it's not's just that I had a bad dream is all" Vin told him and felt a yawn coming, he quickly placed his hand over his mouth and yawned into it. "I'm really sorry if I startled you" he said and climbed out of the bed to stretch his body. It was sore from yesterday and sleeping so roughly. "Are you hungry?" Vin walked through his room to the bathroom to wash up a little bit before he got them breakfast and then he would march over to Michael's place and demand to know where Teller's body was.
He splashed cold water on his face and then dried off a little bit. "How did you sleep Haru?" Vin popped his head around the corner of his bathroom and stared back into the bedroom while he finished up drying his hands.