Twins? I think not...

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Two hours later and Michael was back with a full body of blood.
He walked past Haru quietly, glancing at the kid who'd rolled onto his back a few times judging by the way his shirt was riding up a bit and his arms were partially over his head.
Damnit he wanted to snuggle with him...maybe he wanted more from the kid than just a pet.
Shaking his head Michael quickly went out to where Donovan was sitting and moved his wrist in front of the guy's face.
"Drink. We need to leave once I feed you and Haru."
They were strongest at night and while the wolves also had strength during the night it was no where near a full moon.
Now was their best chance to get Conrad and his group of fuzzy mutts out of their town.

"Tch, shit. Take extra and feed Haru, I need to make a few more calls."
He'd forgotten he had to call some people back to make sure there wasn't anything extra going on and he didn't want to talk on the phone near Donovan, figuring the guy could easily hear him.
As soon as Donovan finished drinking he'd go off to the far side of the porch and make the calls.
He didn't have near as much time as he thought he did, Vin was hoping for at least another hour or so but they did need to get back fast before Conrad and his mongrels got too comfy. Vin still didn't like the idea of taking blood from Michael but it did save on time then all of them going out hunting so he just took the wrist in his hand and sunk his teeth into it. Vin had planned to only take enough for him but when Michael told him to take more he was a little surprised. However he wasn't going to object to it because the less contact Michael had with Haru made Vin happier.

Once Vin was finished he wiped his bottom lip clean and then got to his feet. He didn't care what the guy had planned and just wanted all this to be over with. Vin made his way back into the cottage and walked over to Haru, his eyes scanned the kid and felt himself almost smiling. But he soon made sure he wiped his brain of anything and sat softly on the bed. "Haru, you gotta wake up it's time to feed" he said softly and slipped a hand under his head and lifted him up a little bit "Once you are done eating we have to go back" Vin told him and then lifted his wrist a little bit waiting for him to wake up more and to latch on himself.
Haru didn't respond until a moment had passed.
The first thing to show a response was his nose, sniffing lightly at the faint scent of blood.
Next were quiet mumbling though most of it was incoherent.
Finally Haru's fangs finally got the gist of what was supposed to happen and extended, bringing the kids brain into focus.
Blinking open sleepy eyes Haru only glanced at Donovan for a moment before allowing his fangs to slide into his wrist.
As soon as the still-warm blood started flowing he groaned quietly and leaned back on Vin's hand, enjoying the taste as he swallowed.
Five minutes later and Haru was finished eating and sitting up slowly to try and keep from wanting to curl back up for another few hours of sleep.
His hair was a complete bird's nest and shirt was still halfway up his stomach.
"Mmm, I'll be ready in a minute."

Michael came in a few seconds later but just walked through, heading out onto the front steps.
"Whenever you're ready Haru and Donovan, we need to go soon."

Haru nodded and carefully climbed out of bed, his shirt falling back into place as he sauntered towards the door.
Stepping outside the cool chill of the evening air woke the kid up a bit more and he grinned, looking over his shoulder at Donovan, then towards Michael.
He offered them both a hand and as soon as they were both taken he closed his eyes and the next second, they had all vanished.

They would reappear outside of Haru's house only a few blocks from where Conrad and his pack were still staying at Vin's.
Vin couldn't deny the fact that it felt great to have Haru taking blood from him and his mind wondered if he could have Haru drink from him all the time. But just as quickly as it had started it ended and Michael interrupted them. Vin about bared his fangs at the guy but just turned his attention away from both of them and got off the bed. He adjusted his clothes and followed the two outside to take Haru's hand.

Back in his hometown he looked around the street back at Haru's he thought to himself and then sniffed the air. The wolves were still at his place and it seemed like there numbers grew a little bit. This town was going to be torn to shreds by the two species, though it wasn't like it hadn't happened before. That was the main reason why there were more vampires that inhabited this town the there were humans or anything else. "Let's get inside and wait for the others" Vin said quietly and started to walk towards Haru's place. Vin didn't realize it but he hadn't even let go of Haru's hand and didn't realize that he was gently pulling Haru towards his own home till he was almost to the door. Vin quickly stopped and cleared his throat "Sorry" he said softly once more and then waited for Haru to take the lead.
It was probably a good thing that Donovan was tugging Haru or the kid probably wouldn't have moved.
There were no lights on in the house and it was already around nine at night.
His parents did work quite a bit so they might have gone to bed already...
Too bad the kid couldn't get that thought firm in his mind.
Instead he was thinking the worst, though unintentionally.
When Vin stopped at the doorstep Haru snapped out of his daze and smiled up at him hesitantly, then reached forward with his free hand and opened the door.
He didn't smell anything unusual...the wolves hadn't been inside.
That in itself was a relief.

Stepping into the dark living room he glanced around, taking note that nothing really looked different.
"Mom...? Dad...?"
His voice was quiet but would easily be heard by his parents if they were there.
Suddenly Haru was in between his two parents being hugged tightly, his mom kissing his forehead and father rubbing his back.
His mother paused for just a moment to ask how Teller was and that just had Haru trying to hold back tears.
She understood and hugged him tighter.
They knew the wolves were in town and had sensed something horrible a few nights ago.

When the two finally moved Haru was snug in his dad's arm as his mother walked over to give Donovan a hug and kiss on his cheek.
"I'm sorry, hun. He was a great wolf."

Michael was standing watch outside and making a few quick texts to get things set up for the attack.
Vin wasn't sure what to expect when they walked in the house but he stayed close to Haru and was ready for a fight. He jumped back a little bit when Haru was squished between two people and he was about to attack them but realized that it was the kids parent's, welly they were safe and that was good. Vin just hoped that Haru's mother wasn't going to start yelling at him for steal Haru away and almost letting him die from teleporting. But instead she came up to him like any mother would and hugged him and kissing him. That felt a little strange to Vin but apparently they hadn't heard of what he did to Teller though he agreed with Haru's mom. Teller was a great wolf "Yes he was" Vin told her.

"Um...we've got a plan to get rid of the wolves encroaching on the territory and I was gonna suggest that you two find some place to hide but I don't think you would do that knowing Haru would be here. So...I asked you, no, I plead you to take Haru and leave till all of this is done. I don't want him getting hurt and he's still out of it from teleporting Michael and I away the first time" Vin knew that it was a little underhanded telling Haru's parents what happened and to take Haru away but Vin wanted him safe and away from the fight that was going to happen.

"Michael and I can handle this, we've already got our plan in motion" Vin told Haru's parents and then he walked over to Haru "You're probably mad at me for doing this but I don't want you to get hurt. Now please stay with your parents" Vin wrapped him in a short hug and then walked out of the house up to Michael "Alright we need to get this started as soon as possibly so that way it may end. I've already got a few friends surrounding the place. What about you?"
Haru's face burned as he heard Donovan's words.
The hell?!
He just wanted to leave him there and to freaking use his parents on him?! The hellll!!!
Haru snarled as Donovan headed back outside but his dad quickly snatched him up in tight bear hug.
"I don't think so. You've done enough to help, you're not going out there to fight."

"B-But dad!!! I'm strong and you know it! I can help!!!"

Haru's father shook his head and quickly shoved Haru into their bedroom which conveniently didn't have any windows.
Shutting the door he then telepathically locked it.
"You're not coming out for the rest of the night."

Yeah, Donovan was definitely gonna get chewed up and spit out by Haru later!

Michael glanced over when only Donovan came out the house and for once he smiled at the guy.
"Thanks, I was trying to figure out a way to keep him away from the fight."
His guys had already met up with Donovan and were fighting.
The wolves had scented them and thus they needed to get over there fast.
"They're already fighting, the wolves smelled us."
Nodding towards Donovan's house Michael's form blurred and then vanished.
"I call dibs on Conrad."
Even though he wasn't a huge friend to Teller killing a vampire on his territory meant the fight was his.
And even though the kid was a pup he was close enough to a friend to Michael that he considered him as such.
Vin wanted to roll his eyes of course he was going to find a way to keep Haru out of the fight, he didn't want to get Haru killed like he did Teller and with Haru being really close with Michael and himself it was going to make things hard. If either of them got hurt Haru would probably lose his mind right there. Vin looked at Michael and was ready for the fight though he hissed loudly when Michael called dibs on Conrad. He understood why but the stupid wolf had collared him so Vin should get first crack.

He followed suit with Michael and flashed over to his house. Vin looked around for a brief second noticing all the damage, the back door was crushed outwards towards the backyard and there were several pairs fighting. He was about to head outside to help out some friends when he felt himself being tackled to the ground. Vin shifted his body and slipped from the guys grip "I don't think so" Vin hissed out and kicked the wolf in the jaw, Vin was rewarded with a crack knowing that he had broken the guys jaw. But it didn't seem to affect the guy so Vin went for his neck.
Michael dodged around several mutts using his speed to become mostly invisible.
It used up a decent amount of energy but in this situation it was definitely useful.
Finally making it inside the house he lifted his nose and scented the air.
The guy was definitely here...
Turning his eyes grazed along the home. Half the furniture was torn up except for the main sofa and probably beds from the other room.
Speaking of which...
Turning again he headed towards one of the back rooms keeping his senses alert and ready.
He knew the wolf was in here somewhere and he couldn't wait to tear his throat out.

Outside his vampires were gaining the upper hand though a few had been injured badly, one dead.
At least three wolves were dead now but they had the least amount of injuries.
It was about an even fight at the moment.

"Where are you, can't just come into my territory and kill my people..."
They had to get the upper hand and soon otherwise this is going to be a massacre, Vin snapped the neck of one wolf and then shoved another through a wall. Vin picked up his speed and bolted up the stairs while using his claws to inflect some damage on nearby wolves. He was upstairs in no time but he had a plan. There was a tool that could help them that he remembered that his mother kept hidden in a drawer. At first Vin didn't know why his mother had it but right now he didn't care.

Vin burst through her bedroom drawer and started to go nuts on the dressers, closets, whatever his hands touched. One last drawer to go and as he yanked it from the dresser the little silver trinket fell on the floor. Vin jumped on it and picked it up, he turned to head back down stairs and froze "I knew you would be back, you seemed to care too much for this place but soon I will teach you nothing but blood lust" the words rang out clearly and sickening. Vin bared his teeth at Conrad "I will tear you limb from limb" he hissed out and Conrad just started to chuckle. It wasn't long before there were two other wolves in the room. "I see that you got my collar off. No problem, I'll just bring you back an inch from your life before I put another one on you. You will be begging me to take you as a pet just so you can live" Conrad told him and Vin thought that he talked too much.

"If you want to kill him then you better get your ass in here NOW Michael" Vin hissed just loud enough that the sound should carry to where ever the other vampire was. "Oh and what is your friend going to do?" Conrad asked with a too pleasant smile on his face. "He'll do a lot" Vin told him and then put the small silver trinket to his lips. With one deep breath he used the whistle and every dog that should be in miles of this place should be on the ground in pain. Though Vin only had enough breath to last for a few seconds and then he had to breath before his world spun. "Pays when my mother is prepared for mangy mutts like you" Vin hissed and started to look for a better way out of this room besides the main door.
Michael got a sudden strong whiff of wolves right as he heard Donovan's words.
With a snarl he bounded around the corner and upstairs.
The whistle was nearly mute but he definitely heard a little bit of it. Dog whistle, nice.
And from the sounds echoing outside it was silver for werewolves, double nice.
Skidding to a stop right outside Vin's mother's room Michael smirked, not waiting even a second before he lept onto the first wolf and tore out its throat.
As the whistle continued he turned on the other lackey and disemboweled it.
Too bad that's when Donovan ran out of breath.
"Mmm, oh well. Two out of three isn't bad in five seconds...just one more mutt to go."

Grinning Michael tackled Conrad, claws and fangs extended and trying to grasp for either a severe slash or bite.
"You cocky little mutt! Coming into my territory to chase after some asshole. I'll teach you that your tail belongs between your legs!"
If he shifted into his wolf form his tail would be the first thing to try and be broken.
Brake a tail and balance suffers.
Vin was glad that those two were taken care of and Michael would keep Conrad busy so that he could help the others, he looked around once more when Michael finally engaged Conrad and then walked over to a small window. It was rare for his mother to even want a window in her room but he shrugged it off and opened it anyways. He looked down at the backyard and there were at least four werewolves there but they were holding their heads like someone had sucker punched them. Serves them right he thought to himself and started to climb out the window "I'll leave him to you" Vin commented before he dropped from the window right onto the back of one of the wolves.
He wasted no time in killing that wolf "Help the others" Vin called out to the guy who looked stunned from Vin's landing and then he quickly moved onto another group and helping them out. He wanted this done quickly and get this filthy creatures out of this town.

Conrad smirk at Michael, his ears had finally stop ringing and now he was pissed. Whatever that thing was that Vin had he was going to break it on his head...or someones for that matter. He was about to jump at Vin when the commotion started. He turned just slightly to look at Michael but made sure to keep his eye on Vin. Who was the larger threat right now, he wanted to get another collar around Vin but maybe this other one was worth it as well. He could go home with two pets if he were able to. First though he would have to collar Michael so he wouldn't have to worry about Vin having a protector and then get him again. "You think you are so tough, even if you kill my buddies I can still take you on and then your little friends won't have their leader anymore. I will have you and Vin under my boots before today is over" Conrad growled out to him and saw Vin disappear out of the corner of his eye. Damn, I'll get him soon enough Conrad thought and then turned launching himself at Michael.
Michael was suddenly glad that he'd had a bit extra to drink before they teleported here.
His body blurred leaving Conrad stumbling through a brief after-image.
Reappearing near the window he ran forward and rammed his shoulder right into the others' back.
He knew wolves were tough and that wouldn't break any bones but it definitely should have the guy off balance and at least a little hurt.
"As nice as your boots are, I proffer to be under no ones."
And to think this was the pup Vin had been happily spending his time with across the ocean.
Rolling his eyes Michael slowly let his fangs extend as a warning that he wasn't messing around.
"I don't know where you got the idea that you could just come here and start killing and taking people but it's over with."
The words were hissed and a bit slurred since he wasn't used to talking with his fangs visible.

A slow smirk spread across his lips as a fun little thought came to him.
"I think I want a new pet...and you seem to like it rough..."
Suddenly Michael had the black collar he'd intended for Haru out and was twirling it around his fingers.
"What'ya say, mutt? I'll even feed and walk you every day. It can't get much better than that, neh?"
Vin was beginning to get happy, it looked like things had tipped in their favor. There were only a few wolves left and those ones seemed to be backing off in surrender. Vin strolled into the lower living room with the wolves backing against the wall, the other vampires right behind him that were still willing to fight. Vin was sure that this was going to be an all out blood bath but if those that survived were willing to leave and never come back he would allow it. Everyone there though was lucky that the cops weren't coming but it was easy enough to get rid of the cops, hell Vin's mother owned half of the police force and the other half just didn't give a shit.

He stopped walking when the wolves were securely in place and weren't moving, Vin held up a hand to the other vampires "Leave and never come back or you all will end up like your buddies" Vin hissed out baring his fangs that were elongated to perfect points. He was sure that the wolves would take him on that offer, seeing as how there were at least ten vampires with him and there were only five wolves left. Vin eyed them as things ticked into place, they looked from one another and they all nodded. "Good, I'm glad you guys see the right thing to do..." Vin turned to a few of his friends "Escort them to the airport and make sure they get on the plane. I'll call my driver, the limo should fit everyone" he told them and then they proceeded to walk the wolves out as Vin called for the driver.

Conrad was pretty well stunned but it didn't take him that long to gain his barrings once more. He spun around baring his teeth and growling, he would have this guy begging him not to kill him. Though at the flash of something shinny he stopped and stared at it, was this guy serious. No one collared Conrad. "You're out of your mind. I'm an alpha not a pet" Conrad barked out at him and lunged once more, though this time he went for the collar to destroy it. That was the first thing he would take care of, if there was no collar then the guy couldn't put it on him.
Michael snickered at the guy's automatic retort.
He was also a bit impressed that Conrad was an alpha.
Sure he'd taken control of the group of wolves but that's not too hard if you're strong.
"Mmmm, an alpha? Definitely the pet for me!"
When Conrad lunged for the collar Michael jumped to the side and shoved the guy into the floor, then abruptly landed on him, pinning the guy with his body.

Mike nuzzled into the were's neck, letting his fangs skim along the super-heated flesh.
Oh yes, this would definitely be fun.
"You're so warm, pup, the ice around my heart is almost melting."
The words were purred into Conrad's eyes right before Michael rolled off, not wanting to get snapped at by teeth or elbowed.

The one thing his parents had made a mistake on was the fact that Haru could still teleport.
After thinking about the consequences he quickly vanished, teleporting right into the bedroom behind Michael and Conrad.
The kid was a bit disoriented but quickly shook his head, clearing his vision.
Then he noticed Conrad and snarled loudly, lunging for the guy as soon as Mike rolled off him.

"Wha, Haru?! DON'T!!!"
Things settled in the house and with the wolves gone Vin looked around at the mess, it was going to take a hella good cleaning crew to get this place looking normal once more. Vin turned to the other vampires and thanked them for their help though he was sure that most of them were still rather unhappy with him. "If I can ask one more thing. We need to burn the bodies of the weres" he said and the others seemed to understand. Everyone got to work and Vin helped as well though in the middle of dragging a body out to the backyard he froze. Shit. Forgot about Michael and Conrad. He hissed to himself and then turned to head upstairs though he was sure that Michael made quick work of the mutt.

Vin was almost at the top of the stairs when he heard the commotion, he didn't waste anymore time and hurried into the room. Vin was a little too late to stop anything. His eyes landed on Haru and felt a surge of anger that he hadn't listened. But he had to hand it too the kid, it looked as though Haru had manged to surprise Conrad and Vin watched them tumble to the other side of the room. Vin appeared next to Michael "Kill him" he hissed and then Vin launched himself at Haru to get him away from Conrad before either of them knew what was going on.
Haru snarled and squirmed in Donovan's arms.
The bloodrush had gone to his head and now he was just a pissed off little vampire wanting to scratch out Conrad's eyes.
Michael took his chance and flipped the wolf onto his back, grabbing both of his arms and planting his heel into the guy's back.
Another moment and he was yanking those arms hard, nearly breaking both.
"So then little mutt...hmm, well. If you're an alpha then I guess you're a pure bred.
So little loaf, what'll it be?
You can have a collar and your life...or you can have a beautifully snapped neck."

Haru blinked in surprise when he managed to get control of himself.
Wait...Michael wanted to collar Conrad now?!
"D-Don't do it! He's a crazy wolf! He killed Tell!!"

Michael glanced over at Haru and shrugged slightly.
"I know but he's a damn strong dog. He'd make a very handy pet, especially if more wolves try to do something like this again."
Vin held firmly to Haru and refused to let him go no matter what, even if it meant hurting their friendship. He was not going to allow someone else that he cared about to die. Though Vin was surprised that Michael offered Conrad an option, Vin would have just killed the guy but that was due to other reasons. When Haru finally settled down Vin loosened his grip a little so he wouldn't hurt the kid but not enough to give him a way to get out of the grip. Vin eyed Conrad and Michael for a few seconds, Michael did have a point. If they had a strong werewolf that they could control it would benefit greatly. "If you truly value your life Conrad take the offer but don't think that you can get out of one of our contracts so easily. Vampires are the ones that perfected collaring" Vin warned him and Conrad looked at him as best he could with the grip that Michael had on him. "I'd rather die then be collared by one of your species" Conrad growled out at all of them and Vin looked at Michael "Then I'd say collar" Vin offered up to Michael though he was free to do what he wanted, if Michael really wanted the pet then he could collar him but that would just make things easier for Vin when it came to Haru. Michael would have his hands full with this guy and not enough time to concentrate on Haru.
Michael figured the guy would curse him out or something akin to that, he was a bit surprised he just asked for death.
"Well, the pup's got balls.
Maybe I'll use them later...I heard captive breeding programs are popular in zoos these days."
Snickering he gave an abrupt tug on Conrad's left arm, snapping the bone slightly.
It would heal in a few minutes but while the other was distracted by the pain he quickly dropped to his knees and sat on Conrad's back.
"Now then, welcome to the family."
Leaning over he quickly snapped the collar's buckles in place, sealing the deal with a kiss to the back on the wolf's head.
Another moment and Michael was up, a smug grin on his face at his job.
"Up boy. And no clawing at my vampires, k pup?"

Haru really wanted Conrad dead for what he'd done to Teller but Michael's words had made sense.
However, if the wolf goes after someone else Haru wouldn't hesitate to put him down.
Glancing over his shoulder he pouted; "Lemme go alreadyyyy."
Vin was entertained at all of this, Conrad squirming because he knew what was coming and the fact that Michael had taken a werewolf as a pet. There would be a lot of work going into to keeping him. Not to mention the wolf was from over seas, so there would be shots to get and vaccinations, passport and the like. Vin had almost forgotten that Haru was in his arms and promptly released the vampire when the collar was put in place "Nice thinking Michael" Vin commented and picked himself up off the floor then turned to Haru "I'm sorry Haru, I didn't want you getting hurt" he said hoping that his friend understood.

Conrad was not too pleased when his arm was broken, he hit the floor in pain, that was just one more thing that he had to deal with along with the migraine that Vin gave him. With his free arm he tried swinging at Michael to get him and that stupid collar away but it didn't work. He heard the snap of buckle and his hackles raised. His whole body was burning and he was kicking himself for being collared. He had taken on too much this time and he would have to find some way to call to his family to fix it. "If I can't claw at them then I'll just claw you" Conrad growled that moment and once on his feet again he shifted right there going for Michael, if this collar didn't allow him to touch the others then he would kill the owner of the collar.