TRAPPED - a GONE role play (Bramble and Beel)

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I'll have to do this one later tonight because I need to check something first XD
Neither do I ><
"You make me feel weird," she said then frowned. "That probably wasn't the right thing to say..."
Okay. xD
Hmmm, brainstorm time.
"I tend to have that effect on people,'' He teased, flipping his hair dramatically before sighing, ''Sorry. Well, you make me a bit odd too, I don't get nervous around many people, heh.''
Big brainstorm time!
"Oh," she said blushing. "Well, I'm sorry I make you feel that way."
I keep forgetting where we are in the book.
''Not your fault, don't worry about it,'' He shrugged.
Near the beginning ;)
"K," she said simply. One of the doors further down the hallway moved open allowing Blake to walk out of it.
"Morn," she said simply looking between the two of them.
"Morning," Alexa returned kind of being thankful he no longer had his arm around her.
I don't even know which characters I'm meant to use at the moment, my mind is everywhere. xD
"Morning," Lupus greeted simply and somewhat curtly, thankful fir the interruption, but not all that happy that it was Blake; he still wasn't sure what to make of her.
Constance is in with Wade, Lotta, Kathy and them lot. I sort of had it in mind as a kind of meeting but I can't actually remember when it I they head down to the town centre...
We could always try using some of our others in a situation Xd
"Any breakfast?" she asked looking at her feet.
"Yeah, there's a vending machine down the hall if you have quarters-"
"It's ok," she said as she began to walk past them. "I'll just break it open."
"Vandal," Alexa teased.
"Goody-two-shoes," Blake mocked back.
I think (although I could be wrong) that Sam and the gang came back just as Coates arrived, or they woke up and they were coming in? IDK, I'll check the book. xD
"See? At least somebody's gonna do what's gotta be done,'' Lupus teased with a pointed look at Alexa.
That's what I'm meaning to do XD
but I can't find it :O ;=;
"Shh," she said pressing a finger to his lips. "No body needs to know."
Neither, it might be at my other house. ;=;
He chuckled and mimed biting her finger before moving away a bit.''Secret's safe with me. Now, anyway.''
Oh no ><
I shall have to have a good search for it tonight!
Any scenarios or other characters we could roleplay for a bit?
With him saying that it reminded her of her other secret she'd told him. "And the other" she asked her voice dipping to a whisper.
I think I have Darla and Cammie back in town.
Lupus nodded.
''No need to worry, nobody's gonna find out, I'm an amazing secret keeper. Most of the time. When I'm not being an idiot. I feel like that's not reassuring. Eh, it'll be fine.''
I have Harley I can use to get into some sort of trouble XD
I also have Kara - one of the kids Darla was with
"Ok," she said trying to smile but her eyes showed her concern. She felt herself starting to regret her decision but could do little about it. Except maybe kill him... She smiled mischievously, that gave her an idea. "Otherwise I'd have to kill you," she joked.
Oh, and Axel, we had the Howard-Orc thingy, didn't we? c;
"Yeah, because you could totally over-power me,'' Lupus teased, resting a hand on her head and then moving it across to show she was only just taller than chest height on him. Of course, he knew about her now, but he was meant to be keeping the secret.
Awh, yeah! XD We can certainly set up an interesting scene where they're bullying some kid and Darla or Cammie or someone stops them.
I was also thinking things over in my head and I don't now what you'd think to this but you know how similar Lotta and Alexa are in looks and also how they have opposite abilities? Well, what if they were like twins or something rather than Alexa and Wade? I don't know what you think but I was just having a crack pot theory XDD
"You underestimate me, Lupus," she told him with a twinkle in her eyes.
Darla is more likely to step in because she's like some kind of weird sassy mother, Cammie would just walk off. xD
"That'll probably be my downfall, underestimating someone,'' Lupus nodded, laughing.
I can imagine her being XD
Right, I think I have an idea on how to start this one off. Just give me a moment!
Heh heh XP I'm glad you think so XDD I also figured it'd creep them both out if they were identical so when they saw each other it'd be like looking at a mirror image and it would also allow say either of them to infiltrate the other side 3:P But I think that might be taking it too far... XDD
"I can imagine," Alexa admitted. She smiled, looking up a his face and felt herself getting lost in his blue eyes.

Yeah, and I'm pretty sure Lupus would have a field day or something. xD
"Snap me out of it if I act too much like a cocky bastard?'' Lupus laughed a bit but trailed off when he met her gaze properly.
And Blake's just there like 'um guys wtf its too early in the morning 4 this thx'. xD
Harley had always been picked on at school for being a 'freak' and maybe they older kids were right. Maybe she was a freak but not in the way they thought she was. Harley was small and skinny so could easily sneak in and out of places without anyone noticing. It'd been her plan to sneak into a house and raid it for food only, she hadn't realised the house she picked was inhabited by.
"From the moment you first opened your mouth you have always been and continue to be a cocky bastard," Alexa pointed out but her voice had hit a soft and slightly teasing tone.
I can just imagine Blake having walked back up to them, standing there with bubble gum in her mouth, blowing it and popping it to alert them to her presence XD
Axel was smoking, again. His sort-of girlfriend, Mina, had raided the counter of the grocery store and had given him maybe ten packs of cigarettes, and he was burning through them, sat on the couch in the house he was currently sharing with a couple of others.
"Cocky is one of my main personality traits. You love me really,'' Lupus joked, poking her nose.
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