TRAPPED - a GONE role play (Bramble and Beel)

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"Seems as good a guess as any," Ella Sid before shifting her heavy feet into motion.
Changing her name
"Constance, although most people just call me Conn or Connie," Constance explained. "You have a really pretty name."
"Good," she lied. She still felt guilt over the situation they were in and her dream had reflected that, giving her nightmares. "
Rosie picked her way through the thorns and pebbles that littered the dusty floor, already too hot, trying to ignore the hunger that gnawed at her stomach.
"So do you," Penny smiled, glancing back to get a better look at the girl as she trotted down the hallway. The room wasn't too far, and she knew where she was going, it wouldn't take long.
"You sure?" He raised his eyebrows questioningly.
Ella looked up at the horizon the sun baking her back, she thought she could see something moving but was unsure.
"Thanks," Conn said smiling at Penny. She looked her up and down with her green eyes before smiling. "A pretty name for a very pretty girl."
"Yeah," she said. "why wouldn't I be?" She hugged her arms across her chest and gave him a half smile to try set him at ease.
Rosie didn't notice any movements, she had become engrossed in skipping over thorns and keeping her eyes peeled for things like scorpions; she hadn't seen any yet, but better safe than sorry.
"Oh, heh, thanks, you're good looking yourself," Penny's cheeks flushed slightly; she wasn't good at taking compliments, they got her all flustered and awkward, especially when she found the other person attractive.
"Just checking," He shrugged his shoulders, "Thought you looked a bit out of it."
"Hey, Rosie," Ella hissed. "You see that?" She pointed towards the growing black shape on the horrizon.
Connie grinned as she blushed. "how come I've never noticed you before?" She asked.
"Well, you thought wrong," she said then quickly added to change the subject, "what should we do whilst the others are sleeping?"
"Hm?" Rosie looked up and shielded her eyes from the sun with one hand, trying to make out what it was, "Yeah, but what is it?"
"Not many people notice me, I'm pretty quiet," Penny admitted with a half smile, "I've seen you around, though."
"Pfft, no idea, I'm not good with plans. We could wander around and see what we can find, maybe?"
"I'm not sure but I definitely do t like the look of it." As it came closer the shape became more defined and began separating into small shapes. It was a pack, Ella realised, of coyotes.
"Maybe you should have said hi," Connie insisted clasping her hands together.
Alex's shrugged. "Sure, why not," she said simply.
"Oh, coyotes, no big deal, just don't make loads of sudden movements," Rosie shrugged and returned to looking at the floor.
"Yeah, maybe I should have," Penny grinned, "How old are you, anyway?"
"C'mon, then," He chuckled, beginning to walk up the corridor.
"You know too many random facts; lucky for us," Ella admitted though she was on edge with the approach of the oncoming pack.
"13," Constance replied. "Yourself?"
Alexa skipped a step then fell in sync with his walk. Her hair was tucked behind her ears, her shirt was wrinkled from having to sleep in it she hoped she'd be able to get a change of clothes from somewhere.
"Oh, no, I don't know if that stuff works for coyotes, but it works for dogs, basically the same," Rosie admitted with a laugh, not seeming bothered at all.
"Same here."
"So, once the others get up, are we heading back to town, or..?"
"Great," Ella said through gritted teeth. "You couldn't of just stuck to the lie?"
"That's good," Constance admitted. She smiled sweetly at Penny before looking back down the corridor.
"To the power station, although, if you wan to go home you can..." she said her voice trailing off.
"Sorry. Hey, relax, okay?" Rosie lightly pushed her twin's arm, "It'll be fine."
"Yeah, I guess," Penny nodded, not really sure what she meant, "Well, here we are."
"Nah, I'll come, there's nothing at home for me anyway."
"I don't think anything about the situation is fine," she told herself she was just being unreasonable but that didn't send her worry away.
"Well, that was quick. And, you know, I'm pretty sure I walked up and down here like five fricking times," Constance admitted with a giggle.
"Yeah," Alexa said. "I know the feeling."
"You gotta be optimistic," Rosie pointed out, stopping to look at her sister, eyebrows raised.
"Oh," Penny joined in with a little laughter, "Well, um, I guess I should leave you to it."
"Cheer up," He patted her shoulder, deciding against draping an arm around her for now.
As the coyotes came closer they seemed to split, in two, running a circle around them. "Rosie!" Ella said pressing herself against her sister in panic.
"I guess but I'll be finding you out later so don't go too far," Constance told her with a wink.
Alexa was a little shocked by his gesture and had never been one to enjoy close contact. She felt her body tense but after a second or two convinced herself to try relax.
''Okay, that's not so good,'' Rosie blinked, frowning and backing into her sister, eyes flicking back and forth.
''Heh, okay, I'll see you later,'' Penny smiled and wiggled her fingers in a wave.
He moved his hand away after a moment, glancing down at her and then looking away; he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
The coyotes closed in on them snapping and snarling at their ankles all the while circling around them.
Constance grinned. "See you," she said before walking through the door.
Alexa glanced at the wall a moment tucked her hair back behind her ears. She bit her lip unsure of what to say.
"I'm pretty sure they aren't meant to behave like this. I mean, I thought that they mostly hunted on their own. Maybe that's another animal...'' Rosie trailed off, deep in thought, seeming to forget their situation.
Penny smiled and waved before beginning to wander off.
"Is there something bothering you?'' He asked finally.
Gimme a minute on this one ><
Constance smiled at the others in the room before taking a seat on the table In front of Amanda before pressing her back up against the wall and kicking her feet up. "You ok?" She asked
"Fine," Amanda replied harshly.
Constance through her hands up as if in surrender. "Only being nice."
"No," she admitted blushing. "I'm just not used to," she struggled to find the word. Displays of affection? No. "-Close contact. But it was nice," she stumbled. "your arms are warm."
Okay. ^-^
Mehhhh, IDK what to sayyyy. ;3;
''You make it sound so weird,'' Lupus teased with a laugh, poking her shoulder gently, ''Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.''
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