TRAPPED - a GONE role play (Bramble and Beel)

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Wade smiled. "Good," he said. "Then that means we're both on the same page."

Ella nodded and headed towards the cave with a little caution; she knew rattlesnakes would be lurking in places like these in this time of day.

Alexa was slipping between dreams. Some part of her registered that she was slung over someone's shoulder but the other was considering a trip down the rabbit hole.

"And that complement came about because?" Robbie asked prompting her.
Lotta raised her eyebrows a little bit at that, but decided not to question it.
"Glad we have an understanding."

Rosie watched her feet more than anything else, hoping to avoid tripping or being stung or bitten.

Lupus jumped from the third last rung, bring Alexa away from the building and lying her down on the floor, crouching beside her.

"I don't know, can't you just accept it and be grateful that I haven't scratched you yet?"
"So am I." Confidently, he leaned in to her and gently kissed her on the lips.

"All clear," Ella called after doing a quick scope of the little cave. "I think we should be safe here."

Blake ran over to the two of them and placed an oxygen mask over her face. "Breath! Come on! Breath!" she chanted. Alexa's lungs took in a sharp intake of breath and slowly but surely her eyes fluttered open and she began to cough, rolling on her side as she began to vomit.

"You already did a mighty fine job of scratching yourself," he pointed out.
Lotta couldn't help it. She really was surprised and all, but instinct caused her to kiss him back for a moment or so before she pulled away, just slightly, to give him a confused look.

"Whatever you say, boss," Rosie grinned.

"Thank god." Lupus breathed, sitting down heavily a little way away to catch his breath.

"Mm, and I bet you'd look just as good if I did the same to you. We could be twins, babe."
Wade smiled. "See you around," he said before walking away and out of the room.

Ella shoved her twin gently grinning.

After heaving, Alexa drew herself back, fitting the oxygen mask against her face. "How is she?" She asked referring to the little girl. Meekly Blake shook her head.
"I'm sorry," she said softly.

"No, that couldn't be, if rock it far better than you," he pointed out smugly.
Lotta was left staring after him, completely taken aback. After a few moments, she shook herself, regained her composure, grabbed her bag, and left the room too.

"What? You are the boss," Rosie insisted somewhat sheepishly; she had always looked up to her twin, though it wasn't always for the right reasons.

Not wanting to interrupt, Lupus stayed a little way away, chewing on one of his nails. The fire was dying down now thanks to the efforts of the people with the hose, but according to Blake, it was too late for the little girl.

"I don't think you could wear anything better than me," Kathy smirked.
... Not sure what to post now ><

"Hardly," Ella said laughing as she sat down in the cave.

"Are you ok?" Alexa asked turning to face Lupus. She pressed the oxygen mask back to her face. Her breathing was now slowly returning to normal.

Robbie smirked. "I don't even need to take you on for that; we both know the real truth."
I'm stuck too...

Rosie giggled and sat nearby, sighing softly as she stretched out her legs.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just worried about y-" He stopped himself, then looked away, "About the damage, I mean."

"Believe whatever you want... If it helps you sleep at night, sweetheart,"
Trust us XD

Ella's stomach growled as she suddenly realised just how hungry she was. "My gosh, did you hear that?"

She nodded slowly. "It's very damage-full," Alexa admitted in an attempt to lighten the mood. She put down the oxygen mask before pressing her head into her hands.

"I don't think I need to do that, sweetie," Robbie said. He slung his hands into his back pockets eyeing Kathy up.
Back, never fear.
Typical. xD

"Yeah, wow. I guess we forgot about food in the heat of the moment." Rosie blinked; the car crash had made her sick to the stomach, but now her hunger was the culprit of her nausea.

He laughed softly, lying down on his back.
"You're okay, then? I was worried I'd get you down and it's be too late." He admitted tentatively.

"Any reason you're still in here, babe?" She leant against the sink, looking him up and down.
I was gonna say! D:

Ella tightened her arms across her stomach. "Would you believe I'm actually considering eating ants?" she asked with a little laugh.

"Yeah," she said sneaking a look at him from the corner of her eye. "I'm ok." She stood up, pushing herself up with her arms. "We should burry her; the little girl."

Robbie opened his mouth as if to say something but then closed it again. However his eyes continued to stare at Kathy. "I don't think so."
"Well, no," Rosie admitted with a somewhat forced grin, "I might join you."

"I could probably grab a shovel from the hardware store," Lupus nodded solemnly, sitting up to look at her.

"Well, honey, if you ever need me, you just gotta ask," Kathy smirked, her gaze flicking up and down him
Ella chuckled but then groaned as her stomach gave a tackle of hunger fits.

Alexa nodded. "Thanks, that'd be great," She smiled at him warmly but there was an air of sadness in her eyes.

Robbie smiled. "Is that so?" he asked.
"We should probably have a look around," Rosie suggested finally. She didn't have high hopes, but it was worth a shot.

He smiled gently at her, lightly patted her shoulder, then got up and disappeared into the store.

"Mm," She murmured, shrugging with a smirk, "If you want."
"I highly think we're going to find much in a desert. Not near us, anyway..." Ella say with a certain dismay.

Blake watched him leave before turning her attention to Alexa. "I still stand by my statement that you're stupid or at least mental," she told her.
"Yeah," Rosie sighed, looking around in the dim light, "Apart from dried plants."

Lupus wandered through the deserted store for a while, ignoring vague paranoia, and found a suitable shove that was heavy enough for him to dig a hole, but not too heavy for him to lift.
I had another character idea, sort of. xD
Sorry, it seems to have cut off Robbie's part D:

"Yeah, can't imagine those will be any good..." She admitted.

Alexa looked to the shop which Lupus went in before looking back away again.
Yeah, what?

"Is that a sense of hope I hear?" Robbie asked smuggly.
Poor Robbie. D: xD
"I don't want to eat anything poisonous, either," Rosie added.

He exited not too long after and silently selected a place to start digging. It just felt natural.

"Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps you just want me to want you, hun," She shrugged, almost making fun of him.
"That's probably a good point," Ella said having not thought of that. If Rosie hadn't of been with her she figured she'd of probably of tried to eat them eventually but now that thought was right out of her mind.

Alexa walked over to the girls body. Someone had kindly thought to cover her in a blanket though she didn't know who. Gently and calmly she picked her up before heading over to where Lupus was digging.

"Well, maybe you want me, to want you, to want me..." Robbie said stepping towards her as his voice raised a little.
"This is hopeless," Rosie declared with a dramatic sigh, going quiet for a bit before asking a soft question, "Are we going to die?"

"Nearly done." He said quietly, getting up and stepping back for Blake to lay the girl down.

"You get the picture, babe,'' Kathy purred, copying him and taking a step forwards, almost mocking or teasing him.
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