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TRAPPED - a GONE role play (Bramble and Beel)

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"Maybe you're just out of my league," She said jokingly, "Well, you're smarter than me, so you probably hang out with smarter people."

"Neither can I. It's weird, in a way," Rosie grinned.

Lupus was already gone, off in search of a hose, and Kitty seemed to recognise Darla's name, so she too ran off to help.
"No," Wade admitted. "Well, I am smarter than you but I just hang out with Robbie and he's honestly not the smartest of people."

"It is," Ella admitted. "I'm sorry for everything as well, by the way. I never meant to get you involved..."

Alexa took a deep breath. Fire didn't burn her, she'd know that as a little kid. Her mother had actually considered her a pyromaniac. Her stepfather had even threatened to send her to Coates Academy so she'd learnt not to mess around with fire. But it still didn't stop the fact that fire didn't burn her. She began to move towards the building but someone grabbed her. "Look, Lexi, I know you're going in there. Not because you're brave but because you're stupid. I hope you realise that-"
"Blake, I'm not-" Alexa began to protest, shrugging off her arm. She needed to move quickly.
"Of course you are. But you need to wear this," Blake said tying a damp cloth around Alexa's mouth. "It's not the fire that kills, it's the smoke." Alexa nodded.
"Thanks," she added but her words sounded a little muffled. Then, without another moments thought, she ran into the burning building.
"I'm sure he'd love to hear you say that," She raised her eyebrows, giggling, "Well, I have to say, I'm surprised. I assumed you were really popular."

"It's fine, I'm actually glad I'm here, now." Rosie waved off the apology.

Lupus returned with the hose and began fixing it to the hydrant nearest the fire.
"Hey, Blake, where did Alexa go?"
Meanwhile, Darla and Kitty were shepherding the younger children out if the daycare and into the plaza, moving them to the far end.
Wade smirked. "Again, none of them are smart or even funny. Do you know how hard it is to force a laugh at people's jokes that aren't funny?£

"I don't see how, I'm certainly not," Ella admitted.

"To be brave," Blake answered simply before pulling over some more people to help them get the hose working.

The temperature was quickly rising in the house though Alexa wasn't experiencing it as normal people would. She couldn't feel the flames as they lapped at her skin. The smoke on the other hand, she couldn't handle. Already her eyes had begun watering and she felt herself sinking lower to the stairs in order to avoid inhaling any of the harmful gasses. Bleary eyed, she looked around helplessly for the child still screaming out for help.
"I can feign interest pretty well. I looked like I was paying attention to your pep talk, right?" Lotta teased innocently, then put her hands up, "Don't strangle me."

"Well, if I hadn't come, you'd be wandering around in the desert alone."

Lupus didn't really want any further details, he had a pretty good idea in his head. To avoid thinking about it too much, he busied himself with the hose.
Kathy was in the girl's bathroom, stood in front of the row of sinks, examining her reflection in the mirror and dabbing at her face with a tissue. The hallucination had caused her to leave three scratches running down from her eye, and they stung a fair bit. She had tried putting concealer over them, but it seemed she was going to have to deal with the scratches, at least until they healed up.
"Wouldn't dream of it," Wade admitted throwing his hands up in the air.

"True but I'd rather just not be running around in a desert altogether - that's what I meant!" Ella pointed out her arms making wild gestures as she began to seem a little stressed.

The closer she got upstairs the thicker and heavier the smoke got until it felt like it was crushing down on her. Up ahead she could see the door, it was billowing from, her best guess was that the kid was struggling, trapped inside there. "Hang on, I'm coming!" she yelled. Her eyes were streaming tears and her vision was so fogged up she felt like she could hardly see anything. Taking a deep breath she prepared herself for the next step. One... Two... Three... Quickly Alexa jumped to her feet and ran at the door, bursting it open; she was out of the frying pan and into the fire in the eye of the storm.

Robbie, who was not up to much at the time, had decided to check back with Wade on what was going on. He picture the place he wanted to go in his mind but half way through the jump another thought crossed his mind and suddenly it wasn't Wade he was facing, it was the angry face of Kathy as she cleaned herself up in the girl's bathroom.
"Glad to hear it, because I'm not very good at fighting," She admitted, sliding off the desk again, "I'm not meaning to be rude, but why are you still here?"

"Ah, well, I cam see that." Rosie nodded.

Once he'd hooked up the hose, Lupus and a few others set about attempting to put out the fire, though it wasn't going to help Alexa all that much.

"Ugh, not you. This is a girls' bathroom, you know that, right? Or are you just perverted?" Kathy growled, shoving her tissue into her bag and leaning on the sink to look at him.
"Is a cute guy not allowed to talk to a pretty girl?" Wade asked and seemed to almost pout for a moment but maintained his well kept composure.

"Well that's just brilliant," Ella admitted. Her eyes scanned for somewhere they could rest.

The moment Alexa burst into the room everything seemed to slow and clear and the same time. She could finally see the kid, she had dark skin and little frazzled bunches in her hair. The dress she was wearing had been white but was now all frazzled and burned at the edges. Alexa began to open her mouth to speak but the little girl raised her hands and from them shot a burst of bright yellow light that scorched the wall behind her and set it ablaze. Instinctively, Alexa rolled and before she had full control over what she was doing raised her own hands and from them shot red, hot, scolding, tendrils of fire which set the girl flying backwards through the air.

"I'm not a pervert anymore than you're actually a nice person," Robbie shot back though he had to admit it did look suspicious. "I just came to see the mark Amanda left and laugh at you: ha, ha, ha!"
"I don't see any cute guys around here," She replied innocently, then giggled so that he would see she was just joking, "Well, I'm flattered."

"What lives in the desert?"

(lalalala don't know what to put here)

"You laugh now, but I can give you some pretty quick," Kathy snapped, but with less venom that usual, "Ugh, they're hideous. Still, I could probably pull off a bad-ass kind of look." She rolled her eyes and sighed, "You done laughing?"
"You should be," he admitted. "I don't just tell anyone they're pretty otherwise I really would have hoards of people clinging to me."

"Coyotes, vultures, rattlesnakes... A whole load of nasties," Ella admitted. "Although," I don't think many of those will eat us unless we're dead."

Suddenly regaining control, Alrca ran to the girl all the while praying, please don't be deD, please don't be dead, please don't be dead!
The smoke was not clearly and she soon found herself loosing way again. The little girls body on her shoulder, she struggled to find the window.

"No," Robbie lied though he'd already stopped so he added a short and sweet, "ha!"
"I can imagine," Lotta grinned, "You're pretty cute."

"If you want to sleep, I'll keep watch. I don't fancy sleeping here."

(writer's block hurts)
"Hey, look!" Someone called, pointing at the window as a silhouette appeared.

"Great, thanks, babe," She stuck out her tongue childishly and turned back to the mirror.
"Was that two words I heard?" Wade teased. "Pretty AND cute?"

"No and I wasn't suggesting that we do, but we can't keep going in all night," Ella pointed out.

"Someone get a ladder!" Blake yelled as she elbowed Lupus hard in the side. "She's up there and I dont think she can get out!"

"Why do you do that?" Robbie asked inquisitively.
"Careful, you don't want your ego to explode," Lotta laughed softly, looking him up and down.

"I guess not, but we might as well press on while we still have the energy."

Lupus took the elbow as a prompt and ran off into the hardware store with a couple of others, retrieving the biggest ladder they could get.

"Do what?"
"Hun, my Ego is way past that," Wade chuckled admittedly.

"I know that. But still," Ella pressed gently.

Alexa felt herself stumbling backwards, pressing herself into the last space free from fire.
"Look, at the Window!" Blake shouted and pointed to the figure leaning there.

"Say babe like that!" Robbie snapped trying to put his finger on exactly what was that grinded on his nerves.
"Not always a terrible thing," Lotta shrugged, "I've been meaning to ask, why do you want to try and take over, anyway?"

"We could sit down for a while?"

"I don't know if this ladder's long enough," Lupus admitted, leaning it against the wall.

"Because sometimes it gets people all flustered and cute, other times it annoys them. Works either way, babe."
"Who doesn't want to rule? It is in our nature after all and I know an opportunity when I see one," Wade admitted with a quirk of a grin.

"No, you're right, we should keep moving," Ella said with a sigh.

"Alexa!" Blake called up at the window. She knew she'd have to jump. "Alexa! Open the window."
Alexa, feeling drowsy and a little woozy barely heard Blake's voice as she called up to her but somehow she still under stood. Her wold spinning she felt smooth and surprisingly cool against her fingers. Somehow she managed to push it open, light flooding her vision and smoke funnelling out around her.
"Alexa! Down here!" Blake called.
First, she set the child on the sill and allowed people to help her down. Then it came to her turn.

"Fine, sugar," Robbie said agonised.
"You just seem to know what to do so suddenly, it's admirable," She admitted, looking up through her lashes.

"Just say if you want to stop."

Lupus didn't really know why he did it, but suddenly he was halfway up the ladder that was leant against a wall, held in place by a few people watching.
"Alexa, can you hear me? You have to jump!"

"See? You'll catch on," Kathy smirked, patting his cheek.
Wade smiled. "So you trust my judgement?" he asked very aware of how close he'd positioned the both of them.

"Look," she said pointing to a small cavern area. "We can stay the night in there."

Alexa barely remembered herself jumping, it felt more like she was fainting or rather falling. She felt for a moment like she was floating then she became aware that she was hurtling in a downwards direction.

Robbie snorted. "What ever you say sugar."
"I suppose I do. Try not to let me down, darling," She laughed.

"Sounds good to me," Rosie nodded, pleased about the shelter.

Lupus thought for a moment that he was going to miss, but he caught her, he really did. Wobbling for a moment, he regained him balance and had no choice but to sling Alexa over one shoulder as he climbed down.

"You seem alright," Kathy announced, as though that was the best compliment she could muster.
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