Transported to the IDS

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On the other hand the next two of the character which our the point of focus of this story - the Shinigami and vehicle summoner each were greeted with one of the creatures the Shinigami's guide being Mercury One-Zero-Six-Two "Al'Hosa" and the tanks summoner's was Mercury One-One-Seven "Chief". Both greet them in the same way as they did Jax and Jinx, introduced themselves and asked if they had any questions before proceeding to the nanobot insertion.


Ignoring the fact this is obviously a Djinn from the Golden Sun games, and the fact they want to inject her with thousands of tiny robots she had but one remark.
"117? And they call you Chief? Seriously? Halo reference much? How did you pick up such a nickname?"
Though she then looks over to her vehicle and snaps her finders, causing it to disappear, no need to have a Jeep in such a small room.
"Besides that, not really, go ahead"


Luna looked at the small creature before her, it had no timer whatsoever, meaning it was immortal time wise. However she presumed it could be killed by more... violent means. In any case she wondered what these nanobots were, and why would she need them, so she took upon the small critter's offer and asked.
"I have a couple, what are these nanobots and why would I require them?"

Inazuma & Hibiki
Inazuma was still standing near the wall at the gate when someone touched her shoulder. Naturally the poor destroyer jumped a meter away and pointed all of her cannons towards the person, however there was just a face she knew pretty well. It was Hibiki, who pointed at her guns.
"Is there a need for that?"
Inazuma looked at her guns and quickly returned them to ready position, waving her hand.
"N-no , of course not, I'm sorry Hibiki!"
She then looked over towards the massive hall.
"So you... are here too?"
Hibiki slowly nods as she approaches Inazuma now that she isn't ready to blow her to smithereens.
"Yes, it would seem only us two have arrived."
She then looks over to the gate, the crowd was thinning down.
"Come, we do not want to be left behind." She says as she passes next to Inazuma and heads into the gate. Inazuma turns around and fllows behind her, hoping she would draw less attention now that Hibiki is around.
Green and Juke made their way through the gate and found themselves in a very technologically advanced-looking room. Though the previous area's intense color scheme had been pretty par for the course for Tengoku City residents like them, this new one was very monochrome in comparison. A little unsettling, even, but nothing they hadn't seen before. Green was especially used to surroundings like this, having made regular commutes to one of his world's most advanced technological cities to purchase new equipment.

The Peridoe brothers were approached by one of the creatures, same as everyone else, and asked if they had any questions. Green had a million of them, but being who he was elected to simply shake his head so he could streamline the process. Juke, on the other hand, spoke up quite loudly. "Yeah, I got a question. See this?" He banged his fist against his chest, creating a distinct metal clang. "Yeah, nanobots don't work too hot with me. You got any software I can download?"

The creature said: "Yeah, don't worry about that, as long as you have organic parts the bots are going to be useful. As for the non-organic parts. Well that is why we scan you! Femtobots can adjust to any physical body, organic or not! So lay down on the bed and wait a bit for me to do my job. Also my name is Mercury Eight-Nine-Four-Seven but you can call me by my nickname "Salada"."


Ignoring the fact this is obviously a Djinn from the Golden Sun games, and the fact they want to inject her with thousands of tiny robots she had but one remark.
"117? And they call you Chief? Seriously? Halo reference much? How did you pick up such a nickname?"
Though she then looks over to her vehicle and snaps her finders, causing it to disappear, no need to have a Jeep in such a small room.
"Besides that, not really, go ahead"

"Well then please lay on one of the beds. I need to make a scan and adjust the bots to your body and as I work I will explain how I got my nickname" Chief said shortly.

Luna looked at the small creature before her, it had no timer whatsoever, meaning it was immortal time wise. However she presumed it could be killed by more... violent means. In any case she wondered what these nanobots were, and why would she need them, so she took upon the small critter's offer and asked.
"I have a couple, what are these nanobots and why would I require them?"

Al'Hosa said, after shivering for a bit under the view of the Shinigami: "A Shinigami I see! That means that there is no need to give you nanobots, which are for your information small machines which can do many things. I still need a scan of you for confirmation that we got the right "you" and to forward it to the nearest branch of Death's underlings. So please just lie on one of the beds for a bit if that is not a problem?"

Inazuma & Hibiki
Inazuma was still standing near the wall at the gate when someone touched her shoulder. Naturally the poor destroyer jumped a meter away and pointed all of her cannons towards the person, however there was just a face she knew pretty well. It was Hibiki, who pointed at her guns.
"Is there a need for that?"
Inazuma looked at her guns and quickly returned them to ready position, waving her hand.
"N-no , of course not, I'm sorry Hibiki!"
She then looked over towards the massive hall.
"So you... are here too?"
Hibiki slowly nods as she approaches Inazuma now that she isn't ready to blow her to smithereens.
"Yes, it would seem only us two have arrived."
She then looks over to the gate, the crowd was thinning down.
"Come, we do not want to be left behind." She says as she passes next to Inazuma and heads into the gate. Inazuma turns around and fllows behind her, hoping she would draw less attention now that Hibiki is around.

As soon as the two fleet vessels come into the medical area they are greeted with a pair of the creatures. The first starts talking: "Hello! I am Mercury Six-Seven-Six-Six!""Hy there! I am Mercury Six-Seven-Six-Seven," the other ads and they both say at the same time: "We are known as "Twins" and you can call us like that. Before give you a shot of nanobots do you have any questions?"
Hela "Inferno" Warshot / Magni "Heaven" Warshot

Hela and Magni stared at the gate. Ok, what the heck? Magni was still finding everything too... Weird. While Hela was just fascinated. Without waiting for her brother, she stepped into the gate, wearing the same smile that she always wore while finding out something new. Magni didn't want to go, he didn't know what would happen. But Hela was going and maybe this could be the chance to make things better between them.

"Ho-hold on! Hela!" And then, he stepped into the gate.
The twins followed Gumo into the corridor to the next room. Jax put her hands on her head, while Jinx took out the book she was reading in the hall. Jinx turned to Gumo. "Is there a library in this Post-Dimensional Society?"
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The next area that the two end up being looks like this with the doors from which they came from being marked with 01 and 02. Gumo turns to them and says: "Yes we have libraries, but now if you would please stand inside the fence, one at the time. We will begin a quick procedure which will transfer the basic knowledge of the IDS into your memories as well as the most common languages and an boosted amount of Earth languages. After that we will move on to the last part of your arrival and you will be free from that point to start your lives in the Post-Dimensional Society. Just don't forget to come roughly each two months for a quick report in any of the institutions that are a part of this project. A list of them will be handed you together with some other stuff in the next area."

Hela "Inferno" Warshot / Magni "Heaven" Warshot

Hela and Magni stared at the gate. Ok, what the heck? Magni was still finding everything too... Weird. While Hela was just fascinated. Without waiting for her brother, she stepped into the gate, wearing the same smile that she always wore while finding out something new. Magni didn't want to go, he didn't know what would happen. But Hela was going and maybe this could be the chance to make things better between them.

"Ho-hold on! Hela!" And then, he stepped into the gate.

The two were greeted with a single creature, but unlike the most of the other this one was

similar yet different in it's appearance from the others. It spoke: "Hello there! I am Jupiter Five-Eight-Zero but you can call me "Zekke". I can answer a few questiosn if you have any, after which we shall proceed with the standard femtobot shot." The creature did a few flawless rolls and spins in the air while flying around the sister and brother.
Dylan shot up to a sitting position, immediately regretting it. He paused and held his head, sitting like that for a moment until his head stopped spinning and he could open his eyes again. He immediately regretted it. "How the-.... where in the...?" He closed his eyes, counted to ten, then opened them again. Same place. Same people. Then he got it! "Ahhhhhahahah, a dream, issit?" He sighed and stood up. "Great. A fukkin' dream. Fukkin' Conan's probably gonna..." He left that nasty thought alone, and looked around the room, instead, trying to remember where he fell asleep. There was that guy with the motorcycle, the crazy lady in an aquarium, a bunch of talking aaaand.... "Nope. Nothin' 'bout fallin' asleep." He thought on it for a moment, then decided to lay it to rest. Instead, he placed his attention to getting out of the dream, deciding on giving that thought more thought later. Like when he wakes up.

He watches the strange and dwindling crowd walk, moving in all different directions. There were a few gates that they seemed attracted to, all of them colored and numbered. He mumbled something intelligible to even himself and wondered where he's supposed to go.
Juke thought it over, surprised that these guys had technology that could interface with both halves of his body without any special modifications. He'd never seen such a thing before. "Alright," he said with a shrug, "just don't mess with my music mods, yeah?" His internal music player was his life. If those nanobots glitched it up, there'd be hell to pay, that was for sure.

With Juke satisfied and Green just itching to find out what lay beyond this preliminary step, the two laid out on the beds and waited for Salada to do its job.
Hela "Inferno" Warshot / Magni "Heaven" Warshot

The siblings stared at the weird -but adorable- creature. Magni raised his hand, cleaning his throat while preparing to ask something.

"Uh... Are our lives at any risk?" He asked sheepish. Hela raised her eyes and stared at her brother, who made a "what?" face.

"Really, Magni. Really."

"What? It's good to know." Hela raised her hands and murmured "Whatever.". She turned her eyes towards Zekke, noticing once again how cute that little thing was.

"So, Zekke, just answer my brother's question and we are good to continue."
Scrubz got back onto his feet and brushed himself off. He couldn't really work out what happened there but decided on running was not a good option at this point. Scrubz cracked his neck by tilting it and rotated his shoulders. As he looked down he really needs to find some clothes but before he could look a round a holographic projection appeared

"Good day. You will now be shortly explained where you are and why have you have been brought here.

"Good day???" Scrubz shouted at the projection "what about my memories?" he complained.
Obviously it was a recoreded message and got no answer

Scrubz listened to the recording and took it in, it made half sence to him but he thought if he had his memoroies he might understand more.

"Now why are you here you might ask yourselves. Let us clarify that."

"Yea I did" Scrubz said in to the recording.

Scrubz listenined carefully and tried to way up his options.

Do you accept this task?
If You DO, then please proceed to the gates which are marked with the words and number on the bottom of this message.
If You do NOT, then please wait until a hour or so for the sound signal, memory deletion and your return to the place you came form."

"Oi I have no memory as it is and your depleting what 5 min of what I started with". Scrubz was getting agitated with himself more than anything, really he had one choice. He has to go to the gates in his boxers, to get money ,to buy clothes and see how this place works out. "well I have nothing to lose" he mumbled and noted Green 414.

Scrubz took a deep breath and started to look around when the walls turned to gates he noticed the gate reading Green 414. He straightened up made sure he looked as decent as possible and headed of towards Green 414.
Juke thought it over, surprised that these guys had technology that could interface with both halves of his body without any special modifications. He'd never seen such a thing before. "Alright," he said with a shrug, "just don't mess with my music mods, yeah?" His internal music player was his life. If those nanobots glitched it up, there'd be hell to pay, that was for sure.

With Juke satisfied and Green just itching to find out what lay beyond this preliminary step, the two laid out on the beds and waited for Salada to do its job.

"Do not worry, billions of robots utilize this bots every moment so there shouldn't be a problem," Salada said while approaching one of the holographic panels floating around and then after a few clicks on the holographic keyboard he quickly procured two of nanobot-filled Post-Dimensional Society syringes. He pressed the tip of the first shot on Green's skin and while waiting for the bots to transfer into the boy's body listed the augmentations that the bots gave: A regeneration boost, bringing out the full natural potential of muscle tissue, allowing the access to the Post-Dimensional version of (paid) Save Spots as well as, destruction of most harmful substance, immunity against most disease and as he notified them, repair of inorganic matter at extreme rates. With Green done he proceeded to Juke and after a few short moments of pressing the tip of the device on his forehead he said: "Now follow me so we can give you some basic knowledge that you will be needing for entering the Post-Dimensional Society. Oh making a device that does that without cybernetic implants was hard! If you are interested I can tell you all about this?" The creature levitated next to one of the doors and waited for the two to join him.

Hela "Inferno" Warshot / Magni "Heaven" Warshot

The siblings stared at the weird -but adorable- creature. Magni raised his hand, cleaning his throat while preparing to ask something.

"Uh... Are our lives at any risk?" He asked sheepish. Hela raised her eyes and stared at her brother, who made a "what?" face.

"Really, Magni. Really."

"What? It's good to know." Hela raised her hands and murmured "Whatever.". She turned her eyes towards Zekke, noticing once again how cute that little thing was.

"So, Zekke, just answer my brother's question and we are good to continue."

Zekke levitated upside down while answering the question: "Well three is no absolutely safe place but as long as you are on Earth and don't try your luck in the Suburbs or restricted areas you are almost one hundred percent safe. This is after all a planet protected by ten defensive lines spread across the whole solar system, boosted with an ancient cannon capable of taking on any know ship in the IDS and has the smallest crime rate of all planets with more then a trillion inhabitants due to the fourth largest police force on one planet. To put it simply there is only a handful of other, mostly private, planets in the known IDS that are as safe as this Earth. Now I need you to lay on the beds so I can scan you and adjust the bots to your bodies."

Scrubz got back onto his feet and brushed himself off. He couldn't really work out what happened there but decided on running was not a good option at this point. Scrubz cracked his neck by tilting it and rotated his shoulders. As he looked down he really needs to find some clothes but before he could look a round a holographic projection appeared

"Good day. You will now be shortly explained where you are and why have you have been brought here.

"Good day???" Scrubz shouted at the projection "what about my memories?" he complained.
Obviously it was a recoreded message and got no answer

Scrubz listened to the recording and took it in, it made half sence to him but he thought if he had his memoroies he might understand more.

"Now why are you here you might ask yourselves. Let us clarify that."

"Yea I did" Scrubz said in to the recording.

Scrubz listenined carefully and tried to way up his options.

Do you accept this task?
If You DO, then please proceed to the gates which are marked with the words and number on the bottom of this message.
If You do NOT, then please wait until a hour or so for the sound signal, memory deletion and your return to the place you came form."

"Oi I have no memory as it is and your depleting what 5 min of what I started with". Scrubz was getting agitated with himself more than anything, really he had one choice. He has to go to the gates in his boxers, to get money ,to buy clothes and see how this place works out. "well I have nothing to lose" he mumbled and noted Green 414.

Scrubz took a deep breath and started to look around when the walls turned to gates he noticed the gate reading Green 414. He straightened up made sure he looked as decent as possible and headed of towards Green 414.

His relatively larger and stronger body allowed Scrubz to quickly plow a way into the gate and to the other side where he was greeted by a blue floating creature which spoke: "Hello there I am Mercury One-Zero-One-Zero but call me "To-Ju~". Before we proceed to the standard nanobot shot do you have any questions that you need to have answered?"

After reading the message and heading to the gate Iä faced a sea of people that were trying to enter the gate. Her small body and lackluster strength meant that she had no choice but to wait for someone strong enough to open a path trough the crowd. That opportunity arisen in the form of a wake left after a blue haired man which looked as a sailor. As soon as she passed trough the gate she was almost spooked to death when a weird but cute-ish creature approached her from the air. She was so spooked that she almost missed it introducing itself as Mercury Seven-Zero-Eight and adding his nickname "Balti". Balti mentioned something about nanobots, whatever that was, and asked if she had any questions. She just asked: "What are nanobots?"
Hela "Inferno" Warshot / Magni "Heaven" Warshot

Magni released a relieved sigh. Apparently, it wouldn't be as dangerous as he thought.

"Oh well, that's good to know." Hela couldn't help but roll her eyes at that. Seriously, why did they bring Magni along with her? Maybe they want to test her patience. Or maybe they just wanted Magni and she accidentally came along, but that would be impossible. Magni has no brain. Said brother was already laying down on a bed, he seemed a bit stiff, maybe he'se tense. Well, it's not everyday that someone wants to... Do whatever they're doing right now. Shit. What kind of situation has Hela and Magni put themselves in? However, it was too late. She put her glasses on a nearby table, her right blind eye more visible than ever. She lay on the bed besides Magni, blinking her eyes a couple of time to adjust the left one.

"Alright. We're ready."

"Wait! I didn't say I was ready! I'm still trying to get comfortable with everything that's happening!"

"Oh, shut it, Magni."

"No! I'm- you- ... You know what. Whatever. I can fear you know. I'm not a robot like you seem to be." Hela shot him a murderous glare, but said nothing. Maybe because that's true. So she just closed her eyes and said through clenched teeth.

"Just let get done with this as soon as possible."
As Scrubz walked down to the gate he never noticed anyone staying close behind him, he just wanted to look like yea I am meant to be walking down in my boxers. Really he was trying not to make eye contact with anyone till he found someone who could help which should be at this gate.

Scrubz was greeted by the blue floating creature and it introduced itself.

"Hey To-ju" Scrubz said with a wave. He questionably said out loud without thinking "Nanobot shot?" but before he let To-ju answer he put his hand up while rubbing his head with his other hand.

"Don't worry about that one, I have to have it either way like it or lump it" Scrubz looked at the blue floating creature and it made him smile. He didn't know why it made him smile, it just did "Ya know To-ju the only thing I would like to know is do you know where my memories are and can I have some clothes". After a quick pause he just realised his manners and added "Please"
About halfway through, Dylan gave up on trying to make sense of this bullhonky. He skimmed it all annnd... "Green 414! t's not like I'm gonna have any choice anyways, so!" He took a deep breath, courage is hard to gather in dreams too, and walked to the gate, trying to bump into as little people as possible. He couldn't help but make a disgusted noise when a giant, gross, probably slimy snake man bumped into him. The glare he received was more than enough to regret he even came this way. Thank God snake man looked like he was going another way. He made his way straight to the gate, no more dwindling.
Hela "Inferno" Warshot / Magni "Heaven" Warshot

Magni released a relieved sigh. Apparently, it wouldn't be as dangerous as he thought.

"Oh well, that's good to know." Hela couldn't help but roll her eyes at that. Seriously, why did they bring Magni along with her? Maybe they want to test her patience. Or maybe they just wanted Magni and she accidentally came along, but that would be impossible. Magni has no brain. Said brother was already laying down on a bed, he seemed a bit stiff, maybe he'se tense. Well, it's not everyday that someone wants to... Do whatever they're doing right now. Shit. What kind of situation has Hela and Magni put themselves in? However, it was too late. She put her glasses on a nearby table, her right blind eye more visible than ever. She lay on the bed besides Magni, blinking her eyes a couple of time to adjust the left one.

"Alright. We're ready."

"Wait! I didn't say I was ready! I'm still trying to get comfortable with everything that's happening!"

"Oh, shut it, Magni."

"No! I'm- you- ... You know what. Whatever. I can fear you know. I'm not a robot like you seem to be." Hela shot him a murderous glare, but said nothing. Maybe because that's true. So she just closed her eyes and said through clenched teeth.

"Just let get done with this as soon as possible."

"Okay! Just one small question. Miss Warshot, if you want I can use your data to have the bots reconstruct your eye in top condition, if you wish so," Zekke said while typing in the commands for the scanner to scan the two.

As Scrubz walked down to the gate he never noticed anyone staying close behind him, he just wanted to look like yea I am meant to be walking down in my boxers. Really he was trying not to make eye contact with anyone till he found someone who could help which should be at this gate.

Scrubz was greeted by the blue floating creature and it introduced itself.

"Hey To-ju" Scrubz said with a wave. He questionably said out loud without thinking "Nanobot shot?" but before he let To-ju answer he put his hand up while rubbing his head with his other hand.

"Don't worry about that one, I have to have it either way like it or lump it" Scrubz looked at the blue floating creature and it made him smile. He didn't know why it made him smile, it just did "Ya know To-ju the only thing I would like to know is do you know where my memories are and can I have some clothes". After a quick pause he just realised his manners and added "Please"

"Oh! Let me take care of the cloths first," said To-Ju and turned to the nearest free creature and said something on a unknown language. "As four your memories there are two possibilities, or you lost them due to a traumatic even shortly before traveling here or they have been lost during transport. Both can return with time, in the first case with time and in the second when random IDS teleportations happen near you. Oh and the standard nanobot shot is primary to keep you healthy and in top shape." As he finished the creature that he talked to before returned with a simple pair of trousers and a blue silk shirt. The creature put the two on the nearest bed while To-Ju said: "If you don't have any other questions then please clothe yourself and lay on the bed."

About halfway through, Dylan gave up on trying to make sense of this bullhonky. He skimmed it all annnd... "Green 414! t's not like I'm gonna have any choice anyways, so!" He took a deep breath, courage is hard to gather in dreams too, and walked to the gate, trying to bump into as little people as possible. He couldn't help but make a disgusted noise when a giant, gross, probably slimy snake man bumped into him. The glare he received was more than enough to regret he even came this way. Thank God snake man looked like he was going another way. He made his way straight to the gate, no more dwindling.

On the other side of the gate, he was greeted by a female human, roughly 4 and half feet high and with a body that was like that of a child except for the two slight bulges in the chest area. "Mirra Shugaros, your unlucky guide. One of the freaking Djinn got squished under a transport and they are still returning him to a less disturbing shape. So as the only medical officer left which has a rapid language adaptation system installed I have to babysit you. So any questions before I shot some femtobots into your body?"
Green squirmed slightly as he watched the needle penetrate his skin, filling his body with these "nanobot" things and silently praying that they weren't dangerous and that he wouldn't suffer any untimely side effects. Staying true to his self-imposed limits, he didn't make a peep through the entire process, but fear was written on his face plain as day. Juke knew more about the tiny, tiny things than his brother, having read up on the subject following a bout of intense curiosity, and explained what they were and how they did what they did to calm Green down as he got his own shot. That and Salada listing off the nanobots' effects had Green breathing a little easier, but he wouldn't fully believe it until he saw it. The pair hopped up and followed Salada into the next room; Juke thought it was a little quiet and decided it'd be a good idea to turn on his speakers and play some classic rock to provide some background to the whole process. Green rolled his eyes.
Scrubz was relieved that he was finally was going to get clothes "Thank you, thank you" he repeated. While he was listening on how he might have lost his memories knowing his luck it probably will be both of the above.

Scrubz knew the best move he had was just to keep looking forward and work it all out as it goes along
When To-ju said "If you don't have any other questions then please clothe yourself and lay on the bed."

Scrubz laughed loudly and with between giggles "I'm sure when, like the doctors want to give you shots they ask you to get undressed not to get dressed" With a few deep breaths he got dressed and was grateful for what clothes was given to him.

When Scrubz was dressed he had a quick glance at himself the best he can, the clothes was a little tight but least he was decent. "Im sure you said bed" Scrubz said aloud which was more for himself than asking. Scrubz went to the bed and laid down.
Hela "Inferno" Warshot / Magni "Heaven" Warshot

Hela cringed a little when Zekke called her Miss Warshot, she didn't like that surname. It wasn't hers. But she was too tired to correct it, and she was registered as a Warshot. It would just be a pain in the ass.

"Sis! You can have your full sight back! Isn't that wonderful?" Magni was excited for Hela, he couldn't imagine being able to see through only one eye. But Hela could do it, if it weren't for her eye's weird coloration you wouldn't be able to tell it. However, Hela denied. "What? Why not?"

The girl closed her eyes and sighed. She turned her head to look at Magni, her white eye more white than ever.

"Because, during my whole life, I've lived with only half of my sight. I'm used to it. And this eye is part of me, I can't imagine myself seeing through both of them." She turned towards Zekke, a kind smile on her face. "So no, Zekke. Thank you."
Hela "Inferno" Warshot / Magni "Heaven" Warshot

Hela cringed a little when Zekke called her Miss Warshot, she didn't like that surname. It wasn't hers. But she was too tired to correct it, and she was registered as a Warshot. It would just be a pain in the ass.

"Sis! You can have your full sight back! Isn't that wonderful?" Magni was excited for Hela, he couldn't imagine being able to see through only one eye. But Hela could do it, if it weren't for her eye's weird coloration you wouldn't be able to tell it. However, Hela denied. "What? Why not?"

The girl closed her eyes and sighed. She turned her head to look at Magni, her white eye more white than ever.

"Because, during my whole life, I've lived with only half of my sight. I'm used to it. And this eye is part of me, I can't imagine myself seeing through both of them." She turned towards Zekke, a kind smile on her face. "So no, Zekke. Thank you."

"No problem if you ever wish to fix it just visit a medical facility," Zekke said while finishing the scan and taking the two syringes from one machine. He approached Hela first and without much rush fond a spot of skin and pressed the syringe there and while waiting for the bots to harmlesly transfer themselves into her body started listing the effects of the nanobots that he was giving them, like boosted regeneration, maxmizing the natural potential of the muscles, almost complete imunity and cleaning of all toxic substances. Access to the scanner-reconstruction stations. During the explanation he finished Hela and moved to Magni and by the time the listing was finished so was the procedure of giving the two nanobots. "Good good! All clear! Now follow me to the knowledge importation station! There we will use a device that will give you the basic knowledge of the Post-Dimensional Society and languages with a focus on the languages of this world," Zekke said and then floated over to one of the doors and wait for the siblings.

Scrubz was relieved that he was finally was going to get clothes "Thank you, thank you" he repeated. While he was listening on how he might have lost his memories knowing his luck it probably will be both of the above.

Scrubz knew the best move he had was just to keep looking forward and work it all out as it goes along
When To-ju said "If you don't have any other questions then please clothe yourself and lay on the bed."

Scrubz laughed loudly and with between giggles "I'm sure when, like the doctors want to give you shots they ask you to get undressed not to get dressed" With a few deep breaths he got dressed and was grateful for what clothes was given to him.

When Scrubz was dressed he had a quick glance at himself the best he can, the clothes was a little tight but least he was decent. "Im sure you said bed" Scrubz said aloud which was more for himself than asking. Scrubz went to the bed and laid down.

It didn't take long for To-Ju to prepare and administer the shot. The creature somehow managed to squeeze in the list of the effects of the bots while giving the shot to Scrubz. "All good! Please follow me so we can give you the knowledge you will need to survive on this world," To-Ju said while levitating to one of the many doors in the walls of the room.

Green squirmed slightly as he watched the needle penetrate his skin, filling his body with these "nanobot" things and silently praying that they weren't dangerous and that he wouldn't suffer any untimely side effects. Staying true to his self-imposed limits, he didn't make a peep through the entire process, but fear was written on his face plain as day. Juke knew more about the tiny, tiny things than his brother, having read up on the subject following a bout of intense curiosity, and explained what they were and how they did what they did to calm Green down as he got his own shot. That and Salada listing off the nanobots' effects had Green breathing a little easier, but he wouldn't fully believe it until he saw it. The pair hopped up and followed Salada into the next room; Juke thought it was a little quiet and decided it'd be a good idea to turn on his speakers and play some classic rock to provide some background to the whole process. Green rolled his eyes.

"Sorry but I will have to ask that you turn off the music before we begin. The process used audio-visual simulations, magnetic fields and non-invasive magic to make you quickly learn what you need to know. Any outside interference in the audio, visual, magnetic or magic forms might affect the process and damage some of the information, thous making you have holes in the knowledge that we are about to give you. I don't think you would want that right," Salada said after noticing the music and then added: "Now one of you please enter the fence."

After being explained what are nanobots and reassured that they are nothing dangerous Iä laid down and few moments later Balti explained her what did the nanobots do while giving Iä the shot. As soon as they were over Balti escorted her to the next area in which she was supposed to somehow be thought about the basics of the Post-Dimensional Society and some common IDS and Earth languages.
Scrubz just laid there listening to To-ju while he was talking about the effects of the bots and giving him the shot. Scrubz was starting to feel a bit better in himself and actually thought he could pull through this dilemma that he has gotten himself into.

Scrubz was asked to follow, so he did and he started to observe more of his surroundings and people. Scrubz looked at a few faces around and some are taking examinations or talking to other beings. Scrubz thought he better start making friends but he will need to finish this examination

"Knowledge hey?" he chuckled over to To-Ju "well there is plenty of space up there at the moment"
Hela "Inferno" Warshot / Magni "Heaven" Warshot

Hela and Magni laid on the bed as they waited for the whole process to finish. The girl memorizing all of the effects, and the boy grinning like a child on Christmas. Once it was done and they got out of the beds, Magni stared at his hand with widened eyes.

"Hela, we're just like superheroes! Damn, this is awesome!" He said excitedly.

"Geez, so awesome. We must be in some kind of comics or whatever." Hela replied deadpan, while cleaning her glasses and putting it on. Her brother only pouted. She turned to Zekke, ready to follow him, when she let her eyes wander through the room for the first time. Maybe Magni could do some friends and leave her alone for at least sometime. That would be wonderful. The girl finally followed Zekke, stopping by his side to wait for her brother, who was murmuring stuff about heroes. It didn't take him so long after Hela threatened to destroy his collection of comics.
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