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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
She waved goodbye, smiling brightly before she made her way into her car.
The next day charles wasn't in class again.
Instead he was in the bathroom, doing something...
He's been a bit suspicious this few months.
She glances to his empty seat when the teacher was taking attendance. She hadn't seen him much, and now her parents were back from there long trip so she had been rather busy herself. She sighs a little and began taking notes.
"Does anybody know where Carly is?" The teacher said as she looked at her clip board.
Emily sighs. "His name is Charles." She frowns at him.
She raises an eyebrow. "I'm sure you are."
She started to fume,about to say something but one of the janitors busted into class.
"I found Charles! He's in the bathroom call an ambulance."
Emily blinks and quickly pulls out her phone, dialing the abulence while she runs out the room, dashing towards the nearest bathroom. "Charles?!"
"...I messed up." He mumbled as he was laying on the floor,clenching his body.
There was a spoon and a lighter on the floor.
She kneels by him, telling the ambulence the address before hanging up. "What happened?"
He was mumbling and he couldn't speak well.
He looked out of it, clearly losing much blood.
She cringed at the sight of blood, then looks for his wound to try and stop the bleeding.
"It's on my arm," he muttered as he booked out the needle.
She nods a little and grabs paper towels, pressing them against his arm to stop the bleeding.
"I messed up," he kept mumbling to himself.
"Let me die nobody wants me here."
She blinks and frowns, flicking the side if Charles's head. "Idiot..!"
She frowns a little. "Shut up Charles! I don't care if you dont cause I want you too."
The ambulance bombarded into the bathroom, taking him out of her arms.
"Get off of me!" He kept shouting.