Toko Aida Military Academy

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Yrinky paused to look up at Seyn for a brief moment, then parted her mandibles as she reached up at her. After a moment's consideration that the Kronset might take offense at having to pick her up, she closed her mouth and wordlessly began latching stalks to Seyn's legs instead, executing a quick crawl around to her back. Yrinky passed her stalks over and under Seyn's shoulders like a plant-backpack and craned her head around so that she could speak to her without yelling—or at least trying to.

"I do not think it is very far. It should be up there, around the next juncture in the promenade. I think that it is classroom D-Four," Yrinky bobbed her head to indicate the direction. "You are wise and helpful, tall-one! Is that why you want to captain starships?"
"I only wish I had such good, heartfelt intentions," Seyn said, after letting Yrinky settle, "I would want to lead starships simply because I don't believe I could ever leave my life in anyone elses' paws other than my own." She shifted her sack from her left paw to her right as she began walking towards the next junction. "If I were a bounty hunter, I would not have to worry about taking orders take could be the death of me or others, and I have the freedom to return home whenever I wish. That alone makes bounty hunting appealing, but I also have my pride. I believe I could lead starships into battle, that my team could trust me to get them through a crisis in one piece. What about you, little one? Why do you wish to lead such a life?" Seyn turned and began to walk down the hall.
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"Bounty hunter. Bounty hunter…" Yrinky appeared to be attempting the words for the first time, which she very well could have been. "I was… volunteered. My people are… not learned to war. I believe they want me to learn! So that I can help other sprouts learn. They tell me I must learn starship captaining to help, so I must. I do not want my people to wither…"

Yrinky trailed off for a moment. Apparently what she wanted was a complicated thing for her, and one she wasn't prepared to answer. She perked up again as the classroom came into sight, wiggling around on Seyn's back. "There! Dee-four!"
Seyn focused her attention on the human that was standing in the doorway, and began to feel uneasy. She jogged the last few meters, trying not to jostle her new companion. "D-4," Seyn agreed a bit nervously. She shifted from paw to paw as this......'Ms.O'?......looked her over. Even though she was young, Seyn was as tall, if not taller, than her teacher. She was certainly wider, but she had a feeling that some aliens might feel intimidated or threatened by her natural size.
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Ms. O had finally located at least some of her class, apparently there had been a small mis communication so about eight students were milling around the door of a closed classroom. Herding them inside her room and letting them engage in the age old battle of who got what seat she double checked her roster just to see if she was missing anyone else. Indeed she was, so she opted to keep a watch out from the doorway so as to dirrect any other late students in the right direction. She was a bit surprised at how small her class was this year, but, there was always time for new students to transfer in. Besides, smaller classes were always more fun to teach, fewer students meant that things went faster and she could more easily sneak them out for field trips. An evil grin creapt onto her face as she started to mentally plan all sorts of fun little excurtions, that would probably be loads of fun for her and the students but, would also give the principals' heart attacks if they were to find out.

Seeing movement down at the end of the hall, Ms. O's grin turned to a half smile that had a distinctly reproachful tone to it. Two students, at least she believed them to be students one was very tall so it was a bit hard to tell, were walking, one was walking the other was hitching a ride, towards her. Sharp eyes looked the pair over in a kind of appraising way as though weighing them on some mental scale of hers. Then she stepped clear of the doorway so as to let the students pass.
"Welcome" She said with a wide grin "To my little shop of horrors." Her voice had a teasing note to it but, she did not really care if they took it seriously or not, it was just to much fun to mess with first time students.
Yrinky got so excited at the sight of the classroom that she momentarily forgot to hold on as Seyn came to a halt. Another dainty little "ah" escaped her mandibles as she slipped from Seyn's shoulders and hit the floor with the same sound a head of lettuce makes when it's put through a similar experience. Yrinky appeared to shake it off well enough, and slowly rose back to her full three foot stature. She began to glance from the nervous looking Seyn to Miss O and back. She had absolutely no clue who Miss O was, or why Seyn appeared ticklish.

"Welcome" She said with a wide grin "To my little shop of horrors."

Yrinky decided that meant go inside, which she tentatively began to do... while watching the hoo-man with apprehensive eyes and making sure she was extra careful not to touch her, as though that would somehow call down the teacher's wrath upon her.
A bit embarrassed at their lateness, Seyn squeezed past her new instructor before surveying the room with both wonder and excitement. The room and desks were quite large, allowing her easy movement around the area. Remembering herself, Seyn turned back to the teacher and crossed her paw over her chest with a small bow. "I'm very sorry to have gotten here so late," She told her, "I'm afraid I got lost and made a bit of a mess on my way here. I would have never found this place without my companion's help. However, it seems I also made her very late."

She wasn't normally so formal, and she didn't exactly like to be, either. However, it was common practice to ask for forgiveness if you know you have inconvienced them. As long as you didn't do it on purpose, anyway.
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Deciding that she would start and just fill in the late students later Ms. O snuck in behind the last two students, making sure to leave the door open a crack. Turning her gaze back up to the taller of the two students she listened as the girl made excuses.
"It's alright, just don't do it again." She kept her tone pleasant waving her hand in a dismissive manner. She had a feeling that the student was trying to dirrect all the blame towards herself and away from the second student but, Ms. O let it slide. If she wanted students to trust her completely she would have to earn that. Turning and walking towards the front of the classroom she position herself behind her desk before giving another wave of herhand and saying "grab a seat so we can get started. Sitting down she tossed back her long dark brwon hair before digitally pulling up the roster in front of her so that she could take a quick role call.
Seyn turned to Yrinky and gestured to the two of the back seats in the classroom. She didn't want to block anyone's view, after all. She took the seat on the left end of the row and placed her sack on the ground by her paws. It was very strange to be sitting in a classroom like this, and she found it appalling how anyone could sit for hours in one spot without losing their minds. Taron's areas of actual development were almost non-existant. Everyone preferred the open wilderness to learn and live in. After all, surely it was better to learn with paws-on experience instead of cramming their heads with the words and pictures from the insides of a mere book?

While they wouldn't judge other races for their preferences, Kronsets were prideful of their way of life. Thinking heavily on this, Seyn sat back in her desk, leaving her tail to trail behind her on the floor. She flexed her claws in and out, ready to begin the lesson.
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Aaron Pendleton was having a bad day.
He had woken up in the middle of his sleep cycle in a cold sweat, and he hadn't been able to get any more sleep since. As he went through his morning routine, he had found that slight mishaps had become today's specialty. His communicator had made a loud screeching sound in his ear, his breakfast had spilled on the floor which he promptly had to clean up, and his package from his dear mother was lost in transit; he would have to find it after class was out. He took a swig from his medication bottle as he rushed to his first class- soon finding that he along with seven other kids had been given the wrong class number to go to.

When Mrs. O, as he and some of the other Merchant's sons had nicknamed her, arrived to bring them to class, he took a slight amount of pleasure in seeing that the tagline "Mrs. O" had not been taken down yet. He butted his way into the room and found a seat at the very front, tossing his supplies under the desk and slumping into a chair with a fit. He coughed, took another swig of medicine, then began tapping his foot; waiting for class to begin.

When two more students entered the room, he didn't even give them a passing glance.
While everyone else was heading to Miss O's class, Juniper was waltzing her way in to the docking bay with a handful of guns that were supposed to have been returned to the weapons locker a good hour and a half ago. She glanced around for her charge - some sort of new alien - but all SHE was seeing were a bunch of droids skittering about and another human student. Whose uniform wasn't quite up to code.

Juniper strode in, a big frown on her face as she stopped next to Garn. "The shuttle DID dock, didn't it? Did you see any aliens get off at this stop? Darnit, I'm always losing people like this!" She stamped her foot in frustration, which resulted in her precarious grip loosening and several of her guns were then dropping on the floor with a clatter. Several muttered 'oops' and 'sorries' slipped out as she bent to gather them all up again.
Gazing at the hologram projection in front of her Ms. O went through the list matching the faces provided on the register with the faces gazing up at her from arouond the classroom. Occationally she would murmer a "here" until finally she switched the thing off and turned to fully face the kids in front of her. For a few moments she just scanned the classroom briefly locking eyes with each, treating those she all ready knew to a sly wink. Then straightening up she clapped her hands together and said in an excited voice "Well lets get started shall we." Moving around her desk so that she could lean against the front she took a breath and started her little custom introduction.
"Hello everybody, for those of you who dont't know me I am Ms. O and I will be you teacher for this class. For those of you who do not know what class this is, well, good luck with that." Reaching around she knocked several sheets of paper off her desk before finding the stack that she was looking for and holding the thick packet in front of her with a dramatic flurish "Welcome to introducion to piloting, blah blah blah, you will learn how to fly stuff in space and through various atsmospheres, blah blah, field trips, blah blah blah blah, after completeing this class you will qualify for the advanced course... and ya." for a packet that was over ten pages long the class introduction was exceedingly short. Ms. O never seemed to have the patience, to finish the whole thing, this was probably because the packet was something that she was forced to read by her superiors. But, in any case she tossed the packet over her head so that it hit the wall with a soft thump and crumbled to the floor.
"Anyways, this is a basic class, meaning it is meant to be taught in the most traditional way possible until your minds are numb and you can recite the book of engagement backwards. There for I will be teaching it in the least traditional way possible." Her face was serious but, her eyes were glinting with mischief.
"So I like to start this class with a little Q and A. This is one of those rare times where you can ask me anything you want, doesn't have to be relevant just tell me your name before you ask." with that she sat back against her desk and waited, usually it took the kids a few seconds to get into the, we can ask anything mode but, she would see how fast they caught on.
Garn bent down and picked up one of the guns. "Shuttle dock, hyes. Hy no see alien, but you human. Droids greet..." Am eye was focused down the barrel of the gun and the muzzle was held close as Garn examined the device.

"Hy iz Garm from Krub." the alien said finally looking up. "Droids greet already, friendly. Hyu iz..."

There was a flash as the gun in Garn's hands discharged and scorched the alien's arm and a swampy smell filled the air as Garn looked down at the wound and within the burnt circle a feint wriggling could be seen before the 'uniform' closed itself up again.
Glad to see hands being raised Ms. O points first at Pendleton and then at Seyn saying as she did so "One and then two." She was curious to hear what they would ask her, the range of questions she usually got was quite large so it was always a bit of a surprise.
Pendleton nodded, then pointed at the papers she had knocked to the floor.

"Mrs. Oltonzernta? I'm Aaron Pendleton, I was wondering why you just threw the instructional packet on the floor. I have no right to judge upon your 'least traditional' style of teaching, but isn't 'Introduction to Piloting' a topic one would learn by-the-book instead of an esoteric way? I was lead to believe that Piloting is an exact science in which reciting the book of engagement backwards would be smiled upon by our other teachers."

He lowered his hand, resting it on the desk.

"If you're not going to teach this class in the most proven effective method, shouldn't you talk to the director first, or at least another teacher?"
Seyn's tail flicked in surprise. She found it hard to believe that the human that smelt very heavily of medicine could act so disrespectful to his superior without being provoked. It also annoyed her. Everyone should treat their elders with respect, not act like they knew better than them.

"Ms.O," She spoke aloud, "I find the idea of knowing a book backwards very.......un-productive. Can I be excluded from this practice if I just learn to fly the ship backwards instead?"
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Oh. That was the teacher. Yrinky's mandibles opened in surprise. She felt a mixture of various sensations, but the most predominent one was excitement. Humans were well renowned for their piloting abilities. While they might not have the reflexes that some other races did, they were often described as poets of flight, seeing past the exterior into the deeper meaning.

"Ms.O," She spoke aloud, "I find the idea of knowing a book backwards very.......un-productive. Can I be excluded from this practice if I just learn to fly the ship backwards instead?"

Yrinky began to wiggle around in her seat next to Seyn, which she was technically standing on. At least by standing on the seat she was able to see the clear crystal display of the desk without stretching too far. Whatever Seyn had said appeared to excite her, and she had quickly raised a stalk after examining Seyn to make sure she was imitating correctly.
Sarah Polk White. That was her grandmother's name. Her grandmother was a farmer, Sarah's mother was also a farmer. However when Sarah was around the age of fifteen the farm lit on fire and all the poor family's investment had burned away. Sarah's Mom, Dad and younger brother all had to move to the city. Being Xazi they weren't the most liked, they were easily spottable in a crowd. Their pure white skin with black circles wasn't easily concealed. Neither was their reputation for outbursts of emotion.

These outbursts were infamous because the Xazi had a sense of emotion but the fact that they can channel their emotion into simply creating matter and energy, organic, inorganic, electric, metal, gas, plasma and fire. They weren't considered the best to have in society.

However despite this the White family moved to the underpart of the city and began to work in the manual labor industry. They didn't make enough to support the family and soon her little brother Tom had to get a job. He took on his father's business but it still didn't meet their bills. Not soon after to pay their debt, Sarah Polk was conscripted into the military on her sixteenth birthday. Being the smart girl she was, she was sent to military school.


This was her first day. Sarah wasn't a violent person. Sarah was always nice. She had never hurt some physically. She was polite and quick to help. Sarah was scared here to say the least. She had just been through the entry into the school. She just had her purple hair cut to her chin which made her also purple eyes pop out. She was given a uniform, a badge for a cadet and was given a pep talk.

Then she was set out with a list of classes. Sarah was shaking to say the least. She began to walk down towards the school, afraid of her future.


Nero Baldwin was a fierce young man, eighteen and already on his first couple weeks an outstanding student! He was smart, authority and handsome. He had it good with the teachers at the school and had several officer's wanting him to have a bright future.

Nero was the pretty perfect boy, nothing going wrong for him. Other than one incident where he broke a heavy piece of equipment but the overseer swept it under the rug and made it look like the machine was inspected recently.

Nero this day was walking around the campus, enjoying the sun he saw a young Xazi girl. He smiled and walked up to her. "Hi."

Sarah stopped and looked up at him, shaking. "H-H-Hi."

"Are you scared?" Nero eyed her, his rigid form seemed to scare Sarah.

Sarah didn't say anything but quickly nodded.

"Good. You... Things, shouldn't be here." With that, Nero left and Sarah was there, shaking even more now. Tears would start welling up in her eyes soon. She didn't want to be here.