To be Reaped (with wolfthehybrid)

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Kuro wake up a few minutes later, slowly sitting up and rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. She was momentarily confused as to where she was but then she remembered everythung. And almost felt like crying again.

Seth must've brought me here She thought to herself as she stood up and stretched, she could hear faint sounds coming from behind one of the doors so she snook forward and opened the door as silently as possible. She gave a small smile when she saw Seth beating up a punching bag and decided she would just watch him.

So she sat down by the wall, continuing to watch her boyfriend punch the bag repeatedly while holding back any yawns, she was also kind of hoping to scare or surprise him.
Seth aimed a few last blows at the punching bag, and then stopped, hands on his knees, panting. His muscles screamed in pain, but his eyes were bright. He gave himself close to thirty seconds in this position before standing up straight and walking to the far left corner. This area was clear except for a drain, shampoo, and shower head. He turned on the water and turned around. Instead of stripping like he had planned, he jumped.

Kuro was sitting against a wall watching him. How long had she been there? Casting her an embarrassed smile he left the water running and walked closer to her. Sweat gleamed on his chest so he stopped a few feet away since he probably did not smell the greatest right now. He had thought about hugging her as punishment for scaring him, but decided against it. "I didn't think of putting a curtain up, but I should probably wash off. You can stay in here or wait in the other room. I don't mind either way."
Kuro just chuckled, crossed one leg over the other and leaned back, placing her arms behind her head, "Oh don't let me stop you. I think I might even join you... If you're lucky that is." She gave a grin and narrowes her eyes at Seth in a taunting way.

She then dragged her eyes down his body before turning her attention to the punching bag, "You sure did a number on that, I think you might've hurt its feelings." She muttered in a taunting matter, pulling herself to her feet, "Huh, anyway I should probably go get changed and maybe even shower, have fun showering Seth." She gave him a wave and turned to leave via the door.
Seth tilted his head as she left. He wanted to enjoy Kuro's taunting, but couldn't. It hadn't even been a day since her sister's death, closer to half a day, and he worried about her. It seemed strange she would be able to taunt him so soon after, but perhaps it helped make things feel normal again. He shook his head. He didn't think things had been normal ever since he met her. Mutated hellhounds, Mark, and now this. He doubted he had anything to do with it, but the timing was still strange.

He made his way back over to the shower, stripped out of his jeans, and, after checking the water temperature, stepped into the spray. The water was cold, but after a few minutes he turned it to room temperature, and then after a few more minutes turned it up to hot. Dropping his head, he enjoyed the feeling of the heat relaxing his muscles. After another minute or two he turned off the water, put on his jeans (overlooking needing a towel), shook out his hair, and then went to find a shirt in the other room.
Kuro had teleported back to her dimension, and fell back onto the couch once she got there. She didn't like acting like everything was okay, but with what was going on she knew that she didn't have time to mourn her sister's death, Sam would want her to put everybody else first and not mourn her anyway.

She turned off the TV, which was still on from last night, and walked to her bathroom. She turned on the shower and stripped down before climbing in, the cold water made her jump at first but she got used to it quickly, plus the water was heating up. She stood there, just enjoying the water before using her coconut scented shampoo to wash her hair.

She washed it out and used her body wash of the same smell. Once she felt clean enough she turned off the shower and got out, towel wrapped around her body. Kuro then made her way to her bedroom to get dressed.

She teleported back to Seth, now wearing long sleeved grey jumper that hung off one of her shoulders, black skinny jeans and her boots. Her hair was still damp and wasn't put up, Kuro couldn't be assed to dry it herself so she was just letting it dry naturally.
Seth had just got done slipping on a white t-shirt when Kuro appeared. His still wet hair was plastered to his face and he tried to shake it away before wrapping his arms around her. He pressed his lips to hers lovingly before stepping back and looking her in the eyes. "It is ok to cry. Recalling what you told me once before, you can cry and scream, or use me as your verbal punching bag. Hell, use me as an actual punching bag if you want. Just don't hide how you are feeling."

Grabbing her hand he led her to the bed and sat down. "Now, what will it be? I won't take 'nothing, i feel fine' as an answer, but if there is something else that you would like to do then just say so." Sometimes different actions were necessary to release what was inside, although eventually he make her talk about it, because he from her that it helps.
Kuro frowned at him, "Sometimes I hate the fact that I love you... Ya twat..." She grumbled, sitting next to him and resting her head on his chest. She almost felt like just teleporting away to avoid being questioned but that would most likely bite her in the ass. And he knew how to teleport too.

Kuro sighed, interlocking her fingers with Seth's and bringing her free hand up to trace patterns on his chest. She couldn't cry, not that she didn't want to, but right now her body just down right refused to, "There's too much going on right now with Mark and the hounds, Sam wouldn't want me to mourn her if it caused me to put others at risk. Hell even if she wasn't dead she would want me to focus on the task at hand, mourning can wait." She muttered, only just load enough for Seth to hear.

Now that she thought about it Sam would probably scold her right now, she was pushing everybody away and Sam hated it when her sister did that. That was why they had made 'The Gang', so Kuro could talk to people who were going through what she was. They had several rules, but the main one was 'Don't push each other away, we're a family built on trust and respect. No secrets.'
He put an arm around her, happy she had given in right away. "I love you too. As for 'twat', I have been called worse, but that one may be true." If one was going to use a word as an insult it made sense to know what the word actually meant. In this case, yeah, he could be considered stupid or obnoxious. At least he had done stupid things, and no doubt would continue to have questionable actions in the future.

She made a good point about Mark and the hounds. That was a lot to deal with, and should be dealt with as quickly as possible. As for her saying Sam would want her to focus on the task, he understood except for one thing. "Mourning may cause you to put others at risk, but so could bottling up emotions. I know, because before I had you to talk to I would actions were dumb. I would actively seek out confrontation because pain was the best distraction I had. I am not saying you would do something as dumb as that, but I don't want your judgement to become clouded."

He lightly squeezed her hand. "If you really want to wait and mourn then how about we go and talk to Death. We can see if he has any ideas on how to deal with Mark." He gave a small smile and kissed her forehead. "If you need to talk later let me know. I will always be here for you."
Kuro let out a groan, "Stop being so nice to me dangit. Alright let's go see Death." She muttered, looking up to press a kiss against Seth's lips, she placed a hand on his cheek and pulled away, resting her forehead against his, "I will say it again, I hate the fact that I love you."

She stood up and stretched, she then took Seth's hand and teleported. They both appeared in Death's office and Kuro sat down on the long table as Death turned to look at them, a frown on his face, "Kuro, hello..."

She knew something was wrong, "What is it Death? What's wrong?" Kuro asked, worry evident in her voice, Death hesitated for a moment.

"There have been some... Complications."

"Like what?"

"We think Mark works for somebody."
I hate love you too. Seth thought, but didn't dare say out loud, as Kuro teleported them to see Death. He looked around the office before following Kuro's lead and sitting down at the table. He had expected this to be a good visit, but by how Death was reacting and the words he spoke, it seemed to be quite the opposite. "Do you have any idea who he might be working for?" He was afraid to know the answer, but it was hard to take action unless one knew who they were dealing with.

He reached under the table and took Kuro's hand. She would help him stay somewhat calm if the answer was something to be upset about. And it also meant he would help her stay calm, or at least try. Or maybe not. He had supported her on her decision to kill Mark, so he wasn't the best influence in times of anger and violence.
"We, don't know as of yet, but we are trying to find out who it is." Death sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, Kuro leaned her head against Seth's shoulder and groaned in annoyance.

"Why? Why do we keep getting bad guys thrown at our faces?" She muttered into Seth's shoulder. Death gave a very small smile at the two.

"But there is good news."

Kuro looked up straight away, "Really, good news for once? Holy shit it must be Christmas."

Death sighed and shook his head, "We've figured out who the prophecy is. You know about the prophecy right Kuro?"

She nodded, "Yeah, I know about it. Never believed it though, who's the lucky chick then?"

Death turned his back to them while fiddling with his ring, "A young girl by the name of Meg, she's twelve, died last year, and has proven to be a quick learner." Kuro nodded slowly.
Seth listened to Kuro and Death speak, wrinkling his nose at his thoughts. "First, I want to say I was excited for the good news, but that does not sound like good news at all. I wanted it to be Christmasy good news since Kuro brought it up. Christmas is when people walk around with full wallets just waiting to be sto-. I mean, Christmas is a time of happiness and giving, and a little girl dying and becoming part of some prophecy does not sound happy to me." He leaned back in the chair and tilted his head up.

"I have a few more things." He tilted his head back down and looked at Death. "What is this prophecy suppose to be? The second is not as important as the current situation but has me curious." He glanced at Kuro, and then his eyes rested on Death again. "We are reapers so don't we have a job to do?" He wasn't keen on doing the duties of a reaper, but he would have to learn eventually. If they were waiting on more news about Mark and his boss then now seemed as good time as ever.
"With everything that's going on we thought it would be best to stop some reapers from going out, to keep them safe. Only I and a few select others have been going out, we don't need you getting attack by one of the hounds." Death walked over to them and leaned against the table, placing his hands under his chin, "as for the prophecy itself, it tells the story of a female reaper who a question of the past, when they do myself and Lucifer are set to aid them. They will unlock great power."

He turned his head to face Kuro, "For a very long time Kyla we thought the prophecy was you, but myself and the other superiors have come to a different conclusion."

Kuro, frowned, "And... What's that?"

Death smiled a rare smile and stood up, "All in good time."
"Since it seems the prophecy doesn't involve Kuro, and we can't go around doing reaper duties, what can we do?" Seth took a deep breath, feeling annoyed at the direction this conversation was going, and irritated at how little Death was telling. "I'm used to freedom, old man. And action. Not much can be done about the latter until we find Mark and whoever else is on his side, but it would be nice to have something to do until then." He didn't care what that 'something' might be, just so long as he wasn't stuck in the dimensions all day. If he had to he would do Death's dry cleaning, not that dry cleaning was needed, but still. He glanced at Kuro and smiled. A bit of humor could be seen in his eyes as he looked back at Death. "I suppose there is another type of action, but the body can only take so much of that."
Kuro didn't miss a beat before smacking Seth around the back of the head, Death chuckled at the two and shook his head, "Well Kyla, good to see you have him under control, I have sent a list to your dimension, if you really want to get to work then you can. I am needed elsewhere." With that Death vanished, leaving a frustrated Kuro staring at the spot he once was.

"I... Am actually gonna kill you." She turned her gaze to Seth and her eyes went from pale green to a bright vivid purple before turning back, "that was stupid, why would you say that? God, I should punch you, but I'm not gonna because your face is too fucking pretty." She stood up and made her way towards the door that lead into Death's office, she pushed them open and walked out into the hall.

It led into a hallway with dark grey walls, the floors were made of black marble tiles and green torches flickered on the walls. Kuro began walking at a brisk pace. Looking straight ahead with a frown on her face.
Seth rubbed the back of his head, surprised at Kuro's reaction. Was what he said really that bad? He did not think so, but it seems he just shortened his leash. At least Death agreed to give them something to do, although he wished the old man would have stayed because now he was alone with Kuro. Normally he would be happy to be alone with her, but now did not seem a safe time.

He stood up an followed her. The change in her eye color struck a slight fear in him. He did not believe she would kill him, but knowing he had said something to cause that reaction was enough. Perhaps it was stupid, but what more could you expect from a guy like him? He walked into the hall and quickened his pace to catch up with her. When he was next to her he placed a hand on her shoulder. "If you don't want to punch me in the face, you can punch me elsewhere." His voice was genuine, wanting to make up for what he said.
Kuro turned her eyes to him, narrowing them. She didn't stop walking.

The female reaper held his gaze for a moment before grunting and turning her gaze towards the door at the end of the wall, she paused before turning back to Seth, walking towards him quickly and wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him down so she could press her lips into his.

Kuro pulled away a few moment later, "I don't wanna punch you... But if you embarrass me like that again I might need to do something about it." She piratically purred into his ear before pulling away and pushing open the large double doors.

She walked into a large room which was filled with people, most of them had the necklace of reaper, a few of them had a bracelet with a gemstone like the ones found on a reaper's necklace. The rest just looked clueless. Kuro disappeared off into the crowd, ignoring the glares and rude sneers she got from other reapers, she turned to call something over to her shoulder, "Welcome to the Underworld Seth."

Then she turned and started walking, dodging people with ease.
Seth smiled in relief when Kuro hugged him. For a moment he didn't think she was going to forgive him. It was the kiss that sealed it, because after that he was certain she had forgiven him. He was far too lucky to have her as his girlfriend, a word he had never been able to use until now.

He blinked at her lovingly. "I am glad for that, but it is more than likely I will say something just as dumb in the future, so when that happens I will not stop you from doing whatever you need to do to me." Damn, every time she spoke in his ear it felt like his breath should be taken away.

Seth stared at the people that filled the room, becoming one of the clueless looking ones. This cluelessness did not last long as he saw the other reapers give Kuro a nasty look. What crawled up their ass? He followed after Kuro, making sure to cast a dark look at some of the others as he passed. "Some of them seem friendly." he growled, trying to keep up with Kuro.
"I'm not liked very much, being a well known reaper isn't all that great when everybody hates you." She continued walking, stomping on somebody's foot when they tried to trip her over, he let out a girly yelp and Kuro just smirked, "They're just jealous because Death, Lucifer and a handful of the Archangels adore me, and there's been a rumour going around that I'm supposed to be a new form of death."

She took Seth's hand in her own, taking a sharp right and heading towards a door that was painted a copper colour, she pushed it open and walked into the room. The door shut behind them.

The room was long, painted a dark gray, and right at the back was a desk and another door that lead to the back, the room was lacking furniture. But, several gems, all differing in colour, floated. They all seemed to whisper softly, filling the room with a gentle hum that in a way sounded like music, like a soft lullaby.

"Alright, let's get you your necklace, shall we?" Kuro grinned at Seth and pulled her own necklace out from under her shirt, it's whispers joining in with the others, "Madame Moss!?"

"Oui?" A woman came from the backroom, she had short white hair and brown eyes, and her face lit up when she saw Kuro, "Oh! Kuro, what a pleasant surprise to see my favorite étudiante!"

Her accent was obviously French, Kuro gave a small laugh and began walking over to Madame Moss, "Hello Madame, I have come to-"

"Get a gem for you friend, no?" She grinned and made her way over to them, "well, as you can see, I have many gems. I'm sure we'll find his."
Seth quickly came to the conclusion that a lot of these reapers sucked, and he planned on having some fun if they had to pass through there again. As for a new form of Death? Had Kuro told him something about that before. With all the new information he could not remember, so if he did not remember about it later he would ask her.

As they entered the room Seth looked around in surprise at the floating gems. Reapers, demons, and angels were one thing, but this was a whole other story. And how were they making that noise? Even though the floating unnerved him, the humming noise had a calming effect.

He looked at Kuros necklace and nearly groaned. He had forgotten about needing a necklace, and he still didn't like having to have one. Instead of arguing he smiled at the lady who entered. He would most definitely lose an argument between himself and two girls, although he was slightly confused about something Madam Mossi said. "Wait, we have to find my gem? We don't just pick on out?"
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