Tiberian Ascension

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Sorry about the wait! Between doing the job from hell/ leaving it, my health problems, and general lack of RP activity, I wasn't sure how to get back into this. Hopefully it's a good enough post until we move on!
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I remember that they were supposed to come out with a squad-based shooter called Tiberium. D:
I remember that they were supposed to come out with a squad-based shooter called Tiberium. D:
That's the one. I've still got the magazine it starred in, game informer.

They hired professional scientists and engineers from MIT fields to figure out exactly how a substance like Tiberium would work.

Game was finished, Q&A'd and ready to ship. EA canned it.
That's the one. I've still got the magazine it starred in, game informer.

They hired professional scientists and engineers from MIT fields to figure out exactly how a substance like Tiberium would work.

Game was finished, Q&A'd and ready to ship. EA canned it.
Wow. I'm amazed that EA didn't pull more elements from Tiberium and move it into a strong title like Mass Effect that could use a few new fresh elements. The idea of a colony/set of colonies being taken over by this material and responding in such a way seems like a compelling story that could really just a switch in gameplay to revitalize.
The idea of a colony/set of colonies being taken over by this material and responding in such a way seems like a compelling story
So, guess what the Brotherhood's doing next post?

I did say there would be time skipping to let us explore tech progression with our own characters' personal progression.
Wow. I'm amazed that EA didn't pull more elements from Tiberium and move it into a strong title like Mass Effect that could use a few new fresh elements. The idea of a colony/set of colonies being taken over by this material and responding in such a way seems like a compelling story that could really just a switch in gameplay to revitalize.
You know not what you say!

EA doesn't need anymore scrap for it's blunderbuss. It's done enough damage to what could otherwise have been amazing franchises..
Also; feel free to critique my posts or Nieves at your leisure. Never written a character quite like her (and done it well), so I'm hoping to improve.
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@Dervish I'm looking at adding a little more detail (via pictures) as to what a weapon Nieves might be carrying. Rule of Cool would make me give her a sweet ass revolver, but logic would dictate something like a machine-pistol or a small SMG.

@Samster Can I get a little feedback on what you think is setting appropriate?

Personally I'm leaning more towards the last two weapons in the images. Or something akin to them. Setting fitting?
I'd say all of these are setting-appropriate, but considering Nie's contracted medical personnel, she's probably only as armed as a civilian. Something like the lattermost is probably a safe bet for somebody who had the forethought to grab a PDW on her way out to the field, I think. :3
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@Dervish I'm looking at adding a little more detail (via pictures) as to what weapon Nieves might be carrying. Rule of Cool would make me give her a sweet ass revolver, but logic would dictate something like a machine-pistol or a small SMG.

@Samster Can I get a little feedback on what you think is setting appropriate?

Personally I'm leaning more towards the last two weapons in the images. Or something akin to them. Setting fitting?
A PDW or SMG would be the most sensible choice for a non-combat trained individual because they're light, compact, versatile, and easy to control and use. Ammo's also lighter and sometimes easier to come by.

You do want something with a stock and low recoil. A revolver isn't a practical weapon, except for a small cheap one that's a last ditch sidearm for personal protection. They have limited chamber sizes, they recoil a fair deal of skill and calm nerves to reload in combat, and they're slow and can be kinda heavy. An automatic is an overall better and more practical choice. Pistols in general are actually really hard to use effectively and accurate without hours of training. Hell, I still can't hit consistent groupings at 25m with a handgun and I've shot quite a few.
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Thanks, you two. That's closer to what I was leaning towards without making up some little note about her grabbing something out of her pay-grade and being unable to use it effectively.

The idea also being she may have to deal with Tiberian fauna possibly, but I'm not sure if we'll be handling them at all (floaters, hounds, visceroids, veins, etc) in this AU?
They're present, and I'd like to include them, but I'm not sure how well they'll fit into the plot at this point in time. Maybe if we get into a mutants arc or something more sneaky-destructive. ;3
Where there's tiberium there's likely going to be tiberium fauna? Those floaters still give me nightmares..

Ever since one came through a tunnel straight into my base when I was 11 and completely wrecked everything. It moved so fast I couldn't click on it to see what it was!
That would be horrifying! Walls, though. They don't eat walls. By the way, there's always CnCNet if you're into nostalgia. :3
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Don't worry, guys — post's coming up tonight! Still working out the kinks as I force myself to write something a bit more valuable. ^.^;
Hooray moving plot!

Now if I read it and understand it properly.. They're leaving and just taking anyone that tags along, yeah?
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