ThinkerRock Camp for Young Superheroes

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Whoops just saw your post about entering the lodge. Imma edit Darcy's part. Also I just noticed that in the first post on this thread you put; Currently looking for Hot Greasy Man Love xDD
Basic Information
Aaron Anders
Nickname/Alias/Etc: Revanant
Gender: Male.
Age: 16
Height: 6'1", or about two meters.
Weight: 210 pounds. Most of it is muscle.
Reason for Attendance: Aaron was, previous to attending, the leader of a small team of teenage super-heroes. Unfortunately, the group broke up after getting their asses handed to them on a silver platter by a fairly powerful villian. Blaming himself for the defeat, Aaron signed himself up to learn the skills that he believes could have made the difference.
Hair Color:
Aaron is a natural redhead.
Eye Color: Forest Green.
Ethnicity: An almost ghostly pale.
Physical Appearance: Aaron is a tall, sturdily built ginger. He's got a very archetypical hero build: broad shoulders, a strong chin, and while they don't look all that big on him, his hands and feet are enormous. Size 17 shoes, and there hasn't been a pair of gloves that fit since he was 12. Aaron also has thick eyebrows and long eyelashes that are not always visible behind his mask. As a side effect of his power, Aaron has no scars or physical injuries of any kind. Many say that Aaron has a "perfect nose" but he doesn't really know what that means. Aaron also has very straight teeth, and hair that is unruly at best, and an entirely separate entity with malevolent intent at worst.

A few years of crime fighting has given Aaron a purposeful, streamlined sort of fitness, the sort that only comes about with frequent combat.
Attire: Out of costume, Aaron sticks to easy, comfortable clothes in bright colors. Jeans and t-shirts, or occasionally a button down with long sleeves.

In costume, Aaron wears a black and green bodysuit, not unlike that of Havok from the X-men. (Reference image, for those who don't know: However, the upper half of his face his covered, and his arms are left exposed. The suit has short sleeves.
Aaron is incrediblely curious, and while he isn't a super genius by any means, he loves to learn. Almost any first meeting will require Aaron to ask about the other person's powers and abilities. Aaron is very wordy and talks often, though he's bad at introducing himself to others, which can make him seem shy. Aaron does what he can to make people laugh, though he mostly just makes terrible puns.
Hobbies/Interests: Aaron has a passionate love for books of all sorts. He's also an avid movie-goer and player of games, from Risk to League of Legends. He has a novel that he's working on, but so far refuses to show anyone.
Skills/Talents: Aaron is good at a grand total of about five things: English, Street Fighter, actually fighting, acting, and he's an impressive dancer, though he'd never admit it. Anything else? Laughably bad. Aside from those five things, listed above, at which he is incredible, Aaron is unfortunately terrible. Seriously, the guy can't even tie his own shoes.
Prized Possession: Aaron has a small photograph of his eight year old brother in his wallet, he has it with him always, and put the last person who took it in a body cast.
Quote(s): "Fuck...Oww...Bullets, why?"
History/Bio: Aaron was raised well, lived happily with his parents, Maria and Alexander Anders, in addition to his brother James. When Aaron's powers manifested at age 13, he managed to keep them secret for about two months. His cover was blown when a drunk driver ran Aaron over while his family was walking home. When his power allowed him to stand in up with little more than a groan and a stretch. His parents disowned him on the spot, calling him a monster and a freak. He hasn't seen his parents or brother since. He took up crime fighting to distract himself from his feelings of abandonment, and has since seemingly moved on.
Family: Maria Anders ( Maria Calrow before marriage): Mother. Alexander Anders: Father. James Anders: Younger brother, age ten.

Power Class & Rating

Level Eight Super-System
Power: Revanant, Aaron's heroic identity, is commonly thought to be unkillable. While this is untrue, there is a reason Revanant hasn't died despite numerous attempts. Revanant has an impressive healing factor, able to heal back limbs in a week, and nearly any other injuries in one or two days. His main power is however, isthat his body has developed a ridiculous amount of redundancies. Almost every organ can perform the duties of the others. For example, if one were to shoot Aaron, say, in the heart, he would fall down for a moment, and then proceed to stand up as his spleen took over pumping his blood. If you were to blind him, he could see by feeling the light on his skin. Break his arm and strings of tendon would harden to form a new pseudo-bone until his healing factor could repair the damage. In addition to being incredibly hard to put down, Aaron can also stimulate his own adrenaline, giving him borderline super strength, speed, and a humongous pain tolerance. Lastly, Aaron can fly, though no faster than he could run.
Weaknesses/Drawbacks: Though he is stupidly hard to put down, Aaron does have limits. Ways to kill Aaron include: beheadings, meat grinders, disintegration, splattering him against the pavement, or similar levels of damage are beyond his ability to heal, and do a pretty good job of bypassing his redundancies. Think of it like killing a zombie. Hard, especially if you don't know what your doing, but not impossible. He's not any tougher than a normal human, as far as damage resistance goes. Punches, knives, and other such things deal damage to him, his power just allows him to function optimally regardless of how much damage he takes. Additionally, while Aaron can take an enormous amount of punishment, he can't dish it out like other heroes. He's just barely able to throw a Volkswagen Beetle, and even that is a tremendous effort. His fastest running/flying speed is 60 mph, which is fast for certain, but not ungodly so. Additionally, while Aaron could get a bus slammed into him and stand up a minute or two later, he doesn't actually eat up the momentum of the attack. Physics still apply, even if he doesn't suffer any serious damage from an attack, it still has the potential to send him flying.
Other: Yes, I stole the power from Worm. No, I haven't finished reading it.
Sample Post: It was raining slightly, and and I was uncomfortably cold as I hung upside down from a chain in some gang's hideout. I'd gotten lazy on a stakeout and fallen asleep, and when I awoke, I was like this. It was an unfortunate situation, as I heard one of the goons talking on a phone, "Yeah boss, we caught a cape. He was passed out on the rooftop that the boys go up to to smoke, so we brought him down to the locker and chained him up real good." I sighed inwardly. I was not cut out for solo work. I'd need a better position to break the chains that bound my arms to my sides. The thug got off the phone and came over, flipping a blade between his fingers. This was about to hurt. The thug popped a squat near me, "Hey there, spandex. The boss wants me to off ya', blade through the heart, I'm thinking. Maybe if you an extra tough one I'll get some boys to help me dip ya' in concrete." The thug spoke with what I believe was a Brooklyn accent, though I don't know. I offered him some advice, "First time? Listen, my name's Revanant. I'm just going to let you know that..." I was cut off as the thug stabbed his switchblade into my chest. I cursed, and loudly. "Ow! Mother of God! Let a guy finish before you stab him, you inconsiderate assfart!" I shouted, momentarily overcome by the pain before the adrenaline surged to dull it into a faint throb. He's missed my heart, but the effect hit home. A wound like this would take maybe a minute to heal, at best. "Anyway, go and get yourself the shotgun over there, because you'll want it for this." I suggested. I planned to trick him into blasting the chains apart, and he seemed to be going along with it as he moved to grab his sawed off shottie. I waited as he leveled it, then at the last moment twisted so the binding chains were in the line of fire. They shattered, and my arms were free. I used them to grab at the goons legs and tear them out from under him, causing him to hit the back of his head against the ground and pass out. The shotgun clattered to the ground, just barely within my reach. I used it to blow apart the chains connecting me to the ceiling. After falling to the ground with a painful thud, I pushed myself up with a moan. I didn't like being stabbed. Or shot, frankly. Across the room was a garage door. Presumably, it lead outside. I crossed the room and pressed my hands against it. As I pushed, I kicked my Adrenaline into high gear, and felt the metal give way and bend. I bent it up and out, forming a metallic awning above me. I felt the cool night air on my arms, and heard the surprised shouts of two more gang members. One had a pistol, the other was a large man with a pipe. The pistol fired three times, one shot dinged against the back wall of the garage but the other two drove into my lungs. I fell backwards, more from the force of the gunshots than anything else. For a moment, I couldn't breathe, but my intestines took over the absorption and distribution of oxygen, and all was well. I pushed myself up, grumbling. "Damn bullets," I groaned as the large man swung his pipe. I caught his arm, then slammed my knee into his stomach. He wobbled from the impact, and I let him fall to the ground clutching his guy. The thug with the gun fired again, missing terribly. I charged him and punched him in the face hard enough to flip him over. He was still breathing, but he wasn't moving. With no more threats in sight, I jogged to the street and tore the sign from the ground without too much effort. Then I gathered up the goons, and with a grunt and some elbow grease, tied the signpost around them. For good measure, I also bent the pipe into a pretzel, and squeezed the barrels shut on the guns. My work complete, I took off into the air, feeling the wind through my hair as I soared
Let me know what else I need. I don't feel like he's too OP, but maybe that's just me.
Yeah, I'm a bit hesitant about this character. To elaborate:

- At sixteen he is six one and extremely muscular. I know there's actually kids who are actually those height (They're few and in between). But, you never mentioned anything about how he got so buff. At all. So it seems tacked on just so he can have that "hero" build.

- He's been fighting crime (ORGANIZED CRIME) at a young age, without any mentioned training, seemingly with the efficiently and level-headedness of people decades over him (And no psychological comebacks).

- He was apparently disowned by his family, and going off the rest you wrote kicked out on the street. Okay? The bio cuts off and doesn't mention anything else about his hero exploits. I find that a little iffy. Other than that, there's no mention of his early life, upbringing, notable events, or anything really.

- You also mentioned that he was fighting crime for years. He's already pretty young, so you're really pushing it.

- He got a costume from bloody no where.

I know this is a superhero RP, but I want things to be realistic and believable both of which your character is not. Also throwing a car, and running 60 mph (Which is Cheetah speed) are still pretty impressive feats of strength/speed. Enough to dish out the damage and give even the strongest characters trouble. He also has no weaknesses, only limits, which is not acceptable here. I'm fine with a character being nigh-unkillable, but I want some reasonable drawbacks/weaknesses.
Basic Information
Aaron Anders
Nickname/Alias/Etc: Revanant
Gender: Male.
Age: 16
Height: 6'1", or about two meters.
Weight: 210 pounds. Most of it is muscle.
Reason for Attendance: Aaron was, previous to attending, the leader of a small team of teenage super-heroes. Unfortunately, the group broke up after getting their asses handed to them on a silver platter by a fairly powerful villian. Blaming himself for the defeat, Aaron signed himself up to learn the skills that he believes could have made the difference.
Hair Color:
Aaron is a natural redhead.
Eye Color: Forest Green.
Ethnicity: An almost ghostly pale.
Physical Appearance: Aaron is a tall, sturdily built ginger. He's got a very archetypical hero build: broad shoulders, a strong chin, and while they don't look all that big on him, his hands and feet are enormous. Size 17 shoes, and there hasn't been a pair of gloves that fit since he was 12. Aaron also has thick eyebrows and long eyelashes that are not always visible behind his mask. As a side effect of his power, Aaron has no scars or physical injuries of any kind. Many say that Aaron has a "perfect nose" but he doesn't really know what that means. Aaron also has very straight teeth, and hair that is unruly at best, and an entirely separate entity with malevolent intent at worst.

A few years of crime fighting has given Aaron a purposeful, streamlined sort of fitness, the sort that only comes about with frequent combat.
Attire: Out of costume, Aaron sticks to easy, comfortable clothes in bright colors. Jeans and t-shirts, or occasionally a button down with long sleeves.

In costume, Aaron wears a black and green bodysuit, not unlike that of Havok from the X-men. (Reference image, for those who don't know: However, the upper half of his face his covered, and his arms are left exposed. The suit has short sleeves.
Aaron is incrediblely curious, and while he isn't a super genius by any means, he loves to learn. Almost any first meeting will require Aaron to ask about the other person's powers and abilities. Aaron is very wordy and talks often, though he's bad at introducing himself to others, which can make him seem shy. Aaron does what he can to make people laugh, though he mostly just makes terrible puns.
Hobbies/Interests: Aaron has a passionate love for books of all sorts. He's also an avid movie-goer and player of games, from Risk to League of Legends. He has a novel that he's working on, but so far refuses to show anyone.
Skills/Talents: Aaron is good at a grand total of about five things: English, Street Fighter, actually fighting, acting, and he's an impressive dancer, though he'd never admit it. Anything else? Laughably bad. Aside from those five things, listed above, at which he is incredible, Aaron is unfortunately terrible. Seriously, the guy can't even tie his own shoes.
Prized Possession: Aaron has a small photograph of his eight year old brother in his wallet, he has it with him always, and put the last person who took it in a body cast.
Quote(s): "Fuck...Oww...Bullets, why?"
History/Bio: Aaron was raised well, lived happily with his parents, Maria and Alexander Anders, in addition to his brother James. When Aaron's powers manifested at age 13, he managed to keep them secret for about two months. His cover was blown when a drunk driver ran Aaron over while his family was walking home. When his power allowed him to stand in up with little more than a groan and a stretch. His parents disowned him on the spot, calling him a monster and a freak. He hasn't seen his parents or brother since. He took up crime fighting to distract himself from his feelings of abandonment, and has since seemingly moved on.
Family: Maria Anders ( Maria Calrow before marriage): Mother. Alexander Anders: Father. James Anders: Younger brother, age ten.

Power Class & Rating

Level Eight Super-System
Power: Revanant, Aaron's heroic identity, is commonly thought to be unkillable. While this is untrue, there is a reason Revanant hasn't died despite numerous attempts. Revanant has an impressive healing factor, able to heal back limbs in a week, and nearly any other injuries in one or two days. His main power is however, isthat his body has developed a ridiculous amount of redundancies. Almost every organ can perform the duties of the others. For example, if one were to shoot Aaron, say, in the heart, he would fall down for a moment, and then proceed to stand up as his spleen took over pumping his blood. If you were to blind him, he could see by feeling the light on his skin. Break his arm and strings of tendon would harden to form a new pseudo-bone until his healing factor could repair the damage. In addition to being incredibly hard to put down, Aaron can also stimulate his own adrenaline, giving him borderline super strength, speed, and a humongous pain tolerance. Lastly, Aaron can fly, though no faster than he could run.
Weaknesses/Drawbacks: Though he is stupidly hard to put down, Aaron does have limits. Ways to kill Aaron include: beheadings, meat grinders, disintegration, splattering him against the pavement, or similar levels of damage are beyond his ability to heal, and do a pretty good job of bypassing his redundancies. Think of it like killing a zombie. Hard, especially if you don't know what your doing, but not impossible. He's not any tougher than a normal human, as far as damage resistance goes. Punches, knives, and other such things deal damage to him, his power just allows him to function optimally regardless of how much damage he takes. Additionally, while Aaron can take an enormous amount of punishment, he can't dish it out like other heroes. He's just barely able to throw a Volkswagen Beetle, and even that is a tremendous effort. His fastest running/flying speed is 60 mph, which is fast for certain, but not ungodly so. Additionally, while Aaron could get a bus slammed into him and stand up a minute or two later, he doesn't actually eat up the momentum of the attack. Physics still apply, even if he doesn't suffer any serious damage from an attack, it still has the potential to send him flying.
Other: Yes, I stole the power from Worm. No, I haven't finished reading it.
Sample Post: It was raining slightly, and and I was uncomfortably cold as I hung upside down from a chain in some gang's hideout. I'd gotten lazy on a stakeout and fallen asleep, and when I awoke, I was like this. It was an unfortunate situation, as I heard one of the goons talking on a phone, "Yeah boss, we caught a cape. He was passed out on the rooftop that the boys go up to to smoke, so we brought him down to the locker and chained him up real good." I sighed inwardly. I was not cut out for solo work. I'd need a better position to break the chains that bound my arms to my sides. The thug got off the phone and came over, flipping a blade between his fingers. This was about to hurt. The thug popped a squat near me, "Hey there, spandex. The boss wants me to off ya', blade through the heart, I'm thinking. Maybe if you an extra tough one I'll get some boys to help me dip ya' in concrete." The thug spoke with what I believe was a Brooklyn accent, though I don't know. I offered him some advice, "First time? Listen, my name's Revanant. I'm just going to let you know that..." I was cut off as the thug stabbed his switchblade into my chest. I cursed, and loudly. "Ow! Mother of God! Let a guy finish before you stab him, you inconsiderate assfart!" I shouted, momentarily overcome by the pain before the adrenaline surged to dull it into a faint throb. He's missed my heart, but the effect hit home. A wound like this would take maybe a minute to heal, at best. "Anyway, go and get yourself the shotgun over there, because you'll want it for this." I suggested. I planned to trick him into blasting the chains apart, and he seemed to be going along with it as he moved to grab his sawed off shottie. I waited as he leveled it, then at the last moment twisted so the binding chains were in the line of fire. They shattered, and my arms were free. I used them to grab at the goons legs and tear them out from under him, causing him to hit the back of his head against the ground and pass out. The shotgun clattered to the ground, just barely within my reach. I used it to blow apart the chains connecting me to the ceiling. After falling to the ground with a painful thud, I pushed myself up with a moan. I didn't like being stabbed. Or shot, frankly. Across the room was a garage door. Presumably, it lead outside. I crossed the room and pressed my hands against it. As I pushed, I kicked my Adrenaline into high gear, and felt the metal give way and bend. I bent it up and out, forming a metallic awning above me. I felt the cool night air on my arms, and heard the surprised shouts of two more gang members. One had a pistol, the other was a large man with a pipe. The pistol fired three times, one shot dinged against the back wall of the garage but the other two drove into my lungs. I fell backwards, more from the force of the gunshots than anything else. For a moment, I couldn't breathe, but my intestines took over the absorption and distribution of oxygen, and all was well. I pushed myself up, grumbling. "Damn bullets," I groaned as the large man swung his pipe. I caught his arm, then slammed my knee into his stomach. He wobbled from the impact, and I let him fall to the ground clutching his guy. The thug with the gun fired again, missing terribly. I charged him and punched him in the face hard enough to flip him over. He was still breathing, but he wasn't moving. With no more threats in sight, I jogged to the street and tore the sign from the ground without too much effort. Then I gathered up the goons, and with a grunt and some elbow grease, tied the signpost around them. For good measure, I also bent the pipe into a pretzel, and squeezed the barrels shut on the guns. My work complete, I took off into the air, feeling the wind through my hair as I soared
Oh boy the gingers are, multiplying.
Let me know what else I need. I don't feel like he's too OP, but maybe that's just me.
Just curious, if Enrique dropped a Boomer into his mouth would he grow his head back?
Just curious, if Enrique dropped a Boomer into his mouth would he grow his head back?

Most likely, no. Since if the head dies, the body will follow. Unless his body is kept alive somehow.
Most likely, no. Since if the head dies, the body will follow. Unless his body is kept alive somehow.
So its not entirely invincible, just destroy his brain with a bullet then cut his head off.
I'm not trying to be an ass, I just want to clear up some things that made seemed inferable to me.

I picked his height because it's my height, and assumed that if I converted my lazy Internet wielder physique into that of a crime fighter, my approximate weight.

After being disowned at 13, he did the street rat thing for about a month or so, before forming the young team of heroes briefly mentioned in his reason for coming. Previous to abandonment, his life was exceedingly average. His experience in combat comes almost exclusively from about three years of super-heroing as a part of a small team. That and maybe two weeks of soloing before camp.

I was hesitant to add it because so felt it may give the wrong impression, but I believe Aaron measures about 87% sociopathic. Which would, in addition to some other effects, makes him resistant to further psychological damage.

Also, where does anyone get their costume? Is there a store? Or some sort of request office? I was assuming there's a descreet way to obtain or create high-quality costumes.

And about the scale of his powers, that one's totally my bad. I hadn't read the other bios until today, and assumed a more impressive scale. Do you have any suggestions for weakness? I was thinking maybe psychic attack? I feel like having a weak point would (his head) suffices, but it's your RP, you're the boss.
So its not entirely invincible, just destroy his brain with a bullet then cut his head off.

You would just need to put the bullet in his head, so long as you hit the brain.
No need to worry about "being a dick", we're just trying to work things out. I'm just voicing things that I think are wrong with your sheet. Furthermore....

I picked his height because it's my height, and assumed that if I converted my lazy Internet wielder physique into that of a crime fighter, my approximate weight.

But you never mentioned how or what he did to get a build like that. Living on the streets means cushy gyms aren't available. If anything, he should be thin because of the malnutrition and other things. I know people who got that build because they played a ton of sports and did a ton to get a body like that. But they had the resources to get that build. Like I said; tacked on.

Previous to abandonment, his life was exceedingly average.

Now, explain what "average" is. That's a pet peeve of mine. Just slapping average on something and calling it a day. It's lazy and bad writing.

After being disowned at 13, he did the street rat thing for about a month or so, before forming the young team of heroes briefly mentioned in his reason for coming. Previous to abandonment, his life was exceedingly average. His experience in combat comes almost exclusively from about three years of super-heroing as a part of a small team. That and maybe two weeks of soloing before camp.

I was hesitant to add it because so felt it may give the wrong impression, but I believe Aaron measures about 87% sociopathic. Which would, in addition to some other effects, makes him resistant to further psychological damage.

This doesn't make any sense. How did a thirteen gather together a team of superheroes and fight crime effectively without getting killed or arrested? You're going up against thugs that are usually armed with guns, and have more experience and size that would put their heads on a stick. Also, there's the matter of remaining level headed in all of it. Kids would freak out, or whatever, when thrown into a situation like the one in your sample post. Unless you intend on giving him the psychological repercussions of basically being a child soldier, this ain't gonna fly. Even if you try to slap the "sociopath" label on it to try to dance around them. And sociopaths (Especially for dodging psychological problems) aren't allowed. For good reason. So yeah.

And what you're basically saying is that Aaron already has the skills to be a hero....

Eon, this is a more realistic RP. And a kid being tossed out on his ass and automatically becoming a superhero is not realistic at all. Not to mention the fact that he has literally no reason in being in the camp if he's already this good. Look at some of the other characters. You'll see what I want in terms of characters.

And about the scale of his powers, that one's totally my bad. I hadn't read the other bios until today, and assumed a more impressive scale. Do you have any suggestions for weakness? I was thinking maybe psychic attack? I feel like having a weak point would (his head) suffices, but it's your RP, you're the boss.

The one I can think of off the top of my head is going for a more "realistic" healing factor. Regenerating on his level would require a ton of bodily resources and wreak havoc on his metabolism. Which, after awhile, would cause his body to shut down and even kill a Meta-human like him. So he would have to restore his metabolism by eating, sleeping, drinking. Or, if you want to go down that road, his body can cannibalize stuff like fat and muscles in order to keep him going. THOSE, are good drawbacks.
I don't want to be confrontational here, but I feel as though you're disregarding some of the information I'm giving you. I'm not saying he called out "Shazam"
and became a badass, the whole reason he's here is because his team got their asses handed to them by a mediocre villain. He's maybe worth five powerless people, assuming none of them are like, Batman. Revanant is (after toning down some numbers) worth approximately.75 Batman in a fight, and I feel like there are other characters who are head and shoulders above that in the RP already. Jago and Lupe are Avengers-tier superhumans, and both of them would be perfectly capable of killing Revanant.

Also, can I get a more concrete explanation of the world at large? Because it seemed to me that Metahumans were fairly common, if there's been more than one "generation" of them. But from the information I've received in the last post or so, it seems that we're looking at a maybe, one or two a state deal. I feel like there are more contradictions in the general world at large than with my bio. If there are enough that they could be easily and efficiently gathered onto busses and sent to camps by something as notoriously incompetent as the U.S. Government, it stands to reason that armed robbery of a public building or frequently traversed private area could have maybe five Metahumans in it. A hood, or a baseball cap will protect ones ID well enough in something as chaotic as a fight, and boom. Public sees a group of heroes, one leaves a calling card, and the Teen Titans are born.

It isn't unrealistic for someone who's been tossed on their ass to work to better the world they've been tossed out into, and regular fighting is pretty good cardio. Couple that with push-ups and heavy lifting, and that'll get one pretty fit.

I feel like your asking me to create details that other members of the Roleplay did not have to provide. I'd like to cite your own character, Lupe Bellemont. Saying, "They lived good, so her early life wasn't anything special," is separated from "He lived an exceedingly average life" only by semantics and word choice. While
I'm not saying he called out "Shazam"
and became a badass, the whole reason he's here is because his team got their asses handed to them by a mediocre villain.

Then explain to me how he got the training and gut to fight criminals wielding weapons that would likely put him on his ass at 13...? Without psychological damage. That's basically superhero training right there.

He's maybe worth five powerless people, assuming none of them are like, Batman. Revanant is (after toning down some numbers) worth approximately.75 Batman in a fight, and I feel like there are other characters who are head and shoulders above that in the RP already. Jago and Lupe are Avengers-tier superhumans, and both of them would be perfectly capable of killing Revanant.

This isn't really a matter of balance my good friend. He's worth a few batmen, good. But I'm asking how exactly is he accomplishing all these unreal feats of maturity like fighting crime without any training or mental scarring. Yes, both Jago and Lupe are pretty strong, but they don't have training and are pretty much average. One's a simple party girl, and the other is a schoolyard knucklehead. I don't really get your point.

It isn't unrealistic for someone who's been tossed on their ass to work to better the world they've been tossed out into, and regular fighting is pretty good cardio. Couple that with push-ups and heavy lifting, and that'll get one pretty fit.

You need to do more than workout. You need lots of protein and drink lots of water in your diet to get muscles too. Which I doubt he was able to get too much of living on the streets. Where the best food he'd get is from charity and soup kitchens.

Also, fyi, he should be at least three years behind in school.

Also, can I get a more concrete explanation of the world at large? Because it seemed to me that Metahumans were fairly common, if there's been more than one "generation" of them. But from the information I've received in the last post or so, it seems that we're looking at a maybe, one or two a state deal.

Superhumans are fairly abundant. At least 10% of all human are Metas. But what do you want to know?

If there are enough that they could be easily and efficiently gathered onto busses and sent to camps by something as notoriously incompetent as the U.S. Government, it stands to reason that armed robbery of a public building or frequently traversed private area could have maybe five Metahumans in it. A hood, or a baseball cap will protect ones ID well enough in something as chaotic as a fight, and boom. Public sees a group of heroes, one leaves a calling card, and the Teen Titans are born.

I don't get your point here. Once again.

I feel like your asking me to create details that other members of the Roleplay did not have to provide. I'd like to cite your own character, Lupe Bellemont. Saying, "They lived good, so her early life wasn't anything special," is separated from "He lived an exceedingly average life" only by semantics and word choice. While

Difference is that I actually described plenty of her childhood beyond her toddler years, described her upbringing, school life, and all notable, while you just slapped one thing on it and called it.

You're disregarding some of the big points I'm asking of you.
Maybe this just isn't for me, I appreciate your efforts.
im really interested in this rp and i would like to make a character with a healing factor and can heal others? like he cant do much else besides heal since he wouldnt be trained in fighting or anything... would that be okay? to have a character who can just heal? i havent read all the other character sheets except for Jago's so I dont know if theres another healer in the rp...
Yup, a healer would be neat.
Cool beans!!! I'll start working on the character sheet right away!
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