The7: A CYBERPUNK TALE (Private)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
I fucking love Felwin.

Just wish I could understand him without access to a dictionary larger than Lovecraft's.
*hides V for Vendetta*

*Huggles Asmo* Awesomeness!
If a certain titsune doesn't post IMMA HIJACKING!

*pulls on ski-mask and pets a lunchbox labeled "not hotwiring stuff (promise)"*
*GMK has a pistol levelled on the back of his head*

Yes. Yes, he does.
*checks his character sheet* Crap the one non robotic spot *displays a middle finger from the hologram projector in his palm to grumps*
I have to cut down on roleplays.

I'll stay in this one if there's definite progress. Otherwise I'm out.