The world we live in,HELL (walking dead sign ups page)

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I'm about to meet up with them whenever someone notices me getting angry with cars x)
whos in the second group?
Drake fell off the highway, he's trying to find his way back up, Rex is idk what, my character is hiding from everybody in a car and watching them, but she just fell asleep. A bunch of survivors including Melanie (who also fell asleep), Felix and Ghost are on some bus on the highway, and the baddies have joined them but don't know they're bad. (Except for Dolores cause she's got some sorta sixth sense or some badass shit) Daniel and Crystal just met in some house, apart from all of us, and have teamed up. They defs gots the hots 4 eachother, and are checking each other out and blushing a lot. Rea's new character, Alessa, is now on the highway bout to loot some cars, maybe find Colette? Also it's night, and Ghost and Felix are gonna go search the cars in the morning.

Dolores doesn't actually know they're bad. Nehh. In general she doesn't trust others, the only reason shes so comfortable with Mel and ghost is just because she seeked help and they took her in.*shrug* shes just naturally hostile in other words unless desperate.
Dolores doesn't actually know they're bad. Nehh. In general she doesn't trust others, the only reason shes so comfortable with Mel and ghost is just because she seeked help and they took her in.*shrug* shes just naturally hostile in other words unless desperate.
Haha, no I don't think she actually knows, I was just being dramatic in that post.
okay everyone this is getting confusing, everyone should be on the highway or very close to it
What you pointed to is an interstate. Just FYI =p
I didn't see this before i posted ( outsider not in the group or anything as of yet)

Name: Piper
Age: 25
Gender: female

Primary weapon: bow
Secondary weapon: knifes
Strengths: hunting, fishing, harvesting, farming
Weaknesses: not a people person
Role: scavenger/hunter
Family: Not sure
Alliance: whatever benefits her
Bio: Piper grew up in a family of 6 including herself. Her dad a work alcoholic, mother the same most of the time, two older brother one a soldier, the other a marine, and an actress sister. She decided to follow her brothers lead when of age. She join the national defense service in the service of the guard served for years while in college then join active duty as a soldier. She was in the process of deploying when the virus broke out and her unit got sent as part of the first set of isolation units. Wasn't the virus couldn't be contain anymore her unit was dismissed from duty because the government came a part. She hasn't been home since she heard it was ravished by the virus. She went to a friends not hit yet and they moved into a military base with several other soldiers.

At first it was easy they protect the small town from the fallen and kept them fed, until one of the towns people turned everyone against her and her fellow soldiers. She got a way barely because her friend gave himself up to keep the town from finding her. Now she is out here in what she thought was no man land.

Name: Bill "Chief"

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Stats: Mentally Unstable / Insane

Race: Caucasian

Profession: Ever since highschool, Bill tried to conform to industrial standards of work ethic, and make do with pitiful day jobs, but he always found something he couldn't agree with and quit, or was fired... He has since then quit, and taken to learning all he can about how things work. How to build things. How to make do, and live on his own... Preparing for what, he didn't know... Until recently...

Skills: Bill is capable with most any firearm he can lay hands on. He is incredibly strong, and fit for a double marathon... He knows how to work metal, how to build. He knows how to create and utilize power electricity and how to lead people. Bill learned early on how to hunt... But he also knows what he does NOT know, and utilizes leadership and fills in the gaps with knowledgeable people that do know...

Equipment: As soon as the fallout from the zombie apocalypse began dragging the world into its grave, Bill raided a military outpost while the troops were away. He barricaded up inside until everything around him was silent... He turned the outpost into a fortress, and stored up fuel, ammunition, food, and weapons while he investigated exactly what was going on outside... Ultimately he has various military weapons, and virtually unlimited ammunition at his disposal.

He learned quickly how to combat the dead, and fabricated a suit of metal, light enough to allow him to move, yet strong enough to keep at bay the teeth of the dead. Bill began recruiting the people he met early on... Survivors, lucky or strong, that had earned a place among the living... He took in whomever he deemed fit to survive, and killed the weak ones, sparing them from turning.

Power crazed, Bill began entertaining thoughts of a new order... He fancied himself a president, or chieftain of sorts, and began organizing roundups... His men would go out and recruit any able bodied men and women, smart and strong enough to survive. Any they found would join, or die...

Soon, Bill began rewriting laws that had been in place for a century, and signed his own constitution, and set of laws


I, the Savior, in order to prolong the existence of the human race... Establish my dominion over all, and promise justice, safety, and security. I will provide for, and protect those loyal to me, and crush with iron clad fist, those that resist.

In return for provision and protection, fealty and obedience will be owed. Laws set in place must be obeyed, and any violators will be severely punished, as in accordance with the laws.

Men are to work, and train in the use of weapons, and learn maintenance of machinery, and basic handiwork. They will farm, and hunt, and be ready for call to arms at all times. Boys ages of 13 and under will study and learn, preparing for service in aforementioned duties. If physically unable, the laws of nature dictate they shall be disposed of...

Women are to work, cleaning and maintaining either the compound or their husbands / mates house or dorm. They are to maintain the functionality of the compound at its basic levels, providing clean clothes, food, entertainment, and children. If any woman is unable to bear children, they will be sent out of the compound, or will serve as entertainment, at the whims of the working men.

If any member of the compound is unable, or refuses to perform as commanded, they will be punished accordingly, and assigned work fitting their state.
Character Sheet:
Name: 'Rewel' O'West
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Appearance: He isn't seen very often due to his previous life as an escaped convict, although he has a photo of him taken when he escaped prison.
Nowadays his hair is even longer and dyed black, so long that it often covers his eyes. He's picked up a long scar down his left eye reaching all the way down to his chest - the origin of this scar is unknown. He wears clothing which is all black, and mainly wears a black bandana pulled up around his mouth, as well as a black hoodie and trousers, as well as yet again, black combat boots. He secretly wears a basic bulletproof vest he stole from a dead security guard with a hole in his head, but the bulletproof vest is mostly broken and would only protect against one or two more bullets.

Primary weapon: A Remington PSS700 Sniper rifle, which looks like so:
It's been spray painted jet black, and on a blood-red substance has been written 'HEADSHOT' on the side of it, as well as as tally chart counting 5 in total.

Secondary weapon: Rewel also carries a long, jet-black painted combat knife which is full of cruel serrations, and there is a tally chart of blood on this also. The tally chart for this knife is two.

Strengths: Rewel is a deadly shot, and almost unmatched when it comes to sniping targets from long distances, due to his obsession with, as he describes it: 'The beautiful headshot.' He is also skilled with a knife, although he doesn't like to use a knife... it would ruin the beautiful headshot, after all. He's also quite agile.

Weaknesses: Although he's skilled with a knife, he isn't as strong as most people and when it comes to brute force, he usually won't win even when he's in a crazed state of mind. When he misses a headshot with his PSS700, he also goes into a state of madness for a few seconds, although he recovers soon after.

Role: Marksman, and hired murderer (Hitman) if he's rewarded for it.

Family: Dead. Rewel may or may not have had something to do with it; the biography is unknown other than his parents were never found when he reached the age of 15. His reaction to this is also unknown due to his uncoopration in jail interrogations in the past.

Alliance: Bad

Bio: In the past, a normal man with a side-hobby of shooting and a cashier with a mother and father who had died for an unknown reason when he was fifteen.

Now. A prisoner due to his psychotic state of a madness for blood, and shooting people in the head with rifles, Rewel was arrested for murdering a man who was mugging him on the street by stealing his gun and repeatedly shooting the mugger in the head twelve times, then [UNKNOWN.] With spare bullets of the gun, he discovered his real insanity after killing the mugger after shooting two civilians in the head, and he would have continued to do so if the gun hadn't run out of bullets.

Arrested and kept in prison until the apocalypse began, he took his opportunity to escape by stealing weaponry from the dead guards around the prison. Taking time in the prison to realise his real insanity, he craved blood and head shots with a PSS700 he looted from a dead police sniper at the prison when he escaped. He now roams the lands, killing most he sees on sight to feed his hunger for "The sweet, sweet... beautiful headshot."

After murdering five, he now is calm and looking for basic survival, managing to keep his murdering instincts inside... for now. He roams the lands and scavenges off anywhere he can find, although he has most of his supplies from those who have been blessed with the beauty of the headshot.

"Good afternoon, Rewel. Do you know why you're here?"
"I said: do you know why you're here?"
"I told you he wouldn't cooperate."
"He's off his f**king head."
"Well... let's try something else. Rewel, a man attacked tried to mug you, correct?"
"...I killed him."
"That's right. How did you kill him?"
"Um... be more specific?"
"Head. Shot. Hahaha."
"Well... um, okay. Did you take the mugger's weapon? And shoot him... holy shit... twelve times?"
"It was beautiful. He didn't deserve the beauty. Hahaha. Headshot."
"Right. Anyway, although you did do the act of killing the mugger in self defence, you killed two other civilians, correct?"
"It was beautiful. It was glorious."
"That, Rewel, was murder for no reason."
"No reason? NO REASON?!"
"Shit! Calm him down!"
"I can barely hold the bast-"
"Calm down Rewel... calm down... easy..."
"Haah...haah... no reason... I couldn't stop... but we had to. I didn't mean to... but it was beautiful. I didn't want to... but it was so DAMNED BEAUTIFUL THE FIRST TIME WE DID IT! SEE IT AGAIN! HEAR IT"
"Tranquilized the fucker. He's batshit insane."
"Eh... we'll keep him in the higher containment cells. He certainly has quite a condition."
"...I need a drink."
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Well done!
  • Thank You
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Character Sheet:
Name: 'Rewel' O'West
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Appearance: He isn't seen very often due to his previous life as an escaped convict, although he has a photo of him taken when he escaped prison.
Nowadays his hair is even longer and dyed black, so long that it often covers his eyes. He's picked up a long scar down his left eye reaching all the way down to his chest - the origin of this scar is unknown. He wears clothing which is all black, and mainly wears a black bandana pulled up around his mouth, as well as a black hoodie and trousers, as well as yet again, black combat boots. He secretly wears a basic bulletproof vest he stole from a dead security guard with a hole in his head, but the bulletproof vest is mostly broken and would only protect against one or two more bullets.

Primary weapon: A Remington PSS700 Sniper rifle, which looks like so:
It's been spray painted jet black, and on a blood-red substance has been written 'HEADSHOT' on the side of it, as well as as tally chart counting 5 in total.

Secondary weapon: Rewel also carries a long, jet-black painted combat knife which is full of cruel serrations, and there is a tally chart of blood on this also. The tally chart for this knife is two.

Strengths: Rewel is a deadly shot, and almost unmatched when it comes to sniping targets from long distances, due to his obsession with, as he describes it: 'The beautiful headshot.' He is also skilled with a knife, although he doesn't like to use a knife... it would ruin the beautiful headshot, after all. He's also quite agile.

Weaknesses: Although he's skilled with a knife, he isn't as strong as most people and when it comes to brute force, he usually won't win even when he's in a crazed state of mind. When he misses a headshot with his PSS700, he also goes into a state of madness for a few seconds, although he recovers soon after.

Role: Marksman, and hired murderer (Hitman) if he's rewarded for it.

Family: Dead. Rewel may or may not have had something to do with it; the biography is unknown other than his parents were never found when he reached the age of 15. His reaction to this is also unknown due to his uncoopration in jail interrogations in the past.

Alliance: Bad

Bio: In the past, a normal man with a side-hobby of shooting and a cashier with a mother and father who had died for an unknown reason when he was fifteen.

Now. A prisoner due to his psychotic state of a madness for blood, and shooting people in the head with rifles, Rewel was arrested for murdering a man who was mugging him on the street by stealing his gun and repeatedly shooting the mugger in the head twelve times, then [UNKNOWN.] With spare bullets of the gun, he discovered his real insanity after killing the mugger after shooting two civilians in the head, and he would have continued to do so if the gun hadn't run out of bullets.

Arrested and kept in prison until the apocalypse began, he took his opportunity to escape by stealing weaponry from the dead guards around the prison. Taking time in the prison to realise his real insanity, he craved blood and head shots with a PSS700 he looted from a dead police sniper at the prison when he escaped. He now roams the lands, killing most he sees on sight to feed his hunger for "The sweet, sweet... beautiful headshot."

After murdering five, he now is calm and looking for basic survival, managing to keep his murdering instincts inside... for now. He roams the lands and scavenges off anywhere he can find, although he has most of his supplies from those who have been blessed with the beauty of the headshot.
"Good afternoon, Rewel. Do you know why you're here?"
"I said: do you know why you're here?"
"I told you he wouldn't cooperate."
"He's off his f**king head."
"Well... let's try something else. Rewel, a man attacked tried to mug you, correct?"
"...I killed him."
"That's right. How did you kill him?"
"Um... be more specific?"
"Head. Shot. Hahaha."
"Well... um, okay. Did you take the mugger's weapon? And shoot him... holy shit... twelve times?"
"It was beautiful. He didn't deserve the beauty. Hahaha. Headshot."
"Right. Anyway, although you did do the act of killing the mugger in self defence, you killed two other civilians, correct?"
"It was beautiful. It was glorious."
"That, Rewel, was murder for no reason."
"No reason? NO REASON?!"
"Shit! Calm him down!"
"I can barely hold the bast-"
"Calm down Rewel... calm down... easy..."
"Haah...haah... no reason... I couldn't stop... but we had to. I didn't mean to... but it was beautiful. I didn't want to... but it was so DAMNED BEAUTIFUL THE FIRST TIME WE DID IT! SEE IT AGAIN! HEAR IT"
"Tranquilized the fucker. He's batshit insane."
"Eh... we'll keep him in the higher containment cells. He certainly has quite a condition."
"...I need a drink."
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Stats: Mentally Unstable / Insane
Race: Caucasian
Profession: Ever since highschool, Bill tried to conform to industrial standards of work ethic, and make do with pitiful day jobs, but he always found something he couldn't agree with and quit, or was fired... He has since then quit, and taken to learning all he can about how things work. How to build things. How to make do, and live on his own... Preparing for what, he didn't know... Until recently...
Skills: Bill is capable with most any firearm he can lay hands on. He is incredibly strong, and fit for a double marathon... He knows how to work metal, how to build. He knows how to create and utilize power electricity and how to lead people. Bill learned early on how to hunt... But he also knows what he does NOT know, and utilizes leadership and fills in the gaps with knowledgeable people that do know...
Equipment: As soon as the fallout from the zombie apocalypse began dragging the world into its grave, Bill raided a military outpost while the troops were away. He barricaded up inside until everything around him was silent... He turned the outpost into a fortress, and stored up fuel, ammunition, food, and weapons while he investigated exactly what was going on outside... Ultimately he has various military weapons, and virtually unlimited ammunition at his disposal.
He learned quickly how to combat the dead, and fabricated a suit of metal, light enough to allow him to move, yet strong enough to keep at bay the teeth of the dead. Bill began recruiting the people he met early on... Survivors, lucky or strong, that had earned a place among the living... He took in whomever he deemed fit to survive, and killed the weak ones, sparing them from turning.
Power crazed, Bill began entertaining thoughts of a new order... He fancied himself a president, or chieftain of sorts, and began organizing roundups... His men would go out and recruit any able bodied men and women, smart and strong enough to survive. Any they found would join, or die...
Soon, Bill began rewriting laws that had been in place for a century, and signed his own constitution, and set of laws
I, the Savior, in order to prolong the existence of the human race... Establish my dominion over all, and promise justice, safety, and security. I will provide for, and protect those loyal to me, and crush with iron clad fist, those that resist.
In return for provision and protection, fealty and obedience will be owed. Laws set in place must be obeyed, and any violators will be severely punished, as in accordance with the laws.
Men are to work, and train in the use of weapons, and learn maintenance of machinery, and basic handiwork. They will farm, and hunt, and be ready for call to arms at all times. Boys ages of 13 and under will study and learn, preparing for service in aforementioned duties. If physically unable, the laws of nature dictate they shall be disposed of...
Women are to work, cleaning and maintaining either the compound or their husbands / mates house or dorm. They are to maintain the functionality of the compound at its basic levels, providing clean clothes, food, entertainment, and children. If any woman is unable to bear children, they will be sent out of the compound, or will serve as entertainment, at the whims of the working men.
If any member of the compound is unable, or refuses to perform as commanded, they will be punished accordingly, and assigned work fitting their state.

Both accepted -Justice
can someone get me caught off, Had so much work this last week!
You fell off the highway, you're trying to find your way back up, Rex is looking for you, my character is hid from everybody in a car and watched them, but then she fell asleep. A bunch of survivors including Melanie, Felix and Ghost are on some bus on the highway. Daniel and Crystal met in some house, apart from all of us, and have teamed up, they figured out theres some cannibals in the area, met some random chick, who they were gonna kill but they let her go. Now they're at Crystal's place and they defs gots the hots 4 eachother. Melanie had a nightmare, and woke up screaming. The sound woke up Colette, and it attracted a bunch of walkers to the bus. Colette distracted some of them, and approached the bus and warned them all. Johan tried to save Colette from the surrounding walkers, but broke glass and set off gunshots, making even more noise, and so Colette got the fuck outta there, and I think they all are gonna probs too. Basically you and Rex are gonna have to find a way out of this. There's also two new crazies in town you wanna sign up^. Hope I got everything.

@justice hunt
You fell off the highway, you're trying to find your way back up, Rex is looking for you, my character is hid from everybody in a car and watched them, but then she fell asleep. A bunch of survivors including Melanie, Felix and Ghost are on some bus on the highway. Daniel and Crystal met in some house, apart from all of us, and have teamed up, they figured out theres some cannibals in the area, met some random chick, who they were gonna kill but they let her go. Now they're at Crystal's place and they defs gots the hots 4 eachother. Melanie had a nightmare, and woke up screaming. The sound woke up Colette, and it attracted a bunch of walkers to the bus. Colette distracted some of them, and approached the bus and warned them all. Johan tried to save Colette from the surrounding walkers, but broke glass and set off gunshots, making even more noise, and so Colette got the fuck outta there, and I think they all are gonna probs too. Basically you and Rex are gonna have to find a way out of this. There's also two new crazies in town you wanna sign up^. Hope I got everything.
wait johan, did the two people me and rex were trying to find are with you guys?
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