The world of Norindul

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Vesper Xa'raav || Njorvik (Seiristelle: Skh'yin)
(It is recommended to listen to the provided video while reading the post.)

There was little she hated more than the bitter cold, yet here she was trudging through the flurries of snow on her way to meet her contact. As she continued on the road, one hand holding the hood of her cloak over her head the other holding tightly to the reigns of her horse, her golden eyes peered forward. She was barely able to see a few feet in front of her, but she knew she'd soon be coming to the rendezvous point shortly. An annoyed sigh slipped her lips, and along with it the mist that could only be her breath. She continued on like that for a few more miles until something in her line of sight finally looked different. Looked red. The woman kicked her heels lightly into her horses side commanding it into a trot before she came up on the scene, and the supposed rendezvous spot. Pulling on her reigns, she brought her steed to a stop, her golden eyes falling upon what was left of her contact, his upper torso laying on one side of the road while the leading trail of guts and gore led to his lower half on the opposite side. The man's eyes were wide in frozen fear, and his lower jaw had been ripped from his skull, and tossed a few feet away from the body. The woman narrowed her eyes as she then spotted the hybrid footprints of the Lycans heading off in the direction of the town.

In an instant she took off towards the town at a near sprint, the shrill sounds of the townsfolk resounding in her ears. She grit her teeth together as the ones who managed to get out ran by her. They'd not like what they found down the path. The town had come into site now, and in the distance she could see the two towering forms of Lycans at the entrance. Without missing a beat, she charged not giving them time to think as they seemed to be distracted by keep villagers in, not keeping anyone out. Vesper reached back, and grasped in her hands the pole of her spear. With the speed she was moving, she used the blunt end of her spear to vault into the air coming to wrap her legs around the nearest Lycan's neck. Caught off guard, the beast stumbled, letting out a startled roar before grasping Vesper's legs, ripping her from his shoulders, and violently tossing her away. She used the toss's momentum to tuck, spinning just enough that she hit the ground on her feet, sliding back a few inches. By then the other was alarmed of her arrival. The beasts let out a loud roar before both charging at the one who'd made it into their town. They lept at her, one swinging it sharp claws at her torso while the other's jaws aimed to close on her head. With swift movements, the woman brought up her spear to take the full blow of the Lycan's claws, sparks flying as they connected with the durable metal. The instant claw touched spear, she sent her aura to pulse through her weapon causing a violent burst to occur sending the first lycan back just as his significantly slower brother's snarling fangs were at her face. In an instant, an armored elbow connected with the beasts jaw, causing him to stagger back. Without missing a beat, Vesper took this opening to draw from her waist a dagger which flared with red aura. As the Lycan staggered back, Vesper ducked in under it's clawed hands, and drove up through it's skull the dagger. With a final twist of the blade, the wolf like creature seemed to burst into flame.

The beast's brother, only just recovering from the knockback, charged with a new found rage at the elf before him. Vesper gritted her teeth together as she clenched in her hands the pole of her spear. Bracing herself, she planted her footing, and waiting as the Lycan drew near. Once close enough, the beast lashed out at her in a fast flurry of claws, and teeth. Using her spear, she blocked the flurry of strike before waiting for the single opening she needed. The beast was growing tired, and when she saw a fault in his strikes, she weaved in jutting the blunt end of her spear into the Lycan's abdomen causing him to double over giving her the opportunity to snake her way onto his back, and plunge her blade deep into his skull, bursting her aura through the spear letting it seethe into the Lycan's body. Just as his brother before him, he burst into flame. As the ashes of the Lycan's remains blew away in the winds of the blizzard, Vesper straightened and let her golden eyes survey the surrounding area. There didnt seem to be anymore danger in this part of town, and she wasnt the only one who noticed. Almost the instant the last Lycan was slain, out from their hiding place crept a mother, and her child both with hair so white it rivaled that of the snow beneath her feet. The woman ushered in a heavy nordic accent to her child,"Come Little Wolf." They fled through the entrance of the town, and as they left Vesper watched. When they were out of sight, the woman pulled her hood further over her head, and turned toward the square of the city. Surely there was still work to be done.​
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Ungrateful....un-grate-full....full... how could Frak be full when he hadn't eaten all day? The Steeds perction was not bad at all, mostly obvious but still not bad. Frak would remember this in the future and would leave steed on watch duty. Not of anything important of course... probably something like watching the water while it chills so Frak can cool off roasted meat quickly. Hopefully this was a task the steed could handle.

'So where did the sword come from?'
'Well, how have we got it?'
'Shouldn't we return it?'
'A ship huh? Where we going?'
'Takes us where?'

The voice of the steed came again, Frak turned to see it looking angry, frustated and filled with either hunger, gas, or sexual frustration... It had draw a sword and was speaking to Frak about how it had warned him? How he did not heed him? "FRAK NOT KNOW WHAT HEED IS? WHAT HEED!"
The steed spoke stupid words but Freddie did not. 'He means, you didn't take his advice to stay out of trouble...'
'He might not think so... We do have his sword...'

The steed then mentioned being old for a goblin and Frak froze in fear, how had one got so close? How did Frak not see it?! Goblins were sneaky sneaky but Frak had always avoided goblins!! He spun on his heels ready to throw his dice hoping for a high attack roll. Then darkness consumed him.

Obsidian fire was always a funny thing. It generates light by swallowing it. It was a wonderful thing in pubs when the bard began to lose his temper, pick up pace and began to scream weord sounds like wub and dub... Normally followed by foaming at the mouth and collapsing into a lifeless heap but it was still a good evening. Make the room flash and made bright glows glow for a few seconds...

Though this was outside and what was weird was where Frak was. His eyes lit up and he struggled to turn around. His hands full of items, two large swords, a smaller one. A vial of green liquid, a saddle, a humans jacket, and a piercing ring that appeared to have the remains of someones nipple attached... Frak immediately checked himself before realising it was not his.

"WHERE ALL THIS STUFF COME FROM???" Frak screamed out and looked at the others. "FRAK NOT PACK MULE! STOP TURNING OFF LIGHT IN SKY AND DUMPING STUFF ON ME! I ACCEPT ONE SWORD BUT ALL THIS! FRAK NOT GIANT!" He dropped all of the stuff and sat on the floor to sulk, ignoring the fact he was stabding behind the human who was recently naked, when less than 10 seconds ago he was already around 200 Frak steps in one of the many directions for a boat...

The touch on her fur caused the blue hues to hide behind her lids, ears to lower and subtle sigh escaped from her nose. It was nice to feel touch, but it also made the world they were in now all the more real. The sound of his distress made her look up to him. It was clear he was also having a hard time with understanding it all and dealing with it. Though he wore a mask when they first met, she could tell it was Sean. The way he moved reminded her off the curious Jester she met what should have been hours ago, but now felt like years ago. He was intense with his new features, but it didn't scare her for some reason. Fear didn't feel relevant at the time.

A shiver shook her body, her body was tired and they hadn't been here long, what was the rest of her life going to look like if she were to get tired so fast? Maybe she would adjust... hopefully. As Sean got up she sat up and watched as he got water, she let out a slight talkative bark as if she were a dog telling her owner she didn't want it. Though he wouldn't take no for an answer. He tried calming her by offering a personal note. Whether she would admit it or not it did help.

"Back home I had a dog... well my mind made up a dog. She was beautiful... like how I look now. It's weird, but Abu almost..." she cleared her throat and dropped it not wanting to sound crazy. "I work, well worked at a shelter and I swear I could talk to those animals. I heard their voices as crazy it sounds. I love wolves so much, it's like I knew this would happen." Her eyes averted from Sean's and let him fix her wound.

The rubbing and washing of her wound would send her into a yelp and cry, foot kicking and the urge to bite was held deep down. If he didn't hold the foot down she would have escaped and took off just so he would stop. Her front paws dug into the dirt and her body curled and wiggled against him until he was done. Her body laid flat on the dirt as she panted for a couple seconds. Once the stinging calmed her head moved so she could inspect the wound as if her leg would be gone after the hell it felt. "Thank you," she softly said as her head laid down in the dirt again. "Will you pet me again?" she asked boldly, only needing a simple stroke of his hand to relax and not feel tense again.
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The Vampire Ball Part I
~Collaborative piece between @Wolfsin and @Aka~Kitsune ~

Iridel pulled a cloth from his side pocket, stroking the tip to the base of the blade he wielded. he was a refined sort of man and the grime on his precious sword left him with a bad taste. Turning his attention to Lucine he nodded then held his hand out for the rest of the company to hear. "Good job today all of you. As our lady commands we return to Talibel. The other noble nodded once to his superiors then moved to lead the lessers. "it is least I can do to assure them milady allow me this honor." Gregory was his name. he bowed and then slinked off to the front of the company while Lucine and iridel hung back.

There was a mild silence between them for a moment, neither willing to comment to the other; and both seemed to be deep in thought. iridel broke that silence. "You did well today..."

Lucine had paused in her movements when the others spoke and once Gregory had chosen to lead back the common vampires she muttered quietly in reponse.

"Thank you."

Left alone with Iridel, Lucine still found little to speak about as thoughts consumed her attention until Iridel broke the silence.

"I do not see how...We were ambushed and lost a majority of our party. They will not be happy with the report of this or with me."

Iridel pinched at his brow and sighed. "No, I do not disagree. The response will be less than favorable for our results, I expect they will question your ability to lead.. " Iridel paused for only a second. "I will defend you, should that happen."

She frowned slightly as her thoughts collected. "Thank you, Iridel...Though do not do anything that puts you at risk. It is a simple fact that I must get stronger, if I was then our loss may of not been this severe"

Iridel shook his head silently as they passed through the snowy fields. "Sadly no one could have been actively prepared for that. The wolves have become smarter, these were not just simple ferals, far from leaders, or normals.. but they were under direction... it appears that Lhyras' worries are being confirmed. The lycan are evolving.."

There was a dead silence that came from him after that, not sure how best to continue their conversation. Iridel wasn't even sure he had already given the princess more information than she needed. "Our conversations are our own Lucine, please just know that things are changing.. The world of Norindul is not as it used to be, and Lycans are the same... we can not underestimate them much longer.. or we will become the hunted..."

A blue gaze snapped towards Iridel with his words, focusing upon the other noble vampire who accompanied her. "It is true that they are..." She settled slightly, a frown upon her features."We, the Silisra, need to be prepared for them. I will take this mission in pride, if only a little, for it confirmed this fear for us." Honestly, Lucine just wanted some posistive note.

"I am grateful that my mother asked you to accompany me on this mission, It may of turned out worse if not for your experience."

A smile graced Iridel's features and he bowed his head slightly. "The honor was all mine Lucine. you will grow strong I know it."

Silence accompanied the majority of their trip from there, until they passed the border of Skh'yin. In the distance a large city could be seen, its making were more refined that a city of Skh'yin, and less so than the normal of Aumidar, but sat atop a hill a large fortress sat, the very home of the most open of the vampire houses. Silisra Manor.

Passing through the city no one drew their eyes from their work. The Silisra were much kinder to their servants than Velmont, however the fact remained that they still kept slaves... and those slaves were terrifed of them. The horses drawn every track and passed the city with ease before moving up the long hill. It was only when the clatter of more horses was heard and the rough hiss the blackened nightmare Lucine knew well; that the Silisra company turned their attention from home and noticed from the side road, the Bloodraven banner flew high, and leading a path of three horses, was Julius Bloodraven.

Lucine momentarily stared at the party, internally curious but otherwise she seemed as passive by appearence as ever. She stepped forwards as the party approached, a brow rose in curiousity.

"Julius Bloodraven, what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?"

Julius dismounted his Skeletal steed and wasted no time destroying the distance between him and the rest. It was Brother and sister that followed, the Three noble son's and daughters of Bloodraven house.

"Ahh Lucine, it would appear that I arrived just in time to recieve you my dear." His words were soft, practiced with refined presence of a prince, and the sweetness of a lover. "My family was summoned to attend the feast in expectation of your victory." Julius smiled and then wrapped his arms around her, bringing his lips to caress the very back of her neck. he whispered against her flesh. "I would not miss a chance to be with you my love.."

The Silisra princess remain calm even when she felt his familar weight against her, a small smile, unknown in nature, setting on her expression. Her arms rose from her sides and wrapped around the other. He was her fiance after all, she felt the need to act as such.

"Thank you for taking time to come, Julius. Your siblings also."

Lucine turned her gaze to Iridel, as she released Julius "Could you go report to my mother, also inform her that I will escort the Bloodraven before meeting with her if she asks for my presence?"

Iridel nodded to Lucine then become something entirely different than he'd been durring the operation. "Alright. All of you pick your selves up. we come home with victory, our thoughts of mourning will come with our resting... For now we enjoy our victory." The other vampires looked to him and their pace quickened instantly. Their morale raised. "I will see you in the court Lucine." With that Iridel moved ahead of the company and the Silisra company dissapeared behind the manor doors.

Julius watched and chuckled. "Truly that man encourages the best out of any company he leads." His soft words meant no harm but he had no idea how they might sting Lucine in that moment. "We should not keep the council and the court waiting, Velmont will be here shortly as well. Everyone is waiting for you in the ballroom."

With that Julius took Lucines hand. Aimee approached and snickered before wrapping around Lucine like a serpent, her words venomous yet sweeter than pure sugar. "Ahh Lucine.. you certainly are filling out here..." her soft hands grasped at Lucine's breasts before she backed off due to hiss from her brother. "Calm down Julius it is is simple recognition of my dearest sister to be." She flashed a toothy smile then returned to the other brothers side.

Julius sighed and shook his head. 'I can't take them anywhere can I?" Lughing as they entered the manor.

She said nothing, even as a faint part of her burned in anger, though it was quickly discarded of by the antics of Aimee, which only made the Silisra huff softly. She did regard the female Bloodraven as quite strange..."It is nice to see you once more, Aimee..." Lucine added quietly.

Her mind did not settle, especially as they drew closer towards the manor and then, to the ballroom.Lucine knew she would be criticised for the events that transpired but she had no idea that this simple hunt would be comprimised by the fact the Lycan's grew, now being led and formed to combat them.

"Mhm? Really? I believe it would be quite interesting to have a sibling of my own, it seems to have some amusing benefits..."

The doors closed behind and before them the birilliant decor of the house Silisra was clear for all to see. Even Julius seemed impressed despite how many time's he'd been here. His hand tightened on her own as the approached the largest staircase. 'Yes they can be amusing, but so can a puppy, or a cat.. I think those would be much less a hassle." Julius chuckled and brushed a hand through his blood red hair. The doors at the top of the stairs were open to the ballroom, and of course, the reception was as intense as a royal meet for the vampires.

"Lucine!" A voice called out. Soft it was a maiden that served Lucine faithfully, her very own servant that provided her blood to the princess quite willingly. The girl had a past, though it was forgotten, servants of nobles especially as Lucine.. were chosen from noble families, taken for the rights of the vampire alone. The girl gave no hesitation to expose her thin neck to her princess. "I expect that you are parched my mistress." Julius nodded to Lucine of course encouraging her to gain her strength before they walked into the ballroom. "I will cover for you with the others, take care of yourself." he smiled and nodded to the two of them as the three siblings passed into the ballroom and instantly cheering and welcomes could be heard from the more refined of the Silisra.

Lucine noted that she visibly settled when she heard the familiar footfalls of her maiden and a familiar smile settled upon her features. It was not that she disliked her fiance in anyway but she was not as familiar with him as she was the girl.


A delicate, pale, hand took a hold of a familiar wrist. With hurried steps the Silisra princess led Aurielle away, a gentle sigh tumbling from her lips. "You are a life saver."​
Lucine Valdis Silisra
★Silisra Manor★


Lucine led Aurielle to into the depths of the manor, the only sound being from the taps of both girls heels and the labored breath of the human as she was pulled along. Lucine's eyes glowed almost viciously in a icy hue, radiating with a coldness that came with blood lust and the burning that flared at the flesh of her throat as if snapping dogs. Fangs settled upon ruby red flesh, her lips pulled into a small pout as they approached Lucine's room, the Vampire in an obvious hurry as she took no concern to throwing the door open.

The large, red forms of the door fell slowly behind them, trapping the female duo in as nimble fingers fell loose around the wrist of the human, Lucine turning to face her as she pulled the smaller female into an embrace, resting her chin lightly against her collarbone as a frail grin curled at the edges of her lips. She had a few maids before this, yet Lucine grew fond of Aurielle quickly and bore some resemblance to familiarity and protectiveness to the noble human. Her arms wound around her smaller form with ease, one arm slipping around the girl's waist till her fingers fell against the curves of her hip, the other arm against her back, hand pressing lightly against the nape of her neck.

Lucine, being what she was, experience a magnitude of senses being so close to the human's jugular, the familiar thrum of blood rushing through veins so close to her caused a soft growl to tumble from her clenched jaw, eyes staring obsessively at the point she had bitten many times before, coating with a sheen of ruby red. "My Mistress...You should hurry, you need to mee-" "They can wait, Julius has informed them and they will understand." Lucine added quietly, humming softly. "After my mission, they would expect this, if anything."

A tongue darted against the pale skin, Aurielle had not left the manor walls in many years and so lacked exposure to the sun, Lucine's hand reaching up the cradle her head as she gained more exposure to her neck, to the veins running just under her flesh. Pulling her closer, her lips soon parted with a soft intake of breath before fangs pierced into soft flesh and blood, that coppery but intoxicating taste, soon replaced everything Lucine knew. Blue orbs were alight with a much stronger glow as silence filled the room except for the sound of Aurielle's breathing.

Blood slipped from the corner of Lucine's lips and soon, after she felt the other's body become weaker within her tight grasp, did Lucine pull herself away from the bloodied neck to glance at her work. Blood continued to swell in scarlet beads from the puncture marks, a sight that gained Lucine's full attention for a few moments before she shifted her grip to reach up and briefly run her index finger against the wounds before tasting the blood once more. Aurielle was dazed, her consciousness swaying and Lucine became slightly worried, even her eyes gaining a cautious glimmer.

Lucine shifted once more before she pulled the human into arms, plucking her from the floor before she carried the girl to her bed, putting her down against the dark red and blue sheets of Lucine's bed. There was to little time for Lucine to locate the human's room and put her there and she really did find no issue with this. "Thank you, Aurielle~" She cooed softly, brushing a hand through the girl's locks before standing up properly. She only got a small mumble in reply from the human who was obviously effected by the blood loss. Lucine hurriedly wiped the blood from her lips with her finger before she turned towards the doors, already heading out.

In the halls, the princess of Silisra would quickly inform another servant to clean and patch Aurielle up before she directed her attention to the large doors that were soon to expose her to the vampiric community, nobles such as her. Sighing tiredly, the blonde hurried in her steps to a point she was uncaring if they were heard. She took no caution within her own home. Once she reached those towering doors, Lucine's gaze steeled and her expression fading away before her hands reached out, pushing the doors open, wide, as she stepped inside to face them all.
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[BCOLOR=transparent]@Alyssa Carlene @commiepumpkin [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Belarie came to with a jolt when the cart went over a bump. For a moment she just blinked in confusion- the last thing she could remember was finishing up a job and getting a drink and a new pair of boots with the coin, after her old ones had worn out from all the walking involved in guarding a trade caravan. Now she was naked in a cage on the back of a cart, probably slavers judging by the two distressed girls in the other cage. She was tied up and locked up and had [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]no[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] idea where she was or how she'd gotten there- other than some hazy, dreamlike recollections of a vision and the desert and a fight- and, to be honest, she was more angry about the loss of her brand new boots than anything. It'd been weeks of marching through shit terrain to get those, and now they were gone. They'd been the right size and everything. Mercenary work was hard to come by for her, when there were big, broad shouldered, heavily muscled hulks of men swinging tremendous warhammers and battleaxes and greatswords. They made her look small and weak by comparison, for all she could probably best them in a fight in a minute flat- especially the humans, with their tissue-paper skin and infantile combat skills. There was no telling when she'd earn enough money to get another new pair of boots. Even worse, she didn't know where she was going and if she got too far from Rivdar then she'd be out the reputation she'd earned there, and that'd make it even [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]harder[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] to get a job. Exile sucked sometimes.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Belarie struggled against her bindings for a moment before using her immense strength to snap the ropes like they were embroidery thread. She stretched and moved and got feeling back into all her extremities, then crawled up to the bars nearest the other cage and reached out, rapping on their bars to get their attention.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]She tried to temper her naturally intimidating air in consideration of how traumatized the two girls seemed, but she wasn't sure how effective it was. She was used to trying to look [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]more [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]frightening, not less. "Psst, hey. Can you understand me? Do you know where we are? Where they're taking us? How'd we get here?"[/BCOLOR]
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Deyah Dyrr

Red eyes blinked awake in her bedroom. A subtle groan escaped her lips as exhaustion burned at her eyes and ached in her head. Her nights were filled with terrors of Mother Web. Hands patted around the bed till they found the silky sheets, then tugged them around her as her eyes adjusted to the room. The four men who watched over her, night and day, all stood with their backs to her. "Good morning," Deyah softly called out, not looking to anyone specifically. Though the men remained silent, their heads all bowed slight in acknowledgement of her greeting.

Once she was awake enough to realize today was the day her guards would be changed she sprung out of bed. A smile was spread over her lips as she changed behind the dressing wall, just high enough to cover her feminine features. Today was a day of hope and possibilities, though she couldn't share her news with anyone. Once fully clothed in her tiny garments and a silk robe to drape over herself, she stepped over to her window and thought back to her younger years.
"Deyah, Deyah!"
"Is that you Valas?"
A young Drow had crawled up to her window and giggled as he peaked in sending Deyah into a fit of laughter before she could open the window for him. Once he was on his feet he would embrace the young Drow in a hug.
"I told you, you have to stop seeing me. It is too dangerous, you know they will take you away as soon as they lay eyes on you."
"Ya, ya I know, you tell me every time, and I tell you..."
That nothing is coming between us," she finished before looking away sadly. She knew what death would come to him if he didn't stop coming.

The two talked quietly forever and talked about their big plans despite the fact she only had one day that would let her outside of her very room and that was the day she would be a sacrifice to Mother Web. Valas couldn't imagine such a thing happening to his friend who he was deeply in love with. They were young and adventurous and all he wanted was to steal her away, but shse wasn't as brave as he was.
"I will make it my life mission to rescue you, don't you worry."

"Maybe today is the day," she whispered as her eyes flicked over the business that laid outside of her room. She knew it was crazy talk, but it was only a few years ago that Deyah over heard the guards while she slept. Valas survived the Trial of the Deep Dark. He never told her his plan, but he said it would be the greatest story ever told. Though she would roll her eyes at him, she some how believed him. The thought of him not coming did flick into her mind and cause her stomach to flip. Her hands played with the fabric of her robe as she waited for the change.
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Valas T'sarran


The ceremony was over and the small crowd cheered as Valar rose from being commissioned as one of the four Honor Guard that would watch over the sacrifice to the Mother of Webs. His only blue hue looked to the crowd standing tall and strong as a guard should. He could smile and celebrate, but now was not the time. Though it was hard not to burst at the seems that he would soon see Deyah soon. Things were about to get very tense and edgy very soon. The two of them would have to bite their tongues until he was acquainted with how things were run in her room. The timing of rotations, who he could trust, and so on. One thing was for sure, he would at least be near her.

Hours passed and it came time to trade out guards. These guards have been with her for several months now. They briefed the Valar and the new guards with rotations they did and rules to follow, which was repetitive after all the training that was done. Once they felt comfortable handing the responsibility off they bowed heads and the transition was made.

Valar felt as if he was going to be sick. He knew she wouldn't recognize him, he had been through hell and back since they last saw each other. His once perfect complexion now scared from the burns that swallowed his body in the Deep Dark. His eye patch made some women shutter at the image the pictured under the leather. For all he knew she was a new person, nothing like the childhood wonders he remembered.

The doors swung open and she just on the edge of her bed. His eye fixed on her and how different she looked. He sighed softly and tried to focus his thoughts away from her figure, her eyes, her placement in the room. It was like living out a dream he had of her once. There was no excitement yet, but the guards began introducing themselves and he knew she would react to his name. Each took their turn before her, kneeling, stating their name and their respect for her.

Once it came to him, the men all looked to the muscle man that stood behind them all. He let a smile creep into the corners of his lips before he moved forward and knelt on one knee before her keeping his gaze in hers, she knew. He watched as the light flicked back into her eyes like they were kids as he took her hand. He knew the others might act slightly surprised, but because of his high respect among his people no one would dare say a thing. "I am Valar T'sarran, survivor of the Deep Dark and now one of your Honor Guard. There is no other that deserves the highest of security, respect and appreciation for what you're doing for our people." He watched as she held back the urge to leap into him. His hand softly squeezed hers as he stood to his feet.

After he let her hand drop he turned to the men he now worked with. "We are a team and work as one. I feel it is best that we each take individual shifts. Those who aren't on shift in the room or outside the doors should rest in our quarters. We can rotate jobs every 12 hours. That way everyone rests when they need to, works as much as they need to and she has protection around the clock." The others clearly didn't have the drive he had, but they all agreed it was a good plan. They split into their different rotations.

Valar made sure he got the first shift in the room with her. Once the doors were shut he stood at the door with his back to her. His heart pounded with fear, excitement and adrenaline. His eye closed as he heard her slip off the bed and slowly walk over to him. He remained still till her hand touched his back and her voice whispered up to him, "You came back." He looked over his shoulder to look at her with a look of confusion. "Nothing is coming between us," he whispered back, careful not to be loud enough for those behind the door to hear.
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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The scene that played out before David was like that from a small fantasy book, the vampires slaughtered and the demonic creature before him threw him a small looking blade. David caught the blade by the handle and held it down at his side not knowing what to do with a blade like this, he only knew how to use a large knife at the most. Though he wouldn't get long to ponder the idea of how to even use this weapon before the large man blew up seeming to put all of his aggression towards the small leathery creature that had run off in the opposite direction. The flames of obsidian that surrounded the man was enough to cause fear into any normal person but for some reason, a reason that seemed to swim in the back of his mind, David instead stepped forward in front of the giant man, his mind and body only reacting to the complete will to protect the leathery skinned creature.

"Look, I don't know who you people are, or what you are. All I know is the creature here that keeps referring to himself as Frak seems to be a little troubled and distant. I am sure that he didn't mean to run off with your giant sword, and by the way he is attacking now it doesn't warrant your aggression."

David reached down and grasped the hilt of the mighty blade and to his surprise lifted it quite easily from the ground. His body seemed a lot stronger than it was before, and it seemed a lot more durable considering the fact that he just now noticed the wound in his side. He held the weapon towards the demonic like person and waited for him to take it before he placed his hand over the wound and dropped to a sitting position on the barren ground still taller than the goblin creature. He had more important things to worry about getting back home to his children and making sure they were safe from the harm that they were placed in before he so easily appeared here.
Collaborative Piece
Written between @Wolfsin @FireFly69 @Lyla : Spirit


Red pushed some of the branches out of his way to get back into the small clearing that Sean and the wolf were at only to find Sean kneeling down and petting the injured animal. Red looked at them slightly puzzled but glad that they were getting along. "Hey Sean, here" Red tossed a poorly woven garb of leaves to Sean. "We may want to cover up a little bit here." Red kinda looked away not wanting to see his friends glory and all. "I also found some plants that i know to be decent for healing and some big leaves as bandages for the pups wounds."

Sean turned his attention back towards the forest almost seconds before Red appeared, though his hand remained in Nova's fur. It was hard to understand why he was so alert now. Sean had always been very observant, but to hear things he wasn't even paying attention to? Still it was good to see that Red was alright. Sean didn't expect his friend to have a whole lot of trouble, but seeing him in one piece provided comfort.

"Well good to see that you made it back in one piece, is the rest of this area like this, or are we even remotely near a city?" Sean wasn't hopeful, the way that nature resounded around him told him that they were far from New York. The vegetation wasn't even moderately correct for the area. Sean pushed up from the ground letting his hand fall loose at Nova's side. "Nova, you didn't meet Red. He is my best friend from normal world where shit makes sense. He is a good guy." Sean approached and took the pile of herbs and leaves; looking up to red. "She isn't just a wolf Red, like I said before. This is Nova I met her last night.. I err think.. Anyways! i met her at the Halloween party. She's a wolf now, I have claws and fangs, and not a damn thing makes sense!"

Nova remained still, laying in the wet grass that her and Sean took time to embrace the new reality. The scent of the other male that was with them when she first woke hit her nose just as the sound of his movements entered her ears. It was strange listening to the two. Obviously having some sort of close connection back home. Rebecca come to her mind. This would be a long day, probably one of the longest days in her life, or her new life.

Eyes only moved to look to the two as it was explained their relation to each other and that Nova wasn't just a wolf. All of his words that were used to talk about her rung in the furry skull of hers. The blue eyes glanced back out over the waters not having anything to add to their conversation. All she wanted was sleep, her normal body and her shelter back home. Clearly she was asking for a lot.

Red looked at the wolf and then back to Sean, "Sean honestly with the landscape, smells and the entirety of this place... I don't even think were on our continent anymore... if even our world, I've never seen these plants while I knew you but for some reason I know what they do so I have no idea what is going on..." Red looked over towards the resting wolf, "I'm sorry I lashed out at you earlier, I was in a panic and well I think you get the rest, but either way I am sorry. These herbs will help... and surprisingly fast too." Red sat and then looked towards the ground. "Sean in what ways do you feel different?"

The stranger to Nova made her ears perk up as he apologized for shoving a weapon to her muzzle earlier. She sat up and looked from him to the herbs he offered. Something about it didn't smell tasty at all and made her huff a flustered sigh. It didn't take long for her to sniff at it then lick it up and chew on it. She was right, it didn't taste very good. Her head shook and her tongue licked and licked trying to get the flavor out off of her tongue. "What the hell is this?" she asked to Red.

Once she felt her leg was getting a little better she hopped up and moved to the water where she would lap up some of the lake water. It was so refreshing, making her ears relax, her mind soothed more and her aches were settling. Nova looked back to Red. "Thank you for not killing me," she said as polite as she could, clearly still on edge with the stranger.

Red's ears perked slightly and he grinned, "I wonder how is it that you can speak without your mouth, and also can Sean hear you when you only talk to me?"

His question was interesting to Nova, but she didn't know the answer. Her back end settled as her head softly twisted to the side looking to Sean then back to Red. She had a lot to learn, adjust to and figure out. "I don't know exactly. I mean maybe I can make it so you only hear me... or so both of you hear me." Her ears turned back slightly as she looked away puzzled at the idea.

Sean just hung back watching the two of them make their exchange. He was confident that Red was no threat to Nova, Red had never done anything to hurt others unless they were his' mother. Quietly he wrapped the cover about his waist, taking on the idea of a fucking caveman or barbarian by the time it was over with. "Well now I feel like fucking Conan... so..." Sean laughed to himself then joined the other two not so bare to the world now.. "Good to see we are past ripping each other's throats out... speaking of which... is that what we are going to have to do... to eat around here?" His stomach wretched and reminded him of an ever growing hunger, ten times worse than what it normally was.. Sean turning his golden eyes to Red. "I feel stronger, I can hear and smell literally everything... We won't talk about the scales, or claws or fangs... but what about you, for the most part you do not look all that different. Why do you get to stay fucking normal?"

Red looked up at Sean and had an idea, "This may be farfetched but what do you smell in the direction i currently came from?

Sean looked thrown off by the question but humored his friend all the same. "uhh ill see.." Lifting his nose to the air, and closing his eyes, so as to shut out the other senses, which he found that he didn't even need to do. "Something sweet,, just past the river.... "

"Berries," Nova stated without lifting her nose. Her eyes looked to them both as her eyes flicked over them both, curious if they both heard her that time, testing out speaking to them both at once.

Red smiled "Yes there are berries over there. hmmmm so Sean how do you feel about having the same scent range as a wolf?" Red laughed out loud, "And Sean l think l haven't changed much because I've been a special case for a long time if you know what l mean."

Sean looked up, Nova's voice resounded louder this time, almost like she were reaching to both of them. That was the question though. "I can hear you too Nova." Sean smiled to Nova and then looked back to Red. "Well that's fuckin new... convenient though. Just don't fart Nova and we will be fine.. Dog farts are the worst...." Sean lost his composure then nearly falling over with how quirky and strange this fucking conversation was. It was in part somewhat to his own fears and the hell his mind was in, but ignoring it for dog jokes for a while... worked well enough. "I'm playing... Sorry Nova.. haha."

A tail wagged behind Nova as it was clear she figured it out, easy enough, all she had to do was think about it. It was strange how she could have her own thoughts and not have them hear it as well, but at the same time she communicated and talked with them in her mind.

The conversation quickly made her tail stop wagging and a subtle growl come from belly, enough to show she didn't appreciate the joke. It was funny, but at the same time awkward seeing she was the only female, the only dog and didn't know either of them all that well. She used her wolf vocal cords to sing her annoyance as a dog would do if an owner teased a treat before them.

A hungry rumble filled her belly causing her to lift her snout in the air and sniff around. She stood up and paced a little bit. She was tempted to search in the strange wooded area for something to eat, but she didn't know what to hunt or what was out to hunt her. "We all need to find food soon. I'm ok with exploring a few yards in and seeing what I can sniff out."

Sean continued to laugh for a minute, but he knew that the situation was already hard for Nova to deal with so he cut himself off offering a look of his condolences. "My bad.." Nova was right though, they were going to need to eat... but how would she fare... with hunting.. It wasn't like she were a wolf all along or something. The only one that Sean guessed would have ANY experience little as it may be, would be Red, but maybe that was what was important here.

"I'll go with you. It is probably important that we both get our, err, abilities and new bodies under control... and if we are going to survive we will need to have a better understanding of hunting, fishing and all that jazz." he turned back to Red. "Will you be okay setting up a camp? I'm thinking near this river is a good place. We aren't going to find a city any time soon... "

It made Nova slightly more nervous to go out. Though having a second pair of eyes would help, she knew that a wolf moved a lot better through the woods than a... well then he would. "Alright, but if we lose sight of each other we can meet back here." With that she walked to the edge of the thick of the woods while he confirmed with Red to ready camp.

While she waited her eyes fixed ahead and her body lowered slightly. It was like she flicked a switch from calm to hunt mode. All senses were pulled in to hunt down any sort of critters. If it were too big she knew she would panic at first and panic was not a good reaction in a time of hunting. Whether Sean was behind her or not her crawl through the woods began as her nose sniffed the air, eyes scanned the area and ears listened for any movement that wasn't Sean.

Red glanced over at the two leaving. "This place will have bushes around it so seek out the scent of your blood Nova and you'll find me here, that or fire of course. I'll try and fish some too since were near a river, and debating on what you want to catch there are deer trails all throughout the woods on the opposite side of the river and if you keep an eye out there are rabbit holes around. Or if you guys give up there are always berries". Red smiled at them slightly mocking them as he looked back to see them off.

With that Sean passed his friend a playful glare and snatched up the makeshift spear Red had come in with. "I'll be borrowing this then." Then moved to Nova's side. A sigh passed his lips as he calmed himself down then focused ahead, passing a glance to his wolf companion. She was already on her own hunt, and Sean moved quickly to catch up to her. Standing beside her Sean looked down, his lips parted and he lifted his spear to point in the same way her nose did.

"On your lead Nova.. "
  • Love
Reactions: Wolfsin
Lucine Valdis Silisra
Collab with @Wolfsin

The ballroom opened into a dark sepulcher of cool colored throws, the banner of the silisra hung about the magnificent place, and the floor was a strained black and blue marble stone that reflected the scene like a dusty mirror. At the far end the royals sat, well those of silisra anyways. The beauty of Lhyras with her flowing half curled blonde hair. She was dressed in all white this evening, the similar shimmer of blue that accented her flowing dress, the presence of royalty emanated from her being. Beyond that the sides of the ballroom were lined with other noble vampires and well groomed human servants that moved to the whim of the vampires they served. They had no choice but to serve the vampires that beckoned them.

Waiting near the queen herself was Julius, and his family, and on the other side, a vampire that Lucine would have likely preferred not to see here. Eyes locked and like that, distance closed, a determination in his almost black crimson eyes as he took Lucine's hand in his own and placed soft lips against the top of her hand. "Lucine... It has been far too long.." Vilectis, first son to House Velmont... stood before Lucine.. her 'favourite person..'

She had taken a few moments to study the ballroom before she moved towards her mother, to which she was met by someone she had preferred be dead in a hole somewhere. Not that she would voice that.

"Vilectis..It's nice to see you once more."

Her voice still sounded soft in its lyrical hum but there was a different meaning to the lowly spoken words towards this vampire. "How have you been?" Lucine had to be polite, even if she would barely take note of the Velmont's words.

Vilectis raised a brow and smirked. The vampire was no fool to how the Silisra regarded him, not that he cared. "Well enough I had an interesting day thus far. It is a shame how pets can be so ungrateful to their masters these days. Forcing me to kill them... The one would have struck a fine price had I held my anger, but the audacity of anyone besides you trying to seduce me... well it pushed her off a 'cliff' so to speak." Vilectis chuckled then stood up to face her eyes. By this time Julius and the others were making their way over.

Lucine had cocked her head at the imagery of some female being throw off a cliff, a sinister grin teasing at her lips for a moment as she pressed her finger lightly against her lip in thought. "That seems quite interesting..~" She cooed, quite maliciously in response to the enjoyment she found from the story. "However, please remember that I have a fiance, so I would not flirt with you, Vilectis." Lucine pointed out, arms folded against her chest. "There is also the fact I dislike your clan's...well, treatment of their female nobles. So we would not match."

Blue orbs looked over to her fiance once he and the others approached, purposefully crafting a soft smile onto her lips.

Vilectis chuckled again, though his lustrous eyes had become slits. "Ohh?" He mused before glancing back as the Bloodraven royals approached. He took his chance. Like a phantom passing by Lucine his lips hovered just beyond her ear... "I wonder... what you would think if your Bloodraven... happened.. to vanish Lucine... hmm.. " Vilectis chuckled again then passed by just as Julius joined her.

Lucine barely even moved at the Velmonts, as she took it, threat. Her eyes hardened as she subtly glared in his direction, though let her anger fade before her fiance reached her.

"My love, your mother is eager to see you. As are the rest of the nobles." Julius placed both his hands at her temples and pulled her close placing his lips against her forehead where he hovered for a moment. "What did that one have to say?" he said quietly tipping her chin so that he was peering directly into her eyes. He had an intoxicating ruby eyed stare. "Come Lucine.. let us go." His hand folded in hers and he lead the way to where Lhyras sat.

She had just shaken her head as she walked along with Julius, forcing herself to smile as she did. "Nothing much, a simply greeting was exchanged and I had asked about how he has been...For once he had an interesting story to tell." Lucine added in a low key whisper. They reached Lhyras, her mother, and Lucine quickly moved to conduct a small bow. Mother or not, she led the Silisra.


For the first time the Head of the Silisra pushed up from her perch, and the whole of the ballroom fell entirely silent as attention fell on the scene. Lhyras moved with a grace uncommon to even vampires and her hands reached out gently touching her beautiful daughters cheek. Julius as the rest fell to a knee as well, knowing well the conduct when in the presence of the true bloods, the heirs of Lamaghra.

"My daughter. Precious Lucine.. It does me well to see that you are safe at home again.."

The woman's lips parted and she kissed both sides of Lucine's face before placing one final kiss upon her forehead. A formal greeting and embrace that the nobles knew well.. "With this... the true celebration may begin.. But first.. Lucine.. as this was your mission, your first mission will you give us your report?" She was asking, but all in the room knew that this was more than a request, this was the way of the Silisra. "Hemm" A soft voice perked up as Iridel spared no time moving to stand at Lucine's side, and with him came Gregory. "We would stand by our commander if you allow it Lady Silisra" Lhyras smiled to both of them and nodded. "For you to show your devotion to my Lucine it warms my blood.. " Lhyras stepped back gliding gracefully back into her seat, and all eyes fell on the three of them at the head of the room. Mainly the duchess Lucine.

Lucine's mind had paused in all thoughts at the moment her mother called on her to report. A fear settled deep within the back of her mind that did not fumble onto her calm expression. Eventually, her lips parted in a small sigh, to calm herself before she spoke. "Of course, Mother." Lucine desperately wished she could of done this in private. "We arrived at our location and fell into our positions as I have been taught." She recalled, letting her icy blue eyes fall closed as her bangs shadowed her face to leave it completely devoid. "Three lycans appeared and my guardians, Iridel and Gregory, moved to take on two while I have the spear men shift to the outer side of the clearing in case one would escape while the swordsmen accompany me to take on the last. Both of the accompanying nobles were at an advantage, with their experience. I engaged the last lycan with the swordsmen. The other two had been taken out swiftly but we were, well, soon ambushed to put this in the best of terms."

She did not want to open her eyes, her arms remaining limp at her sides as she did not even to clench her fists in response to her bubbling anger. "A dozen, twelve, lycans appeared with bows and attacked as we were engaged. Many of our party were taken out by the controlled movements of the newly appeared Lycans. In response I took out my opponent before moving to the side of Iridel and Gregory who had taken out a majority of the attackers. Iridel finished them and one was brought to me by him, who I decapitated." Lucine finished.

The room was silent as Lucine recounted the tale. Even Lhyras stirred in her seat at her daughter's words no longer being able to deny a threat.. Lucine finished and when she did it started... The whispers. Judgement by the other nobles... Whispers meant nothing to vampires... everyone could hear, everyone know what the general thought was. That was until Iridel destroyed that veiled silence. His voiced command echoed over the hall.

"You think Lucine weak for her loss. I hear it from all of you, but tell me how would ANY of you fair in her place!?" Iridel turned to the majority of them and earned a hateful glare. He had no intention of backing down. "Lucine fought brilliantly according to her training. She did just as she was taught, she called for strategy, just as is standard.. the problem was NOT Lucine!" By now he was beckoning to all of them and even Lhyras looked angry with her general's performance. "Iridel.. stop this." She knew where he was going.

"They are smarter!, Faster, organized! We can not treat them like mere wolves anymore!"

Lhyras raised her hand and instantly from all directions 6 different black cloaked vampires appeared and all six of their blades met with Iridel's single sword. The clamor of the blades connecting resounded the halls. Then Lhyras' voice pierced the air. "Enough of this. very well.. we will mourn our loss, and we will enjoy this evening. No more talk of this!" The Head of the house looked to all in her court. "Any loose of the tongue about this matter or my daughter.. may just lose that tongue. This night is ours... to not spoil it with your scornful whispers." The Lady then turned her attention to Iridel who held back the six blood baron. "Leave it be for now Iridel, we will speak of this more later!" The baron slacked their blades and Iridel did the same before sheathing his own weapon and walking out of the ballroom to the balcony. The night continued... despite the thoughts on everyone's minds.

Lucine had kept silence throughout the majority, even though her body had tensed to move in response to the blood barons appearance. A sorrowful feeling had formed in her at the fact Iridel stood so strongly at her side, his appearance of rebel caused originally by her blunder. She took a small breath before bowing her head to her mother, a bow, before she turned upon her spot to head to one of the sides of the ballroom, expression twisted into one of loathing and anger as she tried to find a less busy spot. Lucine needed to think, though her thoughts mainly fell upon increasing her strength.

'The mission would not be such a failure if I was stronger...I would not be such a failure if I was stronger...- I...-'

"I will take responsibility!"

A voice called out, a familiar one. Julius ignored Lhyras orders and approached only bowing when she reached the foot of the Head's throne. "I Julius Alexander Bloodraven accept the faults of my wife to be. be there no punishment I care not the dishonor will not go unnoticed..." Lhyras looked up, clearly displeased with Julius display despite her words. "What will you do Julius?" She croned. Julius rose up from his place and looked her directly in the eyes. "I will bring back the head of the Alpha. It will be the mark of my devotion. The gift to my love to mark our very wedding day."

The crowd stood stunned, Lhyras included though she were smiling. No one knew what to say but eyes were upon the Bloodraven prince. Lhyras finally spoke up. "you speak boldly Julius... " Lhyras glanced over to Lucine for only a moment before looking back to the boy.. not the man before her. "Very well.. i grant you this. you will choose your company and hunt down the Alpha leading the recent wolf attacks... this is a decree and order by Lady Silisra. When you return you will be married to my daughter and gain all titles as such... Now.. please no more interuptions... can we celebrate as vampire's should please..."

A laughter followed and lights dimmed down as lines of servants came out wearing very exposing clothing Lhyras smirked and took on two of the bigger looking men herself.. "Pick your poison wisely." Smirking and then sinking her teeth into the first of the males given to her.. Julius scanned for Lucine.

Lucine had been paralyzed in shock, her eyes impossibly wide as she stared dangerously at her fiance. She found his words sweet, in some sense, but generally felt more fear than she did anything else. It sounded stupid for him to want to go and challenge the Alpha! A risk. Though deep down, it was more of the decree that they would be married upon his return that kept her still. Lucine had yet to develop proper feelings for her fiance and had been kept calm by the fact the wedding would be time away.

When she found his gaze, Lucine turned upon her heels and hurried over to the Bloodraven vampire as she stopped in front of him, lips turn into a small frown. The words of Vilectis from before only made her cold heart run faster. There was so many factors she could not predict and it was driving her to insanity. " you know what you have done here?"

Julius caught sight of her and turned smiling happily, though it changed when he noticed the distress painted on her face. "I do my love. I understand fully and i assure you that I will not fail you."

Her gaze just narrowed, obviously distraught. "You could die here, Julius. The alpha is no normal wolf and they really have grown in their intelligence, they can act strategically now..."

Julius nodded sheepishly. "I realize the facts, Iridel is not a man to be taken lightly, nor would I ever doubt your words, but right now the council sees you as weak. You don't want that Lucine. I am trained by my father and our highest guards... so let me fight for you... please." he hissed the last words emphasizing his desire to be there for her.

Lucine kept herself silent for a moment though she wanted to berate him on this decision more. Eventually though she found herself huffing tiredly, a weary smile on her face. It seemed by appearance to be that, though it was her attempt at gathering her facade back. "I could of dealt with the council myself, to salvage myself after my failure, Julius." She whispered, shaking her head softly. "I will not interfere with your choice, even if I find it moronic." She paused for a moment before leaning over to lightly press her lips to his cheek. "Thank you, Julius."

Julius smiled and dipped his head lightly. "Very well then. Shall we dance then?" Offering his hand for her to take it the celebration continued around them, until the drops of day began to filter into the room. The Nobles retired respectively in time, trickling out as time went on. Dancing finished and soon the room was empty.. Julius and Lucine left hand in hand, and passed Vilectis as they went. He vanished from sight just as they seen him but in his wake a whisper played on Lucine's ear.

"Remember what I said Lucine.. what will you do...?"
  • Love
Reactions: Wolfsin
Collab with @commiepumpkin

"OH GOD," moaned Jaya, "This can't be happening." Her tears flowed anew. "Jo, we're going to be raped to death, my mother was right. This isn't a world for a girl," she began to hyperventilate, barely managing to squeeze out a sentence. "Why did the universe have to pick now to accept my gender?!"
Jo reached out to comfort Jaya, "We're not going to be ra-" she stopped as Jaya's final sentence sunk in. Jo sat back on her heels and gave Jaya a quizzical look, "What do you mean the universe accepted your gender?"
"Oh of course that would come out now," said Jaya with gritted teeth, "I'm naked, I guess I can't really keep any other secrets up my sleeves. How much do you know about gender?"
Jo thought that was an odd question, Jaya was obviously a girl. Jo's face scrunched up a bit trying to ponder out what she could mean by that. Well, I know that sex and gender are different, but Jaya is a girl. I mean, her body is that of a woman's and she acts like a girl. Maybe she isn't and that's what she is telling me! Have I been misgendering her...him? the whole time?
"You're a woman, as far as I know. If I'm wrong please let me know, but you never corrected me earlier. I should have asked, I guess. It's not very common where I am from to ask about PGPs and sometimes I forget. So, are you trans*?"
"Yeah, assigned male at birth. My mom got me on puberty blockers and hormones super quick though, so I've lived my entire without too much of a fuss. I mean, besides my dad. But, uh, my mom got a divorce really quickly when he starting being a dick about it.
"What? Okay, so you were born male and identify as female. So you have had all" the surgeries then? I mean obviously, I can see that everything matches up now," Jo tilted her head to the side, "But why make the universe comment?"
"Listen, if we weren't as good friends as we are, that'd be super invasive," retorted Jaya. The LGBT+ shoptalk was doing wonders for distracting them both from their nightmarish situation. "But we are, so. I didn't really need any surgeries back... uhm. Back home? Because of how early I'd started taking HRT. And I still kinda identify a little as male so my, uhm... downstairs, didn't bother me that much. But whatever forces brought us here seems to have made my body completely biologically "female" so I should be happy but..." at this Jaya sighed, words left unsaid. The slaver's comments made the plight of women very clear in this land.
Jo was taken aback by what Jaya had just told her. Transformed into a biological female when she got here? What is this place? God, I can't believe Jaya had this secret! I mean I understand why but it's huge. Am I okay with it? Jo bit her lower lip and looked at Jaya, she seemed so upset about the situation. Shifting slightly forward, Jo placed her hand on Jaya's leg and gave a tiny squeeze, "Are you ok? I'm sure this is really hard on you. I just want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what. I really like you, and this doesn't change anything."
Jaya smiled meekly. Jo was a comforting presence, one that she sorely needed. Her words reminded her of the casual affirmations her mother used to give back in India. Jaya reached over to grab the other woman's hand, giving it a squeeze. "Thank you Jo. If we have to go through hell, I'm happy it's with you."
Jo smiled brightly and started to slide next to Jaya, enjoying the way her hand covered hers and the way their skin brushed together. Once Jo was next to Jaya, she looped her arm around the small woman as a sign of comfort and support. Jo glanced down at Jaya and thought, I'm happy it's with you too. I wouldn't want to be with anyone but you. Jo paused as she reconsidered what she thought, Do I actually like Jaya? As more? I mean she is really pretty and beautiful and-
"Psst, hey. Can you understand me? Do you know where we are? Where they're taking us? How'd we get here?"
Jo jumped slightly at the intrusive voice and turned to look towards it. It was the girl from before, the one captured with them, but she looked strange. Jo's eye widened in a mixture of shock and terror. She was frighteningly beautiful, and Jo had never seen anything like her.
"Uhh," Jo stumbled over her words, "Uhh, what are you? Im's sorry that was-. Uhh Rat's Nest. That's all we know..." Jo looked at Jaya with panicked eyes as she floundered talking to the other woman.
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Reactions: Wolfsin
@Qu'ess Baenre and @Rhubarbarian

Griffin stared for a moment looking between the near naked man, and the Goblin that found himself caught red handed for the thief he was. It had not been his intention to play baby sitter for a grown man and their pet goblin, but the situation was turning bleak for siding against that. "The way you speak, you are noble... it will be interesting to see how long you keep that attitude here in Ividel." Griffin snarked then passed by David, placing his demonic hand on David's shoulder a spark between them ignited nearly setting Griffin on his ass. He turned and growled, his eyes glowing with demonic fury as he stared at David. "A godly champion?" He hissed before launching himself up from the ground and glaring daggers back into David's eyes. "Confused and lost in the land of demons... a lonely paladin travels lands unbeknowest to his all knowing god." Griffin smirked reciting his small little scripture, then looking back to the goblin.

"You go by Frak. i will just assume you are as foolish as your kin and let this pass today. Griffin sheathed his two weapons then and let his Blackened aura die down. His eyes settled back into their simple gold mixed with abysmal black. "Where are the two of you headed? Griffin half expected the answer before he recieved it and a sigh escaped him. "ividel is a very large continent. You would do best to find a city as soon as possible... Though even there you are not safe. Cultists... vampires, Demon Worshipers, and other folk still run even the nicest of cities in Ividel despite what Holy Knights have come here already.." Griffin paused and dug in his back pocket for a rotted old map. His clawed finger scanned over the surface until he located a nearby city, but even that would require a trek through the Deathwood. Something he was not too fond of himself. "Alright.. you are both very lucky that I am going the same way as you to restock... Ill escort you through the Deathwood... " Griffin didn't spare any hesitation with answers. taking strides north east towards the nearest city of Blakrun.

"Any objections and you can stay here and wait for the vampires to come back when they realize their friends are dead."
Frak grew tired of the voices being spoken, the human who seemed to be protesting something, the steed who seemed to act strong but not know where he was. It was simple these two needed a leader who could gather them together and help them work as a force to get Frak on a boat... Why he wanted a boat so bad was beyond him but he wanted one none the less.

"OK OK! YOU TWO NEED FRAK! FRAK NEED COMPANY! WE GO TO CITY! THROUGH FOREST!" Frak jumped to his feet and jogged up beside the steed before his eyes became dull and something came flashing back to him.

"Last time we went there we ran into him..."
"Remember what he said..."
"When I get my hands on you! I'll end you like I plan to end your bloodline!"
"He was really annoyed!"
"Good thing we hid it in the forest..."
"Do you remember where?..."
"I bet you don't... But don't worry... The shadows will take me there..."
"You'll just come along for the ride!"

His eyes flashed again but unlike the two previous times he wasn't holding anything that didn't belong to him, though he had picked up pace and was almost sprinting towards the forest, he slowed and turned down to look back at the steed and still motionless human.

'Why the hell have I suddenly got a headache... Frak what happened?'
'Well any idea how we got so far ahead?'
'Yeah... Not a chance, kinda blacked out there...'


He sat down and waited for the others to catch up, though his eyes fixated on the vial on green liquid that the steed had picked up.


Frak slowly nodded then turned to look in the direction of the forest, a blurred memory flashing before his eyes.
  • Love
Reactions: Wolfsin
GM Post~

@Qu'ess Baenre @Rhubarbarian

The three of them settled in, Griffin not particularly sure about the goblin they had in company he didn't say much as they walked the barren wastes of Ividel. The soil was lack of water, and ashen, a dry mist that could have choked a normal being settled up wherever they stepped, and in the distance shadows, and horrible moans from deathly creatures could be heard. The click of bones. Griffin did his best to help the party avoid such troubles. However he knew well, that where they were going was trouble all its own. The Deathwood was not a good place and only if they were lucky would they be able to avoid the demons that lurked there. Griffin looked up... and seen the towering blackened and crimson thorn nest of wicked trees and shrubbery and huffed a sigh... "Here we are.." The three of them entered into the Deathwood.
The Hunt
Collaborative piece between

~ @Wolfsin and @Lyla : Spirit ~

Nose to the ground, eyes on the hunt, Nova was on a mission to something worth sinking her teeth into. She wasn't a vicious person, but she wasn't exactly a person anymore. It was oddly an easy switch for her to move into survival mode and do what needed to be done. Not even a day into this crazy new life and she was starting to get excited about the idea that she was actually a wolf. The beautiful pure, white, large dog that use to stare at her and talk for hours was now... her. It was her the whole time, what a funny feeling coming to terms with being your own best friend for most of your life.

Starting this hunt with Sean behind her worried her that he would be distracting or possibly throw off the way she hunted, but they would soon find out. Each paw was carefully placed, as well as how her body followed the motions. Weaving between vines, roots, odd paths that the creatures that lived here made. As they moved past the thick of a few trees she poked through and froze.

There was a strange feeling watching a wolf hunt. Sean had always been fond of wolves, they had always been his favorite animal not just for their prowess as hunters, but for the symbolic means in which they stood for. Nova was a perfect example to watch in her precise footing and and quick tracking capability, it almost was possible for him to forget the girls face as a human.

Sean didn't make a peep simple crept behind, ducking under towering vines, and sliding in between trees as he did his best not to slow down Nova's pace. He was learning quickly that it wasn't very hard. Starting off it had been, he was nearly sprinting on light toes most of the beginning of their hunt, but with time his body almost... clicked.. like he'd known what he was doing the whole time and then it became more so a game for him to glide between the vines and trees, leaping lightly to pad against the soft ground with bare feet, he felt almost predatory; likely similar to what Nova was feeling.

"This place.. it is like a whole different life.. "

Sean whispered under his breath, before taking small strides and leaping his free hand caught hold of a vine as he hung from it for a moment. Then leaped onto a fallen tree not taking into account what might have made the tower tumble, he tip toed along the tree following aside Nova, spear at the ready.

Slowly Nova pushed through the leaves and took in the view. The hunt made it hard for her to take it all in, but as she came across this piece of the forest she was stunned. Light split through the canopy of the leaves and poured onto the multi colored leaves that painted the floor. The vines hugged onto large trees that were unreal to the trees back home. The flowers and plants all placed perfectly as if someone carefully drew it all and placed each thing in the right spot.

Sean stopped too, sliding down from the branch and landing in an unintentional crouched position right next to Nova. His eyes popped as he looked over the clearing, and even then from his enhanced sense he could hear the chittering of squirrels, or what sounded like them. The rabbits were not simple either, Large antlers on the tops of their heads, and heads, and the squirels he could see had two tails...

"This is... amazing isn't it?" Nova asked unable to unglue her eyes from the scenery.

Just as she spoke a furry creature, similar to a rabbit wandered onto the path. Nova was torn between taking in the moment and feeding her hunger. Her choice was obvious once her tail tucked to the side and she took a seat right there in front of it all, knowing there would be more if there was at least one already.

"It really makes this place seem real... " Sean responded finally as he let his spear fall limp against the ground and looked over to Nova. He could tell she struggled not to chase the critters before her, but this place.. forest, fantasy, dream whatever it was. It was hard to shed blood here.. not in a place like this. Sean's stomach did not agree with him however.. a low rumble passing through the silence as he wretched from more pain than he should have felt from being hungry. He ignored it.

"Nova. This place.. I really don't know what it is, I don't get why your a wolf.. but .. doesn't it kinda.. feel like it was meant to happen?"

She would be smriking if it wasn't for having a muzzle and not lips. A soft chuckle echoed in his head that showed she knew exactly what he was talking about. "You have no idea how strongly I feel like this was... decided for me a long time ago." For once she didn't feel crazy stating something so bold like that.

Sean didn't realize he wasn't looking at her, only out to the sun. His hand clenched some of the grass if only to help him confirm that this place was real before he got his hopes up. "I wish Hailey could see this... she would.. di..." His words tumbled and ended in silence as reality caught up with him, fist unclenched, the grass tumbled back to its place on the ground. His stomach again reminded him of why he was here to begin with and Sean stood up. Looking over the scene once more. "We better keep going. neither of us wants to kill something here.. so its best we keep moving."

Hearing the senetence get cut off early made her fixed eyes move over to Sean. It was obvious this all was hitting him a different way. The good feeling was leaving for him, so she nodded and picked up again not asking about it.

They were on the move once again, though her mind couldn't get off the question she wanted answer so badly. Would she be a wolf forever? Though it was an amazing feeling, it was very different from not being on all fours. Just as she let her mind start to wander a scent filled her nose. It was big whatever it was. "Don't say a word, but I have a scent. It is big so be aware."

Once her words were done her body sunk low to the ground and slinked close to the shadows of trees. When the smell was very present she scanned the direction they were headed. A large bear stood in the middle of the path with it's back to them. Suddenly her heart sank, it was about to get very real.

Sean crept up next to her and looked out at the monstrous creature. "A fucking bear.." He hissed under his breath, tightening his grip on his spear he scanned the forest when..

"Whoo. whoo... Who there, is whooo.."

Sean looked around for the source.

"We whoo.. Look at you.. "

"You.. who are who..?"

It was more than one voice, similar; but there were two... wait..

"You.. behind.. who.. you who..?"


Ears turned back and defensive emotions crept through to her core. A subtle growl grew in Nova's belly as she kept eyes on the one in front of them. Her tail swished behind her and eyes narrowed in. There was no point in being silent when it was clear they knew the two of them were there. Nova didn't speak, figuring Sean could take care of that while she remained too zoned in on reading the bear in front of them. This was no bear, though it was a similar build.

"Who.. who You? "

The voices were in unison now, all three of them like a ghostly chorus upon the trees, where they could only see one of them. Sean tried to sense them through hearing, smelling enhanced vision.. but to no avail.

"See.. we.. who.. see You. who..?"

At that very moment the beat at the center of all of this, its neck twisted.. its head turning completely around while its body remained almost statue. It was not the maw of a bear they were faced with however, but the round peaked out face of an owl with glowing yellow slits for eyes.


"We see you.."

Sean nearly fell on his ass with the sudden surprised of the creature, but gulped his fear down and stood strong next to Nova. "uhh Yeah we only see one of you, but I know there are three of you... I think.. "

The trees shuddered around them as leaves fell like rain, the call of owls echoeing over the forest.

"You who.. you why you..?"

It was hard to figure out what the hell these things were saying, much more when Sean would have been more than okay with starving in that moment. None the less he tried. "Umm do you speak simple english? Is that a thing here? We were looking for err food.. "

"You. we.. You who.. You food?"

Nova was not happy with the exchange and wanted to tell Sean to not play along, but what did she know? She slipped from the shadows they were under, but stayed close to the fat tree they hid behind. Her mouth began to scrunch and twitch the more they talked. The taunting was driving her crazy and feeding the urge to pounce more and more.

Sean realized quickly that he wasn't getting anywhere with these things. Nova was getting pissed, or feral.. whichever way you wanted to look at it. Something had to happen soon and so he changed his strategy.

"If we are food for you, then food are you for who?"

Silence followed a low humming sounding through the patch where everything seemed to be happening at once. Before they resonated again. "This one is clever... However you are food and who you are has never mattered to who."

Sean quirked his head slightly stepping into the light with Nova. "Who is who, if you are who? Then am I not you?"

Nova, keeping her eyes glued to the beast ahead of them, spoke to Sean. "If you think you're going to win their game, I highly doubt it. I say we either attack soon or book it. There are three of them and two of us. I'm not exactly trained in fight giant ass owl... bear... things that speak in nonesense."

With that she began to step out closer to the creature, drawing a very wide cercumfrence around it as her fangs flashed a few times in order to show she wasn't messing around anymore. "What are we doing Sean?" she pressed again as the adernaline built and built every second that hung between them and the owls.

Again Silence followed Sean's ploy and He looked to Nova as she addressed him. "I know im trying for something... Nova just a little more time... you will understand." His eyes scanned the trees, and the darkness above as he watched the wolf approached the one at their center. He knew time was running out.


The bear owl thing.. stirred then rose onto its hind legs as it towered over both of them. Looking down at Nova. The trees around stirred again. "You... are Lugaru.. " It's voice boomed through the trees and was joined by the other two chanting.. 'Who.. who.."

The bear owl towered over her frame and she hunched low, ready to pounce when it simply stated that she was Lugaru, with no attack toward her. Ears dropped and eyes widened as if the words made sense to her. "Lugaru...?" she basically whispered out of cunfusion.

Sean moved forward then lifting his spear to the creature who seemed unphased... It vision moved to him. "You... are food..." Then a veil of leaves fell around them blinding their vision as two large thuds resounded through the forest, and a swift wind fell past Sean's cheek. He fell backwards and rolled as the leaves settled and one of the creatures launched at him. the other two circled Nova.

"Lugaru.. why you.. with food.."

The chaos that flooded her mind haulted when it spoke to her again and she realized the danger Sean was in. A loud growl exploded from her as she looked up to the one that spoke to her. "He is not food, leave him be!" Her eyes glanced over to the other owlbear briefly as she yelled again. "I said leave him be!" Her eyes flicked in front of her again in case of any quick moves from the two that circled her. Mind sorting out whether to dive between the two owl bears and lay over him or to stand her ground in hopes they would listen. "Help us find food and we will in return help you."

All at once.. everything stopped... The Owlbear attacking Sean stopped, and the two circling nova ceased all grouping around the wolf as they hummed and the forest wind resonated with them. Sean did his best to catch his breath... Completely caught off guard by the attackers he looked to nova surrounded by the three monstrous creatures. "hmmmm Lugaru... we hear you..."

They hummed and the very first one who had been at the center stepped forward. "We are not food, He is food, but you are Lugaru. This leaves us very confused. And so.." The Owlbear glanced around him as if someone might be listening... "Lugaru is guardian of the forest... Lobos.. and others.. Yet the forest suffers!" The others chimed in angrily. "The forest dies by humans.. mortal walkers... They do not deserve the forest, it is not theirs and yet they take it... Lugaru have always fought against this... and Owlbears too... You say you will help who if who help you?"

It was unclear how they felt about her. She wanted to get out of this without a fight, afraid they would win and they both would die right then and there. She needed to play along, even if she didn't know what a Lugaru was, she wouldn't let them know that. "We fight the same fight. I will help who once who helps me." She kept it short and brief, that would be enough to get them moving, possibly benefit them.

"The witch!... Witch! yes.. her.. The Witch!"

All at once the three of them resonated together. The middle and obvious leader of them raised his hand as the other two vanished beyond the veil of trees. They returned quickly with two deer, one male one female.. dead but not eviscerated which was more than they could have asked for. presenting the deer at Nova's feet they shited back to the side of their leader and continued their chant.

Nova sat and waited as two flew off. Her belly ached, but not from hunger anymore. Something told her this agreement meant a lot more than she had intended. The chanting, and the... two deer they brought. Her blue hues grew wide.

"The witch... kill.. Yes The witch.. kill her... Bring her heart.. Save the Heartwood."

The three of them watched her with widened eyes expecting her agreement.

'Who help you... now you help who..."

They asked for a death in return, which was fair, but... a witch? It felt as if her heart was in he belly now, eyes flicking over the dead deer then up to the eyes that watched her. She didn't dare look to Sean, knowing he was probably as white as her fur by now.

"I will bring you her heart. Can you tell me how to find her?" The last bit made her nervous of their reaction. It may be she is suppose to know that already, but either way she promised them she would help. It didn't hurt to ask. If they couldn't tell her she would do her best. These things sounded like they filled the woods and there was no hiding from them. Having them on her side may benefit her a lot once she had their trust.

Sean perked up as Nova agreed to this madness, wanting to say something but he held his tongue and watched, reaching ever so slowly for his spear if shit hit the fan, not that it had served him well thus far...

The three creatures separated from around Nova. The middle of them moving to on of the others. "Time.. it is time.." He croned then the smaller of the two kneeled down... as the Middle brought its claw down right through the other. Blood spilled across the green. The other owlbear continued to chant. "For the heartwood" The Leader continued to eviscerate their brethren. Then with nothing left but the remains he turned to nova and ushered her to him. His clawed bear like hands coated in blood.

Sean shook from his stupor then and shouted to Nova. Teeth grit into a fierce line as he approached the scene and the other Owlbear glided over towards him blocking his path. "Nova don't this shit is crazy... you seen..."

"Silence! the pact must be done.."

"pact.. th.."

"The pact!"

The remaining two owlbears screeched as the one waited for Nova to come to him.

Nova's ears laid back slightly as it all unfolded in front of them. A chill shot down her spine and her mind raced. Hearing Sean yell didn't help, but she knew it was too late to say no, they fucking sacrificed one of themselves for her. "It's ok Sean, it is too late to turn back now." She said without daring to break eye contact with the owl bear.

Nova took in a breath and slowly let it out as her steps moved her close to the body that bled out before her. She was accepting an unknown fate, but she wasn't one to back down. "For the heartwood," she said to allow the creature to carry on with what he had to do.

The Lead owlbear dipped his head into something of a bow when Nova accepted their saccrifice. His claws moved through the blood and slowly they moved to draw symbols across her snow white fur. Seals made of blood in arcane marks that bound her to her promise. Ending with a small stem and half blooming red blood flower that marked the bridge of her muzzle and the press of her forehead. The Owlbear stepped back and commanded once more...

"For The Heartwood"

As the memorys of the fallen owlbear all at once overtook nova. The path, darkness. Thorns, A Great serpent, devastated ruins, demonic eyes... and the smell of blood.. The vision took Nova completely from her own mind for only a moment. Then as he mind returned a voice echoed in her mind.

"The Price... price..

The price.."

Her vision failed her once more as piles of bones reminded her of her promise. Darkness, Carion picking at the skulls of lost liars... She would not be able to forget.

"N..never forget"
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: 1 person
Collab between @Key Tuzi and @thcleric

Chris, Echo and Sonet -> GM and Vesper

~ ~ ~

They were just settling in behind their makeshift wall of hay and barrels when the first snarl ripped through the village. Sonet's heart nearly stopped in that moment. As it was, the redhead was deathly afraid of canines and couldn't stand to be anywhere near them. They were violent and dangerous creatures - a mindset Chris had been fighting to break her from. Any progress he'd made in the past few months to make her comfortable around dogs shattered in that moment, when she heard the terrified screams of the townspeople. The softest whimper fled her lips as she dug her fingernails into his palm.

After Chris saw how frightened his beloved Sonet was he held her in his arms, trying to calm her down a bit. "Everything will be alright baby I will keep you two safe. Stay here while get us something to protect ourselves with." He said quietly to her. He went across the shack to where the farm tools were to see what he could use as a weapon. Just as he was pulling down a pitchfork the biggest wolf he had ever seen burst through the doors of the shack. He quickly ducked behind a barrel slightly peeking around it his eyes glued to the wolf as it slowly started moving toward the Sonet and Echo. He was so scared he couldn't move an inch.

As the wolf moved closer and closer to his beloved, Chris found himself in a tough battle trying to overcome his fear and protect the woman he loved. Just as the wolf was about to reach their hiding spot Chris clenched the pitchfork in his hand and got up behind the wolf and stabbed it in it's back. He pulled it out of the wolf as it fell to the ground, Chris so shocked at what just happened that his breath came out in harsh gasps. His hands were trembling so much he dropped the pitchfork on the ground. He thought the wolf was dead, that this was over. But the wolf got back up and turned on him, growling as it bared its fangs.

"OH SHIT!!!" Chris shouted as he scrambled to quickly pick the pitchfork back up from the ground, but the wolf was quicker and knocked Chris clear across the shack against a wall with its paw. Sonet watched on in horror as he colided with the unstable wall and fell in a heap. Above their heads, boards crumbled from the impact and clattered mercilessly to the ground. It was enough to distract the wolf, but only for a moment. Yet Sonet could do nothing to take advantage of this distraction. Her bones were frozen in a wave of terror she couldn't shake. Despite how her mind screamed to move, to see if Chris was alright, to protect Echo...

But Echo wasn't frozen by this same fear. The violet-haired girl clenched her teeth with determination as she lunged out to grab the pitchfork Chris had dropped. Sonet screamed from behind, but Echo ignored the protest, focussing her silver eyes ahead. The wolf stared her down from above. It's massive jaw snarled and snapped at the air in front of her. Challenging her to face him. Knowing she'd stand no chance. Echo knew it, too - she didn't stand a chance against the wolf. But she was tired of cowering in his sister's shadow and being treated like a child that needed protection. She wanted to protect Sonet for once, from something her sister feared.

"ECHO, DON'T!" Sonet screamed from behind, her voice rousing Chris from his stupor. But Echo didn't move. She stared down the wolf until its paw lifted to scatter her like so many speckles of dust in the wind. Fear fought to seeze hold of her heart, but she ignored the internal alarms screaming in her mind as the claws descended upon her. Raising her pitchfork, she lunged in toward the wolf's neck, hoping she might be in time to dodge right under its swipe. But as the trident pierced the wolf's neck, its massive paw shoved her to the ground beneath him.

A pained whimper fled the wolve's maw as it dove toward Echo. Its jaws snapped wildly, muscles moving despite the pitchfork still sticking into its neck. A black abyss of rotting breath and bloody teeth opened up above Echo's face. Closing in fast.

And then a violent gold light exploded through the room, momentarily washing all substance from Echo's vision. One moment, the wolf loomed above her like a loosed guillotine. The wolf yelped and was blown back from Echo by an invisible force. It crumpled on the ground next to her, the pitchfork still lodged in its neck. Echo's eyes widened as she shoved up from the ground. She wheeled around to find the source of whatever blew the wolf back, and found Sonet staring with terror-filled eyes after the wolf. Gold light radiated from her outstretched palms, so bright it nearly blinded Echo to look at.

She didn't stare long before the sound of a scuffle pulled her attention back to the wolf. Chris had mounted the fallen beast and was wrestling with him now. Disbelief washed over both Echo and Sonet as they beheld Chris' hands, digging into a firm grip around the beast's neck and pulling. The sound of flesh tearing filled the room as Chris pulled the wolf's head clean off and dropped it to the ground with a sickly wet thud.

As Chris dropped the wolf's head on the ground he turned and looked at Sonet her hands still glowing from that attack. He wanted to know how she did that, why she suddenly had magic, why he had inhuman strength, and what kind of crazy world they got brought to. But none of that was important right now, right now the more important thing was to find somewhere safe. Chris walked over to Sonet and hugged her and said "Please tell me you're okay baby." She didn't say anything back but she looked like she didn't have any scratches or anything. The glow was starting to fade from her shaking hands as he grasped them gently. Holding her tight, he turned his gaze on Echo next. "You alright Echo?"

"I'm fine... but WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!!!!"

"I dont know," Chris muttered and shook his head, "but we need to find somewhere safer than here. I think we should go out and try to find some other people and figure out whats going on."

Sonet nodded, still too stunned and traumatized to say much, and together they fled the shack. Their bare feet stung as they trudged through the snow toward the center of the village. Bodies were strewn about like the discarded entrails from a butcher shop, soaking the snow red. It took all of their strength to keep moving forward... but as they approached the center of the village, figures rose up in the distance. Sonet and Echo stopped in their tracks as they saw the other wolves, dragging Chris to a halt by their side. The beasts seemed to be closing in on a cloaked figure... And there wasn't anything they could really do to help. It had been a miracle they survived one. A miracle none of them understood. But if they ran, the wolves would hunt them down. There was really nothing they could do at this point, other than stare blankly toward the center of the village, waiting for the harsh winds of death to surround them...
Words had finally been spoken and it seemed if the leathery skinned creature had been saved from the barbeque for the time being, leaving David to breath a sigh of relief. It seemed then that the man made some sort of remark to David being a noble, and he slowly moved closer leaving a horrible stench of demonic essence to crawl to Davids nose. This creature this thing needed to be eradicated and that meant David doing it if he needed to, his hand tightened around the small blade that was handed to him and quickly it loosened. Davids mind was in frustration over what this feeling was and why it had come to him at this point when this man had gone through so much trouble to save him from those creatures and yet.....his thoughts seemed to be interrupted by the hand that touched his shoulder and the reaction of the creature.

Godly Champion

Lonely Paladin

He not what words the creature now spoke but all he knew was that whatever had passed between him and the creature had placed a certain curiousity to their situation. Before David could question Griffon though he had already moved his attention to the next order of business, their destination. A town, city anything would be the perfect place for them to go especially to figure out what this place was and how to get home to where he belonged. Griffon continued on with his speech and certain words caught his attention something that seemed to appeal to this other side of his. Holy Knights. These knights sounded like his type of people, people he could relate to people that could help him, that he could help. His mind was now lost in thought even as he traveled with them to the edge of this forest and into it sorrowful...evil depths and yet never had his mind calmed from the thoughts that lingered...


Then everything was Black...
As they stood at the edge of the forest Fraks eyes searched within the shadows and he softly swept one leg back and forth before turning to look at the human and the steed. He stared for a moment weighing up the situation... One was injured, silent and slow... The other was strong, fast and steed like... Frak was small, smart and had a voice in his head which refused to shut up.

'What are we searching for?'

He looked up to the steed and held out his hand. "FRAK NEED GREEN STUFF! LEAD FRAK TO WHAT FRAK HIDE!" He looked back into the forest and smirked as his eyes began to brighten, the shadows fading from his view as everything turned orange, he could see better in the dark than he could in the day for as long as he could remember... Unfortunately at this moment in time that was only a few hours, but regardless that was long enough.

'Who are you shouting at?'
'You're the only loud one?'
'You're... Hearing things aren't you?'

It was unusual the way Frak worked at times. "NO IT'S NOT!" Though that didn't stop him from focusing on the tasks at hand... To locate "THE ITEM FRAK HIDE! WE KNOW LOUD VOICE!"
Griffin looked down to Frak, almost appalled the Goblin was going to ask him for anything, let alone the vial of green. If there was one item in this world that griffin would not give him, it was this vial. "No I can't give you this. I need it for my own answers.." His words trailed off as he reflected on the past. The war, the loss of family and then his sister who had been lost to him as well during the attack. It was scattered memories anymore... Griffin had been hunting for so long and well his mentality was broken to pieces with his accepted powers. All that mattered was the little girl's face that seemed to gleam through the abyss whenever he closed his eyes. A soft whisper passed his lips.


Griffin continued forward. His contact was in this village.. and if nothing else he would have answers finally.
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