The world of Norindul

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@Lyla : Spirit

Sean wished desperately that could could provide Nova with answers, but all he could do was stand there, arms hung limp at his sides, and his eyes closed. "I'm sorry Nova" He muttered as he stepped towards her and knelt at her side. He felt presumptuous for his urges here but slowly, with unpracticed caution Sean brought his hand to softly stroke against the white fur of the wolf beside him. Sean lowered his eyes to the water for the first time himself and let his mind wander as he absent mindedly pet Nova hoping to provide even a little comfort.

What stared back was no human, no face that Sean could have recognized, it was as though the face of the jester he'd donned the night before had changed him entirely. His lips were thin, his flesh still a pale tone as it had been, but his eyes, unlike their normal blue color, were a piercing... golden color with the slightest black slit that looked almost draconic in nature. He was surprised that he hadn't terrified Nova when first she'd seen him. Sean brought his free hand through his hair, and found that it had grown several inches in a night. His hand felt warm almost hot as he touched his scalp, and then lowered it to look. indents of lizard like scales imprinted his body all over, and red symbols... images he couldn't quite figure out were printed across his flesh in odd places. His face had a similar red in the shape of crescents that went around his eyes and over his cheeks... Sean raised a hand to touch the marks and found they were just as much a part of his flesh as the rest. "What the hell happened." He questioned under his breath then turned back towards the forest.

A sigh parted his lips as he felt the wolf next to him shiver. Nothing about this was right, it was strange and they didn't understand, but someone had to stand up here.... and that meant for now... he had to put his biggest worry aside... Sean remembered the woman Fate was her name.. the nurse and what she'd said to him... His heart hurt as he remembered Hailey's body, the way she lay there.... how he'd held her cold hand in his... and then.. this.. his vow, the choice he'd made.... It was then.. that everything changed.. and strangely that gave Sean a crazy kind of hope... and the will that he needed to do what he must.

"Red will be returning soon I'm sure. When he gets back we will see what changes have happened to him too..." He stopped petting Nova as he stood up from the ground and walked over to a large plant, cupping a thick and leathery looking leaf in his hands. Sean crouched next to the water and dipped the leaf. "I can't give you any answers.. Nova.. but im happy that your here with me regardless of what you've become... or what I'v become.. We can't afford to break down here... Not until we know more about where we are, and what happened last night..." Sean pulled the leaf from the water and cupped it tight in his hands so that no water could escape. "Let me see your paw Nova... " he knew it would hurt the girl to hear him say that, but it was better they accepted this than tried to run from it... something wasn't right.. and they had to figure that out before anything could be done. "It is going to sting a bit.. but bare with me, I'm going to scrub the wound out so that it doesn't infect as easily... When Red gets back we will see what we can do from here..." Sean smiled to her as he might normally but it wasn't the same.. Fangs protuded from behind his lips, but even with deep golden eyes.. He was still Sean. Nova hadn't known him for long, but He was Sean, a silly little jester she'd met at the dance.

"If it helps any, Wolves are my favorite animals... and its somewhat exciting to be so close to one.. your coat it beautiful."
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Lucine Valdis Silisra
★Bordering forest of Skhyin★

A finely kept nail rasped against the hilt of the rapier strapped to a slim waist, a small thrum of recognition causing a small but beautiful smile upon lightly red painted lips. Aquatic blue orbs studied the forestry around them with a cold glimmer, excitement fueling the vibrancy in them. Blood would surely be spilled. A soft breath caused her chest to heave, taking in the earthy scent around her, before she looked towards the other forms that stood out in the nearby area as well. Vampires. Each one was of the infamous Silisra and each one was on this Lycan hunting party.

Lucine, known as Lucy to very few, was stood within the center of the large group as she hummed a gentle hum. The tune was dull, almost threatening in its low key, her eyes travelling the scenery. She wore her usual garments, a black and gray form fitting dress than fell just below her ankles but not to the floor, a slit cutting up its side to reveal her leg and heeled boots. A waist length thin ponytail of blonde, nearly white, locks shifted in the minor breeze within the confines of the silver clasp that kept her longer hair away from the short locks, just reaching halfway down her neck. A smile flitted politely, darkly, upon her features with its deceptive appearance.

Her first time leading a hunt had sent shivers of excitement down her spine, a moment of predatory power. A hunt for Lycans. The beings that opposed them deserved nothing more than to be hunted down like a game, like vermin released from a clawed trap just to be hunted after once again. Lucine had bore an emotive expression for the past few hours as just then her mother, head of the Silisra, had told her she was now to lead a hunt. She was responsible and bound by the ever present weight of her duty.

Though her excitement was present, her expression was still quite dull as one would notice. Even if this her first time at leading the party, her mother had not left her without someone to supervise. Lucine expected nothing less. Iridel Silisra. Aqua blue gaze stared at the noble vampire by her side for a moment before returning to studying the area. Relaxing herself, Lucine turned her attention to Iridel as the formation had been put in place, rigid in its structure. Lucine's gaze itself never strayed from the forest border before them.

"How long do you believe it will take for ... one of them to appear?"

iridel's eyes darted about him ever vigilant in his search as the formation crept further into the forest. The vampire had blonde hair, his hair tugged back in fine lines to pronounce his nobility, and at his side a very broad looking sort of saber sat at his waist. A cloak covered his predominate right hand, and his white luxor tunic and the crimson red color of its accenting were notable to all who stood with him. This was not his time however, and Iridel knew this well.

Calm, and relaxing like a soft and alluring song, a feathery tenor song spread from the noble's lips. "Lucine, stay watchful, the Lycan will not attack us so openly, they would first come from behind us. At next if they are common pups they will attack us at our side." Iridel smirked and closed his eyes then, just as the song of the wild filled the night. The howl of the wolves pierced the veil of silence and Iridel drew his sword. "They come... "

A squeeze of the noble's hand as his swords' hilt cut him and drank his blood. The silver of the blade instantly coated in deep crimson. Iridel stepped forward. "Lucine when they attack our rear, they will expect us to turn on them in that moment there is a single moment where they will attack from our side.. they will be going for you, that is our job... as your guardians. Stay vigilant and command your men well i believe in you." iridel ended his speech just as the other noble with them did the same as he had and the two stepped forward.

All at once the Lycan came, Roaring out in a fury they charged from the rear, just as Iridel had said they would. The Bowmen turned and opened fire, and the formation split. Just as three large Lycan charged through that very opening. Iridel stepped forward and caught the crashing claw of the first of the Lycan, before turning once and splitting the first in half with a single swing of his sword. The other noble intercepted the other and the two noble body guard held the side flank while the formation rebuilt itself around Lucine. The hunt was on.
Collab between Chris, Sonet and Echo

Chris woke to all the commotion that was going on outside. As he started to move he noticed how cold he was. He moved his hands up and down his arms, trying to warm up a bit, and noticed significantly more muscles that he knew he didn't have before. Looking down at himself he could see this wasn't his body, and that whatever body he was in, it was naked. Quietly freaking out he looked around the shack. His eyes landed on a naked redheaded elf like girl next to him, and another almost identical naked elf girl across the room with violet hair. Chris started to think hard about the last thing that he could remember, before all this weird shit, but all he could remember was being at the party with Sonet and Echo. His eyes widened as he turned to the red haired elf next to him. "Sonet is that you?"

She looked back at him with wide, golden eyes, clearly confused by the sight in front of her. As she stared him down her hands lifted to rub over her own naked arms. Goosebumps covered the girl head to toe. "Chris? What the fuck... Why do you look so...? And where are we??"

He moved closer to her, speaking softly. "I don't know lil bit, your guess is as good as mine." Chris wrapped his arms around her, trying to warm her up a bit while he looked around the old little shack they were. He hoped to find something that would warm them up, but at first glance he saw nothing.

Once again he heard a noise from outside that he could hardly understand. All he managed to hear was "the pack is coming". Chris turned to the violet haired elf, assuming it was Echo, and asked her, "What's going on out there?"

Echo whirled around, eyes wide as she looked between her sister and Chris. "I don't know, everyone's running away. It looks like a blizzard is coming. But they're shouting about Garrun's Pack, whatever that means..."

Leaning into Chris' extremely unfamiliar chest, Sonet looked back at her sister, confusion turning to concern. "Echo, get back from the door." Always the protective one. Echo obeyed her sister and trotted over to them, trying unsuccessfully to cover up what little of herself she could with her hair and hands. Echo ducked down beside a bale of hay next to them. "What should we do? Everyone's running away, but I don't think we'll handle that storm like this..."

Chris agreed with Echo. They wouldn't be able to survive in that bad of a blizzard. "We need to stay put until this weather calms down, and maybe look around for something to wear. Or maybe a clue as to where we are." Chris kissed Sonet on her forehead.

"Stay put while I try to find something useful in here." He slowly started to look around through the numerous piles of hay and barrels. Meanwhile, Sonet gathered hay and barrels in a pile toward the back of the room. If anything she figured they could hide behind it, should someone search the shack.

After about five minutes of searching Chris came across a wooden chest with some old worn-down clothes in it. "Now this is useful," said Chris with a smile on his face, picking up the chest and carrying it over to Sonet and Echo. He noticed how light it was thanks to his new muscular body. After setting down the chest in front of them Chris went through it and pulled out a pair of pants that was clearly for a much shorter man, and a shirt that would be really tight on him. He started to think to himself how he could better fit in these if only he were back in his own body.

As Echo and Sonet dressed in the other similar clothes, Chris went to the door to get a look at the blizzard himself. It was still going strong, and he could barely see anything through the cracks in the door.

"We should hide, Chris. If something's coming, I don't want to be found." Sonet called from across the shack. The rags they'd thrown on were much too big for their bodies, but they would have to do in this cold. Sonet tossed handfuls of hay on their makeshift trench to camouflage it with the rest of the room, hoping that it would be enough to keep them warm and safe. Having done the best she could, Echo curled up behind the wall of barrels and hay. Sonet soon joined her, followed by Chris, and they settled in for the long hall silently. Any answers to their confusion would have to wait for this storm to pass.​
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@Alyssa Carlene
Jaya grinned at Jo despite it all. Between her companionship and the somehow comforting heat, she let herself have a flicker of hope. They'd figure something out.
Jo was tracing the henna on her hand, and Jaya took a little time to properly inspect it. At first glance, it appeared to be the usual delicate flowery patterns, but looking closer, it was far more. Intricate beyond belief, vaguely geometric, with thin lines of what might have been some undecipherable script; the ink covered her hands and followed the lines of her anatomy. They curled along ligaments and muscles, splashing down her back and chest and splitting down her legs. Her skin was maybe 30 percent decorated.
"I just don't understand what's going on," confessed Jaya. "I mean, nothing makes sense. What is this place? I know white slavery's still a thing, but this is like something straight out of a messed up fantasy novel."
The caravan marched on through the sand and dust. Wagon wheels crunched on the terrain, and the calls and whip cracks of the slavers echoed amongst the dunes. The cage was made of rough, splintery wood. Wide planks made the roof and bottom, keeping the slaves from burning in the sun, while thick bars of wood made the sides. The hot air moved sluggishly through the cages, doing nothing to cool them off, but keeping them from suffocating.
"I mean, it could be so much worse," Jaya admitted with a cold shudder. Instinctually, she tried to cross her legs again, despite not having to hide her identity anymore. It was one hell of a fucked up silver lining, one that would've been covered by her mom's health insurance when she was ready anyway. She'd rather be home.
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The night passed slowly, his dreams dull and heavy, just once he would like to have something nice. Something that made him wake in fear, though he knew it wasn't possible. He couldn't shoot up in his bed and scream, he couldn't even raise his finger to point, that was his life. Moved around and spoken for... Just once he would like to wake up as someone new...

He opened his eyes slowly to the sound of unfamiliar voices, though the sun blinding he shut them tightly and rolled to his covering covering his eyes with his face, soft murmurs escaping his lips about how annoying the sun is. "Do you know who I am!!!" The voice rose up from the distance. "Vilectis!! from the House of Velmont!" The covered his ears with his other hand and buried his head in the rough pillow like mount.

The muffled sounds of someone screaming then people laughing grew distant, he tossed and turned before sitting up and looking around rubbing his eyes. "Where I?" He paused instantly and looked at his hands, the way the fingers moved, how he could open and close them. "What this?!" He jumped to his feet with excitement filling him before looking around frantically. "Mom! Pa! Cured I!!!!"

Suddenly the speech hit him, these weren't the words he was thinking of? He knew exactly what to say but when he tried they weren't what he wanted... "I not correctly say! Why this? Is problem!!!!" He fell down onto his arse, his eyes swelling with tears, he was so close to being normal again, to being able to live his life how he wanted too for so many years, yet as he wiped the tears from his eyes something else caught him by surprise. "Blue... Skin blue?!" He threw his arms away as if trying to rip them from his body but he had no luck, they were real... They were his.

"What happen Frak?... Frak?... Frak who?" He squirmed as he struggled to work out why when he spoke his name he said Frak... Who was Frak? What was a Frak to begin with? It was like with every movement, word and question, answers came from no where but they made perfect sense to him.

"Frak is Frak! Frak is good boy! Frak need food! Need clothes!" It made sense to him what he said, though only because he thought of each sentence correctly... His mind was perfect, but somewhere between his brain and his mouth things went wrong... Regardless... Where was he? "FRAK GO LOOK!" his voice truly awoke and he smiled to himself. "FRAK FEEL WEIRD! FRAK KNOW THIS DREAM! FRAK HAPPY THOUGH! HAPPY DREAM HAS HAPPY FRAK!"

He looked around and saw several people walking away, maybe they could help him... Though didn't he hear someone shouting? Then a scream... Then laughter... Probably a bad group to ask for help from. Where was a sat nav when it was needed? "FRAK NEED TO SIT ON NAV! THEN IT LEAD FRAK TO BUSY PLACE!" Not quite what he wanted to say, but it was close enough... So far, best dream in 4 years!
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The word echoed in his head for a second as the lord spoke, the word he had heard before this day. He thought wracking his brain for each word he had heard while on the force, or even on the late night movies that came on FX. Each time the word circled his mind it echoed as if the word was used a lot in something that he was close to..Their life-blood was so perfect, the sweet succulent taste was enough to drive any man wild. It was all I needed to survive, to drive the knife into their skin and watch as the thick....David remembered almost immediately, the Nosferatu of Nightingale, he was a serial killer that drained the victims of their blood after brutally killing them with a knife. He called blood by the same name only if thats what he meant it as, the man or lord as he called himself that rode ahead of him could be the same as The Nosferatu, a murderer. If that was the case David needed to get away from here as soon as possible, and the only way out was into the direction to the east.

David waited until the lord took his place at the head of the trotting pack before he made his move. A soldier trained to be in enemy territory, he was outnumbered and outclassed but his training would prevail. He shifted his right arm out to the side of him slamming it into the chest of the vampire on the horse to his right, the vampire slid from its saddle and hit the ground a smoking coming from his chest. David only hit him with his bare hand yet it seemed as if a fire had hit his chest (dont you love accidentally smiting a being of evil). He didn't even give the other men time to react before he grabbed the reins of the horse he sat on and shifted it so it went into a gallop to the east taking off into the barren wasteland. The horse took off and he hoped with every fiber in his being that the killer didnt chase him, didnt try and catch him.
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Lucine Valdis Silisra
★Bordering forest of Skhyin★

Lucine simply nodded at her fellow noble, his words settling upon her conscious mind as she continued to face the direction that she knew would leave her back exposed to the wolves, ignoring the bowmen behind her of course. "I'm curious to what drives them to come out so openly.." She mumbled to herself as a soft sigh parted from red lips, corners twitching into a faint grin at the howl. "Maybe we should take a trophy for mother~" Lucine cooed in a loving tone as she spun around upon the heels of her boots, crystal clear blue orbs would stare at the approaching wolves with malice. Lucine was intoxicated on the thrill of the hunt, though she kept herself calm, mostly.

The Bowmen shot and the nobles, her guardians, shot forwards to engage two out of three of the beasts and Iridel had already slashed through one of those mighty forms. Steeling herself, her expression loosing its twisted and malicious curves, as she gave a glance to the rest of the hunting party. Her attention first shifted to the two that held spears within their grasps. "Remain close, if any of them try to escape, run them through." She hissed out, strangely calm as she then turned to the sword wielders before glancing back to the nobles. Iridel would hopefully go to help his fellow noble and so she just nodded. "Stay with me."

Blue orbs flicked over to the one that so predictably came bolting towards her as her own fangs became visible, a dainty hand slipping up to the curve of her waist before grasping at the hilt of the rapier that was perched there. Pulling it free of the clasp there was a comfortable hum of familiarity before there was a momentary pause and then pain. Her rapier pierced the flesh of her hand and Lucine grinned in apprehension. Scarlet red drops fall upon the curves of the weapon, lighting it in a momentary hue of red before the silver was consumed by the dull shade.

With intent to reach up and bring its claws down to tear her apart, the beast had leaped into the air to use the force of the downfall behind its slash. Lucine shifting into a loose stance before she took a short step forwards, swinging her arm around to bring her rapier against the claws of the Lycan. Silence reigned for a brief second before the clash created a shock wave, the force causing Lucine to jump back to avoid being pushed back. In the moment that the save settled, the two common vampires had moved ahead of her to engage the beast, though Aello, her rapier would be needed to finally take the breath from the creature due to infusion of blood in the mix.

Her gaze soon narrowed and her lips pursed, thoughts keeping her a second before she took a few steps back towards the Lycan, grip on Aello growing tighter before Lucine rushed forwards. She would not risk the lives of the two swordsman much longer. Having gotten close once more, Lucine planned to use the beast's lack of attention on her to slash at its front. Though she doubted it would be easy, the beast had turned in its space at that point, its previous attack at the other two forced them back and so it had enough time to retaliate against her attack, its claws clashing once again against her rapier with the same results.

However, this time she held her ground before both parties withdrew themselves before clashing once more. Lucine's mind was focusing intently on her movements, her posture and position to keep her from making a mistake that could cost her injury. She also was trying to avoid snarling jaws that snapped out of her every few movements, intent on tearing her throat out.
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@Qu'ess Baenre @Rhubarbarian

The hoods had not been expecting a human of all races to be so defilant. Vilectis smirked as he noticed the first of his men flung from their horse. The vampire grasped at his chest in agony and hissed out a series of curses, and Vilectis approached the lesser. "You let my pet escape... " Was all he said as he bore his deep blood red eyes into his servants soul. Then lifted the man with his left hand, before running his long Knightly sword through the vampires heart and tossing his ashes to the wind. "Kill the human.. i have no use for defiant food..." Vilectis sheathed his weapon then and got back on his horse, heading north back to the manor.

Instantly his men mounted upon their steeds and took off, drawing their weapons. Six of them drew cross bows and fired after the runaway, bolts whizzing just past his ear, one of those bolts clipped his side and left a tear into his flesh. lukily those tips were not coated in venom, a cocky move the vampires might come to regret. Their horses were fast however, and trained for this sort of chase, as they were slavers.. and the human was not in familiar grounds. The vampire at the lead called out to David. "Surrender, and perhaps Vilectis will allow you lick his boot, livestock!" He hissed and wrapped at his horse to make it go faster quickly closing in on David and the others were not far behind.


"Well i can't say its strange but you certainly are talkative."

A cool rough voice passed through the air from behind Frak, a towering man stood shadowing Frak from behind as he watched the chase from afar. Griffin looked down at the Goblin at his feet. "it will not be pleasant here soon, I advise you take your leave goblin.." Frak looking up to the man would see that he was not human. His skin was almost a pale bluish white. His eyes were black with golden slits, and he had a series of black and red markings that coated his body from head to toe. If that weren't enough... his Arm was nothing like that of a humans, and he bore horns and spines throughout his body. His aura swarming with shadow like wisps.


"Stay back.. I am going to help the human.."

With little more than that said... Griffin started down the hill towards the riders. At first it was by simple stride, but soon his speed increased, and before long the towering man was rushing down the hill with a speed that was inhuman. His body darted in and out of existence as he blended with shadows and came upon the first of the rear guard vampires. grabbing the horse by its hoof as he flung the mount into a nearby wall. The vampire tumbled to the ground and before it could retaliate Griffin drew his larger blade and chopped the vampire in half with a strong slice which let loose a torrent of black chaotic energy killing three of the other horses in a single go. By this point the vampires chasing David turned back to see the disturbance, and looked upon... a Demon.

Griffin did not stop. A slow walk, a flick of his wrist to discard ash and blood from the slain vampire and he made it clear that he didn't intend to stop until every one of them was dead...
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A voice appeared behind him as he slowly hobbled after the other people he saw, though as he turned around what stood before him was no mere man. "YOU FUNNY LOOK! FRAK THINK YOU MAKE GOOD STEED!" Though before he could do anything the man rushed past him saying about how he would help a human... So humans existed here as well? That was good, they would be able to understand Frak while he was here... Maybe?

Frak smiled and jogged after the large weird looking man before keeping to his word. The being burst into a run and Frak held onto the horn with glee in his eyes. "FRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKK!" He screamed a battle cry only suitable for someone of his sort, and before him he saw people vanish among the disaster his new steed had brought upon them. He leapt from the back of the steed and did what Frak did best... Steal.

Daggers, crossbows, rags which could be used as clothes, belts, shows, it was all perfect and torn. Frak was filled with glee. As he turned back he saw his steed walking off again and he sighed with annoyance. "THIS WHY FRAK NO LIKE HORSES! THEY WANDER! THIS STEED BEST BEHAVE!" He ran and jumped back onto his steed before firing his crossbow wildly towards the other people on horses, the shot was off by miles but their eyes watched the bolt. "THEY ON HORSES... BET THEY OWN CART... CART... CART BAD! CART OWNERS BAD! BURN CART! BURN HORSE! KILL AND ROB OWNER!!!!" Frak loaded the crossbow and fired wildly, an eye removed as he screamed a cry of war.

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Iridel turned just in time to intercept another lycan trying to dart around him, and with the grace of a dancer he sliced the wolves arm from its shoulders. A sinister smile grew wider on the Noble's face as he basked in the glory of the hunt. Iridel was a legendary Lycan huntsmen, and to be here with Lady Lucine upon her first hunt, the honor was almost too much to bare.

"You shall not touch our lady mutt!" Iridel growled out and pierced the lycan through it's heart. Twisting in turn to rip it in half as its corpse fell to the ground and burst into a brilliant crimson red fire. The other noble was doing well to handle his own, and the rest of the party was alright as well. This group. These lycans were nothing. No tactics, no plans... or form... and Iridel was relieved by this for Lucine's sake.

"Prepare to reinforce our lady!" Iridel shouted against the harsh winds.

The lycan before Lucine thrashed wildly ducking around the vampires quick and graceful moves. He was wild, feral even... His claws bore against crimson steel as the shock wave nearly swept him from his feet, barreling into a tree. Lucine was so evenly matched, and yet it was hard for her to gain her advantage against the lycan.

Iridel watched from a distance ready to interfere at a moments notice, but he noticed the pattern of the lycan's attack. His eyes widening as the realization hit him, and before he could stop himself he shouted to the rest of the hunters. "it is stalling, prepare for bat.." His words could not finish before several deathly and precise arrows pierced the hearts and flesh of many of the lesser vampires. Iridel turned to the forest and watched as twelve large men emerged from the thick of the forest. They held bow's They had black, mangy looking hair and their eyes were a piercing gold.

Iridel turned back to Lucine as the other noble at his side moved to stand beside him. The veteran hunter raised his sword to the air as he squeezed it's hilt tighter, the sword itself now dripping blood into the pale white snow. Iridel brought the blade down in a powerful arc as a wave of almost liquid red came from in the wind itself, a terrifying flash of energy and power consuming the forest near them and killing 9 of the lycan on its own. One Spear vanguard, a swordsmen, and the three nobles were all that remained as the remain humans took on their more monstrous forms, and charged them again. The one facing Lucine was now truly going for the kill.
GM Post
Character: Sonet, Echo, Chris
Location: Skh'yin
@Key Tuzi @thcleric

Amidst the roars of the violent wind, a sudden and disturbing call rang out which sent shivers down the spines of the nearby village's inhabitants. The strong cry was soon accompanied with multiple other howls that grew louder with each passing second. Everyone in the town ran with panic, running over and bumping into each other as they screamed. Some tried to enforce direction, but their cries were ignored and even received violent responses.

"They're here!!!" Villagers screamed out in fear, scurrying even faster around as they tried to leave the area, wind and snow whipping at their bodies as if trying to stop them in their paths. The first of the Garrun's to appear did so on the path to the entrance, right in the middle of most of the evacuating locals. Several more jumped out from the neighboring forest blocking those unlucky enough to leave too late. The beasts were covered in dark fur, and stood at about 9 feet tall, towering over the surrounding villagers. Their yellow sharp teeth could be seen between their revolting smiling, just before they pounced, covering their toothy grin in the blood of the nearest unfortunate victim.

Snaps of limbs, ripping of skin, the penetrating screams of residents, the howls of ecstasy from the creatures, one couldn't watch without a stomach of steel. The once white snow was painted in red, with scattered body parts decorating the area. There was no order in the attack, no pattern, no selection in victims, no command, it was just pure merciless murder. Three ravaged at the entrance, taking down any that dared try to pass them, two lingered in the town, taking down any and all they could catch.

Some warriors tried to fight back; slightly large men charged with swords, spears, and maces. Three surrounded one of the lycans, hoping to overpower it. They lunged forward, jabbing at it with their weapons. It was skewered a few times, unfortunately for them not in any fatal places. After dodging a spear it grabbed onto it and swung back pulling the man towards him. As the warrior closed in, a furry clawed hand shot through his chest. When the corpse dropped to the ground from his hand, his heart was all that remained in it. As the lycan squeezed it, he roared at the other two. With quick thinking, one of them plunged his sword through the bottom of its head and out the top. The victory was short lived when suddenly teeth bared down on the man's neck. The latching creature shook its head, violently ripping the warriors head off. Then jumped onto the other's back as he tried to run away, causing the man to tumble to the ground. The lycan stepped on the curve of his back with his full weight, grabbed the man's shoulders and pulled back, ripping him in two.

"They're blocking the entra…" A woman screamed before she was tackled to the ground by another, entering from the back. She stared into his piercing yellow eyes before the creature's jaw wrapped around her entire face, then pulled back with a tight grip, dragging the skin from her skull. After chomping down the flesh, he swiped his long sharp claws across her chest, mutilating it until it exposed her insides. The next moment he stood up, ready to pounce on his next target, but then a something caught his attention, causing him to freeze with his nose high in the air. As he began to sniff, his feet stepped over the disfigured body and started towards the scent. His eyes gazed at the cabin where the odor emanated from. With speed, he ran to the door, bursting through it with ease. Once again the sounds of sniffing filled the air as he got closer and closer to its source.
David, Bastion of Protection

His heart beat almost as fast as the hoofs slamming into the ground beneath him, he had to get away if he didn't it was all over he would not have a life anymore. The vampire that shouted at him inched ever closer to David waiting to claim him in the name of his lord and David refused to become one of their cattle. Soon however it seemed as if the horse beneath David lost its endurance and its will to continue as it slowed and eventually came to a complete stop, he clenched his eyes closed waiting for the man to claim him, but it never came instead silence followed all except a yelling that echoed through. David turned towards the sounds and caught sight of the tall human who seemed to be cutting the men down...but instead of a body left these men became ash leaving David with more questions then answers. Soon there was nothing left but David and his horse, the demonic looking human, and the small leathery creature.

"Who are you people? And who....or what are they?"

Even as he asked the questions he inched closer to the dead men collecting their tattered clothes, eventhough these people had just died in these clothes David was more worried about getting dressed than being out here in the wild naked. Once he was dressed and covered up he then now waited to see if the two...people or things would answer his questions or if they would just walk away leaving David to ponder his own answers. He watched them each of them, the leathery creature seemed to be the most active one there jumping up and down almost excited at the fact they won the battle. The other one seemed stern and more serious than the small creature, he was holding a giant sword and seemed to be shuffling the ash and blood from his arms. David didnt know what to think of at this point, this place had different rules than he was used to everybody had just been murdered and he could do nothing but let it happen..
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Lucine Valdis Silisra
★Bordering forest of Skhyin★

The clashes between the rapier and the mighty claws continued, sparking waves of air from the impact of the blows. Her attention had strayed slightly from her own fight and to the other vampires. Fleeting gazes of hers would flicker over in the moments pause when both her and Lycan prepared themselves for the next blow. Only when the next lycan was cut down did she seem to settle in her position. Eyes steeled themselves upon her opponent as she took a stricter stance and found herself lunging closer towards the lycan, a large arcing slash meeting his claws, this time forcing him back inches.

Her new found concentration did not last long as soon enough she became aware, by scent, of the new lycans who had taken out the hunting party. Her hunting party. A rumbling grown tore itself from her lips as her eyes bore a calm but livid shimmer to the crystal depths, fangs bared past her ruby lips as she could only bare thoughts of ending this, even if she had to take it a step further. The rapier, Aello, bit once more into her blood stained palm as her weapon was encased once more in a furiously burning red glow.

Lucine lunged forwards, the sound of growling tumbling from her lips as anger seeped at the edge of her gaze. Years of training brought a calmness to her despite her anger but it was still there, climbing higher in her consciousness at the fact some of her men had been lost. This was supposed to be her first mission, her intentions to try keep her company alive yet most were now dark ashes in the wind. It was infuriating. The two clashed once more and the impact was larger than before, rumbling the space around them before Lucine pulled her weapon back hurriedly and took a shift forwards.

Her arm was instantly pulled around as she used the proximity to strengthen her blow, a bloody red arc trailing from the edge of her blade. Within seconds the arc had crashed against the upper shoulder of the beast and against its chest, tearing nastily through its fur and then flesh and bone. Lucine spared the creature a momentary, amused glance. There was a pained call and whine but it was soon engulfed in flames that cackled against the air before dying out. Lucine found her gaze slipping to the remaining vampires of the party, a delicately painted frown upon her features before she hurried over to look upon the four remaining lycans that had tried to trap them, her visage calm despite her underlying anger.

"They are smarter than I give them credit..."

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The naked man walked up to Frak and his new steed, his looked scared, wounded and somewhat tiresome. Yet Frak did not care, Frak had steed and weapons and clothes and Steed and pointy things and Steed!

"FRAK IS FRAK! THIS FRAKS STEED! MIGHTY YES?!" He laughed as the stood upon the head of the steed and watched the man rummage through the left over clothes slowly covering himself. Frak jumped down and helped himself through the belongings before he picked up a perfectly dirty knife with a serrated edge, a few more remains searched and he found a bag of dice, some cards and gold coins. "FRAK NEED THIS! THIS IMPORTANT!" He threw the coins away, spread the cards out and then disposed of them and walked off with the dice.

"FRAK ROLL DICE! DICE SHOW HOW STRONG FRAK IS! FRAK SUPER POWER IF HE ROLL 20!" He held up the knife and smiled. "THIS ITEM! DAGGER! PLUS 2 TO SNEAKY SNEAKY!" He looked at his steed and then to the remains of a horse before walking over to it with a saddle. "THIS ITEM! +10 TO MY BUTT COMFORT!"
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@commiepumpkin @jaxattax

Jo caught Jaya's attempt at trying to cover herself up. Jo's eyebrows furrowed as she attempted to figure out why she felt the need to hide herself. She could understand not wanting to be naked together, but they had already see everything the other had to offer at this point. She was about to ask when she saw Jaya's eyes widen at something behind her back.

"What's wro-,"

"I heard you were the two lesbian broads. Why don't you give me a little show birdies? I like good entertainment after being out her a while. Normally, I just take one of you pretty little birds out of the coop and ruffle your feathers, but I wouldn't mind seeing a good show," The slaver leered into the cage, and Jo could feel his ill intentions. They rolled across her skin like a thick slime, raising goosebumps despite the heat. Jo didn't dare move. She looked to Jaya, but she was watching the man behind her. Neither one moved, they barely even breathed. She could feel the tension in the air, but didn't have the guts to break it. Jo knew that if she moved first she would lose.

Eventually, the man started to growl in his throat. He banged at the wooden bars, making Jo jump. Her heart was racing, but still she made no move.

"I said I wanted a fucking show, you bitches," The man moved toward the cage and reached through the bars to touch Jo's ass, "You, the fat one, lick the other's cunt. I wanna see some fucking action!"

Jo squealed at the calloused hand grouping her backside. The cage was small, but she didn't want to be anywhere near the slaver. Jo quickly turned her back to Jaya and began to fall backwards. Jaya tried to scramble back, to avoid being touched, but Jo tumbled in between her legs. Jaya's whole body tensed up and Jo could feel her discomfort and placed a hand on her knee to try and calm her.

"Get away from us," Jo stared into the slaver's eyes, unwavering.

"Oh, you want to put up a fight, dove?" The slaver got an evil glint in his eyes, like he couldn't decide if he wanted to take Jo or snap her neck.

Another man approached the brute, "What are you doing? I told all of you that these ones were off limits! They will fetch a pretty penny at Rat's Nest when we sell them as a pair of lovers. Don't touch them or I'll cut off your damn hands," He slapped the hulking man upside the head and walked towards the front of the caravan.

Their tormenter watched the commander go, but turned back to them once he was out of sight, "I'll be back to teach you a lesson, you filthy mutt."

Jo watched as he stomped away toward the back of the wagon and climb onto the last cart. After he was out of sight, she gingerly removed herself from Jaya's lap and sat down on the other side, mindful of how close to the bars she was sitting. Jo looked up at Jaya and her heart clenched, "Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I? I just needed to get away from the bars and…" She looked up from under eye lids, "I'm sorry. This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't lost it when they took us. Or maybe if I had fought them a little harder before they touched you. I just couldn't see them treat you like that. I wanted to rip him apart when I saw him touch you. I, I just wish I knew what to do."

Fat tears began to roll down Jo's cheeks. She was scared, confused, and angry at everything that was happening. I just want us to go home.
Frak stood there holding the saddle and pointing towards his rear end before he realised the steed had not only the brute force of a falling over mountain goat, but also the comprehension of how important butt comfort was that could only be compared to a butt'less fish that spent it's like chewing on butt fat... This made Frak sad due to the fact he needed a smart steed so that he could leave it alone for five minutes without worrying that it had got it's head stuck in a horses mouth while searching for a steak made of cabbage.

"STEEEEEEEEED NOT DO WHAT FRAK WANT!" It wasn't difficult for Frak to get bored waiting for something. 'You know... This would probably be a good time to consider why I'm dreaming...' Freddie thought while Frak stomped his feet at the steed. "FRAK DREAM BECAUSE DREAMS TASTY!". Frak was incapable of thinking back silently, and instead displayed the inner workings of his mind for all to see... Like a ant walking on a tightrope... It was entertaining and impressive, yet impossible for anyone to actually comprehend or see.

'Wait... Why did I should that?' Freddie asked himself silently within Fraks mind.
'Wait... The dream is talking too me?'
'So what does Frak think we should do?'
'Like what?'

The mind went silent for a few minutes and then his eyes lit up again. "FRAK NEED TO FIND BOAT! FRAK WANT TRY THING!" He went to move and was stuck on the spot. He looked at his hands and noticed that the sword the steed had used to murder the people and horses was holding him back... Without the steed attached. "FRAK GOT WEAPON! WEAPON TOO LARGE FOR FRAK... FRAK SELL WEAPON!" He slowly began to drag it across the floor as he aimed his way in the direction he believed there would be a boat... Unfortunately Frak believed everything.
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Five of the party remained. Iridel looked about and scowled noticing that the other lessers were shaking as the remaining number of lycan surrounded them. Lucine had handled her own threat expertly, and he was proud to see her shine in this fight. Iridel knew how short lived a victory of this sort would be however... and decided then, that this had to end here. "Forgive me Lucine.. im going to finish this here... " He stated boldly before stepping out from the rest of the hunting party and flicking his sword to the side. A smirk played at his lips and he stepped forward just the four remaining lycan crawled toward him. "You should have brought a leader.. perhaps then your ambush would have worked... however.." Iridel hissed and clenched his fist tight around the sword, blood dripping from his hand as he waited for the first of the lycan to jump him. A swift flash of his blade as the lycan set to crimson fire, the next one was already impaled by the nobles blade, just as an arrow moved towards his side... The vampire far to quick killed the shooter, and then reappeared before the other lycan. His free hand grasped as the wolf's throat and then he slammed it into the ground before Lucine... "The last of them.. the honor is yours.. my princess..." he said bowing at her feet as he held the lycan down sturggling not to crush the creatures throat here and now. All that was left now was Lucine's judgement.
Lucine Valdis Silisra
★Bordering forest of Skhyin★


Lucine was alerted to the shudders and feelings of fear that bore so evidently from her men quite later, her latent anger burning at her mind within its fury and guiding her attention to the creatures she labelled as nothing more than scum, lowly, undeserving scum. However, once she had taken note, Lucine relaxed her posture considerably, faintly gazing at the remaining common vampires softly before her attention was upon Iridel as her expression once more took its monotonous form, eyes silently studying the noble before the lycans.

"Please do, Iridel. I do not wish to drag this out, being near them is enough to disgust me."

Her words were, as usual, spoken gently and with a false kindness that would send a shiver down the spine of many. Lucine could whisper promises of death and slowly dealt out pain in a tone that only a lover would hold, or that of a close friend. It was a terrifying trait. A soft grin spiked at the corners of her lips as she watched the consumption of each form in raging flames, crackling at the air audibly that arose a small chuckle from her form. While she hated them, how they died once they met Iridel's blade was amusing and she would silently thank them for the fleeting entertainment they provided.

When the flames left her line of sight and her senses brought an icy blue gaze to Iridel and the held down lycan, Lucine simply stared with an unreadable expression at the beast and the kneeling noble. There was nothing there that would indicate her actions, even if as a Silisra they would be predictable. It struggled against its grip and faintly, Lucine wondered what it thought at this very moment, brought down before her. She did not go as far as to think that this beast had a name, a past or even something to go back to. It's existence simply repulsed her, downgrading it to nothing more than beast in her gaze.

With Aello still glazed in the unearthly hue of red, Lucine came closer and would turn her attention to Iridel. Her posture was relaxed and bore no signs of caution or guard due to the trust she had in the noble. "Thank you, Iridel." Her words lost their dangerous edge from before, a faint smile to her lips. "I am honored that my mother would ask you to accompany upon this mission." Her arm raised with a certain poise and elegance to the swing before she sent it down, a glimmer to her gaze, as the trail of red soon spread across the lycan's neck as if a silk ribbon before it sliced the flesh with a familiar ease.

Lucine decapitated it.

As she watched the familiar flames she found herself taking a few steps back to glance back to the remaining common vampires and noble, lips pursed in thought. "I say that we return back. I must inform them of this ambush and our loss." Internally, the loss damaged her pride more than she would admit but externally there was no sign of even loss, unless one could fully read the crystal blue pools that flitted aimlessly between them all. Lucine left no moment for any words to be spoke before she shifted upon her heels, taking a small spin around as the skirt of her dress fluttered for a moment around her ankles, already the vampire headed back. She stood alone, at the front, for a while and so she found herself with a hand pressed against her cheek, scowl upon her expression as she glared at the ground as if willing the surface to burst into flames at her very thoughts.

"I will receive so much criticism for this..."

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@Qu'ess Baenre @Rhubarbarian

The vampires died one by one, useless cattle before a monster, a labeled monster once a man. The final of them turned to ash under Griffin's demonic grasp and finally Griffin stepped forward to see David with glowing golden eyes. There was a truly menacing force about him that made David uncomfortable instantly, but on the other hand' this was the creature that had just saved him as well.

"Grim... was all that Griffin responded with turning his attention instead to the loud mouth goblin."

His steps left behind black fire as he approached the little blue creature and glared. "You are a very ungrateful little rot... If you think to climb me again... i will not warn you..." Griffin turned from Frak again and dug in one of the pile of ash, to find a vial of some green liquid. 'Good.." he stated coldly before tossing a thin looking sword to David, his back turned instantly after that. "If you think to use it on me I will kill you without a thought... it is for your protection.. at the very least you will need that to have a chance at surviving Ividel." Griffin motioned to put his own sword away... and noticed only half way through the action, that it was no longer in his hand. a growl ripped through the air as his aura extended around him and obsidian black and blue fires hissed towards the sky like a vengeful tower.

In the distance Frak was half way along his way... Griffin could see him dragging his sword away.

Griffin started towards the goblin, drawing the smaller of his weapons as he got closer, every one of his steps closer to six of the goblins. "I warned you once goblin.... you did not heed me.." His free hand extended and an obsidian fire consumed his demonic arm a sphere of power rose in one hand as he pointed it towards the goblin. "You're old for a goblin anyways... it would appear it is your time.." He hissed under his breath, almost reluctant to let loose his rage... almost...
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