The Wolf Pack

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Difference stood on the top of the hills, overlooking the forest. He loved it there, because it made him feel powerful. Like he owned the place. He saw all sorts on the hills. Lakes, Streams, and other wolves. The wind blew harshly and his fur ruffled in the breeze. Pure bliss.
Suddenly, there was a shadow, behind him. He turned around, and there was Jester. He smiled at Difference, revealing sharp teeth. ' So they've agreed to stay? ' He asked calmly, turning back to face the other hills.
' Uh yeah. ' Jester paused, his eyes gliding towards the beautiful view. It overlooked everything.
' You think they bought my story about the forest disappearing? '
He chuckled at the thought.
' Yeah. They ain't the brightest tools in the toolbox. '
' Remember Jester. We have to make a big show of welcoming them. A big show. Settle them down before they find out. I'll give the main leader wolf a position of power. Convince them. '
' And what about me? ' Jester raised an eyebrow. ' What do I tell them? '
Difference smiled. ' Tell them what they want to hear. Let them want to believe the lies. '
' I bet theyre spies. You know, the Jordan Gang. '
' Difference, you're being paranoid, ' Jester interrupted.
Difference remained calm, and stared Jester down with his unsettling gaze.
' What did you do with the Partners? '
Difference asked, with a slight hint of interest in his voice. Oh Jester could be sly. Sneaky. Believable. That's what he liked about his deputy.
' Hah. Sent them on a wild goose chase back in er, Bemidji? They're gonna be so pissed when they get back. '
Difference let out a harsh laugh. ' Good. Good. '
' And anyway. Being paranoid is good. Keeps you alive. ' Difference added calmly.
' Hm. Yeah. ' Jester didn't look so convinced.
' Remeber Jester. Butter them up. Bring out the best meat we have, and welcome them. Enough so they want to stay. More wolves, equals more power. '
' Yeah... ' Jester nodded.
' First I'll break them. All the wolves that don't obey my orders. And only when all the wolves of the forest come crawling on their knees grovelling at my feet, will I let them have the tiniest glimpse of my power. '

' Suns going down Difference. ' Jester nodded at the sky.
Difference seemed to ignore Jester.
' You and I, will have to work really hard tonight. Charm our way into their heads. '
Jester smirked at that. ' You've got a devious mind, Difference. '

' The wolves of the forest need a new leader, Jester. A ruthless, decisive, powerful leader. ' Difference added, straightening up.
Yeah. Ruthless, decisive, powerful, and more than a little bit nuts.
Jester thought.
Caila noticed that Agro had slunk behind, and she slowed her pace to see what was going on, and if there were any threats. Looking at the wolf who she had once been so close to was like staring into the sun, causing her pain when she looked for too long and saw in the reflection of his bright eyes all the memories they had shared. Biting her lip aggressively, the she-wolf thrust her head down and stalked forward, angry at herself and the world for burdening her with responsibility she didn't want. Leaving had torn a hole in the spot where she was supposed to be, and now she'd returned, her puzzle piece no longer fit.
Mawe watched Caila, saw how her sleek muscles tensed beneath her well-kept chocolate pelt. It hurt him to see her so pained, so attacked by vicious memories of her shadowy past with these wolves.

Kona sat alone in the darkening wood. When Galenia had rushed off, she watched Ferrin hurry after her, wondering why he'd done so when it was clear she wasn't interested. Her jaw was clenched, and so wrapped up was the troubled wolf in her thoughts that she didn't notice her draconian teeth beginning to push through, the dull ache seemingly drowned in her brain's activities.
Why do wolves tend to get so attached? she wondered, her brows furrowing over golden eyes that were washing over in crimson without their owner's notice. Why do they build themselves up, only to be knocked back, and then believe they still have a chance? Her bony shoulder blades felt hot, but Kona barely registered the changes as the curse that had been living in her brain spread through her body.
Why would Ferrin bother with Galenia, anyway? Why are even the cleverest of minds poisoned with the impossible idea of lov-- A searing agony ripped through the she-wolf's muscles and she yelped aloud, her muzzle slamming into her collarbone, chest heaving suddenly. Blood dripped through her neck fur and onto the ground as enormous, deep brown feathered wings unfurled from her shoulders, twitching with energy. Kona gasped weakly. She looked up, her eyes completely scarlet. It seemed, as she stalked into the evening, that Ferrin had not noticed that the evil curse laid on his childhood friend had stolen her ability to love.
Kona made no sound as she moved soundlessly through the wood. Her huge wings, adorned with russet, tan and coffee feathers, were folded neatly on her back. Scarlet eyes glared hatefully at every tree she passed. Beneath her dragon-like exterior, the brave young she-wolf's bright mind was working furiously, trying to place where she was in the forest.
"Alone is what I have," she muttered to herself, glancing at the empty space beside her where Ferrin would usually stroll, playfully nudging her and keeping her troubled mind cheerful. "Alone protects me." She padded by a small pool, and stared at her reflection in it. Blood-coloured eyes burned like hot coals in her young face, enormous wings fidgeting as they rested on her back. Large ears twitched and a graceful tail beat the air rhythmically. She was the creation of heartless demon wolves playing with dark magic, and every step she took sent a new shock of pain into her mind, which was already twisted with depression, a mild dose of psychopathy and frequent thoughts of suicide.
* Shaking her head furiously (half at the sight of herself and half to try and deter the whispering, maddening voices in her brain) the she-wolf left the pool's glittering surface and crept into the darkness again.
"Alone is what I have," she murmured once more, trying to console her desperately lonely heart. "Alone protects--"

You've got a devious mind, Difference.
Voices. Kona heard a voice speaking with authority into the night, and she pricked her ears.
The wolves of this forest need a new leader, Jester. A ruthless, decisive, powerful leader.
A different voice this time, but both sounded equally amused, yet eerie. The darkness seemed to thicken when they spoke. Spurred by curiosity and urged ahead by her broken thoughts, the winged wolf began to pad towards the noise.

* I know, I know, she's a little dark. I just felt like trying to explore something new, rather than having all of my characters seemingly perfect - I wanted to give Kona real disorders and real issues that she has to deal with. Hope this is okay; I know depression and suicide are touchy subjects.
"Agro. Just an ordinary warrior, I suppose. The second-best fighter, but my power's more for sensing things, which is why I also generally hunt." He turned around and frowned. "Does she do that a lot?"
Trea looked toward the rest of the pack, standing around her. Agro was now catching up, another wolf next to him. A white she-wolf padded along behind her.
Tibald frowned, looking at his old friend. "Hey, Caila, you OK?" he asked.

(Nah, it's fine. It does open up a whole new window. I was thinking of giving one of my characters similar problems *looks at Galenia*)
** Heyyy, I'm back! Also, it would be really interesting to see how you tackle those sorts of problems with Galenia. I certainly think it's an important thing to address. :3 I'll stop talking like a teacher now... **

Caila looked up at Tibald, feeling grief wash over her, and she shook her head slightly.
"I feel so awful about just leaving without an explanation - without a goodbye," she couldn't look him in the eye and chose to stare down at her pale brown paws. "But trust me, I have a good reason. If I stayed..." she paused. "There would have been chaos. I still don't know who did it, but someone was after my power, and they were very willing to hurt those I cared about to get to me. I had to go, to lead them away from you. Otherwise, how could I live with myself knowing I'd brought something evil into our pack?"
Difference nodded at Jester, dismissing him.
Jester dipped his head and disappeared quickly, approaching the arriving wolves with a warm smile.

The Partners stood at the edge of the clearing, having arrived back from their hit. Grim swore under his breath, glad that Snatch wouldn't be able to hear him.
Snatch tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.
Kona saw two wolves at the edge of a clearing, but their stance and hushed mutterings didn't match those of the voices she'd heard. Ruffling her new wings, she turned her eye across the expanse of forest, noticing other wolves filing in. Who were they? As she watched, an orange wolf padded into view, and she instantly recognised it to be Galenia, the wolf Ferrin had gone running after. Kona's heart twisted at the thought, and a scornful chuckle escaped her lips. Love. She spat in disgust, unsure how an intelligent creature like Ferrin could have fallen for it.
Tibald smiled. "It's OK. We understand if you had to leave suddenly. The important thing is that you're back, and that's all that really matters."
Caila smiled, and felt a warm rush pinking her cheeks, but she was distracted as the group of wolves began to slow. They had reached their destination, and she pulled close to Tibald anxiously, glancing back to check if Agro was okay. Around her, the trees leaned down to touch her ears, and she tensed her muscles, ready to wake the forest if anything went wrong.
Pffff she wolf you rascal.

The Partners stepped forward, nodding towards the group of approaching wolves.
Snatch chuckled. Let's go find that Aussie bastard. He waved his paws, signing in his own language.
Grim shrugged, breathing out cold air. Snatch was a dark brown wolf, built with broad shoulders and a wiry frame. He was a strong and tall wolf, and very powerful.
Snatch was a small, stealthy wolf with sharp features. His snout was long and narrow, and his eyes were small and narrowed. His fur was an ash black colour, his eyes blue.

Kona jumped as the two wolves in front of her moved away, and she stepped forward too, keeping to the shadows and concealing her paw prints by brushing her wings over the tracks to blur them. Her scarlet eyes roved the crowd, looking for someone who possessed the slight arrogance and unique qualities that would match the voices she had heard.
They talked in their own unique language. It was a silent, secretive language. It was all to do with paw signals and miming little events.
It could have been their own private pantomime if they wanted it to.
Snatch was a deaf wolf. He could lip read, sure, but it was easier to understand the crazy world around him if his hearing partner was with him. There to translate and speak for him.
He didn't know what he'd do without his smart partner. No one understood him, really.
At first glance, everyone figured Grim was the brains and Snatch was the brawn.
Snatch was an efficient, but clumsy wolf with large paws that could easily cause some damage and impact.
Grim was a slightly lazy, but very aware of his surroundings type of wolf. He knew all the exact blows that could kill a wolf, or easily paralyse them.
And that's what made them a really, deadly pair.
Difference let out a howl, to alert the coming tribes. The howl expressed his power and strength.
Tibald looked up at the other wolves before him. Interesting.
The duo looked intimidating, shoulder to shoulder with ominous faces. Snatch's look was the most terrifying. Years of slaughtering other wolves and taking away life had given him time to perfect his trademark scowl.
But when he turned to his partner, his look softened. His partner was his world, if he was honest. Best partners, best friends. They worked brilliantly together, the silent little duo.
Grim had a sort of stern look about him, one that said he wasnt going to take any bullshit.
But when he looked at his partner, he'd smiled. His partner smiled back. They shared a knowing look.
Years of speaking in there soundless language had made them almost telepathic. One little look was all they needed.
Snatch let out a soft little hiss of what sounded like laughter.
That was intense.
He signed with one paw casually, roasting an eyebrow.
Yeah. The bastard wouldn't go down.
Grim nodded, then the ominous glare clouded his features again, and he pointed to Jester.
Let's kill him. If he doesn't give us our pay, I'll kill him. This is the last time he's tried to fuck with us Snatch. We're taking a stand.
But Snatch saw reason, and shook his head.
We can't be so reckless, idiot. He's boss' deputy. Difference would kill us if he found out.
Y'know, just casually roasting eyebrows over there xD

Trea looked at Cesar.
Cesar nodded absentmindedly. No words needed to be said between the couple. THey could get their points across with looks. Which was quite a feat, since Trea rarely showed expressions. Yet Cesar could read her like an open book.
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