The Vampire Hunter

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"T-Thanks." She said in response so his compliment. Caroline decided to ask the question that was swimming around her head, "Why did you ask meet you here?"
"To show you that not all vampires are bad..." He said as he filled her glass, "my father dosent take to kindly to humans all that well, and part of me dosent really blame always kill without wondering who the true bad guys are..."
"I have another question for you." Caroline said, hesitating. She didn't know if she should ask, but she had to know. "The man that came to tell me where to go, did you order him to do that?" She had to know if he had told the man to kill anyone that got in his way
"Bruce only attacks if the girl attacks, he wasn't planning to do anything harmful to you..."
Victor snapped his fingers once more and a very firmiliar girl appeared to them, it was Jenny and she was very pale, with red eyes.

"My dad wants humanity killed because of their ruthless killing and prove this to you I had her bitten..." he then leaned closer, inches from her face. "Bring her to camp and you will see how many people will try and kill her without question...then you will see who the real monsters are..."

Within a blink of an eye, the gorgeous prince was gone, along with the table, food and were on the ground surrounded by the vampires who just stared at you before dissapearing. Your weapons were still there and your outfit was still on, but the only other girl standing next to you was Jennifer, "hi Caroline..." she said with red eyes.
Her eyes widened when the girl appeared in front of her. It was Jennifer. When both Victor and the table disappeared, she took a few steps towards Jennifer."'re......alive?" Caroline said to her friend. Other Vampire Hunters would freak out and kill them if this happened to their best friend, but she didn't care. All that mattered was that her friend was alive. She was alive! Well, she was a vampire...but she was still here! Tears prickled at her eyelashes as she looked at Jennifer
"Ya, im here...but I'm a freak..." she said, as she stared at her before glancing away. "After they took me...the prince said he had big plans for thing I knew I woke up next to you, I tried waking you up as well, but there was no were out, so I grabbed your knife and made sure that no one would hurt you...." she said handing you back your blessed priestess knife carefully, "here-here you go..." she said.
Caroline thanked her, then she put the knife away in her pocket. After checking that Jennifer was unharmed from the knife, she said, "Jennifer, you're not a freak. Vampires aren't freaks. There are only a few things that make vampires and humans different. Some vampires may be considered freaks, but you aren't."
"What about the prince? Bruce...he apologized for biting me..." she said looking down, "I can't go back to camp..."
"I know." She said, nodding. If Jennifer did go back to camp, she'd be killed by all of the Vampire Hunters. Caroline managed to hide her surprise when she said that Bruce apologized for biting her. She answered Jennifer's question about the prince by saying, "Honestly, I think he might be a good vampire." Caroline knew very little of the Prince of Vampires, but she guessed that he was a good person
"You should, im craving blood and if i hold back any longer I will turn you as well..." she said looking away, she seemed so depressed.
"Oh! Hold on." Caroline said, and after she said that she searched through her pocket for a bag of blood. The reason she had this was because if Victor tried to attack her, she would use this and hopefully he would stop to drink the blood from it. It was fresh human blood. "Here." She said as she held the blood bag out for her
Shade appeared with them, his short blade drawn. He was sneering, you could practically hear his body trembling with anger. "Give her that bag and I'll kill her." His tone was far from intimidating, it was as if the Angel of Death was speaking with that tone. His green eyes went dark, no longer bright as they were before. He was watching them both, his eyes completely locked on them, wanting them to make a move to make his decision easier.
Jessica walked up from behind Shade, "I tried to tell him not to come but he wouldn't listen..." She then saw Jenny and quickly pulled a gun on her, "Caroline get away from her now!"

Jennifer backed away, then turned to Caroline.
"Don't look at her you monster!" Jessica said walking closer, the gun still aimed at Jenny.

"Please, it's not what you think!" Jenny began and Jessica fired a warning shot right next to her head, a bullet hole tore against the big screen paper..."one more word and it will be your head next blood-sucker!"
Jennifer went quiet, completely terrified and avoided Jessica's look.
"Is this...what you were doing behind our back?" Jessica asked, turning to Caroline, "you know...that this is punishable by death right!?" If I brought you in right now...and told them this they would kill you!"
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"I don't care! She's my friend!" Caroline yelled. She hated how they were treating Jennifer. So what if she was a vampire? She was a GOOD vampire! "She's a good person! Vampire or not!" She yelled as she stood in front of Jennifer to protect her from Shade and Jessica, "And I won't let you kill her. Even if it kills me, I won't let you touch her."
Jessica held her gun against Caroline's head, "you don't want to do this Caroline...those bastards killed millions of us...and your calling one good?"
There was a moment of silence before Jessica continued, "You know...a vampire told my friend that and he made her turn...I had to kill my best friend...don't make the same mistake as I did, he's the prince of vampires! Have you ever thought maybe he wants to turn you against us!"
"Again, I don't care! Jennifer is our friend! You know what she's like!" She replied, still yelling. "She's a great person! I'm not letting you kill her! Not every single vampire in the word is bad! And if that's what he's trying to do, it won't work. Because I wouldn't fall for it. Besides, what would Jennifer being a vampire change about her? I offered her a bag of blood and she refused. She doesn't want to drink blood! She's a good person! And your friend might have been too!"
"That's the problem...she was but you see Caroline...when vampires turn others then they are slaves to the prince! That's why I had to shoot my friend Caroline! I know what your going through but you have to think about your own race! They can control your friend to kill you at any time and I cannot risk that! If we bring her back to camp then if we dont kill her the prince could make her kill us...I won't kill her IF you come back to camp with me..." Jessica still had her gun held up to caroline's forehead. "She won't be able to control herself if a prince commands her, and we can maybe figure out a cure for her later...but right now we need to regroup..."
Caroline replied with, "Yeah, well maybe the prince isn't a bad person. He had the chance to kill me, and he didn't take it. He had several chances to kill me. Listen, I know Jennifer wouldn't kill me, and the prince doesn't seem like the kind of person to order that. Please Jessica, just trust me on this." She said, trying to sound confident
The woman slowly put her gun down, "SON OF A BITCH!" she yelled kicking a nearby box, "I don't want to watch you die! I don't want to have to bury you, I fucking raised you!" she yelled years welling up in her eyes. "I fucking raised you...and i swear if he does try and hurt you then I will spend the rest of my life finding him to kill him..."
She stood there a moment, her hands on her hips...sniffling a bit, "we can't go back...and we have no safe home...I think we need to talk to the child...just one last time...because Lord know's she misses you tons and you can't just walk out on her without saying goodbye..."
She sighed in relief when Jessica lowered the gun. Despite all they've been through, she really though that she would shoot her. So she was glad that she lowered the gun. Once she had finished talking, Caroline nodded and turned to Jennifer, "Jenny, I know you don't want to, but you have to drink blood to survive. Maybe you can drink cow blood instead, I don't know. But please, stay alive."
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